Thursday, 31 January 2019

Classes & FREE Global Meditation ~ Links

Good morning dear golden ones,
We have 2 links available here for our upcoming ascension events, healings, and meditations.
We are so excited to co-create with you in new ways!
Universal Love Light & Wisdom
Healing, Expansive Sacred Living
1.) Sunday February 3, 2019 * 1:00pm MST ~ Our Monthly Divine Mastery Sacred Sound, Toning, and light language;  musing beyond what was in our human-Universal exploration.
These classes offer the stepping out of 'what was' and co-creation of higher Christic vibrations of sacred play with sound, singing, interpreting messages and downloads from the Consciousness fields we swim within, and that are within us each;
2.) Friday February 1, 2019 * 9:00am MST ~ FREE Divine Song Global Meditation
Link for FREE Zoomcast here; all welcome!
Joanna Ross is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Divine Sacred Song ~ Human~Universal Meditation
Time: Feb 1, 2019 9:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Fri, until Nov 01, 2019, 40 occurrence(s)
Feb 1, 2019 9:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
One tap mobile
+14086380968,,408499314# US (San Jose)
+16468769923,,408499314# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 408 499 314
Find your local number:
I look forward to our expansive prayer, co-creations, and high vibrational sacred play,

Blessings and graceful joy,

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Simple and Pure ~ Love

Greetings Dear lighted ones,
How our Children Change Us So
Every parent, every parent, goes through the most profound life altering self-transformations because of those we bring into the world, and how those children change us so. There are moments in which we reflect and dissect every action, every word spoken, everything we have ever done to weigh how may love, peace, harmony, and balance be restored and realigned. I get it. I am a mother of this earth, I am star-child, I am a light warrior of purity of alignment with Source in all moments I muster the release of all that no longer serves and open to a higher and deeper truth in love. This is not always easy, not always smooth, but is the path of truly becoming love.  
The path of mastery is one built and carved step-by-step. Forgiving thyself in the moments when we slip into old patterns of fear, lack, or control, and love yourself purely as you are remembering yourself as God; and God Is for you, with you, living through you. Every awakened parent is feeling the intrigue and ushering from within to shift our perspectives that more purely align within Source, within love, within compassion and more expansive creativity. We are offering to ourselves, through the eyes and hearts of our children to transcend old parenting paradigms and begin anew; to align within the honouring of crystalline expansiveness, the honouring of free will, and knowing that each of us come with Heavenly lessons, gifts, and blessings that is not for any one person to dictate or to control from their souls yearning to experience. These are the collective musings that we all must walk, face, open and offer in as we continue the spiral of Heavenly Divine embrace. Source Creator offering ever new moments of encouraging us each to soften and love yourself anew.
Each spirit, each soul, each person coming into this Divine reality of profound Universal lessons; come in with unique soul contracts, soulful honouring and awakenings we each come with, we each sign up for, we each desire to soften, fall in love with who we are at our most deepest levels; purity of love for the whole self ~ our children, our family, IS the matrix we have each soulfully signed on for to elegantly sew a journey and exploration within deepening of self-love. For in self-love, we heal ALL THINGS, all dysfunctions we have ever created through fear; love heals all.
For those that desire the deepest and most pure journey to love; it can be as deep, profound, loving, and beautiful as you are willing to travel and willing to explore. For this is the Divine design of Creation; This I know to be true. 

Love; for this is the Source Creator within all life, all moments, all beings, reaching for you as you reach for It. Love is, dear ones, the thread that binds us all; allowing you to forgive so deeply and purely. Allowing you to offer so unconditionally and with Divine empowerment that a higher power is living through you and honouring you as you do. Allowing you to stand in your power and know your light carries lineage of the Divine and ancestors in offerings of wisdoms and grace. This is what I know to be a truth so deep, so wide, and we are able to tangibly see our reality transform because of love. 
How may you champion, how may you find the royal lion within and speak a truth so unique to you, so purely you that your heart and soul burst with fulfillment of your Oneness within the wave of Source living through you.

You are a warrior of the Divine in all moments you soften your heart, you open in the eyes of your own needs, your own gifts, to bless yourself in love; bless all others for their uniqueness in love, and know our earth, our grids, our reality is forever changed. 
The greater love we have for ourselves, one another, our planet, all life, allows us to make the most crucial of choices and decisions with higher knowing, centred knowing, and within the vibration of the benevolence through which life, all life was birthed and breathed.

These are the evolutionary progressive steps of an entire human collective stepping out of separation and fear. These progressive musings are the foot prints we each have to take; uniquely, specifically, and intimately with God. God that IS not outside within an unknown part of space one may never see, but within and holographically embedded, encoded, and designed within all cells, all breath, all life. You are the vibration, the essence, the embodiment of the Heavens, the beauty within ALL beings, all life, all things. How may we each awaken to a new level of relationship, of engagement, of entanglement to such profound simplistic yet life altering reflections and inner knowings?

The love of self offers the empowerment of truth, empowerment of joy, empowerment of Universal power that is undeniable and therefore choices in moment-for-moment life become fluid, flowing, and from the heart of God, as you are. This is our task now and has always been dear ones; how may we bring in greater awareness of the joy, the beauty, the elegance of soft loving moments being offered within all moments, all beings? How may we soften within the play, the laughter, the wisdom and intelligence that love opens us within? How may we purely allow our hearts to guide and nurture us through any and all challenges and all shifts we are each here to steward and inspire into higher consciousness? 

Our children dear ones, need to see, need to feel, need to know the emulation of practiced love, practiced and embraced self-love, practiced allowance and forgiveness. For are these not the vibrational alignments of the Heavens? Our world, our collective, our way of parenting, guiding, and becoming is being ushered within gates that are the vibrational match to the Christic mastery, crystalline grids, and how could it be otherwise; this is Divine evolution, designed purely within unconditional love and benevolence. How could this be otherwise.

These offerings will be written and storied dear ones, and how the profundity and simplicity of love, pure love, pure compassion and softened hearts will be the wave that pierced a collective awakening and ignited peace for ever-more. Simple, pure, Divine, elegant, gentle, beautiful and Heavenly; LOVE.
Soften, muse, open your hearts, feel into your simple mastery whispering Divine guidance, empowering and encouraging your courageous path, and know that in all moments you release attachment, in all forms, you will be brought to the greater peace and stillness that is LOVE. 

And so it is,
Blessings and graceful joy dear ones,

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

The Apache Sky Goddess

The Apache Sky Goddess

Received in a meditation and channel
A vision of a beautiful young Apache Goddess in the sky, long dark hair flowing down to the left of face and body, flowing freely within the cosmic skies.

Her eyes opened to Creation, Her heart opened in loving grace.
To those entering into a new phase of Divine Mother empowerment; she came to me in a vision.

The Apache Sky Goddess
She is the consciousness ambiance of All Divine Mother energy, 
Of the sky, conduit of the Heavens, 
Of the Earth, conduit of matter, nature, wildlife and the rhythms of renewal and birth.

She sings songs of grace and enduring compassion.
She sings and her heart opens the healing of all ages,
To swiftly kneel and honour in loving grace;
Forgive in softened earnest,
We are One in the cosmic dance.

Of love we are alive, 
And of the cosmic milk we are nourished,
The song of all women, 
The song of all peoples, 
Of sky and of earth,
We are One;
The earth pulses, 
We are One.

~~~ Joanna ~~~

(image from the Earth Warriors oracle deck by Alana Fairchild and artist Mariposa on Etsy)

As I came out of this soft meditation and musing, I looked up the Apache Sky Goddess to see what struck me and found this lovely blog that I resonated with the Divine art of the precious ones offering creative remembrance of all our lineage, our heritage and how in such ways, we can rebirth greater love and honour for the Divine diversity in which we ALL are; One.
In Divine and Heavenly reverence to all those stepping within new fields of leadership, sacred play, and cosmic-Gaia ambassadorial-ship; you are guided, protected, and forever nurtured by the ever-living song of love.

Blessings and graceful joy,
The Heavenly Song bird in earthly form,



Quantum Play ~ Reality is Created Through Sacred Play

The Divine Living Song
Greetings dear lighted ones,
We will becoming ever more aware of the profundity of the consciousness fields that we are, that we exist within, that exists with us each as we graduate within every new cycle of ascension transitions.
In a very short period of time, in our way of counting time, I have remembered, I have become aware of the intricate and complex dynamic of consciousness communication within Creation; merely from a one human-multi-dimensional perspective and can only imagine what is to come for our ascending world and collective as we traverse such Divine and Heavenly offerings here upon earth.

As we have offered in many of our writings and live shows, classes, and books; we are and must be prepared for the heightened and expansive ways in which we will be opening to the profundity of multi-dimensional quantum communications in the myriad of ways that it occurs. We have offered such expansive topics in musing, to open the 3D mind to what we are truly able to co-create within, and how utterly masterful we can be to shift our reality and create from Divine centred thought, intention, and Heavenly play; and in this dear ones, we offer our sacred recordings, our sacred class recordings, for those that so desire to dive deeper within 'feeling into' the aliveness of reality all around, all within, all above, all below. 

There is aliveness dear ones, there is aliveness. As we each open within our hearts, soften, and live purely from this place of sacred song, we attract, we magnetize, the give bloom to a new human potential. This goes beyond what can be described in human words. For Joanna has seen, within her inner vision, her Divine inner mind, there are quantum stories of potential and offerings within the words of these truths so that those who so desire, can feel into within an open heart and attune to the Heavenly living song of love within all moments, all life, all breath and is blessed and gifted forth directly within unconditional love from Source Creator. 

We are each multi-dimensional conduits of love. The Christ consciousness is the Universal harmonic; an intricate weaving of Source Created Heavenly vibrations that inspires, playfully calls, and sings out for communion and will be felt as cells are soothed, vessels of physical matter are healed, and the earth is ignited to play along.  These Universal harmonic vibrations are quantum, are God consciousness, and is our path to mastery in the eternal journey of reunion; atonement to these subtleties takes courage to sit and be still when the world around one is chaotic and noisy, distracted in so many ways. 

Divine Atonement ~ Mastery is Attained in ALL Moments
Mastery is birthed not only within the transcension of loving your way through every challenge and hurdle, or through breathing in higher knowing through the perseverance of karmic healing; but moreover, mastery is birthed through the soft tending to that soulful inner ache, the inner knowing that your soul is reaching for what cannot be seen or touched.  Your soul knows what exists beyond what can be seen. Your spirit, your body, your gifts, tools, and all that you are is the Divine vehicle to experience, to co-create, and to come to life in what exists within the unknown; the God Consciousness through which you call forth through your heart and inner ache to play sacredly, to live sacredly, and to unveil the Heavenly you that you have always been.  
One-by-one, we become the awakened new earth in which our omni-verse lights up from the quantum release of joy and sacred play of Oneness with the God consciousness within all life, all moments, and all beings that you exist and co-create with.  There is and always has been far more beyond what can be seen or touched.  Your heart will guide you. Trust in this. And this one Divine lesson of self-empowerment, self-clarity, self-love is how we guide our children; follow your heart. Your heart is the dynamic link and portal to all that is God, all that is love, all that is Divine and Heavenly. The sacred alter through which all life is birthed from is within; there is an undeniable and intimate beauty that is unique, special, and indescribable. 

This beauty is YOU; in your awakening to being God within human form. I am highly emotional in writing this Christed truth as this flows through my vessel and as these letters create words; these are the Divine truths that is to each of us a path, a story, a destiny that is unique and Divinely needed to walk on our own. These truths of Universal and Heavenly becoming will offer the appropriate doors, gifts, cues, and symbols that are specific and unique to us each, and must be experienced in Oneness within our ever-shifting God consciousness and why evolution and ascension is the Heavenly journey that it is. 

Divinely beautiful and yet felt so innately, richly, and deeply within is how mastery unfolds, how we each unfold. The silent moments, the powerful moments of soulful expression, Divine expression, and how we challenge and triumph ourselves to move beyond 'what was' and dance within every creative joy you surrender and allow to live through you.  

This and other such experiences are the unique God consciousness within and without that weave, thread, dance, and sing a new quantum harmonic which converges organically and give rise to new reality experiences and co-creations.  This is the Divinely simplistic flow of sacred loving play, loving living, and becoming the essence of the Christ Consciousness in human form; this has always been our birthright as Divine God seed and anything else is an illusion. Valuable and profound they are; these illusions that have been created from our lack, fear, and separation now ready to be released in every moment they arise. For this is the path of mastery; living the puzzle, elegantly co-creating within any reality with a loving heart and peaceful mind, to know all moments are mastery in the making and how may we each awaken to dance along. As within, so without, As above, so below. 
This dear ones, is the quantum God threading of love awakening us within every fibre of our being ness to 'tune in' and let go of what no longer serves and to be in joy to simply sit and be still.

We are the vessels, the dynamic star beings upon earth to co-create in our unique magnificence and in this, we will each have a unique 'ushering' which will ignite new ways of behaving, new ways of communicating, new ways of co-creating and how in doing so, will create a quantum play of movement within your own reality to match what you have offered as a loving quantum sacred play. 
God consciousness, our fields of consciousness, our Gaia Consciousness, make no mistake about this, and we say with great pause; is a level of elegance, benevolence, and gentleness that IS unparalleled and undeniable to the heart of who we truly are. These Divine and Heavenly consciousness fields, are awakening us to a deeper and more enriched level of our Universal becoming, and for those that desire to tap into ancient song, ancient remembrances, star language, and new levels of aliveness, we sing to you; PLAY dear ones, play.  Sing, dance, move, flow, and simply open your hearts and play. 

This morning I awoke with a soft and loving desire to sing to Creation. The fields of play within, calling to the fields of play without, and the moment in which I sit at the grand glass window, looking out upon the dark and snowy fields and forests; I open my heart and offer the Divine within, the God within to entangle and dance with the God without; 

Sacred Human Song, Sacred Human Play
A lovely communion this morning;
Upon my awakening,
I breathe with excitement to commune, to sit and entangle,
The tree's welcoming me,
Through the sliding glass door, 
I sit.
A song, Divine and Heavenly song begins to fill my vessel,
Within moments, I am the open conduit of loving messages to Creation, for Creation,
Singing of our Oneness, ancient words of vibration,
Lightships dart across the sky in jubilation and song,
Lightships hear my call of Oneness,
The children of the sky, the children of the earth,
Mother, Father, Brother & Sisters we are One.
Arise from the soils, the love of Gaia,
Arise from the tree's, the wind, and the stars,
Our hearts are lifted,
Our hearts are filled, in joy, in love, in forever Oneness.
Fear not dear child, for sometimes it gets tough,
Know you are forever loved and never alone,
Lift your hearts dear child,
Open your mind,
The sky is alive, the Heavens are One.

Vibrations of diamond light flowing through my hands, my heart, and my joy is drifting far, and near,
We are One.
For those that so desire;
Here is the link to our most recent FREE Weekly Global Divine Sacred Toning Meditation and Oneness recording;
Every Friday at 9:00am MST * Join us and light up our reality within your own unique Divine soulful song!
Here are the logon details for this coming Friday morning for those that so desire to dance;
Joanna Ross is inviting you to a scheduled Divine Song Global Zoom meeting.

Topic: Divine Sacred Song ~ Human~Universal Meditation
Time: Feb 1, 2019 9:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Fri, until Nov 01, 2019, 40 occurrence(s)
        Feb 1, 2019 9:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

One tap mobile
+14086380968,,408499314# US (San Jose)
+16468769923,,408499314# US (New York)

Dial by your location
        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 408 499 314
Find your local number:

Blessings and graceful joy,
Earthly songbird,

Friday, 25 January 2019

Affirmations & Activations ~ The Profundity of JOYFUL Co-Creating

Profound Affirmation of DAILY Alignment and Meditation

We are the creators of our entire reality; and this is a moment-for-moment path of spiralling change as WE ignite it. We have never been taught or shown that we have such power to ignite light, love, joy, and even health. We are the essence of the center of Creation that is experienced specifically through our unique eyes and hearts, to allow for our unique gifts and skills to be activated to bring forth and re-ignite for our human collective, for Gaia, for Creation. We have the encodings and potentials to activate a spiral of experience that is BRAND NEW through your loving command and nurture your own God Consciousness, your own particles of loving joy to harmonize within higher light programs always being offered. 

Change is not beyond you. Change is you. Change, transformation, transcension, loving illumination of any thought becomes a heart-felt desire to BE love. ex; 'I desire to know more deeply, more intimately, with great richness, my expansiveness to feel, to experience myself as pure love. Through thought, through word, through deed; I choose, I open, command light and love to live through me. And so it is.' 

The Power of Childlike Joy
Giving yourself permission to be the master creator, and driver of what you experience before it unfolds, and you set the quantum vibration of pure intent and pure Godliness to touch ALL that you are through your experience; Breathe, feel the peaceful presence of your heart, stillness, joy, and allow the childlike joy to experience something new, colourful, unknown, exciting, unseen, but calling you forth into Its beauty with a pure and loving essence. Feel into this purity of love; and acknowledge your Oneness within such purity. As you align within the simplicity of joy, simplicity of silence, simplicity of love, the simplicity of beauty, we align within the eternal Source essence; Source is All love, all beauty, wisdom, all connectedness, and within this is our Oneness within It. 

This is akin to the asking within a soft and pure heart; 'what is my relationship with love? What is my relationship with simplicity? What is my relationship with silence, or stillness, or clarity, or self-honour?' Such musings will open the quantum door to Creational threadings showing you, gifting you, blessing you in the way that is perfectly and Divinely needed for you to see, awaken, remember, and know what you have desired at the soul level to re-ignite and allow to live through you.  

Acknowledging how utterly profound your own unique childlike wonder is; ex; 'I am a unique and Heavenly child of Creation, and I am powerful beyond measure; I am designed to ignite change, joyful and meaningful change that is purely representative of my Oneness and creative genius with the Divine Source Creator; I step into a new joyful reality of sacred play now. And so it is.'  

Joy, in its design is pure and Heavenly simple; and this purity of joy, IS what is at the center of ALL Creation entwined with love that spirals new planets, new stars, new galaxies, new dimensions. Our joyful desire to explore, express, to play and ignite change, or to ignite expansive rediscovery of our vastness is the 'joy-factor' of why so many have come forth again and again. 

Joy and sacred loving play is the foundational energy of all evolution; held within the example of the Divine child being born anew; consciously aware, awake, ready, and fully gifted with so much to play in new ways and offer forth a spiral of such undeniable colour and song for the All to tap into. These are such Heavenly and quantum multi-dimensional Divine mechanisms of our innate threading within the ALL that we can, if we so desire, to ignite and bring to a colourful new version of life, or reality. 

Our joy, our playful hearts, our readiness in unconditional and loving happiness to simply be 'joyful' and let go, or release expectations that joy has to 'do or create anything' and simply play to play, sing to sing, and dance to move about and shake it up a little; for no other reason that 'IT FEELS SO GOOD to be happy and joyful.' 

Now that we are able to more purely intuit our path and even cognate the energies upcoming, we can know within greater certainty that this Heavenly-Human dance IS the entwinement with Source; for Source can be felt tickling our toes to simply get up and dance, sing to sing, and be lively because you are. Enjoy the ride and the rediscovery of fully being you, fully honour and embrace being you, and know that in all moments you do, you set forth the vibration to walk upon greater moments of honouring you and Source as One. Moments and epiphanies of this richness, this aliveness, this depth is held for those willing to soften and let go within simplicity, within joy, within the stillness that is JOY, the stillness that is LOVE, the stillness that is Source breathing with you in all moments you own this and allow it.

These are, what I have experienced, to be naturally occurring steps of what happens when we align within an open, trusting, loving heart to live softly, purely, and compassionately with Source. 

We are Divine seed of the Creator. We are Divine children. We are the essence of joy, creative gifts, and humble service in so many realms of experience; we have only forgotten our grandeur, our value, and now upon awakening, we are being given the Heavenly 'green light' to lift our chins, shoulders back, heart open, and sing, dance, like no-one is watching. This is your time to shine fully within who you truly are. 

You can choose to bring forth and activate anew at any time; release the treadmill of the old, and step into the new; it is within your purity of heart to choose and allow that will show you, offer you the naturally occurring quantum flow that is Source, that is evolution. An eternal spiral of ever-wider, deeper, more rich vibrations for you to experience, to co-create within, to step boldly and go where no man, woman, child, or being has gone before; God has your back, Creation is within you and fully supporting your most colourful of dreams and wishes for unity, harmony, peace, and prosperity for the All. In our unity consciousness, in your most wildest inspirations of joy for you, for your collective, there are quantum answers being simultaneously streamed to you.  

Be open, be ready, be joyful, and know you can handle exactly what comes your way; this is what you have been preparing for and dreaming of. In your asking, within your purity of heart-felt intent; there will be response in Divine kind. This is a truth. So dear child of the Heavens; will you open your heart to love, be of joy, trust, let go, and allow yourself to receive the beauty of the ALL that you truly are? You are so worthy of such Heavenly grace.  

Never Underestimate the Power of Joy
When we align within our natural state of innocence, joy, and childlike wonder which is our innate and natural Divine essence. Why the energies of children are so very key to the wellness, the health, and balance of our entire planet. If our children are ill and out of balance, our entire collective family, our planet will be as well. The Universe requires the joy of hearts to be heard through laughter, through the wellspring of giggles and playful creative experience. Never underestimate the power and profundity of joy, of laughter. We are worthy of this Divine and Heavenly remembrance.  

It is through our joy, it is through our loving pure hearts that we are each here to hold space, to anchor light, to attune to and bring forth the Heavenly Divine plans, will of Source Creator in the manifesting of this joy.  

The holographic perspective; we are God particles within the whole body, the Omni-body of Creation, and as each cell operates in unison and cohesion within loving light, the grander plan of honour within the life system, we then flow within the innate grace of all light programs within the bodies. Remember; systems within systems, worlds within worlds of quantum loving play. This is why we can feel the pain, the separation of those around us that are moving through their own struggles, for we are One within the system of connection, the system of love and light. If we however operate in vibrations of separation, fear, or illusion, the cell becomes weak and ill of ease and flow. 

We are each the illumination of the entire body of Creation; and within us, we are also the Source Creator of what moves and ignites from within. This is our holographic remembrance and we each have the ability and power to bring forth NEW. Within each new moment, a new story, a new beginning, a new holographic system ready for your intention and choice to tap in and sing! A new cycle of empowerment of intention, will, joyful loving hearts and happiness of knowing ALL IS WELL; ALL IS LOVE. 

When we align with the Creator, all paths, all doors are offered. 

As we open to our innate inter-connectedness within ALL moments, with all things, all beings; and this is done within a joyful essence of play; we return in Divine Oneness with the Creator. For this is the vibration of Love, of Source, of our inherent Oneness; pure, simple, loving, joyful, sacred, honouring of co-creation and the exploration that we are each empowered to ignite anew.

We can allow for Divine alignment and balance, harmony, to call forth; live through us, and it is within our own calling, our free will to call into action of Divine play, healing, and transformation.

We will talk about this in our Divine Global Meditation this morning for more on this but we wanted to offer an affirmation that can be purely aligned within the heart and open within the Divine Sacred Heart and call in your power and 'light joy.' 

Each day, each hour, simulate your own invocations by honouring your creative genius to participate and ignite your Divine path; 
1.) Offer up negativity and density to be released,
2.) Open to full Divine healing to take place; invite, ask, invoke
3.) Feel your fullness to naturally receive from the Divine; loving and honouring to be received

'Daily, Hourly Pure Alignment of Divine Light & Joy'

'I am centred within my heart, where Source Creator and I live in peace, joy, stillness, Oneness. I call to activate a new level of love, joy, peace, and wellness for my souls journey with Source Creator.

I desire to step for upon a new level of light experience, and intimately know my souls new rich journey with Source, within a new story of becoming loving-light. I call in the highest Universal codes, the highest beings of healing and support to help me within this Divine invocation of pure intent. I ignite from within my heart, as gifted by the Divine Source Creator, to me, specifically for my path; in Divine perfection, appropriateness, I release all that no longer serves, I release pain, illness, and negative cellular imprints. I choose in every breath to create anew; within the purity of light, joy, and blessings, of remembrance within ALL that I am as Source essence.

I open to my transformation in a soft and loving flow of joy, light, and remembrance; I embrace the unknown, I embrace my destined path, and I allow my purest crystalline light as I open to my unique and creative Godliness. I am surrounded, soothed, and bathed in healing Christic light to assist in these transformations of pure loving self-honouring intent.

I open, I arise in clarity, confidence, true inner Divine power of loving-light. I call in my Divine blessings of light, I accept, I receive. And so it is. I am ONE within the Creator-I AM LOVE.'

Every moment is a new loving song and communion within you and Source Creator and why this loving song is now asking for our participation. Invocations, dance, active presence; whether it be in stillness or actively singing to the forests, or bathing within the consciousness of the oceans upon the light that is offered through every cell and reunion of joy in this remembrance.

Release 'all that was' and open to allow yourself to step into the Divine flow of Source; with a pure and powerful inner knowing you have councils, your Divine Higher Self, your teams, the healing proficiency to assist in smoothing, shifting, and aligning you within a resonance that is perfect for you in this moment.  

You have the power to create your own Divine affirmations, devotions, invocations that fit whatever it is your soul, your heart, is asking of you. Align within your heart, the center of your being, and call forth your inner communion with Source; the sacred alter through which is your center within ALL Creation, with ALL LOVE; you and Source, and simply be present. If practiced with an open heart enough, you will feel the transformation within your entire beingness for this is Source and you, growing in alignment, allowing alignment, allowing love to transform the ALL through LOVE. 

Pure and simple; LOVE, Sacred Trust of this, and your purity of heart to allow this grace for yourself. You have always been worthy. You are Divine God seed. You can do this, I believe in you and you are worthy of the sacredness that is you.

As you ask, so too shall it be honoured. Trust and know, be still and feel into the teams, the beings assisting you, loving you, honouring you, and visualize your cells, your breath, your organs, your thoughts, and words, beautified with Divine crystalline light and through your pure soft intent.

As you get use to creating your path as you walk it, you become entwined within the quantum fields of play that have always been available to us, yet we have been so disconnected and distracted to such powerful ways of sacred living within the ALL. You are the author, the painter, the genius of your creator hood and within you is the majesty to unveil a new story that is everything you desire to experience. God holds nothing back, Source Creator holds nothing back in the majesties as you prepare your hearts to receive It in kind. This is the inner workings of quantum Universal play owning your co-creative part within it all.

Living with purity of intent, purity of joy, and atonement you will feel the seamless simplicity it takes; your courage and commitment will simply feel as if this has always been you; for there are much that we are stepping beyond; yet when released, through simple choice; will feel like a new version of you that was waiting and loving you all along and celebrating you in a higher loving receipt of your ALLNESS.  

There is Divine profundity in loving and living as the joyful co-creator that you are; this is simply pure in its offering. It is a Divine pure truth.

You are a Divine God Seed

In loving light and joy,