Sunday 5 November 2023



When the light workers and healers, seers, will be what leads, is called upon in every aspect and facet of human co-creation - for the current leaders, 99% being imbalanced and misaligned, not even aligned elite men that focus on herding humanity and funnelling corrupt programs of enslavement - #epstein and all those that the collective have given power to, voice and vote to and see one by one they will be culled out of their false positions from leading humanity to entire destruction - 
Our bodies, minds, cells, planet, nature, food, all is what we manifest
- corrupt ??? or shall we heal -
At some point - your reality and of all your choices and intentions are now reverberating to you and you must face what you have believed yourself to be, the limitations, and abuses must be acknowledged to heal it and transmute it to new version of you is offered and becoming - this is ascension and is a sacred process and none will escape it - life light is life light - light workers merely speak and share of it -
We are the truth tellers for humanity to see, know, arise, live in great promise, of who all are within - and a reconnection with Spirit, not religion but spirit - we are able to transcend any and all illnesses and diseases and those that throw down such immediately miraculous healing, will be those that seek any outlet to heal when they manifest their own illness - disease

We have to seek why those behave in the way that some do, the levels of consciousness and what programs each come to transcend and transmute and write anew; 5D will not live in 3D limitations fear and lacking of the erasing of every aspect of life but men; look at our world - it is imbalanced on every corner and it is corrupt - at what point will humanity wake up and heal?

Core Wound of Debauchery, Corruption We are sacred and how is that the entire underground be burped ~ the trafficking sex rings, madame's and men romancing schemes that do very manipulative schemes they have perfected to steal, take, degrade sacred innocent life ~ Harvesting light Harvesting children Harvesting light workers - and true royal profits and why I will not GO OR LEAVE OR SILENCE UNTIL I CHOOSE Because seers call it out Because seers sees the unseen and calls out what teams, groups, officially paid 'oath takers' take months to sort out and solve - crime busters ...... perhaps call on true prophets and light workers that make 0 money off of their true gifts and are eluding all false claims because we heal humanity at large - What took eons to bring humanity into darkness of such imbalanced misogynistic garbage and corruption ~ Light-workers focus, pray, create with their gifts, skills, talents and break entire corrupt world systems in less than 5 yrs 

Stalkers, peepers, creepers that think their warped manipulated ethics, no ethics, and games played with the divine sacred life force - while all called me crazy and liar - now all that did what they did are seeing the diseases, mental knowing, functioning all going down the crapper in which their intentions were - 
Joanna's 1st Book As I offered years ago - what you intend - is what you become! You must understand universal quantum knowing dear masonic warped underground ring leaders - face me, and see what God will show you all - you all forced your way into my lane to destroy copy, take and pull from me - as if you have not stolen enough - videos and malice and business you have made your own out of my life, and royal light! 

There will always be a higher truth, and divine order and divine jurisdiction and few leaders today have done anything but corruption and empower it, by not abiding by the very basic human dignities and rights afforded to merely surviving life -

We have defined our way out of being creative and truthful - and those with an ounce of dignity and sense of self - will not do what the underground and corrupt have created and why every human liberty is at breaking point - those with truth will be arrested and researched and watched, studied while the person in the next office is making a payment for underground sex after work - and the official is on the phone buying missiles from Iraq

Freedom Of Speech, Liberties Being Tested So too shall all your corrupt energies of 'ick' every elite false, corrupt, every person - every title and every roll, all will be called out - this is light - and it is everywhere and I COMMAND IT! oh 3D underground sex rings - where will your world be without women bringing knowing, intuitiveness and higher knowing, divine life, divine healing, divine balance?

Did you know that my being here, offering what I do allows all life to continue in new ways without humanity being flushed into oblivion by such degrading self sabotage? Light workers like myself allow you a land to step on - no bible no religion, no official will get you through ascension nor healing your shadow, inner child wounding - a healer will - a seer will help you understand your psychic gifts and talents as you awaken to who you are as a multi-dimensional essence of the Heavens - so laugh all you want - you will have your moment of awakening and your arrogance will lead you to bow if you had any sense left in you - to ask, seek forgiveness to every person you judged and discriminated for being unique and divine and different.

Sickly, mentally warped, and mentally sick and diseased - as you be, so it is! Welcome to your world in which underground sex rings and deceit, lies, manipulation and corruption the enslavement programs will make for you - how will your money and false sex ring leader title work for you in all sickness and disease - dirty dicks are dirty dicks - and until each 'get' that every intention, of lack of self, intention to get, take, feel something you refuse to admit, face, sort out, create a sense of self, and be fully you without any surrender to less than, not having talents or gifts that have nothing to do with selling your body or life force, or soul, unit you want to know that 'perhaps healing and feeling sacred is a thing I can now try - and heal all the false, fake, superficial 'stuff' that will only make you filled with mess, disease, and more repair work that your money one day will have nothing to do with 'enjoyment' of life - because you are simply too broke and warped to know up from down; and so too - shall it be - that was YOUR INTENTION! What do you think would occur? I have been here many many times; offering unconditionally and God has offered much mercy, grace, time, healing from your own guides to 'wake you up' to the image you are projecting of yourself to the world, the damage you do in harming, trafficking, selling yourself and others, and warping, deceiving, manipulating, and corrupting of your soul - spirit, body, mind - and all is far too much to ask that people do the inner work and sit down and pray for sight, inner knowing, inner healing - the targeting continues and the mess continues  Who cleans up the mess? Who picks up the pieces of destroyed families? Women - so I ask you oh misogynistic false leaders of stuff and money - how will your world look when women have been berated enough, there is nothing left, and no healing, no nourishment, and you have sacrificed the animals, land, women, sacred womb, and sacred light, sacred 

teachings - ??? Sick dick and all - what will your world look like?
Will the man that allows crime to slide, signatures to be falsified, magic to bring illusions to entire communities and court rooms, and policing while all is being slipping away of the only chance humanity has to save itself is spit on and targeted to 'die and go away'

As you intend sacred life force (that was the intention being blessed here on this sacred earth in sacred bodies and what occurs when wounding is not healed) 
Debauchery of life, sacred women, sacred life, sacred animals all that have stories, wisdoms, energy, and life that is beyond the arrogant unhealed DM that totes a gun and wants to be seen as powerful and important - is this really the path to self importance - how unhealed are you to think guns, having sex with as many as possible is a thing that you can feel very proud of and what your life force shared in this way will manifest - and thus bring to you -

Billion $$$ porn, underground, debauchery - raping and selling children for the satisfaction, thus growing up to be wounded, harmed, tragically barely surviving washed up humans on the street and then get further victimized - and such corrupt officials, masonry leaders that know exactly who they are the hits, the schemes, scams they get the vulnerable and recruiters to focus on so that their crimes be washed and ignored, or disappeared - 

#whitneywebb - corruption in America and how all will be seen, known, and there will not be anything any crime affiliate will nor can do - we are ascending as a planet - we will not remain in darkness, we will not remain in 'underground' for the corrupt to keep making money while humanity suffers - 

It IS BEING CULLED NOW - all know the choices they make, and choose - 


AND because we have created such corruption on our planet, elites disregarding our planet and humans on every level - the Divine had to step in and babysit those with great power doing horribly irresponsible things - and secret societies and elite service groups that title themselves as service to the people are nothing but watchdogs to ensure the corrupt programs have leigh-way to continue and the innocent for the gentle and truthful voices get put on 'watchlists' for speaking what we have called out every corrupt act as bodies show up, and crimes get hidden of those committing it and the innocent are blamed for such degrading sick torment to the divine sacred wisdoms and healers meant to bring humanity to new 5D evolutionary status with federations and councils that will show us healing, abundance and love beyond our imagining 

Corrupt, greed-filled, arrogant unhealed DM - that will do anything to not adhere to human rights, and discriminate 1 DF - healer to be 'right' or have her silenced when it is 100% truth.

You cannot resolve, heal unless we are seeing it, the affects, the breaking families, the diseases, the corrupt leaders - and how are we to heal and change anything - until you face what all have been a part of saying, turning a blind eye to know all systems are corrupt and many elites are benefiting by such to continue and however they wish to be in partnership with crime families and maffia to help their agendas' - ascension is a multi-verse agenda of the Heavens and all will be touched and there will be billions of beings, consciousness energies and lightships as big as countries to ensure, assure that Gaia, planet earth is returned to her divine sacred and innocent glory -

This my friends is a truth!
It will be not only me, but many, that will stand and share their stories of corruption, of being used, abused, and silenced due to occult crime and intimidation tactics - it is everywhere - 
I will not stand down - my message was simple; HEAL 

As within so without - why our world is the way it is - are wars the answer? Are trading missiles and information to those that you call enemies yet are your supporting peoples of trafficking and these are those in the most powerful places - and the seers, the light workers call it out -  God called judgment - those with power and money - what have you done with it? Those with power, and responsibility over people - what have you done with it? The children that look up to you and you so arrogantly tout 'money makes the world go 'round'  God is culling every arrogant person out of their post - and will continue -  Our children deserve leaders that will not sell them to an enslavement program - for if 1 DF healer, author of 3 very humble books on healing, and our connection with all that is; 1 DF - that has been targeted as much, deeply, grossly, wrongfully accused, blamed, defamed simply because I called the corruption and of the elites, false leaders, and false community officials that did nothing when I called it years ago - 

Let your world fall - it is your making, and perhaps you will see how 1 DF light worker, seer, healer, psychic solved crimes that exactly was offered is and how millions of voices on the other side never had justice because of the depths and gross negligence of such state of human disregard and lack of connection or care of who we are and where we all come from -  Call yourself and official - God and your teams will place testing within and without and see how truthful and filled with integrity each are - this is a divine and sacred Divine feminine planet, daughter of the galaxy and I am Her voice, I am the voice of the children sold, and abused that HAD NO WAY TO SURVIVE AND BE HEARD nor taken seriously - but throw aside while many made a ton of money and still fight to this hour 'not to have me receive what is rightfully mine of made for me of me'  You make me sick - how so very sad - one day you will hear the cries, screams of the children abused - and perhaps your money will suffice of what and who you were before your abuse - perhaps you will be courageous enough to sort it out rather than target 1 innocent DF ~
#calgary #corruption Ascension Karma & How Valuable this is DO YOU GET IT NOW?????????? Was the monies spent, spying, targeting, wasting - was it worth it? How is the body and mind now?

God offered so much mercy and grace - all that was done is entire spitting on me and the heavens, the innocent, the sacred land and soil - the ethical systems that support such corruption = it will fall as it should and the light workers, seers, and prophets will remake - we bend and we know - we see and we will be shown 

- we are aligned - you are not #calgary #corruption - that is simply universal laws - most know none about anything of what is ascension processing and what that even means and how most sit misaligned due to such ignorant beliefs and thinking our planet is 95% men - dominance over powering as pimp daddy's - while women remain erased - as they tried to do to me; take, rape, steal from me, but boy you are quick to tell stories, lie and make me want to go away when I call it out as I did 6 yrs ago - That is alignment and I WILL NOT STAND DOWN I WILL NOT SILENCE Our greatest potential on all levels is directly within our alignment with our higher self Creative Genius=multidimensional Healing Any & all=multidimensional Personal Ingenuity=multidimensional Transcending every human debauchery,enslavement, fear-based controlling system©

WOMEN we are always arisen Women we are equal and balanced true and fair Never stand down, Our voices are divine Our hearts are the sacred element of all life And so too God is for all life is sacred, balanced, true, fair, equal.

My work is my work, and was never ever given rights, approval, signatures to any to use my image, video's nor illustrations, nor content in any way in any business or offering outside of my offering of my vessel - I am coded for what I offer and create - none are aligned to offer, to know, even 'get' what I offer - and such is unique design of every human - however - nothing has been signed by me of me, nor any approvals with the exception of my divorce in the past 6yrs - 

My signature has not been signed on anything outside my divorce - period! anything else is false
I have never been in meetings, discussions, zooms on any level with any that have been propositions of business, or partnerships, or otherwise 

- I have not received any emails or offers such - I know who I am - I will not stand down, I will not silence and I will not Go AWAY until God says!

#elitecorruption #healinghumantrafficking 
Do you think 3D systems of corruption will create healing centres for the billions in enslavement, poverty, malnourished being used as sex, slave toys for the elites to play and make games out of - to keep testing and tormenting for their own sick agenda's and programs? Do you think a world of sex-driven corrupted men that are not healed going to heal the world - how imbalanced our world is considering our chakra's systems of fields of light, bodies and all that we are as divine going to be something the men will come up with and how to heal?

All of our systems we have offered in the many timelines I am on offering such - and being targeted to silence so that corruption and selling of our children could continue - God and I will see all in court and it has nothing to do with religion - for religion is a foundation of such misguidance and warping of erasing divine feminine our place in the divine sacred story of a new earth - and I will write it - we do have a voice and I will never silence until every child raped is heard from and valued and brought back to their innocence! 

And so it is This is my word, Blessings and light Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#secretservice #corruption #corruptleaders #corruptprograms #galacticfederation #lightcouncils #god #source #arcturians #sirius #celestialwisdoms #5D #noreligion #healingwars #5thdimensionalintelligence #newworldleaders #5Dleadership #lighthealing
#ascensionclasses #ascensiontraining
#joannashealingprograms #joannasleadershipprogram #angelics

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