Saturday 13 August 2022

From Personal Trauma to Re-Writing Human Social Ways 3D - 5D

  • How the Trauma and Pain, Personal Familial Messes Can be Your Greatest Healing & Gift - Own it * Transcend

    Beyond the Beyond

    Holding the excitement and blessing for who you are and what you have been through, even the most messy stuff that most just sweep under the carpet and how to dig in and sort out, suss out, and being the healing for you - you can only heal you, and especially for DF, it is a challenge to think in new ways, releasing the imprints and expressions, or density to think you are responsible to heal others, lift others, or fix others - yet none are responsible for ones path but your own, and such transcending occurs when you detach and let go - move on to giving to your own 'cup of love' and chalice of eternal youthfulness, eternal creative expression and creative love;

    Spells and energy can be used and or abused - how to honour life, energy, the value of integrity to honour the path, choices, and integrity and use your gifts, why it is called a gift, to benefit yourself and others - for the greater good, within intention of thought, word, deed, and who, how you use such - is the reality you reap.

    Spirit can and will take away what spirit gives; all is a test to all for how you are able to let go of ego, resolve inner separation and inner ills, disease from spirit, and to use, be, allow such to be of good will and through our own experiences - we 'get' who we truly are without the schemes, competition, or ego games, lack of self distortions and nefarious play that harms and continues damaging karmic cycles - all can be healed and transcended. Spirit is, and all is whole and honour of the soul.

    Can you choose to see who you are, what you are going through right now, as the exact experience to lift you up into your fullest loving self? As a soul - you have and are immense in your power - you have merely been trained to believe you are individual in your experience - ascension allows you to harmonize those aspects that were harmed, wounded, gifted, talented, and then balance to offer forth to anew versions of reality;

    * Can you choose life serving exploration without relying on anyone outside of you, without draining another, taking from another, manipulation of another? These are dysfunctions and each must resolve on their own; why some choose to drop to spell work to manipulation outcome, block, or hinder another, to simply control manifestations and pathwork - however all is unnecessary - it is the lack of self and all must resolve cyclical trauma in such.

    * Whatever and however you have manifested; if you understand our offerings, teaching, of Divine Relationship within the very center, there is God, the divine, the alliance with light to transmute and transform even the most challenging and painful - for that is God; however purity is key - not purity of mind, for the mind cannot take you there; the heart is the only portal of ascension and transmuting all earthly realm trickery

    It is mind-boggling to understand what ascension truly is and why moving through your shadow moments in forgiveness and acceptance, as radical as it has to be at times, it is what makes you whole and One of yourself; your soul is aching for such and bringing in, manifesting trauma or pains to call up those suppressed experiences, lifetimes, is how it is done - to be conscious of such, so that you do not react, but respond in loving and higher loving most deeply softening ways, is how we will eventuate as 5th dimensional beings - however this takes many lifetimes, much practices to surrender in all moments and love all, forgive all, regardless of what you see, experience before you - it is only the illusion of your greatness and who you truly are;

    this is wholeness and oneness and can only be achieved through the heart; not a chart of pros and cons, or bank ledger, or tick and checks on clout name, affiliation, or club importance - for all is still the ego and shadow - so once again, who are you and what are you manifesting from? All is vibration and all is key to your reality manifestation and healing and wellbeing.

    You are whole, aways have been -

    You are magnificent, always have been - you have the power to heal all, transcend all limitations of out-dated beliefs about you, your oneness, belonging, gifts, and design and from here on out - you get to choose a new version, and story, and vibration - this is reality creation in higher vibrational platforms. But, all must learn the lessons of how to get there, and all paths are unique and destined to live out the soul lessons meant to explore. © 

    * lessons of oneness through the healing of separation

    * lessons of using, not abusing energy; through emotion, mental capabilities and gifts, or physical being ness - for all attracts, all returns, and all affects the all - each will remain in the same vibrational cycle, reality until such lessons, laws are learned and honoured and the highest level of integrity of each future leader, teacher, healer is expressed, experienced, explored in the ways that it is meant to and then anchored for new human collective service and co-creation.

    Goodness and blessing for all that are moving through challenge, change, and disruption of your most beautiful self and knowing there are refined ways to be more fully of you, the soul of you and know you have all you need within, and your alliance with spirit, with light to transform any ailment, illness, disease, and dysfunction in your family.

    It is not your job, role, to transmute the energies of another choices, or path - and knowing who you are, where you stand, stating so with firm boundaries, and firm higher knowing will allow for fluid movement in our future immalgamation of 3D - 5D energies and families, relationship changes and transitioning; all can arise to a WIN - WIN, however it takes everyone to take account, claim responsibility and move into higher resolve with Oneness, greater good and compassion for negotiations that truly serve the all to be achieved; social wounding, familial wounding is for all to level up to, once the density is cleared, all are able to see beyond the fog, or the forest through the trees and know how much was so unnecessary and if the personal wants, needs, expression of oneself to be honoured, valued, respected, then a lot of drama, and trauma can be released for healing and even not experienced at all.

    Spiritual and Emotional Maturity 3D - 5D

    What is your intent? In all moments; do you feel, or live, or respond from a place of healing, or being wounded? How to tell your story without it being a constant pull into the damage and wounding but for the expression of; 'this happened to me, I can offer help if you wish - I can holds peace, and space and I believe in you'

    God will always assure balance - trust in this, and it may not be when, how you expect, or even in the way you expect it - this is Gods way - and meant to be, for we are not meant to predict the genius or how Gods offerings heal and serve - it goes to the multi-verse and we only see through our 3D eyes, hearts and most are wounded and so it can be a very selfish and self-serving path for the better part of our awakening, but stay true to the path - for it will unfold miracles in all ways - this is 5D living and creating new healthier, and unleveling lifestyle that serves our multi-dimensional bodies, fields, and knowing of multi-verse intelligence to help a collective and planet in need.

    We are meant to be our highest and best asset - never to wait, never to degrade yourself or sacrifice to anyone, for anything that claims power, ownership over you, of you

    This is our dysfunction of surrendering to old ways, old roles of definition or lineage trauma's of control and power over another - competition, controlling resources, those that choose to work or play, express oneself, and offer liberation and the same to all within your family, circle - all will be as it was meant to be

    When you realize that you are holding a pattern of energy, imprints, or familial curses, lineage curses, in which for Divine Feminine, take on contracts of subjugation, misogyny, suppression of our power, intelligence, to believe that we are less than;

    You, none are meant to live steeped in struggle, or lack, or illness; none are, all are meant to live vibrationally and within great abundance of joyful creative play, health and wealth for all - however due to our agreements at soul levels for the playing out of our soul contracts to account for, shift our beliefs, attitudes, inner realm self design, to return to utter and total respect for life, and all within our circles.

    Curses, Imprints ~ Vibrational Contracts You Choose

    Understanding Generational Lineage Curses & Why You Choose to Take Them On

    Generations of curses or imprints, held spiritually, mentally, emotionally those that play and abuse energy, power, will be involved and to acknowledge, learn, understand and be accountable for change; then only such curses are broken;

    For all sides of the equation, each to take their part - to close out, not engage with those that you know do spell work, manipulation, or use words, narcism to hold you down, or think they hold you down, force you into co-dependence through spell work or slow-time manipulation of deconstructing sense of self, importance, self value and all is absolutely once known, once acknowledged, all healable.

    All is HEALABLE --> 5D Integrity - - > Spirit, the Universe will always balance what was not

    You are able to heal trans-generational curses; or imprints that you choose to take on in your field, DNA, energies, contracts, and thus attract such beings to play it all out -

    * Generational Curses are offered to you, you take them on because you CAN HEAL and TRANSCEND the multi-dimensional knowing, honouring of what you achieve in transmuting and understanding and the gifts to offer others to heal their own familial shadows, dysfunction, abuse, or trauma

    The greatest gift you offer to your whole soul self, the shadow aspect of you, the fragments you have yet to harmonize, is your own self love, and forgiveness, to bring peace and recognition to every now moment or pain, or suffering, regardless of where it was inspired from but to own it fully and forgive it fully

    There is always a way to let go and heal it from within - without - when you forgive, your outer reality begins to soften, let up, and flow - all is energy, and the more you hold on to, past pains, words, it will bring density and blockages and more suffering, attracting of more energies to play with in the same limitation and painful vibrational wounding.

    For the benevolence of our human evolution - it is our destiny to all move within ever heighten states of integrity and truth,

    Not to abuse energy, and the gifts of Creation, and to only use spells for the healing and good will - otherwise, what you beget, is really what you get;

    • Choose for your ancestors not to play or take part in manipulation of any kind; truth, integrity, honouring of all life, liberation and free will to be held within each moment, choice, and re-design for well-being

  • HOW TO SET BOUNDARIES for Healthy Living & Continued Ascension Path Work 
    Practical Tips for Moving On in Self Love
  • First it is about acknowledgement of what pain, suffering, damage, and abuse you have moved through; loss of voice, importance, sense of self, security and creative expression, etc,
  • Accept this as a part of your path work and healing 
  • Choose to step beyond toxic, dysfunctional relationships to bring forth the truth of the situation, where the wounding resides; ie; do not take on what is not yours; addiction, nefarious play, imbalances that some do not choose to take steps or actions to heal, and pull others in to hold the debt of their behaviour and wounding
  • Release, send back all burdens from those that continue to clutch on to your energy, your emotions, manipulate time, energy, resources to hold you captive to drama and toxic cycles; know your human rights, refer those to proper outreach, community, family for help; all are responsible for their own healing and the plans involved to be so, do so; do not take on what is not yours

  • Those that are masters at manipulation, narcism, blame, shame, you into resolving their issues or be the energetic resolve for their continued drama - will do so at subtle levels and by the time you know it, you are drawing up healing plans, fixing the energy, calling in angels, doing 24 prayer sessions, while they continue to live a private secret life under the scenes of what they think you see
  • Recognize and stop, step off the cycle of continued co-dependent dysfunction, illness and imbalance that is not being taken to a plan of healing, self control with details - 

  • Those that play such schemes with others energy, mental and emotional innocence, kindness, care; are those that we chose to help us step into our strength and inner self knowing to re-create a new higher sense of self built on self love, self confidence, self empowerment to take profound steps to move out, let go of all abusive environments, or neglectful environments that do not support or nourish evolutionary, healthy, balanced, and spaces, sacredly to express, experience, and explore all that we are

  • This and small steps to call such activity when, how it occurs, and to discern the red flags, call those on it, and seek safety, and exit immediately - your light, your path is the most important, for you and your path is what is the children, all generations will follow and all curses will be broken in doing so of any further abuse, subjugation will be no longer in their path to clear, heal

  • Those that do know what they are doing, with intention to cause malicious harm through covert manipulation, to cast out of their family, community, the energetic, and physical, mental intent that gang-stalkers choose to scheme and perform over time; do so with intention, watch, recruit and then watch for patterns, and weakness and so on - cast out from the ones you trusted and loved, to deconstruct inner trust, value, and then further abuse, discrimination when such beings have access to resources, in charge of resources, choose to further use tactics, ways to hold back, spell cast blockages, and manipulate money to cause further siphoning of all access to any, all levels of nourishment for survival and to intentionally strand such members that invoke change, light, and integrity - all that was done to me

  • I created, recreated my life from scratch, with nothing and such is a curse from our lineage that I have broken - in leaving such experiences and to close out, drop the codes, and break all conformity in which such toxic energies, think anyone would, is entitled to treat kind, caring people to satisfy the mentally imbalances of soul-shrivelled wounds of lack of sense of self

  • Such are played in dysfunctional toxic co-dependence when emotional and resources are used to hold experiences, or survival over another, and begin to play games of power, control, and abuse of power in such; no different than abusing energy for spell casting to control binding spells, and misuse, abuse of liberation and free will to choose to be expressive in love, joy, self love, light, 

  • When you hear of what I have written, there are the exact information, wisdoms, codes for what may be needed now, future now moments - and mimics, simply do not offer such, never can or will for it is not within the Divine plan for such energy transfers, or codes to be of such - purity of loving intent of knowing thyself, expression of thyself, experience of thyself - and for some it is hard to grasp because then the simple 'taking' becomes more challenging for at some point, their audience will catch on, those will know, sense, and be shown, through visions, through sensing, through knowing, evidence that all is not what it seems and all masks must come off - facing what is within a lack, and re-designing anew so that all are valued, for the uniqueness and gifts each hold - 
  • Why such experiences for me, was so very painful, for I know the unnecessary-ness of it all - such greatness and gifts could have been experienced through those that have caused me so much pain, damage, loss in every way; but instead their focus was on to take me down, as opposed to go within and created something powerful for their own soul - 

  • Such things, such behaviour is not ok on any level; abuse is abuse and such schemes, the manipulation and tactics of seclusion and bullying tactics are mentally and emotionally and spiritually abusive; and why I speak, offer healing, and empower all to discern what is really going on that is dysfunction to any level and how harmful it is to the soul, spirit, cells, emotions, mental and spiritual progress

  • How harmful it is for the children when such done to the mothers of any circle - for mothers, as fathers are, do, hold special healing and leadership roles in communities for healthy tribe, and future generations


    My personal story has allowed me to evolve more deeply, love myself more purely and know that my inner strength is that of God and knowing my peace is so important and to withdraw from all toxicity and drama - it is a challenge when it is family and spirit has sung again, again; your family at the highest level have contract for the exact reason to walk away so that they could seek within and know more deeply who they are - 

    * Rather than carry animosity for those that harm and continue to try and cause damage to you, return the energy and entrain a higher love for yourself - return the infinity of flow of energy back to your own heart - this is key for toxic, dysfunctional cycles - return and entrain a new level of energy and pathway back to your own sense of self

    * create daily self care practice that returns to you - the flow of you, play and creative expression - release and move from such energies, cycles, circles - create self loving and spirited craft of the greater good for you within, is the all and rewards will always flow

    * Discern the red flags - any talk of anyone egging you on to sacrifice anything; your voice, your choice, your time, your resources, or energy and tune into how you feel and when you feel drained and tune in with your teams for appropriate blocking, spiritual protection, and return of energies

    * Daily clearing, cleansing, protection of your bodies, fields, and mind, spirit; 

    * Your ancestors will always protect and support you for your lineage is them in their next life - all that have caused such, will return to such cycles until all lessons of self love, and self honour is done

    Self love is the key to all manifestations long-lasting - I was so lost and broken from so much in my past 53 years - and felt like I have cried every day of my life - for the betrayals from those that claim to care, and be a friend or family or tribe of mine - funnily enough, there is, no, none from my past that have, will be, never have been, such to me - for now I see; the masks, the games, were nothing to match the light of God, the trusting in God, lifting me each day - is the only reason why I am here; those know what they have done, all know the part they have played - 

    I forgive you all - you are released forever from my timelines, curses, or any further power-controlling, resource, money play - God, the most high on all realms, the spiritual battles fought to control me, my light, my word, and talents, will never be in another hand than God, mine own - healing of thyne name - 

    Heal thy wounds, so they do not become another's - so too will you be celebrated in the heavens for walking away from such games of degradation, or abuse of any part of your being-ness and our children deserve to see us arise to new levels of being; 

    * forgiveness through accountability 

    * 3D is not 5D - there is no competition, and all is such the lessons to go within and create self love, self honour, then one would not have to create such experiences that bring pain, trauma - there is no competition - ever; could never be; all are divinely unique and none would be able to ever be even seen in the same light - DNA, our fingerprints, all that we are as vibrational and divine - impossible for competition

    * competition is only present if there is lack of self, lack of design with who you are,

    * Compassionate action, for daily self care and healing for the wounds that you have taken on, and that has been caused - being your own highest advocate and healer, becoming the mother, father, through your forgiveness of the wounds incurred, in this lifetimes and all others, why all NOW moments occur now; 

    * multi-dimensional healing is key - there is more going on than one can even know and when you awaken you will feel and harmonize the soul fragments departed through trauma, pain, the experience of separation

    * unity is our lesson in all human experiences and returning to spirit - all matter, all is spirit; within, without, above, below, and the honour of creating something profound from what was wounded and in density or karma 

    Each play a part - each have free will to choose from a place of peace and love, karma will not be evoked - all wounds by each must be healed and accounted for

    Each life, each person to be liberated, and if there are practices that do not honour, value life, freedom of expression and experience then karma begins; every person, every voice, every gift is our offering for divine evolution 

    * You are, all are magic and valued; there are manipulations by those very expert at their devious craft of deceitful and smoke & mirrors, withholding on any level; non-transparency, is that of abuse and old systems of occultism to use energy, emotions, mental mind craft, for control; not necessary and will eventuate in karma and will fail in higher vibrational energies, platforms, grids; why lack of integrity and abuse will always come forth - the light of our collective will bathe whole and then we must re-write and begin anew;

    All will be affected by the all - breath, choice and knowing of who you are, will assure that you do not create more harm, karma or pain - to heal and to let go; all are in need to be this for themselves within and self divine design occurs for self empowerment and development of higher spirited mastery.

    - there is only love - will ever be love - I forgive you - move on or God will move you.

    Being of kind, good will to all, knowing all have unique paths and blessed honours - in alliance with God, all is protected and in good faith, trusting and good will with God, all is healable - there is a process of ascension - each has a cycle, and each has a way, purpose of knowing with ones own power and depth of soul honour; gifts, skills, talents for the sharing to the all - specifically for the evolution of all life - cycles of life  © 

    My offerings have been so pure with intent for humanity and I am now speaking out about my experiences that no one, none will ever know the pain, the damage, the suffering I have experienced in their hands, and schemes of abuse of power, discrimination, stealing my work, content, spell and spiritual war fare, and not 1 person coming forward to make any part of their actions right, or to even apologize.

    None have any idea the damage and suffering caused - not only me, but those connected to me that could not receive me fully due to the time, energy, specific healing needed to repair my multi-dimensional all-ness and I am only a spectrum of what our sensitive children go through and some to much worse in our conformed reality of separation and abuse. © So in my story dear ones, what levels of separation, control, manipulation or abuse of power, abuse of energy, why one would choose spell casting and what is not understood of such laws is all very much a choice - do unto others - and healing what was done to you is the first step to moving on, healing your own wounds so they do not become karmic cycles of trauma for you, your future lives, and your children's - heal it. This is courage and divine living.


    All is the free will of all to go within and with pure intent - go heal!

    None deserve, and all have birthright to heal, to speak in love, and light, truth, integrity - Light workers, any person, should not have to spend 90% of their time clearing, cleansing, blocking, on defence simply to remain in any level of positive light let alone serve - how it feels 'not to serve' for a light-worker is like taking away what truly makes a light worker alive - so all that was done, covertly, knowingly, intentionally, behind the scenes, group think of combating my life, to a point beyond despair for years - having to transcend lack, bullying, spell work, separation from family, controlling of funds and financing, taking content and all / any work done - intentions of destruction to a light worker and what was truly done is what each will have to now face, heal, and perhaps choose to not pass on such dismal patterns to your children and future timelines they will all face.

    In my story, that I can now speak of with greater confidence, letting go, and honour for my souls strength; there has been targeting to me and my work, my efforts, my heart, to bring pain, suffering, to silence, or simply keep me in a spiritual sense of slavery to those in their selfish schemes to simply 'get' 'take' and benefit from what is not theirs

    • Mental, and emotional manipulations, spells to destroy and cut off any level, all levels of emotional connection, spiritual connection, through the actions and even in times when all are told, offered time to alter behaviour, choices, the gifts these beings have being misused when should have been offered to the collective; in the end, all is purposeful for such beings going through similar can know to stand, call your situation what it is, understanding how we create reality, the 'matrix' is merely where you direct and intend your focus, energy and some just want to play nefariously due to their own lack of healing or accountability
    • Ascension is to surrender the ego-mind, and living purely from the heart, balancing emotions, harmonization of the higher self, soul fragments; the mind is the matrix; what you think, and what you feel are very different - the mind is trained on beliefs and experience the feelings can shift with purity of heart and all alchemy therein
    • So see beyond the behaviour and protect, honour your path to not engage, continue such painful cycles and begin the healing
    • All have a choice to repeat cycles of dysfunction, toxicity, karma or not - all have choice

    THE BIGGER PICTURE - 5 D CO CREATION ~ The Lighter Side of Trauma

    Regardless of how your situation, circumstances look, appear, each of you, us, are writing a new 5D level of sacred living - some will choose to not create sacredly, or even know what this is, means, or feels like - but we will at some point feel how we have enhanced and advanced who we are as divine beings; for we are evolving, and evolution is not comfortable or easy; we must move through chaos, the discomfort, and deceit, the mess that deceit creates to get to the place in which life is restored and regenerated.

    • All social, spiritual, collective, medical-healing, teaching-education, social justice and reparations for all past social ills-trauma whether we choose admit it or not, all have been a part of co-creating every unfolding -
    • through our own personal experiences, each will be inspired to bring forth treasures of the heart, gifts, skills, and wisdoms of such benevolence
    • All at a soul level are absolutely aware of what their wounds are, what and why they call each in, and how to awaken to higher consciousness to choose wiser, better, from a space of oneness, greater good, and peace to all - many however live in wounds, ego, and therefore, hurt people hurt people -
    • Occultists that choose to manipulate energy, resources, minds, emotional realms within, and not to give in to the lower mind, controlling of time, movement, resources, power, choice - are not necessary - why I was given the vision of Mother Mary after Jesus's crucifixion - sacrifice is not necessary - controlling others, stealing, taking, using manipulation, spell work is not necessary - and does cause great harm, and much karma for all involved - disengage and have those that want to continue in such control issues and lack issues do so but you do not have to engage and entanglement - energy is energy and how the mess occurs when abused, and used with mal-intent
    • Conscious living is to choose to let go, forgive, and move on in peace, create peace and great love in and from your experience

    In my personal experience, I now see the blessings from what I have move through, and the density will clear when you choose to anchor, choose from love, forgive, and see beyond the pain to new creations - 

    There are those that know what occurred. All will now see what choices to correct, make right, heal, change the trajectory of ones life, outcome, is within forgiveness and compassion; all must take action for the universe will always follow and the purity of intention will be what is the door and how much it will open for rights to made from such ill intent, malicious wrongs -

    > How will we arrive at new justice systems in 5D?

    > How will each learn to use and honour life, bring value back to our normalized systems of violence, disconnection, abuse, and crimes against the soul which in turn = crimes of one another, our planet and all life?

    All are seeing, knowing God is far more elegant and will of all Creation certainly bring into the light without even a breath - All will be known. I will continue as will Spirit assured of all - unfortunate, unnecessary, and none of you will ever know what and how you have affected my life -

    WHY Some Surrender to Dysfunctional Contracts ~ Human Pain

    Through my own personal & collective experiences we each will realize through ascension, our own personal self care, personal ascension path, that we are all one;

    • Every soul, each person, creates, writes a soul contract with those to come and go with whomever offer the best, higher lessons; some too are karmic and painful to return us, each back within to remember SOVEREIGNTY & Self LOVE, ONENESS; therefore all pain, all called in will have to tune in and learn the lessons of self love, self honouring, self valuing & therefore all must soak each lesson for all it is worth to gain the most from it; this is mastery
    • Accounting for all choices, and accounting for potentials from each; 'can you make lemonade from lemons' there will always be a divine blessing within every moment; nothing is accidental, all is purposeful - there is divine evolution of all moments- this is Gods Creation - God within all
    • any way that we misuse or abuse any part of our multi-dimensional reality; physical body, mentality, spirituality, emotionally will be that very wound, karmic wound that all must go within and heal, transcend any and all illusions, beliefs, and limitations from the collective imprints, social imprints, and lineage imprints
    • How you treat your body, energy, intend within it; will call in the entities, energies, and attachments of your own multi-dimensional fields that must be healed, or not - all is free will and all affects your experience and expression - this is our remembrance and all is healable
    • Inner does = Outer
    • This will be your story for this lifetime - perhaps you can change it - maybe not. All is closed, done. forgiven.

      Blessings be and and know when you ally your life within, all will be shown, all will be protected and you will be healed  © 


      All materials offered are the property of Joanna L Ross through personal and collective experiences ~ for the collective healing and the collective uplifting of all life - honouring of all life and if life is not being honoured, if you within in any way is not honoured, all will be of such; I honour my work, my offering, and therefore, all is and will be equal, and fair, and just in Its return -  ©

      Permissions required for any use of my work, material -

      On any previous and past, and future use

      Video's, books, ASMR, classes, illustrations, manuals
















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