Tuesday 26 July 2022

Creative Genius 3D - 5D Templates for Humanity - New 5D Business Templates, Self Healing, Healers, Leaders

 Forgiveness & Stepping to the NEW

We are moving into a galactic space and profound collective awakening in which each soul working through their shadows, inner child wounding through the awakening process; light bathing our entire reality, world, planet, people, life, and in such each will play out their contracts, imprints of limitation, control, fear-based living, while releasing the stories of familial subjugation, collective subjugation;

Empathic, narcistic and dysfunctional relationships play out such and for eons, left in war, broken families, children carrying the wounds of their parents not healing their wounds;

In my many, many lifetimes, of being here upon earth, we choose from where we are at; daily self care can help in clearing your own wholeness to choose from a better, live in a better vibration and thus choose from a higher vibration; from healing the inner child, akashic wounds of confinement, slavery, you play out similar stories with the same souls just different bodies, sexes, roles, titles;

All to allow you to stand firm and reclaim what you lost, were fragmented through that timeline experience - why those that are truly in pain, suffering, look, feel, and are sensed by healers as eratic, chaotic energy, have challenges grounding, do not sit still, or reach for addictive behaviours or substances to calm what is literally yelling to be healed. Your cells, your matter body, your skin, hair, beauty within, without and all is the making of your vibration - how may you tune in and arise in gentle and soothing clear knowing?

Healing is acceptance, acknowledgement and calling forth those fragments, and our space, our planetary movement is all a gravitational force in allowing each to see, each to know what was created, what wounds exist, and to bless those that catalyze such self love, and self acceptance to anew.

The dopplegangers, the jealous, envious energies; ones that have taken so very much, more than can be explained in a linear expression, has been so very multi-dimensionally damaging, not to only me, but the many that have been conned by those not offering the codes through my conduit gifts, skills, training, nor have the collective been offered the appropriate help, guidance, energy, to heal; for how can you be healed from one that has not prepared, nor cares, nor has an open heart to flow Source energy?

3D - 5D How Conduits, Empaths, Seers, Psychics of Light Offer Humanity Healing, New Templates of Potential

To know of true inner passionate work, offering, be it a business owner, company mission, vision, empowerment of all employees, or a new 5D healer, author, or conduit - all is energy and multi-dimensional and what the vibration is will be; Intention, allowance, honouring of all life, light, sacredness within it all.

Can you speak to what you take unendingly in a multi-dimensional manner and move within the infinite threads spirit can take you for the benevolence of humanity and what humanity needs; what codes are offered through the conduit when a download occurs, and how healing it is for the ALL? If you are creating such a reality of corruption, it is safe to say your chakra's are blocked; and would be a great place to start and begin healing, for you cannot feel source, spirit, God, if your chakra's are blocked; why your emotional body is so key. One cannot attain enlightenment and self-actualization while living in a state or vibration of jealousy, envy, hate, or degrading and taking from another. 

Fairness, truth, equality, balance, harmony; each are their own healing master; the chakra's, the fields, matter of the body, all is within and each has such; those that take, steal of others light work, are doing so from wounded all-ness and would not have the flow of spirit, essence, codes, permission of spirit to bring forth any more than 'stolen material, money' energy' which is a fraudulent offer to such clients - however it all serves for healing on all sides; why did you attract such, what is the wound, and how may you discern truthful and loving codes, beyond the words of copied material? False prophets or truth - beyond the out-dated texts but flowing of the multi-verse, all that is Source, Creator, the Mother and the Father bringing Gaia and all life into cosmic harmony?

This is a beautiful lesson for all, and if I had not gone through and experienced what I did, even now the thwarting and games continue for so many light workers, children, broken systems within our collective; I would not be writing such poetic truth for whomever to know all is a new beginning to take yourself to new planes of co-creation, healing, forgiveness, and letting go; for only you can be such, do such, know such, and as you do, the opening for new divine inspiration, communities, ideas, systems, and ways of becoming 5D will be born; for it is, MAKE NO MISTAKE about is, IS the love of the Creator that through our own personal journeys, stories, sharing and however sad and dysfunctional and messy it may be; we are a ONE FAMILY and what affects me, you, is the ALL that is our heart - beat - we all have it within us to bring forth a new level of love that breaks all karmic cycles so that no child be harmed and hurt again through the imbalance and instability of mental illness, sexual deprevity and social conformity.

Discerning WHY You are You, what You Offer, and Why - Passion or Trying to Keep UP

Is this not why we are here; to find unity within the separation and trauma we have all moved through? To seek the compassion for hearts alone and needing of healing? For all the homeless we each walk by in every day and seek higher resolve, to become involved and infused with potentials of becoming a higher community of care, loving resolve and friendly harmony, regardless of what our beliefs are; we are still all the same; and our wounds of separation, not fitting in, spiritual deprevity, abuse, trauma, and seeking the liberation of our own stories and hearts for higher wiser expression is our path of pure loving sovereignty - this is our birthright and no entity, no being, no group shall, regardless of seemingly power, money, or facade of title of power' shall ever suppress again.

If you do what you do to 'keep up' then you can go within to know your path is purposeful, sacred, at your own pace, your own processing speed, and truly getting the lessons, seeing every experience from all levels and perspectives will allow you the depth and richness of mastery that is always available - you would not, nor want to work off of anyones ride, or rush through anything; these wounds are made from eons of pain and suffering; it takes time, love, honouring to heal and shift beliefs and perspectives; all are at varying speeds, notions, pacing, and all will be taken on divine detours for the expansion of what God blesses you with; all is your mastery; soak it, and love it, celebrate it.

Slow Down - honour the journey.

3D is not 5D and it is our very very sacred journey to bring to light through our own personal messes, and navigate to new levels of order, love, unity, peace, and forgiveness; commanding in loving and caring ways that help the all; not to react in revenge or war-like histories; but to reach higher and deeper for the level of consciousness that brings that master and angelic of our earth forth for a divine leader to be born; and know this; GOD will support such courageous and noble ones that take such a path; for it is treacherous at times and you will be bullied by the disbelievers and the wounded; your family will try to hold you in roles, definitions and lack for you to remain with them, in vibration and lack, for cycles of lack to continue and you will achieve your mastery, your strength, and wisdom in doing what is truly right for you - and thus your path and the Universe blesses it and you fully; this is 5D CREATION - and each have place, part, and role to play within it.

5D Careers, Vocation, Jobs, Life beyond the mess

Our 5D culture, from recent articles of the uprising of 'People Era' and why our workforce, companies, individuals are finding such great change, imbalance to rebalance, and how to alter the inner, intrinsic motives, values, mission statements, and visions that have nothing to do with the employees that you seek; little and few companies focus on the intuitiveness of our reality, our changing reality and how this affects all, every aspect of business and the alignment to our 5D grids will show what business and heart of success has staying power and what will fall to bankruptcy - for a rooted tree with good foundations will bare good fruit and one that simply is not nourished; with as spirit, will simply not; the environment is becoming more and more consciously connected; this is global ascension, and global ascension will seek its inner threadings to be worked and blessed anew; each have a gift to offer in such evolutionary stretches and most business people are not awake themselves to know how to navigate new waters; the awakened are needed for such help, guidance, offerings to transition our collective social needs, businesses, and grounds to new templates of unity and harmony.

Business, regardless of your status or role, all must awaken to the new world we live within, and one can either be proactive and positive about the shift, and changes inevitable to all points in between, or fight it, go kicking and screaming, and see how such affects the employees and all facets of your mission, vision for success.

All Creation is now seemingly obvious, even if one cannot put what I am about to say into words, knows of such; it is the inner pulse that brought you to this article; it is the higher consciousness bleeding through the density, the ego, that simply keeps you 'stuck' in old routines, old business formats, old offerings; our world is being thread from the highest of Creation into the smallest aspects of all life forms upon our planet, our inner grids, our core of our planet with the highest levels, sweetest levels, undeniable, flow of unconditional light, codes, energy of love, oneness and unity to prepare Gaia for her galactic return; such the increase of all sciences, new life forms, new discoveries of healing, our interconnectedness is an overpowering undercurrent that even the most staunch disbelievers are seeing, feeling; be it in dreams, synchronicities, or business failings; all is being shown to you; how aware and ready are you for our planetary ascension? 

Are you sensing that all is energy

and vibration? Every manifestation you desire has a vibration - all is.

It is personal, it is intuitive, and we are being threaded one-by-one into a heart space of collective oneness; this requires all business, all levels of our social offering to be new; think, sense, feel, and connect in new ways; all that we experience now, however most leaders of business are still 'not getting' the missing link to the issues that plague their business; and such spend most of their time reacting to inner business template struggles rather than infusing the new to soothe and heal what was the 'grudge' to better business and intuitive loving offerings for your patients, clients, customers, suppliers, and so on.

If your staff are moving through an awakening process, not healed, wounds not acknowledged and mental, emotional, sexual indiscretions on the uprise, the inner rebalancing of our DF/DM energies prose issues of speaking truth, creating peace from such, dealing with social, communal, familial triggers of such wounding must be faced and seen from a higher perspective to heal at the core of who we are together - one = all and can no longer be denied or ignored. How will your business move through such challenges? Fire and release every person moving through the dark night of the soul while our social communities have no medical staff, nor proper psychologically trained people to help, assist, and even across our country now; no medical staff available to even deal with.

How may we each, be it business owner, or community, or customer, add the care, connection for the higher resolve that simply is available and begin a new change, a new energy knowing; of our Oneness and such be the altering of all Creation. All we see, know, hear, is of our creation, and we must face, honour, and begin in new compassionate ways at every level of our social becoming. This is awakening and we all play a vital role.

How will our collective awaken and jump to attention in divine excitement for there are many of us; lightworkers that have trained eons in such planetary rebuilding, remaking, and uplifting, and in such leadership that will seem at first 'out of the box' and crazy to even consider; will eventuate as the only resolve. We must face all that is our individual and collective wounding and adjust, adapt, and rebuild to know ourselves anew; what and whom chooses not too will face the eventual 'tower' moments that is always unavoidable if only the connection to higher resolve, spirit, higher guidance is sought, and implemented; it will always be simple and divinely nourishing and always in alignment to our dynamic planetary shifts every aspect of life will move through and be touched by.

The level, depths, and openness of your own consciousness will dictate the allowance of ideas, help, support, cues, blessings, and guidance from the most strange and unbelievable cosmic gifts and beings that wait at our sides to help in the re-structuring of an entire planet of love and light.

This is the ascension of the multi-verse and all have a part to play; it is quite incredible and without even words to express how important every moment, day, life is; and it is to each owns inner guidance, spark of oneness that will be led to their own success, blessings and new path of infinite and eternal life.

I have worked in public, private, government, self employed and retails markets. I have been a part and employee, leader, manager in all such environments, and my roles over the many years was to seek the missing link, reconnect, offer suggestions, improvements, always offer a new spin on what was lacking, lack-lustre, and how to infuse greater and higher resolve, energy, and even spark to those working there; all is activational, as I understand energy, our omni-present, my fields, my codes activate others, and why so many feel 'triggered' by me, my speech, and my energy, and it is meant to for each to go within and ask, seek higher love and oneness to; most simply want to continue blaming and proving wrong, or overriding by simply controlling the outcome, environment with tactics of any measure or means; to keep change from occurring and keep others from awakening which is, and cannot, will not occur; our planet will never go backwards, and once awakened, one will never go back.

Regardless of mission, visions, or best dressed statements, if you are not, or your staff, employees or circle are not connecting within, or intuitively connecting with all that is, what is possible, your efforts will always meet with challenge of limitation and continue in cycles of lack and disconnect with the true shifting and changing needs of the collective.

Intuitive connection, intuitive selling, embracing and threading to new potentials and writing every level of business and delivery is necessary and possible. Value, appreciation, honour and worthiness of the offer, product, service; all is tell-tale to your company; your staff are the representations of your energy, your offering, and whom and how are you nurturing such? Are you in tune and touch with such, and how are you intuitively offering a softening to allow for higher vibrational dynamic change?

So at this stage dear ones, our planet is showing you, spirit is showing you, on every level; we are awakening - what level, what comfort space, inner knowing can you soothe yourself into a new potential and see life as purely exciting and with so much before us - all have a unique part to play in remaking, rewriting, and rebalancing our world and communities that truly need such?

In all of my small, not so small and grand successes, that are only defined by me and God BTW, are that which others watch how I engage, interact, connect, shift with the energies offered and sense into the story, threading, and inspire, ignite anew; be it a client, customer, or team player; there is a story and each have a role to heal, level it up, and change it; it is an ongoing interactive game; and playing field and most unaware of the energy they offer and the wounds they react within.

My greatest moments of such 'business' in which I truly connected at a heart level and each person leaves differently than they came. The interaction was win/win and great connection, loyalty, sales, and joy was had; is this impossible for every business? It is if your beliefs and ideas about success and your focus of the core of the business do not match the 5D light, codes, and potentials. It is all a practice of alignment to ever-Oneness in every way, all ways. Within without, above and below. We are the vessels in which all arise as One.

You will be challenged in every way, on every new level; your ego, your old beliefs, your patterns and habits cannot be defined away or be swept under the carpet any longer; all must be faced and made anew; this is the exciting part - face it, it is all you; that is where mastery resides. That is where true self love, self care, self honour, self value in which all wounds are seeded from the warping from separation;

The Challenge for All 3D-5D Business and New Creations - Transcending Separation & Limitation

Oneness; you are One, God is within, without, all. We are One in a collective heartbeat in which all feed, are nourished from, and all have a part for healing transcending, creating, making anew; all are valued, all are new in every moment if one chooses, and all is infinite and to break from the 'finite' beliefs and fears that plague all illness and disease; to return to ease, flow, and higher knowing; our reality is shifting and how may this be a long and joyful journey of sacred becoming - awakening to peace; in all moments choose peace, for you are the maker of such; you know you are. 

Choose peace and surrender ego. Ego will show you where you are keeping yourself 'safe' or hidden, or not accountable, or in denial of, or not facing, that is the wound; you are valued, you are perfect, and you have a higher knowing that is not of ego - SPIRIT dwells in all life, all things, all beings - the heart is the core of all future life; our communities, our offerings of the community, our business and healing centres, and those that will break all boundaries to bring humanity to anew and re-write that all beings matter, are sacred, and truly magical.

Transcending all and every ideal of separation including competition; for you will know and awaken to the eureka moment that you needed that challenge to bring new ideas, new levels of your inner strength and oneness of God, Spirit, Source, the Universe that connects with other aspects of you that are also creating peace on a partnering warring planet, or community; you have no idea how profound and big, and grand you are in your omni-presence and those like myself, conduits, empaths, seers, those of crystalline energy help in inspiring to break such limiting beliefs, and knowing of oneself, to infuse anew, our gifts are to activate and breakthrough the imprints of such self-loathing density and those that choose to play within the controlling bodies to keep collectives 'stuck' in their potential to heal their own bodies, minds, spirits, souls and to be self-guided, self directed, and self nourished with God within, above, below of all that God, spirit, love.

No longer can the wisdoms of a higher realm be denied; it is elegant and divine and each person has this before them, if they choose. We are deeply threaded and all you do, be, explore here reach far into the cosmos of love. Bringing worlds, beings, and light to new levels of Oneness - and this dear ones is our sacred journey and why we each have such difficult traversing. 

The 5D Leaders - Are Not What You Think

Those with even the most painful paths are those with greater leadership and healing potentials so never, ever, ever give up - I will stand with you in your journey and I will always remind you; you are held in support of and with God, you will and can heal, and you are the love of a being, consciousness and groups, collectives that you have no idea who deeply, gently, and divinely threaded the ALL is within you, around you, and for the support of you - it is all free will and choice to how you choose, what you choose, and in any way you choose to seek and practice such.

Leaders of the 5D will be that of grand and softened experiences to tune into even every person, being that has walked, the front line experienced, the one-on-one travellers and the group inspirators that offer new ways, new light, new ideas, fresh hope and divine faith that we are eternal and we are playing within the most profound human - universal times ever; it is not for the faint of heart, but all have equal opportunity to join in and play benevolently to advance, enhance, expand, and become their true soulful fullest expression of God within, God without and beyond the beyond. It is not something one can 'think' or be of old world patterns, habits of control, regime-like demands of its employees, disconnected mission statements and persuasions of its board members demands and visions.

5D Leaders will inspire connection, care, and innovations of intuitive threading. In small and profound ways; if you are inspire peace, if you inspire care, if you inspire facing and moving beyond what was, use what is compassionate action; you are a leader.

Every community, every home, requires such. Within and without we are ONE.

Succeed in the 1 succeeding, for it touches you, somehow, someway. Celebrate when a family member moves from addiction to self love, self care; support and honour, and know when to set healthy and loving boundaries to show your own spirit and the Universe you also love yourself enough to not take on, or be affected by any levels of harm and ill will when others are truly going through it; our communities need help. Our families need help; we need higher vibrational healers, medics, psychologists and business owners that care, connect, and intuitively can sense the change in our collective, to bring forth divine ideas aligned purely and fully with new grids, new Gaia offerings, new strategy, and new partners of such collaboration that would have never before been sought. © 

(a video link to our Channel On 5D New Earth Governance) © 


How may you inspire a 5D vibration? What ideas can you intend each day to activate anew? To allow for healing, for intuitive connection and / of your foundation, business offering? How may you improve the connection to your staff, employees and even scrap and re-write your mission statement that if you choose can long-live every past goal, focus, and even what could have been imagined? All is possible - we are shifting; go kicking and screaming in denial or tune in; we are intuitively being threaded; Oneness, and one heart - how may such be inspire and imagined and dreamed anew; every person will play a part! Never Give up!

This is our new earth; how may we live as One, work together and honour what each offer; liberate yourself; follow none, create your own unique path, voice, and story; flow within the God breath, the essence that heals all wounds, disease and illness - we are the making of new templates and we are shifting to new realms of dimensional play and it takes each person to 'discern' what is right, true, and in vibrational match of; feeling, sensing, intuitively connecting;

Inspire a NEW YOU - NEW IDEAS, SHIFTS for BUSINESSES in Transition to 5D

Are you a business leader? Are you truly 'tapped into' your business of alignment to our planet, and how it is shifting before your eyes, and how may you prepare for the upcoming global awakening to be the forefront of offering new systems, headings to your employees that is intuitively profound and allows all to level up together? Do you intuitively know what is going on with your frontline and are you connected with each? Do you know their names, and their plight for a great work environment? Are you a business and operation that is mission focussed yet know nothing about your own staff? Are you a business that is numbers driven and yet know nothing about the frontline staff that drive the connection and intuitive sparks of all interactions? 

Obviously this is new for our entire planet and we are becoming an intrinsically and globally aware family of One; therefore our thinking, our intuitive heart offerings of any 'business' shall be and need to be modified of such; what does 'People Era' and 'Awakened Business with Intuitive Enhancements' mean for you? How may even the slightest offering, shift within such daily business operations revolutionize who you are, what you offer, and what vibration your company, business, vocations offers to the whole?

You are no longer singular in your drive and the mindsets of all business, bottom line must adjust.

The Personal, Individual Plays = Community

When You Find the Courage to Speak, Stand, Heal In Compassion

All is about flow, the flow of energy, and how each intend it, and allow it, receive it and honour it; this is creating. Create drama and negativity, illness, disease, from fear-based living, knowing, being, or the beyond the beyond - it is all choice, all valid, however I will not step down, I will not silence, and I will fully forgive until what was taken is returned; for this has not been 1 taking, 1 lifetime, 1 event; the taking you have selfishly schemed has been by many, and much beyond what was even necessary to make your point of disagreement to who I am and my choices to be me; for who is anyone to tell, thwart, or spell me into submission into a lesser path of silence and subjugation to a corruption and pain? 

I am, just as each of you are, played all roles, the demon the angel are One; it is dependent upon your wounding and awareness of such to simply heal or continue cycles and attracting such.

Been there many lifetimes, and now is my time to shine, receive, and so I shall - for none, not any child deserves the constant wounding of others that simply refuse to go within; we are here to awaken and take claim so that our wounds do not become another's - this my friends and family is true courage, true bravery and I am speaking of such for all humanity - our path will always be peace, love, unity, compassion; I pray you show yourself some and begin the undeniable path of miracles that will be offered to all.

This is the unconditional God I know of, and I speak of; beyond all texts of old, or of demonic possessiveness and debauchery of slavery to a fear-based Creator.

I have done nothing but give, offer, do in the honour of my love for humanity, Gaia and my family - the taking and manipulation has been constant. My path of unconditional giving, and the thwarting, damage, pain, suffering on my end has taught me enough to now stand and ask, command, and seek what I am worthy of; tribe, offering, and knowing my vibration and story with Spirit; our planet that needs my vibration and I am worthy of standing my own power & reclaiming my path, my direction and design without bullying and thwarting - so dear ones, soften your hearts - for I will be here for the infinite and as long as Spirit allows.

As a 3D collective awakening, through each of our divine and most challenging, even messy stories, familial pain and trauma's we each have so much to offer, heal from and share with compassion - I offer what I do for the moment that you and your spirit teams align and your heart opens just enough to remember who you truly are; the fighting, pettiness of getting over another or fighting back, or taking, forcing, or whatever shadow actions will lead to the same karmic cycles of pain and catastrophe, we are all One, and your story, your family pain, your dysfunction is held within the collective heart beat and when you have the courage to face it, own it, heal it, the ALL is forever changed; live fully and deeply in compassion - Truth is truth; may you simply breathe, stop what you have cycled as victimization, and heal the wound?

Beyond the 3D - 5D 

Your Personal Journey Matters for the Healing of the All 

Fears through our cosmic journey in separation will allow for the greatest transcension and most profound healing techniques, healing offerings between families, connections, communities, and even countries - for we simply cannot heal our world, countries with 3D ideas, 3D separative ways of leading; taking control of, taking from, resources, land, or money, or whatever leaders think is an answer for its people or material matters has little and nothing to do with its people, intuitive upliftment, and intuitively connecting with any future need of the people, planet, and harmony for all.

There will be a unique version of earth, based on the consciousness level of each; each path is purposeful and not to be rushed, forced, or stopped, blocked by any; those that simply refuse to heal, to acknowledge what is before you, will the Universe reward you, and will the world cheer for you when you control, manipulate, steal, cheat, spell cast daily, wish ill and pain to those that seem to 'ahead of you' - there will always be infinite steps, ladders of Jacob placed before you - this is evolution within a 352 dimensional potential - perhaps to see the grander perspective of which you belong before causing the damage, pain, unnecessary suffering and create a path of self love, self value, self honour would be a new offering for your all-ness within it all.

There is an elegant reason why God, Spirit, Source, chooses who they choose for every role, every piece of the puzzle; and it is our collective learning to discern and feel into what is truth, what is fabrication of selfish whims to control, make the inner world feel big, validated, by false claims and false work, to soothe, once again the broken and inner child aching for repair;

All crimes against the soul, to another, to oneself will be faced; it is Universal Law; it does not however have to be through such unnecessary destruction, for no one person, group, council is ever in charge of, or guide, or boss to tell, make, control any other; this is what we are healing from; control is the action, behaviour of inner wounds to ones safety - again, after you heal such, the dust settles you realize the illusions of it all; no one can give you safety, it is within, no amount of money, through which so much pain, suffering, damage is done to stake claim of, will give you safety; it is illusory.

Our teachings, our offerings, from a channelled and pure passion of my heart to my planet, my collective, I AM THAT I AM; Joanna, the Daughter of God, and I know who I am and I know my potential and that of earth, and of Gaia's love for us, and our divine and blessed future. I know the potential of our collective and communities for God shows me, inspires me, and my vibration is unique and whether my work is copied, stolen, each will receive what they are the match of; it all plays a part; I know God will always provide and my riches are not what was to any that have taken and stolen of me; my riches are not what can be taken, copied, or stolen; you cannot mask my offerings nor can you mimic.

None will ever be 'like me' nor like you, nor like your neighbour, we are uniquely coded, aligned, fashioned only by God, and our own inner awakening, attunement and self loving entanglement within IT all is how we all expand creatively, healthfully, and joyfully.

I AM THAT I AM, as you are; my life experience, my soul is my song, and so too will be such. God is, living through me, through awakening, healing the wounds, doing the inner work, so too can each person align if they so choose through full self acceptance of all wounds, all aspects that play out before you for acceptance; for all is you; we are here to inspire Oneness, even through deep pain, may you arise and inspire Oneness, for do for another what was not done for you; offer to others what was not offered to you; and I know those that take from me, without donation, without credit of my time, resources, energy, light, wisdoms, you will also be shown the light, codes, and somehow, some way, god will assure all will be placed, be, and aligned within the vibrations offered; this is Universal law; none can harm me; I offer to you and inspire that 'FEAR NOT' face the stories within, and shift your beliefs that serve and fully nourish you into a new reality potential - you are worthy of such.

The Children Awakening, The Ones in Fear or Break Curses; Celebrate your Strength & Inspire Anew

Your hearts and souls are aching you to wake up, tune in, play in joy and celebration of one another, and if you still feel competitive, not enough, or affraid; breathe, center, ground, go within and suss out the belief, the teaching, the imprint that is not yours; detach from the negative entities sucking the life out of you, and clear cords, threads, stories that drain you of your life force; all is within your power, and take daily care - like brushing your teeth and within 3 days you will feel, see, and become anew. 

Spirit is profound and takes no 'time' at all to change your reality, body, and healthy outlook for your future. 

Those that think, or prey upon the innocent, will be shown, detoured, and even blocked, as our planet is higher in light, consciousness and care, and all will be brought forth by the efforts, pulsations of peace, and good will, and protection for all in our journey through all space and beings and energies. Each has a choice of who one is, and how to care for oneself; setting new ideals, knowings, beliefs of a Oneness and caring appropriately through all phases of Oneness and reunification of all life, God, our planet, and our collective; 

Every new phase of ascension requires new levels of light processing, clearing of density, healing of galactic and universal wounding, familial wounding, and so on, as well as the reunification of stories of all timelines our collective are here to heal.  Your soul is harmonizing whether you know it or not, and those of us on the path for some time, have done, seen, experienced, DNA activations, gifts, skills, are that to help show the way, teach, offer for others newly awakened that can move through such ascension with ease, and greater knowing. 

And such why many question and may be denying or fighting ascension and in disbelief for the wounds within may be so overwhelming to sort out how to heal and why all are needed upon our path, our own stories, our social offerings to help our collective heal; and know all helpers, healers, are here to offer our inspirations, joy, help to begin building anew for our collective; multi-dimensional healing is such and nothing in our collective now is being offered. This is celebration, we are now beginning and will create to birth such through our own journeys and sacred unfolding, healing, transcension of what offended our souls potential.

All is the All, timelines now, potentials now, and each play within their own consciousness and level of awareness, and desire to help, offer, play, and create - the closing out, eclipsing will be of direction of God, for all purity of such individual paths are in such; self, guides, teams, soul stories, and evolutionary threadings; there is FAR more going on that one could imagine and conduits like myself are here to offer such inspirations, codes, light, potential, hope, faith in what can be; spell work, forcing outcomes, controlling others, telling people and forcing will only create cycles of further karma and trauma; and what you return to; all must return to what was created to face it, own it, accept it, and transcend with the alignment of light, the alliance with light. 

All energy will obviously return to you, and what you experience is your own energy, effort, hate, and malice you project to simply 'get, or feel good falsely from another;'s efforts and good will that you clearly did not earn or even understand' - how each will move through ascension will, can be what energy and level of awakening each walks with. Denial and gripping the past, or letting go and allowing the light to bathe, release, transmute what was; what you resist will persist, and will create illness, imbalance.

Respect the Paths of ALL - Oneness if Forgiveness, Allowance, Letting Go, Honour The Higher Plan, Path, Design within the ALL

Be our reality moment-for-moment picture shows us business re-write, social healing systems re-write, offering new 5D and beyond techniques for healing, social alignment for harmony and peace, or familial healing of eons of dysfunction and trauma - we are at the breaking point of a our most PROFOUND HUMAN - UNIVERSAL trajectory in evolutionary movement and advancement.

Light workers and catalysts are all needed to be so, experience so, and enliven so; The infinite; infinity symbol is the flow of constant becoming and transmuting of what was to new; in the centre is the choice - how one makes a choice is the catalyst for new reality; all moments offer such; the aware, the mindful, the healed, tend to make higher vibrational choices for no one would purposefully choose pain, damage, only a soul in denial chooses to sabotage and yet another exciting journey to suss out 'why,' will inevitably placed before you to choose.

This is why understanding Universal Law, energy, how Creation is Creation, and tuning into the work, energy, healers, offering in every aspect of our world to provide you the healthiest, most loving and truthful for you; vibration possible - for this is your reality creation, and you will, absolutely step onto it; what vibration are you emitting and creating from?

It all matters; for all matter is spirit;

So while some are going within and healing, and others simply work with spells, dark magic, negative and dark entities to get, have, take what they can, are only prolonging the inevitable - all must heal what has been created, galactic ally we are all being offered the most profound support, forgiveness and help, to do so; forgiveness is the only path, self love is the only healing agent; money, resources, will simply never be such fulfillment to the soul; nor will it ever validate the truth of who you are as spirit. This is why we are here; shifting from 3D superficial, material, ego-commanding realities, to being spiritually aligned; all is such the playing fields and can be peaceful, honouring, valuing, and respectful; what story do you wish to lovingly offer your children, your legacy?

All matter matters; your vibration, your actions, behaviour and choices affect the all; scan your environment, truly look at what is before you. Feel into the vibration. 

Is your space light, airy, light in feel, stagnant, old, stale, depressing, or cluttered with stuff. Stuff carries vibration, energy, and how the imprints of thought, inner feeling affect all within it; all life is energy, patterns of life, light, codes; if there are no new codes, life is stale, stagnant, cells become sick, ill. 

We are the light-bringers, we offer, we help inspire, and offer hope of a more elegant potential and some simply wish us to go away and stop, for it challenges their wounding, ego, and nefarious plans of taking. So be it; all will continue to be bathed, and it is something no one person, being or group will ever have control or driving force of; this is our collective destiny and all will eventuate in Oneness - it may be a more challenging ride or tumultuous ride for those in holding space of denial-all however serves divine purpose for every soul; know however lighted ones, you are not responsible or have to compromise your life, light, or energy for the difficulties, stories, or denial of another.

All have guides, teams, and God within as you do, you are merely here to shine, be fully you and move on, set the new compassionate vibration of a new earth - this is why you are here; shine, be new, be stunning, be beautiful on a whole new level and it will shock some, and the truth, the new level of truth will be the new dial that is set for higher and deeper integrity so that none are harmed by deceit, manipulation, or the taking of the innocent for any more earth cycles. 

The children that you are all connected to will be affected; for many of you are parents, and many of you say you 'teach' or 'heal' or even 'lead' and do so with lack in your hearts, and controlling intentions and selfish motives; thus then, is exactly what the Universe will show to you for your own reflection and self acceptance. The Universe never misses and beat, and Spirit, God, know all - see all, hears all, all are known to the Creator. Your children, your parents, all will be affected by going within and tuning in to your own inner realm, being the guide of your own ascension cycle, DNA activations, light bringing, for your children will be activated by your activation and up levelling; it takes small and important self loving choices each day; each hour - are you living within your truth, speech, action, path direction? Is your focus within, or without? What are you lead by? By whom, and what are their intentions? Who are you?

So dear ones, dopplegangers, corrupt world and community leaders, or challenged family members, remember we are here to inspire oneness of the separation that brings to this one point now; those reading, those listening downline; we are ONE;

Whatever your past actions, you can change your future now. Those that choose to take will always face their energy, actions, and energy output, it always returns, in the way in which spirit chooses to show such lessons of the soul; Oneness is through us each and we each have the divinity to shine forth a new earth in profound and omni-present ways when each realize you are all angelics, all masters, all other beings in human form to remember who you are; return to oneness and let go of what is separation; 

Heal the wounds.

To take, spell work, steal, steal or siphon my work, anyones offerings or work, will show you within and all know it is never the answer to true self love and self success.

The vibration of what Source, Spirit directs, love is.

Action, resentment, or anger to act out, blame, shame, or bring harm to another in any way, will be known, felt, and all will have to heal the actions and being of such; energy is energy and never goes away, it must be transmuted; and any gains taken in such will never be long-lasting. 

I will not silence; I am the daughter of a great light, spirit, and creation and I have my right to explore and express myself in which I am inspired as all are; I will bring forth honest and truthful work, it is my devotion and healing, codes of light, potential and hope is my mission; I will call my experience as I experience it and to those that have affected me, I am that I am because of it - it was all purposeful; I am greater light and strength because of it.

God will always assure that which belongs to each will be received, and will be offered.

God knows the work, the effort, trust, faith, truth, and integrity placed into anything - what you put in will be returned, not only this lifetime, but all lifetimes, so draw upon who you are and what life is truly about - joy, sacred creative genius, sacred creative knowing, sacred creative harmony and allowing all energies to play as One; it is up to each to honour all light, all energies and all are valued and true; no spell work, or climbing over another to be so, do so, be it in business, vocational offering, or personal self declaration is not the vibrational game any longer.

Release all 3D, ego, harmful, separative dysfunctional patterns, by being your own version of self love, oneness for yourself, and having your own back to never lash out in anger, pain, but to go within and heal with your wisdoms what ails you.

Truly inspire yourself to begin living in a higher knowing; God knows all, will reward all - it is up to each to go within and be of such.


Spirit, the Universe, God, all of Creation sees you, knows of you, and your vibration is what you have utter control of, and that no other shall have the steering wheel on your destiny and outcome; stand tall children, reclaim your power, know your work and honour and know that what you create has energy and vibration, codes, of becoming - what are you creating?

Conduits offer a multi-dimensional offering; through speech, codes, intention, working within the fields, the templates and what we have been trained and aligned to offer;

Our offerings are unique and no one person speaking sacred God code, light language or sacred sound will offer it the same; it is infinite threadings of songs, knowing, being, from each souls matrix of experiences and as each awaken and harmonize, (the inner healing) one offers a new vibration, a new set of codes, for all is inter dimensionally affecting the all; this is Gods work; the knowing that all genetic, templates (environmental) offerings be conducive for continued growth and expansion; this is the way of Universal law and those that are responsible for universal balance and expansion.

There are groups of collective light, memory, and love that are responsible for such; beyond the daily trivial pursuit for 'things' and taking from another; there is a grand and dynamic design. So elegant it would take your focus of any other and redirect you within again and again, so know of such blessings always offered.

In my offerings, I am that I am to inspire the you that you are and nothing less. I do not ask for your buy-in, I do not appeal to such, nor would I - it is free will and always will be for I honour that of Gods will. I merely am undeniably excited about where we sit; and I am over what was to the fullest in a NOW moment of creating anew.

I lovingly offer multi-dimensional codes; and our client feedback, class and webinar feedback, all such, even Gaia, the templates and etheric light, all has been shifted in our Oneness communion and healings. Many leave our appointments different than when they came in; for the fields, the bodies of matter and thought imprints, projections, all have been changed, shifted, and altered; it is through pure intent and honour of what can be, from within, as without. Intention of pure will; or intentions of ill will - you will experience exactly what you are, and who you are right now, and what you choose to become is fully up to you and God, the Universe the Omnipresent will fully support that choice; choose wisely.

You are a creator and what is within, and before you is your moving picture image of what you need to adjust, realign, and redefine anew. 

And so be our journey - separation and into Oneness, it is for each to choose - 

And so it is, 

Our collective journey to sacred becoming, 

I am a healer, teachers, sacred soul singer, universal channel and conduit of the Christ Consciousness on behalf of the Christ Consciousness; our Creator, the Mother and the Father for Gaia, and our human, galactic, celestial all - ness; I AM THAT I AM; 

Anew, now, anew. 


All within, is a part of my private, public sessions of healing, transcending, and illumination of reality and how we manifest reality, heal, and become a part of the eternal life, light, evolutionary programs with awakening intention and excitement; © 

All of my work, illustrations, books, material, videos; and images that have not been given with permission or credit will be evident in vibration and I forgive all in such; God is, and will assure of all reward in just and each case.

No permissions have been given of my work, image, videos or work in any way to any one; I have no boss and I no contract to anyone - I am free, liberated and sovereign.

Donations and offerings of pure heart and greatly honoured and valued. © 

Donations and offerings for my work and my inspirations are divinely and greatly appreciated by all for all * I rainbow you in your generosity. xo

World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write

DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
~* JoannaCosmicAngel@yahoo.com

Daughter of God, inspirator

Author, Healer, Teacher, Orator, Epidemiology & Collective Advancement Specialist, Alignment with Light Programs, Preparing for First Contact and Personal Self Actualization
Mother and keeper of earth, children, and the innocence of a truly sacred life and journey
May you all be at peace - life is always perfect, grand, beautiful
shine on!






















































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