Wednesday 6 July 2022

5th Dimensional Wisdoms - Spiritual Maturity - Knowing there is NO Devil - Only the Inner War

 Spiritual maturity is your acceptance of all being purposeful for the inner reflections needed, wanted, desired for the grander soul exploration and lessons of self love, honour, value, and the capability to re-write something more undeniable of gentleness & kindness of all life, all life being sacred and wise;

There is no real devil - it is the inner world in turmoil seeking to prove itself for your resolve of it; for there is only unconditional love and belonging

There is no devil

There is only that which one chooses to suppress, make big that is not true, or stories that support the lack, support the reality that feels safe but is not truth, the devil is simply the fears that make another reality the one you are living,

There devil are entities that gain access through your fear, your permission, conjuring of other negative acts, the spell work to control, to make your own stories fit; at some point, through a death cycle, your awakening, your own manifestation of tower moments, all must go within and seek the beliefs, the choices, to what wounds were in charge to make the 'devil' so real that you chose to look away from who you truly are within.

God, Source, spirit is - the beyond the beyond, all sacred texts of our imbalance, our lack of being, fear of life, will be re-written; for we are now channelling God, spirit, Source from such higher perspectives that are the new creational stories for humanity, Gaia, in which all life is sacred, all is honoured, all are steps to your eventual oneness of self; full and radical self acceptance of what caused your turmoil, acceptance of what you judged in others, acceptance of the wounds that want to make yourself right, compete for belonging, energy to feed from, or a story to allow you to prove you are valued;

You have nothing to prove; your wounds want to be heard, touched with love, self acceptance, self honour, self respect, self acknowledgement, and spirit, energy, entities show you what you call in - either knowingly or not; all is energy - there is no entity that behaves to break God; it is the inner turmoil of beliefs that are simply at war with the truth, the wholeness, the higher self of who you truly are; this is acceptance; you are, see, create, and then get to choose anew; you are eternal

  • you belong, you are valued, you are supported in all ways
  • you are unconditionally loved and needed, a part of all Creation,
  • you will always return - what you create returns; it is the law of vibration and manifestation,
  • Universal laws now apply, always did to an awakening humanity and all must move through ascension, with spirit, to value, respect, honour the level, depths of creation you come from and always belong to, and how to add value through your experience in your evolutionary process; eternally in the experience of itself
  • you are one, the one is within, never separate, could never be, you have been entrained through lower vibrational disregard, disrespect and each get to be truly self empowered to choose anew - all free will what you conjure
  • you are equally matched in the universe to what you create, think, believe to be true-now you are seeing it - for our energies are no longer slow, dense as we were steeped in 3D for so long; our collective vibration, consciousness is raising, and all will return, be seen, be experienced much quicker - this is the vibrational experience we call 'karma' good or negative, it is all about the reflection to choose again, choose anew; you will be forgiven if you forgive yourself - this is unconditional love© 

  • (all written materials belong to Joanna ~ the real Joanna of God, Daughter of God, the beyond the beyond, humble, simple, radically happy about sharing, helping, offering) know thyself - it is an incredible ride of pleasing you, loving you, living sacredly with the Great One, changing humanity forever - we are cosmic beings of light

These are simply truths; so it is a matter of you now being, believing, honouring, practicing the new level of self love,

Being of the light that is your truth;

You belong, you matter, you are valued, what if you started to behave and choose from this vibrational space; nothing knocks you off your path - however fear not, know there will be energies that want to test you, pull at you, try to show you they are right or their path is and should be yours; this is the mastery you signed on for and waited eons for; this is it; when you know it does not matter - it is all the circle back to you and release feeding what use to bring fear, and such create more excitement for what brings eternal joy - a powerful sense of new self, you create through knowing all is perfect, every step is needed, and you will always return to Source, to spirit, to the One; for you cannot not be all that is ONE - One is all,

Whole, One, all is you, you are all;

Blessings and grace, to all energies, entities, this is Oneness

This is where you reside - navigate to and through it all - for you can, you are it!









































Love is; circle of life - you will return, all returns for you to see your reflection and choose anew; Right Use of Free Will

The love of all - nothing really matters than the love of now
Love of now is & must be in awareness of how most move through life hidden behind their wounds, trauma's, misguided information about how to heal, knowing you can heal thyself, and how / what / who truly you are within & what illusions we accept as real
Conformity is only an experience to realize, when we realize, we were never meant to fit within contrived, controlled, fear-based lower vibrational mental programs that do not harmonize within spirit, the love of spirit, the oneness of all life
We are One, all life, planet, animals, nature, all breath, all water, all that is, is our oneness;
this is our adventure, and allow all else to only be a reflection for you to accept, allow, navigate through your highest creative knowing, offering, blessing; to live purely as the sacred joy, sacred manifestations, as your own unique sense of Godliness
Life, love, light, knowing of your all-ness,

Joanna's Ascension Work, Healing, Co-Creating, Manifestations

Your light, your consciousness, your energy, your knowing of all life is yours, honour it, own it, value it, nourish it; send all other entities away to sort it out!
Ascension is the truest self awakening on their true self empowerment - each must do their own work!
And so be it

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