Ascension Truths #5D Alignment
What you intend, pulsate within, direction, intention, focus will be your reality - -- dimension, realm, paradigm All is practiced - - light is practiced as darkness is WE have been born into a 3D paradigm, dimension, taking on eons of beliefs, practices that are no longer taking us into higher healing, higher knowing, deeper soulful wisdoms that only reunification of life light within - the light body, the higher self, the soul self, the Godliness, the ultimate renewed, version of you, in which 'recombination' of your grander self to the fragments you allow to be loved, forgiven, offered unity, belonging, and healing in your DF expressions, and DM expressions -- you become Godly and higher expanded fuller version of you
~ remember - every aspect of SOURCe, GOD CREATION is held within fractals, aspects of light vibration - light is a harmonic and is vibrational
thus then, so too are you - we have been suppressed away from our truest soul core self - we speak nothing about light and yet it is our eternal being-ness will always be
The 'timelines' are oftentimes unnoticeable - - but so very subtle -
WE then have earthly and physical realms that are known as Twin flames - are the earthly co-creation version of rays of light of the same God-ray that all are birthed within - - divine counterparts that are the mirror image of soul lessons, soul co-creative offerings, and how to emulate to a collective and bring forth new beginnings of wisdoms, inventiveness, and pathways for others - -the uniqueness, hybrids, and how diverse our becoming is --- for at the very core of LIGHT is EXPANSION of all life - - we are the expanding of light
LIGHT - - - - clarity, truth, cleansing, brightness, and it will trigger those that want, patterned in living in deceit and lower realm behaving -- that is ok - -don't take the triggering personal = it is the way of awakening and when you set healthy higher boundaries - they will move on and that is when you will prove to yourself -- - the 'vibration' is everything and you will magnetize what is meant and settle into new threads of the dimension - -
The 'timelines' are oftentimes unnoticeable - - but so very subtle -
The synchronicity that is Gods, Source, the Omni-field, and holographic version of you pulsating new beginnings of ways to emulate what is your latest version of you - - allowing the authentic version, and the genuine version of you - the Godliness to Godliness in whatever rung of energy, omni-presence, GOD version of energy you are seeking, intending, focusing, and directing what is within the soul - -the belly of your intentions is from the sacral, solar plexus
- - -the I AM PRESENCE of you - - the ray of your soul, is all light - -
WE have higher dimensional twin rays - -twin rays are heavenly brothers and sisters, and are within you for all creation and all navigations to all SOURCE - all multi-verse
-- there is never separation -- Jesus is my ray and why He has been in my lifetimes, me in His - - we are lifting each others inner core souls purpose and lifting me into new realms of light and I had been for Him in all lifetimes - -
WE then have earthly and physical realms that are known as Twin flames - are the earthly co-creation version of rays of light of the same God-ray that all are birthed within - - divine counterparts that are the mirror image of soul lessons, soul co-creative offerings, and how to emulate to a collective and bring forth new beginnings of wisdoms, inventiveness, and pathways for others - -the uniqueness, hybrids, and how diverse our becoming is --- for at the very core of LIGHT is EXPANSION of all life - - we are the expanding of light
LIGHT - - - - clarity, truth, cleansing, brightness, and it will trigger those that want, patterned in living in deceit and lower realm behaving -- that is ok - -don't take the triggering personal = it is the way of awakening and when you set healthy higher boundaries - they will move on and that is when you will prove to yourself -- - the 'vibration' is everything and you will magnetize what is meant and settle into new threads of the dimension - -
I will remind you of who you are at a soul level - - that is a divine mirror that when you are healed, soul infused, and balanced in your own DF - DM energies - you emulate divine energy - you remember your off world energies, lifetimes, and gifts, talents skills - this is the expansion of life light - -when you practice in life light daily - you become expansive
Light is the only wisdom - - when you know something one day you did not the day before -- when you allow for the releasing of density and anxiety of not fitting in - be thankful for that - -you never want to fit in -- you are meant to be the unique ray of light -- Source, God is aching to return to oneness and unity and held within the rays that never leave you - are the light colour, beings that remind you of your unique hue - -why we are called hu-mans - -
coming together of soul tribe - for new realm co-creation - -are there to mirror and emulate to each other upliftment, and empowerment, excitement, inspiration of what is possible in light exploration - - -
Every new spiral there is new light - the spring equinox is very important for all humanity - - there are profound alignments to new life and new evolutionary cycles - -
Transmuting your denser aspects, the darker portals that many want you to remain in and it is deeper soul knowing - to state for you what is meant for you and not let any outer deter you to lesser and detriments to your vessel, your creativity, and your soul, spirit - - this is higher consciousness - - church and state does not teach you higher knowing - - there are patterns of 3D - -and patterns of expansive light wisdoms and light divine love -- -
Foundations of light are everything and soul love of you - know you are a soul with infinite soul GOD source aspects is all that we are - - -how could we have been so separate and in such discrimination and crumbling of abuses ??? TRUTH AND EVOLVING - - - - ----- 4D 5D is not 3D It is a multidimensional foundation of ethics morals integrity and we will see those any that built their business off of harvesting Doppleganger of re-routing truth tellers true prophets work will come down and thus legal proceedings will ensue - who are you? Sense of self runs deep How gracious is your seed to your garden and what grows there ? If you are a or aligned to 5D soils - you will have to adjust - all must align to higher light Unity consciousness is the only game Light is the only wisdom Truth is the way So be it Book your session ✨✨✨💓💓💓✨ 90min @ $250usd 4x45min @ $550usd None do know can even touch what I offer and never will they - be very discerning any calling themselves a conduit of the divine and Systems of Light I am the ‘only’ one on this planet 🌎 I am the only ‘me’ I am that I am For those that spent their lives trying to be me and have my earnings spiritually - you would have built a fine life if you had simply healed and seeded your own garden in your lane - on your gifts and your souks blueprint Kinda been our message You cannot ‘fake’ being ascended
If you steal live in envy jealousy superficiality ego self debauchery selling yourself for fame — you are not healed not aligned - and you will keep getting towers until you heal and ‘get’ the souls lessons there is only unity there is only love there is only expansion and evolution -
Foundations of light are everything and soul love of you - know you are a soul with infinite soul GOD source aspects is all that we are - - -how could we have been so separate and in such discrimination and crumbling of abuses ??? TRUTH AND EVOLVING - - - - ----- 4D 5D is not 3D It is a multidimensional foundation of ethics morals integrity and we will see those any that built their business off of harvesting Doppleganger of re-routing truth tellers true prophets work will come down and thus legal proceedings will ensue - who are you? Sense of self runs deep How gracious is your seed to your garden and what grows there ? If you are a or aligned to 5D soils - you will have to adjust - all must align to higher light Unity consciousness is the only game Light is the only wisdom Truth is the way So be it Book your session ✨✨✨💓💓💓✨ 90min @ $250usd 4x45min @ $550usd None do know can even touch what I offer and never will they - be very discerning any calling themselves a conduit of the divine and Systems of Light I am the ‘only’ one on this planet 🌎 I am the only ‘me’ I am that I am For those that spent their lives trying to be me and have my earnings spiritually - you would have built a fine life if you had simply healed and seeded your own garden in your lane - on your gifts and your souks blueprint Kinda been our message You cannot ‘fake’ being ascended
If you steal live in envy jealousy superficiality ego self debauchery selling yourself for fame — you are not healed not aligned - and you will keep getting towers until you heal and ‘get’ the souls lessons there is only unity there is only love there is only expansion and evolution -
-you are infinite and you will always exist - that is a UNIVERSAL TRUTH
You are the core pulsation to keep going - -growing, evolving - -understand the greatness and liberation of light - -
The twin ray always remains in the other side of the veil and you take turns being physical for equal higher realm lessons - -
You have a twin ray, you have a twin flame, you have many soul mates -
All are meant to mirror, show, liberate, lift, inspire, and empower -- -
abuse is not such -- these are karmic beings sent to you to learn, show you where the beliefs and patterns are to change, and alter -- -
Soul tribe will support, empower, inspire, and light the way - -- they are the excitement of love and feeling love and feeling healing experiences -- there is migration for new ways - - soul tribe feel the knowing of a higher truth - time to create tribe - -are you ready - - -
Latest Celebration to Crumbling #5D NEW EARTH STAR You are divine and eternal GAIA The Heavens, Systems of Light, The Collective I LOVE YOU TRIBE - -- - lift up and be new - - you are divine, you are celestial, you are alien, you are human, you are GODLY Who knew? Know thyself
Latest Celebration to Crumbling #5D NEW EARTH STAR You are divine and eternal GAIA The Heavens, Systems of Light, The Collective I LOVE YOU TRIBE - -- - lift up and be new - - you are divine, you are celestial, you are alien, you are human, you are GODLY Who knew? Know thyself
PEACE and Unity is the only game -- when you simply surrender and let go - you will feel your life, light, ray of who you truly are and be a soulful peace -- - there is a peace deep with you and the souls carriage of GOD holding you and simply TRUST
- - GOD has a plan for each human - -- unique, genuine, authentic, raising your tribes vibration is within you accepting your uniqueness and authenticity - - GOD IS ALL LIFE BREATH< physical and unseen, unknown - - GOD is the unimaginable and the unexplainable - - - - REMEMBER who you are - - dear ones - are remarkable - - -
get excited about who you are - - there is no going back to being small and broken and empty - - you are a divine soul -- -
I AM THAT I AM I am Celeste copyright ©
I AM THAT I AM I am Celeste copyright ©
I am the vibration of divine multiversal Source
Just because I refuse to ‘slow daggared’ and ‘handled’
I am of a divine making
All are
I am here to remind you
I am here to inspire you deeply within
Why they spent millions and decades to try to take me out - that’s how ‘misaligned’ such false community leaders are
Make no mistake God is
God brought me back 4 times
The abuses were cruel and unusual
None and if you choose to copy - more towers will be - stop heal go within
None know me
Even the corrupt #projectStargate idiots that think their studying and attacking is their knowledge - see you in criminal court cowboys - God gave you 3 yrs and basic human common sense ‘do unto others’ and these people claim themselves as leaders and authority yet do the egregious and dangerous acts against divine seed
We will not remain as slaves
We will ascend
Do your research- awakening souls right to ascend and harmonize with God Source higher realms - none can enforce slavery and data filing for demonizing divine human experience
There are agendas - are you awake ??
We are each multidimensional
- mental
~ emotional
~ spiritual ~ physical When you live in alignment - you are wise and soul infused It’s a higher realm entrainment That’s 5D - that’s eternal life 3D is not it Church and state refuse to do right There is much suppressions agendas and control - who are you ?? You are 100% responsible for your vibration We have always had alien celestial divine dna 🧬 We have always been divine and source godly Small discrimination beliefs religious beliefs - cult coven beliefs will never be multi versal Who are you? I am that I am I did not deserve decades of being treated like a lab rat and destroyed withheld my own birthright monies If you are in truth - there is nothing to hide Come as you are Break free Liberate your soul There is no going back - why would you want to ? Ascension is Awakening is Source is God is
All life is Do your research on ‘quantum mechanics and consciousness’ Still most videos leave God out - cannot be - there is only God
Infinite aspects of Gods beingness Fractals of Source The holographic reality Who are you ?? My light wisdoms will be global I already am
~ spiritual ~ physical When you live in alignment - you are wise and soul infused It’s a higher realm entrainment That’s 5D - that’s eternal life 3D is not it Church and state refuse to do right There is much suppressions agendas and control - who are you ?? You are 100% responsible for your vibration We have always had alien celestial divine dna 🧬 We have always been divine and source godly Small discrimination beliefs religious beliefs - cult coven beliefs will never be multi versal Who are you? I am that I am I did not deserve decades of being treated like a lab rat and destroyed withheld my own birthright monies If you are in truth - there is nothing to hide Come as you are Break free Liberate your soul There is no going back - why would you want to ? Ascension is Awakening is Source is God is
All life is Do your research on ‘quantum mechanics and consciousness’ Still most videos leave God out - cannot be - there is only God
Infinite aspects of Gods beingness Fractals of Source The holographic reality Who are you ?? My light wisdoms will be global I already am
Let’s be very clear creative collective
I am an independent creative consultant
I have no had no employer
I have never given any authority nor permissions
I am always have been fiercely independent and never done never partnered never given never authorized my work to be with any
My work is 100% about alignment
There is intellectual property rights that have always been mine and none have been privy nor authorized nor aligned
None ever have been given an ounce on my work - nor can even speak on - there is simply no alignment
Why I divorced
Why I moved
Why I survived
Why I will not be touched
Therefore - my work my content my skills gifts talents my interfacing - my genius is of no other and none can speak think offer what I do am and have any clue of the qualitative impact I am have
I am a vibrational healer conduit seer empath and teacher psychic - I am a collective seer multi dimensionally - for the highest and best of the collective
Source had given information to show all what truth is
Source is my compass and has told all about the personal intellectual property rights - due to that one it was downloaded - it only serves the one downloaded
As my ‘working directives - working with higher dimensional beings’
See my blog posting
I do not sway nor compromise from such
My employer is the heavens and systems of light
I have never given any level of permissions to any of my work content ideas videos illustrations or otherwise
There has been much exploitation of my work content ideas predictions while I sat homeless - none ever had permissions My offering is always greater good I will not ‘work ‘ for private cults sects groups or fix covens warping Corrupt gangs cults groups - all know The basic laws of human rights and criminal abuse - heed spiritual guidance alter course Truth redemption of your soul is All are accountable All are responsible Spiritual hitmen - are equal to criminal consequences- you don’t get a free ride Corrupt cults covens warlock’s witches - all are accountable - none get a free ride My heavenly protection and wisdom Is for me - not the corrupt and warped Do the inner work
Heal Truth is Perhaps healing be the priority now So be it All past will be blocked - 3yrs too late I will seek protection orders I will sue Abhorrent abuse and common sense is not rocket science- you will get what you give #projectStargate #calgarycult #globalCorruption #secretSocietyAbuses I am that I am Celeste None will carry what they simply are not the vibration of
So be it This is my word I am Celeste Copyright ©️ I know who I am Unique Divine Authentic Diverse Godly As each are
There has been much exploitation of my work content ideas predictions while I sat homeless - none ever had permissions My offering is always greater good I will not ‘work ‘ for private cults sects groups or fix covens warping Corrupt gangs cults groups - all know The basic laws of human rights and criminal abuse - heed spiritual guidance alter course Truth redemption of your soul is All are accountable All are responsible Spiritual hitmen - are equal to criminal consequences- you don’t get a free ride Corrupt cults covens warlock’s witches - all are accountable - none get a free ride My heavenly protection and wisdom Is for me - not the corrupt and warped Do the inner work
Heal Truth is Perhaps healing be the priority now So be it All past will be blocked - 3yrs too late I will seek protection orders I will sue Abhorrent abuse and common sense is not rocket science- you will get what you give #projectStargate #calgarycult #globalCorruption #secretSocietyAbuses I am that I am Celeste None will carry what they simply are not the vibration of
So be it This is my word I am Celeste Copyright ©️ I know who I am Unique Divine Authentic Diverse Godly As each are
SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding
~~~~ New Earth Star #5D
IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self
- -
SESSION details
~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer
There is only Unity
That is our destiny
I am Celeste
The galactic princess
Copyright ©️
Blessings and light
copyright ©
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