Monday, 3 March 2025

Elites and Corrupt Officials Will be Accountable for Cruel Abuses Losses, Destruction #5D

 Humanity Healing and Light Wisdoms are the Most Important Offering that is NEEDED

All of humanity is needing to truly jump into a new growing need for 'higher knowing, higher order of who we truly are and how we are aligned to eternal life, infinite life, and the divine essence of being Godly

There is nothing more important than this
We see how the leaders of the countries are not aligned and how their inner agendas are seen, felt, and known

When you can feel the intention of those before you - - we are awakening to what is truly vibrational and aligned with higher self, God, the heavens, and this is the only true guidance - - there is no earthly guidance that is higher than this and yet - we are not shown, told, offered, taught this anywhere -

There is an offering from the divine and the window is not open eternally - - - we are not sitting in this window forever

how important is your souls evolution --

All that is being shown now of those that derail, delay, manipulation and black magic relentless abuses - - - there is much we can learn about the core reasons, how, why, covert abuses, and those that turn to #MKultra type of abuses and #projectStargate and those that gather in underground groups, cults, covens, and re-route your devotion, work, content, pilfering ideas, energy, skills, gifts' and while you sit homeless - there are entire cities living off of your energy and content - -

When the investigations come out - - there is will be many surprises at who the top dogs are that have been directed hits and sabotaging black magic, destroying innocent lives with voodoo, root work, sex magic, and debauchery of the black web - they bid on life and how is any of what has occurred even an ounce ok?

There needs to be the 'blowing the lid off' of what has been going on for decades -- for money, false satanic clout - misguided, misinformation, and snuff videos, and the taking of life for ranking - - - makes no sense and all are misguided, all are being manipulated into criminal life -

~~ what has to be determined - - what how many, who, where is the intentional 'mental mind-scraping' of such to enforce the innocent to be demonic weapons of manipulation, disease, and dark occult crimes??

~~ there is organization of this and what who how high and how will we move forth in healing, higher education, and those that are affected in every neighbourhood - energy is energy and all are affected - like living in a brain fog - that is what black magic is like - -sex magic root work, voodoo is even worse -- -- we have to better understand the dangers and destruction of these organized cults, covens' and corrupt masonic satanic messes -- -

THERE IS much misguidance, misinformation, disease, and horrible outcome -- - there are higher order and universal laws - - the inhumane abuses, enforcement of abuse, incest, polygamy, cult sacrificing and rituals of abuse sabotage, and defamation - None should ever be enforced into suicide, mental instability and poverty simply because you speak out on covert abuse and what is done beyond behind their false masks, and businesses and behind closed doors - -

~ power, domination, breaking another for power and money and clout -

~ not healing the inner child, and inner wounding; jealousy, envy, greedy, gluttonous, selfishness and so on - - if you have no sense of self - you will be privy to such people that glorify dark occult crimes and withholding, copying, mimicking by false prophets -- - there is nothing but illegal interference and abuses for those that 'get' what is going on, it is my job to call out such abuses of power and defamation of those that use Gods image and name and do nothing but abuse - - and I will call out abuses thefts, and fraud - -

Enforcement to insane and suicide - -they know what they are doing -- they sit and do death, glamour, poverty on you daily and sabotage in group, gangs any way they can -- #calgaryCult - none had an ounce to use my name, nor take, use, and think any will touch my life when sit in the black web selling life and abusing life -- all will receive and GOD done had enough - -God will show all - - 'there is a GOD'

There is much research, much investigations and following the money all the way to the top - top dogs will be known

You dont; get to abuse and Destroy the innocent - -- there were many taken out - - I will not stand down and I will live the life of my destiny - perhaps we can see know, understand there is much healing and higher understanding and living in higher light is needed -- - daily plotting on life for the power, money, take over, domination of life, work, content - - black web - - all will sit in equal deeds --

All have been seen - -shadow banning - -
all will be known - -speak out on secret societies abuses -
Follow the chat room IP addresses, platforms at 0 growth - -
I have been estranged for 8yrs
I have moved 5 yrs ago
I have only signed divorce
Speak out to authorities how who was paying for the hits, hate, and sabotage

I am that I Am

THANK you for the handful that donated over the years of such abuse
I am a genius and all will be seen - the manipulation, false documents, false signatures, and evidence tampering, all involved - 50+ will be sued, charged and making my life hell for their satanic 'hunger games' it was a joke and they enjoyed destroying me - masochistically abusing, exploiting, stealing, shadow-banning - there is monies and greed behind it and underground false clout -- there is organization and money to this -- #interpolInvestigations

All communication goes to my lawyer -

I have signed nothing but divorce -- -all is false, fake, fraud --
I dont use cashapp 
I am not ever fansonly. only fans - would never go on there - not my vibe
I am not on any social platform but youtube, twitter, blogger - -
I never give any permission to speak, use, take, copy my content and image, and the black web selling pyramids and those rituals gangs, groups setting me up to die, take my life and destroy me - - many elites and so called leaders - -all will be surprised who is behind the 'pushing for her death'

~ spirit did Channel - ~~~>

'they have been exploiting, using, watching you since you were a child;
'they have been taking money from elites to silence your work - re; Youtube and the blatant shown screen shots of the messing with my numbers, and chat room bullying, targeting of 20-30 signing on to attack and send magic and hate' -
'they will be sorry for their deeds and sit equally by the very hand of God'
'I want her gone, she's bad for business' - - there were 2 men in an office and they know who they are
'each will be known for their part in the destroying plots of your life and exploiting of you; many knew about your bloodline before you did and the government project 'watching' while you were left in 0 permission of any of such practice, stalking, spying, and then sabotaging'

'the birth information you have is fabricated to meet the agendas you were born in to' 
#projectStarGate #corruptUSGovernment and #area51inhumanetesting
'within 6mth all will be shown to the collective, names, deeds, and consequences of those that refused to make right and bring truth for their own souls redemption'

they have made a game - 'hunger games' out of certain targeting and souls lives - -most that are taken out - made to look suspicious and mysterious - all are intentional slow dagger and have been speaking out, calling out, and standing up for the human rights and bullying, intimidation, and relentless magic, thefts, re-routing of pure and divine light life and work, ideas, energy for the 'take over' of the Satanic corrupt #epstein minions for the elites

~ Spirit called such 'elite soul harvesting' much alike Diddy and what corrupt acts, rituals of those that abuse energy, and dark occult for false sense fo power, gain, money and black web 'stock' on who is who in the spiritual world and what how much, who can take them out -- -it is a sick sick horrible game -- and there are top elites on the game of it - -

Karma misses none - its all returning

I am the galactic princess

Go back 3 yrs to my videos - - these were all called out - - we have to get to the core reason, disconnection, misalignment, misinformation, and power that some want over others to the point of 'fighting, and obsessing over who gets to handle, abuse, take, stalk, and masochistically be a part of tormenting their victims'

it is vile and we have to get to the key core reasons people choose to torment and abuse and how what intentional mental mind-scraping is done for human weaponizing, demonizing, viruses for the agendas of 'domination' and 'breaking a soul until they commit suicide and loose their life or they become ill, or simply give up'

#slowDaggar -- these corrupt cults, covens, masonic groups that spend their days lives, interfering and bidding on life and who will abuse next - kitchen meetings and meet up, chat lines' and groups and sex orgie events to harvest, take and chant death to - - we need to do better and I am only here due to the hand of GOD

GOD will show all - - truth is and my life - -I did not deserve 50yrs of abuse, sabotage, lies, deceit, 0 accountability but the most horrible evil people that claim to be professional, authority and leaders --

None will be missed and I was used as bait for such - I am the only one that could have seen, inter-faced with such global perspectives, understanding of energy and how it is abused, the psychosis of those intentionally manipulated and demonized into abuse killing, and such

underground crime rings - -and there has to be more aid support, protection -- - the community and cities and those involved all turn a blind eye - - al are getting paid, are part of it, or simply because it is 'dark occult' cannot be proven - - when it is global - there are much evidence, and the outcome of constant relentless debasing, abuse, sabotage, stalking, and how they operate -- there is and all must speak out about it - -

Go to your local authorities and bring what you know - clear your conscience, and bring truth for your souls redemption and thus -- the healing will begin - -
we need higher light wisdoms -
we need laws, protection, aid for those being abused daily -- I show it and where

is my protection in the human form and where is my aid - -

Do a thorough investigation on monies going in and out of the head cult ring leaders - -$10k daily going in and out in smaller deposits and where are the receipts - -wher are monies coming from and going to when they perjure and lie on divorce documents and I sit homeless - - while they are on expensive vacations, homes, boats, and living large???

Their resumes are not where who they say they are - - did any #calgaryPolice verify any of this?
Look at linked IN - -resumes for those in the cults - they photoshop and lie on everything - did any investigator verify

Did any investigator look into divorce settlement financials and where how their $100K bonuses went when they said 'family debt' but all debt was still maxed out?

there are holes in all aspects and the authorities dropped the ball on every level - - reports made and I was laughed at

So god will bring it all down - all will face - - -'when abuse occurs - will you call it,

will you help, will you give, will you make it right?' -- all souls are being tested -- you wil not get a free pass --

So be it
Systematic abuse is very real
Secret societies abusing every law and system
dark occult crimes
satanic underground crimes
RICO and selling names, energy, spiritual games on life

All communication must go through my lawyer- none are allowed to step towards me

I am Celeste -

this is my story and I will not sit down on unnecessary abuses, abhorrent abuses of power, and those that sit high, and in power, wealth and play hunger games with the innocence to enforce prostitution, harvesting and enslavement - -it is collective judgement time - -

Thank you for those that have donated --
my work
my ideas
my channeling ©,

I AM THAT I AM Celeste the audacity that any thinks they can utterly destroy my life on every level and think they will stand before me is utterly insane and these people got away with calling me insane- I worked at the Public Trustees office - I have written 3 books and 3 more on the way - while none verified my signature, while none verified anything of my life - nor gone to my lawyer - and what was done - the covert daily abuses - narcissistic

sociopathic warlocks and disgusting abusers -- is utterly criminal and I will sue every business, group, bank, city place of business - Criminal abuse is criminal abuse - none had an ounce of the countless crimes - done to my life abuse of power, and abuse of all laws - - uncountable - - Watch god bring down No DM that does magic to enforce control, sell energy, sell a DF name, or energy or spiritual gifts -- ridiculous - - and you are not knowing anything - -any DM that does such - -while claiming her ideas, business, signing and taking her business and life as your own - you are not divine - you are a doppleganger mimicking agent -- -you need to be healed and none none none will ever stand before me -- the heavens and severed all ties and no more timelines will ever ever be manifested - - you have not been of an ounce of integris - - thus then - you will never be a match - -

SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding ~~~~ New Earth Star #5D IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - ~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details ~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~> copyright © Celeste There is only Unity That is our destiny I am Celeste The galactic princess Copyright ©️

Blessings and light Celeste copyright ©

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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