Monday, 3 March 2025

THE SOULS RIGHT for all LIFE - Yes, even DF -- #5D NEW LAWS

 #5D Living and Only New Truths -- HIGHER ORDER


DF will never be OWNED or handled, nor told who she will be with - - -corruption and destroying an innocent healers life is criminal abuse and premeditated death schemes over years - All know what they chose, owe me, stole, and did to my life, my work, my energy and how was the distortions, sex magic, manipulations, and horrible acts of satanic acts -- all and any in dark occult, warping of energy, Truth, systems, and the sacred chakra systems, and energy fields - - all need to be assessed - there is definitely and will be proven of psychological disorders and mental degradation 

who in their 'right mind' basic understanding of human laws, thinks they can play all day long in corrupt cult, dark occult, masonic control, domination, and breaking any one for their ways, use, and harvesting, for sacrificing and gain and actually thinks this is a 'heavenly' thing and ranks you ???? and that DF has no say, no right, and no justification to get up after such decades of abuse?

And simply know - - all you do returns to you -- and that until all is balanced, truth and correct birth records #USGovernment, #projectStargate - monies, inheritances, papers and property in my name - - all returned -- decades of abuse - - all must be made right and any choosing not to - -will simply keep experiencing karma in whatever way - Spirit, your ancestors, and your deeds have been - - it will not cease until balance and my life is made right - --

All know what they did, stole, withheld, took, ruined, raped, and defamed, and falsified - - all know what they did - all will be 100% liable until all is made right - -
THE misguidance, the dark occult practices, go on in every city - and there are few that survived without going insane - for that is their enforcement - they do so much voodoo, warping of your life, mind, especially if you are in the same home, and pray to god you are not having sex with any - it is worse if you are and why thank God I was celibate for 14yrs - root work, voodoo, and the daily horrible abuses - are military like, obsessive and few few few survive - and I DID and I will not stand down until all are in the correct mental assessments, and jail for the new laws and new levels of awakening all must need to think an ounce of this is ok and that will benefit your soul - is money worth the hell you will experience?
Book a session and lets connect Healing is the only way ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨♾️🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 Ascension Sessions, Ascension Alignments Healing, Creative and Inspirations Styling and Vocational Alignment Sessions ***** 90min $250USD 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 DONATIONS ~~~~> ENERGY DOES NOT LIE -- Vibration is everything and practice will entrain a new version of you - -

GOD IS the essence of all life and magic is the purity of such that is quantum GOD truths -- it ain't no religion
© ************************************************************************************************************* UNDERSTAND Ascension, Understand Being MultiDimensional, Understand A Grander Version of YOU

When God said enough - -it means enough and those cemented in their 'no god' beliefs will be shown, experience what they need to in order to expand, ascend, heal, and reunify to higher realms or not - all choose - -
You will not be 'gifted' a free pass - - God is not religion - that is a human made thing - Source is omni quantum and all life -- who are you - -know thyself - 

ALL OF THE PAST - -- all are forgiven - I have healed 

- I will never ever seek you out, nor will you ever 50+ be allowed to ever touch my life in any way - all intentions, work, thefts, pocket watching, warped dark occult tactics will be returned and you will all sit where you sit due to ignorance and refusal to do right and make right and heal - - therefor----- all you sit in is your own doing - -

YOU WILL NOT TOUCH my spirit, soul or life and I will seek protection orders, and guards of whatever will be necessary to keep all away from me - -the message was simple - -
~~~ Truth
~~~ Make right
~~~ follow basic human, universal and spiritual laws - -NONE PLAY GOD

After the DF heals and barely survives the decades of abuse, hexes, curse, spells, and being used, harvested, sold into the underground and selling of the energy in the black occult black web - selling life, selling energy, selling any and all for money, false black web clout - and any thinking you will speak nor stand before me is utterly beyond reasoning and insane - you do not get to destroy, harvest, until death my life and think you are GOD over my life, skills, work, soul and think you have a step of right to ever even think of me again - -all will be blocked - the heavens, the ancestors, and the legions will block, and sabotage you all equally that has been done to me for 50+ yrs - until all make it right and heal -- 

All communication must go through my lawyer - for obvious safety reasons - legal, criminal acts, returning of stolen work, ID, falsification of everything and utter abhorrent abuses - 

~ any of the 50+ involved will simply never not ever be allowed near me - abuse is abuse, and taking out innocent people is criminal illegal acts of abuse against sacred life - you either bring truth and make it right - there are those that owe me, know what they owe me and 1 is allowed to approach to return this reparations and they know who they are and will be in form of a contract and repayment of deeds done and losses had - -God has agreed of this - - 

~ all others will be sued, and charged, and will not speak to, will not deal, will not make easy, will not fix your corrupt life not heal you, not give an ounce to you 
~~~ go to all my videos- my message was truth all along, pure healing wisdoms, guidance, and all were told daily posts, blogs, emails, and divorce proceedings, all were told daily to leave me alone, stop the covert abuses and thefts and none will be allowed to ever touch my life again - I DONT care how any 'feel' and now that the truth, lies, tactics are all being seen for who they are - there were many innocent lives lost - who cares about these voices and my life in suffering for decades - homeless for 5yrs - 

Is it not the way of karma - the lessons of your soul, karma - that until you know what you have done to another and it all coming back - that you sit and learn see, feel, heal what you need to - - why there is always higher order - heed not spirit and there will be your own tower - 

- - -- none gave me peace, none gave an ounce and my story has been public for 8yrs - none did a drop of basic human conscience of 'making right' therefore all must go through authorities and make your own souls records right -- I owe none - my karma is cleared, and I will never allow such to enter into my space - - 

DAMAGE was immense and in some cases irreversible - you will not get a pass through thinking you have an ounce to stand before me - see all #youtubeCorruption in criminal court

~ any person that works and lives in 'control, domination, fear' magic, voodoo and root work, mirror, glamour spells, and the infinite ways that people avoid healing, avoid being accountable and ruin the life of all around them to live off of others life, ideas, work, platforms and harvest energy - NOT DOING the work will bring you nothing but loss ~ warping, manipulating and sex magic, dark occult magic, voodoo, lies, defamation, whatever is done that is horrible acts of the innocent to get, take, rape, will do nothing for you but hell, and degrade your soul and spirit All of the past, cults covens, masonic warped groups of hate, sabotage, criminal acts and destroying the lives of the innocent and all will get, return and be living in the same blockage and destruction you intended for others - - cults, black magic and stupidity of controlling, handling, hidden games, hidden underground, hidden secret spells and group magic, and group whatever - -
#calgaryCult #controllingcults MindScraping - Mental manipulation - -all that live in such dark

mess - - you will simply never gain anything but illegal criminal acts and charges and jail 

What is so frustrating, and what is so delusionally obvious -- is that I have been offering the same messages of healing, what my story is - I speak to none - I have no circle and I have 0 contact with any of the past -- why would I - they are cult like abusers and thieves, lie and have 0 care of the damage, loss, suffering I go through daily and mess made of my life for their sick gain and lies told daily when none know me none have met me - - -investigate my IP address history and all my bank records - do your job investigators - -

-- and Calgary authorities and any involved, on all levels - made 0 contact and 0 verification of the financials in the divorce, and verification of IP addresses, obsessions on my life, thefts, while I sat homeless and all cult members lives in how many homes, none did any ounce of due diligence nor laws of safety on my life - while I have been calling all of these people out for 6yrs and many others were victims from these thieves and the scams they pull and live off of - - 

DF should not have to fight for her rights to peace, safety, and return of monies that not 1 person, none none none had an ounce to SPEAK on my life - and not any level of authority or bank, or business ever made a call or talked, validated, nor ever done 1 ounce of proper legal protocol -- #abuseofPOWER and illegal abuses of all criminal and human rights laws

WHY DO I HAVE TO FIGHT FOR MY RIGHTS and safety =- - all know what they did, over years, years, lying, stealing, re-routing my life, work, ideas, to the false fake corrupt warlocks and corrupt witches that have no clue of spirituality nor laws, nor higher order- they harvest and they abuse all laws and energy for their gain and what has to occur is global awareness, higher light wisdoms, and higher education, and studies, research and higher healing plans - - the 3D church and state are proving all - how misaligned are not working and the leaders care nothing for the abuses, they know and have been a part of directing abuses 

All secret societies need to go to the authorities -- -and state your truths and how, who has been directing years years years of theft, taking, harvesting, and destroying the life of the innocent - - these are true real crimes #sexmagic, #blackmagic #jezzelbels, #EpsteinCults, #systematicAbuses #corruptCults #corruptionCalgary Any that does acts, behaves - in the defamation - all that live and do in such, misguidance and misinformation and illegal enforcement illegal poverty, sabotage and systematic abuse for money, false clout, and false superficial gain - all will be charged and seen as you are - spiritual killers, lost souls, and no direction of no where land All of the past #calgaryCult #ERPerez all involved - - - know the decades of hexes, losses, homelessness, lies, photoshopping lies, false claims, false criminal claims, ID and false signatures - none of these people are in any way aligned with any but the devil and satanic living, satanic cults and rituals to take, force, harvest, suck, siphon and all are of such devil mess - - will be charged with premeditated murder and criminal sabotage, systematic abuses - these have been years of abuse, theft, fraud, and controlling horrible acts, false business, and the retuals they run in the basements of churches, and the false information, false guidance of GOD, source, the universe, debauchery and lies, spells, and sex magic - will ruin your life and black web will never ever return to any of the now and healed - when DF finally heal the decades of abuse and torment, psychological abuse, mental, spiritual abuse - - #ERPEREZ you do not ever get a choice - you will go to jail and be charged - you will never ever re0-anything to my life -- anything that is not in alignment of my messages on my videos and word - is utter blaspheme of corrupt wounded people refusing to heal and make right and not be accountable for thier crimes - they have falsified any and all for their sick selfish sex cult gain while I sat utterly destroyed - blocked, with nothing in poverty and isolated from my children 

~ slow daggar was their intent for years, years years - -they had kitchen meetings of their next scheme and 'I want her gone, she's bad for business' life plots were weekly - - 

Where are my fucking rights? ALL WILL BE CHARGED - - none deserve an ounce of my spirit, energy and GOD HAS SHOWN TOLD ALL and why do I have to keep banishing you all from my energy - you are all vampires and sick ass cult ass warped spiritual ass corrupt ass people horrible horrible evil vile people and years years of abuse on my life while I sat suffering - -you will never RETURN - duughhh Criminal abuse is criminal abuse - lies are lies and ruining my life and proof is proof - 50+ involved - All will be seen and known for who all are

-- ALL PAST WILL BE ETERNALLY BLOCKED -- damage was horrible, PTSD, trauma and loss, isolation from my children and 6yrs away from them I will never get back, all my work, platforms blocked and at 0 growth and defamation, and silencing of my work - -for years while these warlocks, masons corrupt witches and deeds live off of others energy, work, monies - how is an ounce of any of this legal? and I am only 1 of the few that survived and I should not have survived - 

The intent daily is bidding wars to see who what group can take me out -- 
#interpolInvestigations - where are my human rights - - -

There has been 0 justice on any level and not 1 person even has a clue of who I am, 0 clue of proper higher order of spiritual laws - how horribly abused the systems are and those within the systems and all getting paid to ensure none get or ever receive justice -- 

banished - -like I would ever allow any of the past - sacrificing and taking people out - touch my life - - My god -- the delusions are beyond - -hiding, secret mess ass lies and sacrificing - - taking out the innocent - is criminal abuse - hiding lying, controlling and dominating any - - you are all in need of assessment - all of the past will go to jail - - period - all will be sued, charged and all the lies and mess, spells and hexes, and losses of my life - - none gave an ounce and none cared of the peace, healing, monies that were due, legally and honoured to my life and my inheritance that all were trying to take, have, and claim as theirs -=- - #youtubeCorruption - why YouTube are

my links to my videos 3 times longer than any other video Why #youtubeCorruption are my videos views and numbers messed with on all uploads and I show and give screen shots of such and nothing is done? where are my human rights of freedom of expression and yet there are horrible snuff video images and clips you allow ??? its a joke - - NONE GET TO return -- all were told and I will seek protection order - #HUMANRIGHTS #humantesting I have been estranged for 8 yrs and no contact moved 5 yrs ago due to horrible ridiculous immature vile behaviour stalking, spying, and corrupt cult acts - -they are simply vile, evil criminals - nothing to do with spiritual alignment and they make thier business off of others energy and simply 0 alignment - none will get an ounce or penny from me - - GOD WILL BLOCK ALL #corruptCults Systematic abuses - #calgaryPolice - -when do I get justice - -all know what they have done - all know what they have stolen - all lie and do all they can to look after their own freedom of crimes and taking people out - - how is this legal? DO THE INVESTIGATIONS - criminal cults and covens, corrupt businesses, and corrupt church leaders - - ALL PAST WILL GO TO JAIL - you will not touch my life ever - you are not ever going to touch my energy timeline or soul - all are banished - BLOCKED BANISHED REBUKED ALL CALGARY - you will go to JAIL - I am not your redeemer -- grow up and go heal premeditated murder is a crime -

we are not never will be pals - - nothing but sick dark corrupt satanic thievery and lies, and mess s- -I will not clean up your mess -

any person - logically - in the universe of soul progression thinking you will ever be ranked by taking out innocent life and playing god over any - you are not intelligent, nor are you advanced, nor are you aligned in any level of higher knowing, laws, or being spiritual - there is utter corruption in the entirety of 'underground secret societies' and many many many will have to face what they chose, and directed, and imparted as very poor low vibrational human abuses of power and laws - and what the outcome is and how much of our collective has been misguided 

The abuses to DF and the innocent children from the cults, covens, and groups that abuse laws, abuse power, and abuse energy - -there must be NEW LAWS for the protection, support, aid for those that have sat in fighting for our voices daily -- we have rights and none have the right to enforce and force who is with who NO MAN ever thinks nor will ever OWN any DF -- perhaps all grow up and get healed - NO CULT GROUP, masonic will ever OWN or handle any life - - ALL need to grow up and get real on human rights, universal rights, and spiritual rights that have nothing to do with 5000 yr old religions that are not evolved and aligned in being multi-versal And so be it
ALL HUMANS HAVE RIGHTS VOICES and spiritual honour of our choices NEW HUMAN LAWS for protection against such horrible cult, masonic mess re-routing of inheritances and what is rightfully due - - none have an ounce to proclaim who any is - unlawfully and with 0- due diligence - only laid upon lies, photoshopped lies documents, and papers - these people ruin lives by utter lies and misguidance, misinformation, and have 0 rights to do say, or speak on when I live a hermit life and higher vibrational while these people live in the dark underground of selling life energy and dark sex cult deeds - #calgaryCorruption I AM THAT I AM Celeste the audacity that any thinks they can utterly destroy my life on every level and think they will stand before me is utterly insane and these people got away with calling me insane- I worked at the Public Trustees office - I have written 3 books and 3 more on the way - while none verified my signature, while none verified anything of my life - nor gone to my lawyer - and what was done - the covert daily abuses - narcissistic

sociopathic warlocks and disgusting abusers -- is utterly criminal and I will sue every business, group, bank, city place of business - Criminal abuse is criminal abuse - none had an ounce of the countless crimes - done to my life abuse of power, and abuse of all laws - - uncountable - - Watch god bring down No DM that does magic to enforce control, sell energy, sell a DF name, or energy or spiritual gifts -- ridiculous - - and you are not knowing anything - -any DM that does such - -while claiming her ideas, business, signing and taking her business and life as your own - you are not divine - you are a doppleganger mimicking agent -- -you need to be healed and none none none will ever stand before me -- the heavens and severed all ties and no more timelines will ever ever be manifested - - you have not been of an ounce of integris - - thus then - you will never be a match - -

SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding ~~~~ New Earth Star #5D IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - ~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details ~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~> copyright © Celeste There is only Unity That is our destiny I am Celeste The galactic princess Copyright ©️

Blessings and light Celeste copyright ©

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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