Conversations, and Union with Source, #5D Unveiling
I had an interesting conversation and healing with Source, the Father last night I was explaining how through my entire life, feeling not idle in any outer but in 'outsider' like when I express, explain, offer who I am, stories, imaginings, and even wisdoms, there is a plain blank-ness - - I cannot be any other than who I am and regardless of how much I try to bring such seeings, knowings, feelings, being-ness - - to a 'human-like' level - there is always that 'void' in which none get it, none will understand, and why the healer cannot be healed by any - -- none would have been able to go where I have been, and seen, what I am able to understand at a multi-dimensional level- -the way I can pierce into threads of information, vibration and then explain it, and then offer light, wisdoms, and no matter how I offer in layman's terms -- there is simply only the 'vibrational activations' of those listening and tuning in - -most are not activated until later, when healing, clearing is done - -I am always the few light years ahead and never fitting in on the intellectual levels that are not in layman's world of education, and living, and inspiring in 'social explorations'
Latest Ascension Video #5D
It does not matter how I offer what I offer -- I know and God amuses me with how much I trigger awakening, at deep soul levels that few and never again will any do, give, to those still asleep - - there is a soul qualitative that is immeasurable but to all others and outer
- - but to those living in fear and self hate -- it was simply what they cults, covens, and thieves of spirit 'slow daggar' you into in the conformed 'crazy category' so they can keep you suppressed, repressed, depressed, isolated and taken advantage of for money, energy, and trafficking --
- -until God has a say about it - being the divine plan and all - like these 2 D leaders have an ounce of say on the divine plan -- why I was brought back to life over 4 times of the abuses and tormenting done - - there is simply no way I should have survived and god will assure the top dogs will be placed globally in the criminal courts for inciting such hate and torment, and death plots to the divine daughter that is meant to awaken and lead the world beyond 3D and enforced trauma - -
- - there is a huge mis-step of who, what, how I am that I am and when I have survived what I did, what none would nor could - no 3D person, counsellor would could even ever 'get' what I feel, I know, I sense, I see, I feel
-- why it is so key to open my platforms and wisdoms - there are billions of star seeds and hybrids awakenings and to be higher dimensional, vibrational threads that are only done, offered through those that are not 'conformed, and 3D linear, superficial, basic forced 2D learning' and why it has been such a very lonely ride for me - -
~~ as a child, I was scorned to stop speaking with spirit, and those would get angry when I would predict phone calls, and know before the adults -
Why is the divine a thing most do not know - because what has been the understanding of God, Source, spirit essence is not taught - it is suppressed and church and state have been operating, benefiting from the false informations as 'all there is' and taking out any of the higher knowing being - -
Light is and no 3D anything will stop light - -chemtrails and stupidity is and will merely shift all lower vibrating people on their earth - #epstein earth - where they will all co-create the final and last of lower 3D human-earth and they will not get their opportunity to ascend into 5D eternal life - -
Your direction of your souls evolution must be earned and it cannot be when you are harmfully, and destructively interefering and horribly degrading precious life with 0 clue, 0 rights, and 0 conscience - -
I am a higher dimensional being - -how is this a crime? I see, know, feel - why can't I be me - -why can't I think and know what any doesn't - -- they are in fear of what they are unable to control - I did not die, and I did not sit down and I did not surrender to insanity enforcement and death rituals done every week on the hour and full moons - they are simply vile broken, closed, dark souls - -
they are evil and how is this what you want your human people to align with?
they are evil and how is this what you want your human people to align with?
this thinking and secret organized crime is everywhere - -and because so many are so wounded and greedy, disconnected - they think nothing of such vile behaviours - -corruption everywhere - how is this what you want your people aligning to ??
I get to be me -- abuse is not ok, and silencing, horribly treating another, to enforce disconnection to all reality for death, poverty, and suicide -- is simply inhumane and evil
-I was merely being me -- why what this a bad thing? I was taken advantage of and harvested from most of my life - skewing my view and perspective of DM and how what love is - when I spoke of a deeper love, of spirit that none were ever speaking to, nor engaging with and nor union with but in a church with much and many that have no clue about God - Source, love -- and it was all so backwards and so very disconnected and nothing to do with what I knew
-I was merely being me -- why what this a bad thing? I was taken advantage of and harvested from most of my life - skewing my view and perspective of DM and how what love is - when I spoke of a deeper love, of spirit that none were ever speaking to, nor engaging with and nor union with but in a church with much and many that have no clue about God - Source, love -- and it was all so backwards and so very disconnected and nothing to do with what I knew
-- yet I had to silence and as my parents said 'be seen and not heard' - - - well what kind of stupid train of thought and 'teaching is that?'
~~ I had to in many cases as most children do - 'turn off' through osctrasization and being removed from love and acceptance - of the gifts that are the divine talent and activate trigger others to be unique creative and more genuine
- - but to those living in fear and self hate -- it was simply what they cults, covens, and thieves of spirit 'slow daggar' you into in the conformed 'crazy category' so they can keep you suppressed, repressed, depressed, isolated and taken advantage of for money, energy, and trafficking --
So there is only one type of human - numb, dumb, and stupid and conformed to abuse, and exploitation, and trafficking? If you are not this - you are targeted and abused, and ganged, groups directed by elites and government to target you as crazy so they can keep you silent for not being your authentic version and stop activating others
- -until God has a say about it - being the divine plan and all - like these 2 D leaders have an ounce of say on the divine plan -- why I was brought back to life over 4 times of the abuses and tormenting done - - there is simply no way I should have survived and god will assure the top dogs will be placed globally in the criminal courts for inciting such hate and torment, and death plots to the divine daughter that is meant to awaken and lead the world beyond 3D and enforced trauma - -
I explained to Source, no matter what how, who I am in offering - - there is few that touch the depths and widths of even beyond what I am to offer - - that is a tip of the iceberg and I have had to live in 'pulled back' mode due to the lack of ability most are able to go, nor willing to go, - - - but God assures me I am the spark that moves universes and that there is nothing but profundity in what I offer vibrationally - - -
It has been a very lonely ride - -
Intelligence of multi-dimensionality -- the Godliness -- when you are injured of such profound horrible treatment to the sweetest purist of being - a rare 'unicorn' spirit God blesses me as - and I am so happy and proud and glad I am that I am = = however I still have to carry, transmute, and be the only one of such make up that most - - - will only get after I am gone, or after the healing, activations, and much time has passed and the student seeks within of such 'quantum Christic shifts'
It is key that I teach what happened and how much damage to my multi-dimensionality has been done in dark occult, systematic abuses of control, domination, and fear based wrongful teachings, because there are billions of humans awakening and will activate their celestial alien, cosmic DNA and what each can and grow, expand into - love and light love, and light wisdoms will grow into each and how much damage slows down your entirety and what takes many lives that are unnecessary - --
I have had to heal myself - none would believe what I have been through I have had to transmute gangs, groups, decades of hate, harvesting, swapping and projections at military levels, and attacking to my systems - - in a body sensing of being 'high functioning' and empathic, conduit, seer, Claire-audient, and Claire-knowing, there is nothing most will get when I offer purely who I am - - - The medical systems, the psychological teachings- healing systems, the 'political systems' and financial systems are all backwards -- there are few systems of the human space that is aligned to the heavens and naturally who we are universally - to someone like me - nothing makes sense - it is all dark, mean, ugly, hateful, and unnecessary and how I have to heal daily for the deeds I see, feel, and transmute on behalf of entire countries - - I know the impact I have on the multi-verse - - God is gifting me with legions, and councils that surround me to assure of not only my safety and protection energetically - no matter what is projected, imparted, and impaled onto my life, underground hate rituals and harvesting selling, taking, and whatever is 'tried' - - God has given me special beings, councils' and 'off grid' teachers, healers, and beings that can help me remain aligned to who I am truly rather than sink to what is here on earth -- - it has been so very challenging to be here - -it has been a sad journey for me -- so much abuse and pornography of the sacred - -and it is sad -- There are such dastardly things done to sacred life -- and I have had to deal with, carry, transmute, and then teach for all - -- it was not normal for me to placed in decades of abuse and never been done before of my make up and ranking - - why the Pleiadians had to adjust my heart chakra at 5yrs old - - The Father adores me - - I am so very lucky to have the relationship with the divine that I do - I simply think, wish, pray, and speak and the universe converges to me - - I am healed and loved here in this inner space -- I am to waken this in others - - the masses will remember of such journeys and when healings are allowed within - the density of what has been veiling you and how unique and how transcendent you are - will simply be the natural order of the day --
The Father gives me what I need - and what has been only of the divine - - will bring the souls meant to be in the same place - - for soul-recognition and soul reunion for such healing, co-creating, and becoming - - I have grown beyond feeling 'victim' of my uniqueness - and loving all aspects of me -- every human has experienced what I have to some degree and how all systems are doing nothing for who we have truly been, nor what how we are growing into more and growing beyond our systems and old 4000 yr old education - -that is all ready to be higher better Doing the Healing -- I cannot speak of such unless I am of such
Daily, hourly you are entrained to be lower vibrational and give your power, knowing, wisdoms, and creativity that is our saving grace - -the imagination, our higher self, our ideas, and creative state of being is everything to our healing and eternal life exploration -- yet no where in 3D is it exalted -- there is a plan for humanity and some of us have to be the breakers of eons of horrible curses, hexes, and abuses - - to speak, survive, and teach higher ways --
There are billions awakening and the systems are not holding us - -we are growing beyond
It is key that I teach what happened and how much damage to my multi-dimensionality has been done in dark occult, systematic abuses of control, domination, and fear based wrongful teachings, because there are billions of humans awakening and will activate their celestial alien, cosmic DNA and what each can and grow, expand into - love and light love, and light wisdoms will grow into each and how much damage slows down your entirety and what takes many lives that are unnecessary - --
I have had to heal myself - none would believe what I have been through I have had to transmute gangs, groups, decades of hate, harvesting, swapping and projections at military levels, and attacking to my systems - - in a body sensing of being 'high functioning' and empathic, conduit, seer, Claire-audient, and Claire-knowing, there is nothing most will get when I offer purely who I am - - - The medical systems, the psychological teachings- healing systems, the 'political systems' and financial systems are all backwards -- there are few systems of the human space that is aligned to the heavens and naturally who we are universally - to someone like me - nothing makes sense - it is all dark, mean, ugly, hateful, and unnecessary and how I have to heal daily for the deeds I see, feel, and transmute on behalf of entire countries - - I know the impact I have on the multi-verse - - God is gifting me with legions, and councils that surround me to assure of not only my safety and protection energetically - no matter what is projected, imparted, and impaled onto my life, underground hate rituals and harvesting selling, taking, and whatever is 'tried' - - God has given me special beings, councils' and 'off grid' teachers, healers, and beings that can help me remain aligned to who I am truly rather than sink to what is here on earth -- - it has been so very challenging to be here - -it has been a sad journey for me -- so much abuse and pornography of the sacred - -and it is sad -- There are such dastardly things done to sacred life -- and I have had to deal with, carry, transmute, and then teach for all - -- it was not normal for me to placed in decades of abuse and never been done before of my make up and ranking - - why the Pleiadians had to adjust my heart chakra at 5yrs old - - The Father adores me - - I am so very lucky to have the relationship with the divine that I do - I simply think, wish, pray, and speak and the universe converges to me - - I am healed and loved here in this inner space -- I am to waken this in others - - the masses will remember of such journeys and when healings are allowed within - the density of what has been veiling you and how unique and how transcendent you are - will simply be the natural order of the day --
The Father gives me what I need - and what has been only of the divine - - will bring the souls meant to be in the same place - - for soul-recognition and soul reunion for such healing, co-creating, and becoming - - I have grown beyond feeling 'victim' of my uniqueness - and loving all aspects of me -- every human has experienced what I have to some degree and how all systems are doing nothing for who we have truly been, nor what how we are growing into more and growing beyond our systems and old 4000 yr old education - -that is all ready to be higher better Doing the Healing -- I cannot speak of such unless I am of such
- - -I am exalted - - it had to come from me - - but until you reflect, observe, and take in how you have grown through decades of mistreatment, and misguidance, misunderstandings of your own profundity by those that have been 'ok' be less, numb, dumb to deeper soulful knowing being; there is only one way- light will bring this to each -- -and all will remember who they are - -
The only healing, and future educations we will ever go to is light wisdoms, and light sound energy healing - but someone has to break eons of 'misguidance and dense understandings' and I knew the challenge coming into this role - - there has never been a being like me in this role - and I know I am making the way for the most creative earth ever manifested - - it will be of unity, light, divine expanded multidimensionality
-- - it is a tough journey -- but why divine unique souls are needed - -the masses will awaken - - depth width, divine expansiveness is a gift -- never be 'normal' The Divine churning -- doing the work is immensely self loving -- - there is no greater liberation You become your greatest healer - - #Source is #God is #healingHumanity #ascension I am that I am Celeste the Galactic Princess copyright ©, The Alliance with Light copyright
- -there are innate infinite families of light, celestial and cosmic unraveling and in our truest self and when you are so sweet and pure at soul levels - you end up attracting many that take advantage of you and harming you
-- - it is a tough journey -- but why divine unique souls are needed - -the masses will awaken - - depth width, divine expansiveness is a gift -- never be 'normal' The Divine churning -- doing the work is immensely self loving -- - there is no greater liberation You become your greatest healer - - #Source is #God is #healingHumanity #ascension I am that I am Celeste the Galactic Princess copyright ©, The Alliance with Light copyright
~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~>
copyright © Celeste
There is only Unity
That is our destiny
I am Celeste
The galactic princess Copyright ©️
Blessings and light
copyright ©
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