Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Deeper Psychology Must Be Advanced into 5D ~ MindScraping & Sense of Self

 Human Healing Strides in our Sociological Development & Re-Learning of Who we are what we exist within

THE SENSE of Self -- Know thyself - -- - #psycheWounding #humanPsychology Channelled information on the core reason, habits, patterns, psychosis of healing human degradation of harsh, inhumane beliefs and practices, ~ $B underground black web - core attributes to such, how why, what are beliefs of such, the separation of self and the conscience, and moralistic aspect of self - church and state if were doing a great job in unifying, bringing peace, and higher knowing, healing and self love - would not have such a profound systems of abuses, organized cults, sects, and many will be surprised at who, what, elites, and organized beings that support many of the black web portals and businesses - it is related 

Those sitting in psychosis will return to the most viable 'protective powerful' version of itself - -that it can pull from to maintain its safety -- this is not a safe understanding - - most of our 3D medical and nor counselling have any clue if they are seeing someone or even in such communication with, nor the community in which many of these sick people go unnoticed because they have been entrained at an early age what to do, how to do anything to 'fit in' and be 'accepted' - - false sense of self - they are master liars and manipulators - 

Incorrect understanding, low vibrational understanding of God and practices to be honoured as love, and loving, and how can we transform what has been to higher loving, and soul honouring of who we truly are - the light will continue and bring daily examples of our needed expansiveness of the psyche and wounding and where a soul, person gets stuck within and especially even more dangerous. - are those in misogynistic sex cults, covens, and warped masonic sects that enforce disempowerment, and taking the power from others -- these are very dangerous ingredients and those at the top know it -- they are playing hunger games and care nothing for those they systematically abuse and mind-scrape - these are military tactics and agendas that have to be sought after the core placement, how, who, and what how are being such delivered into communities -- - - 

~ DM wounding - the degradation of the DF in our collective - -what church and state are needed beyond words and laws that are broken and abused on every level - as in my case - the laws are there - and 50+ involved paid 0 attention, care, moralistically aligned with and even took money to look the other way, support false narratives, and corruption within legal systems, banking, business and therefore - - corrupt secret societies, warlocks, masons - what is a legal and justice system for if all in it pay, allow, DM to run the world into horrible inhumane corruption and not 1 DF leader, healer, of higher wisdoms will ever have an ounce of justice ?? ~ Spirit channelled - many years in my first 'Adam Eve' Project video - of humanity and the healing needed - - what is our beliefs, and power giving to the 'father' in any social setting - ~ how and why it is so key to our development and households, church and state degradation of such sense of self at an early age - catholic belief systems and 'fitting it' with 0 creative diversity and staunch degrading rules, laws, that have nothing to do with higher consciousness, self love, self acceptance, and taking the sense of self expression, and becoming out of a person will have to be studied 

~ this has been mentioned on several videos of the Adam Eve Project and systems of beliefs that inhibit the true spirited, soul connection, why, how many such have suppressed, depressed, sexual expressions, go underground, warp and deny the soul of evolving in healthy, self accepting environments, and the B$ claims of abuses from the diocese that have been a trend in their 'foundations and make up' ~ there is much needed exploration of mind-scraping, of various fractions, sects, cults, covens, religions and how this degrades our natural innate homeostasis, psychology and ability to evolve into higher vibrational and essence of spirit of light, wisdoms, and higher knowing, being
~ 'The talented Mr Ripley' - - there is a psychological bender in this movie, in which the criminal deflects, and projects guilt onto the innocent person and begins to be the mental, covert, 'taking over virus' of the person they wish to be , and seen like or as -- there are many of such in such cult and sects that look to emulate what they are not  ~~~ spirit gave me many years ago when all of this cult abuse began - the little baby ducks imprint onto a being they wish to learn from emulate - but begin a very dark narrative of swapping, taking over of the life of another -

~~~- -loss of sense of self and why, how far they will be willing to go to clone like -
#epstein cloning and #epstein Agendas that were intended to corrupt the true prophets and replace with false, fake, AI like, corrupted, manipulation experts - the 'satanic take over' of those that pretend to be white collar business like and even church leaders - but are entrained, mind-scraped, and mimick the way they want you to see, believe but they are sociopathic NOW WHAT IS IMPORTANT that all top global investigators do and seek, and keep pushing for ....... #interpol, #cultInvestigations, #healingHumanity ~~~~> what is the core co-relation to such of such - there is a co-relation ~~~~> what who is the co-relation of such abuses and instigator of such cults, sects, - - there is a co-relation ~~~~> how what where in what way can we begin a new level of light wisdoms of reclaiming sovereignty and sense of self in healing - making anew and making a way to re-unify back with Source and healing eons of false, corrupted - giving power to and preying to deities for false power, false swapping life and false narratives, wrong information, and dark occult misguidance ???

We will be very surprised at the 'organized church and state' that have done much, paid much to make the actual seers, light workers, look evil and of the satan, by the systematic abuses, and targeting, slow daggar, and deconstruction of mental, emotional, spiritual, financial life of their victims, targets - -they know exactly the game they play - and as they enforce false stories, lies, narratives to bring even criminal false charges on the victims, while they destroy their life and bring death to the victims, ( if that makes sense ) but it will be very surprising the ones at the top, elites, and deep pockets that want to deflect, project blame on the true spiritual knowing and knowledge keepers, secret keepers of higher order and heavenly plans for all life........but -- the ones you think would never do such and play false narratives to the public and behind closed doors they are paying youtube to silence you and paying secret masonic cults to take you out -- - 'all will be very surprised to see who is at the top of the power game that designs and pays those lesser easier manipulated minds to do their dirty work for their benefit of game, power, monies, and energy' - - - they know what they are doing - -
#epstein criminal acts was only a touch of the iceberg of global organized mental, emotional, spiritual warfare and abuses that has been going on since 1950's - - If you have a profound sense of self - if you practice daily ascension unity within - and if you refuse to give your power, spirit, life force away - you will never fall victim to the false deflection, covert manipulations that these experts of warping energy, mental mind scraping do to force criminal acts and get away with it This is a profound problem and the systematics, systematic take downs, resources, and numbers paid to be abusive, bullies, and none seem to care of the destruction to their lineage and families, and bloodline, next incarnation that they simply will not see in doing, behaving, and living in such beliefs 

This is a global problem of how such underground has been created due to warped church and state and the psychosis that will continue as our light is being bathed daily and none are doing the healing needed to maintain a grounded, loving, profound and spirited sense of self outside of religion -- 

WE must understand ascension is real cosmic source light and as it bathes our multidimensional bodies, crystalline energy, activating unhealed soul fragments, and 0 connection to source, truth, higher truth, 0 light wisdoms teaching and healing of the soul fragments - more and more cases like this will appear -- 

Every spiral of ascension - any unhealed soul fragments will be compressed, more confusion, more chaos, more unhealed behaviour patterns and outbursts for the multidimensional body, vessel to find seek homeostasis - sometimes behaving in flight fight - -life of itself - -#criminaljusticeSystem needs to be all in higher learning and our healing pathways, our medical and psychology needs more work -- there is simply 0 understanding of the need and necessary immediate implementation needed

Every spiral of ascension we are bathed and the bodies, psyche is activated for healing - and if there is not healing, there is no udnerstanding of a higher truth and all are seeing, knowing, church and state does not show you how you heal, nor that you are healing soul fragments, these beings that are not placed in healing early enough - will enact from psychosis and imprint, neglect, deflect, any they see as an image of 'take over' that is their way to deflect from their own missing, and disengaged sense of self - 
~~ Soul fragment healing is vital and a higher wisdom is needed on this planet - and yet those that teach such - - are suppressed - -

This must be advanced to immediate study and higher light wisdoms for collective understanding, self making self design, beyond what has been - they have know exactly how to abuse, covertly and most miss it - the covert abuse and the many billions spent, wasted, and lives souls, health, altered daily - -  Our matter bodies can only do so much - if there is suppressed true wisdoms and higher truth - with the addition of corrupt evil cults that are paid to 'take you out' to divert the true seers, healers, truth tellers, leaders, and wisdoms

- and take over, with clone like viruses they have mentally, debaucherously taken out of their true soul, spirit - we have to see this co-relation and know there are deep pockets of organized systems that want you for their agendas of organized cult, masonic, misguidances and warping with dark occult ways --  

copyright ©, I am celeste - more work and study is needed follow the money

Book a session and lets connect Healing is the only way ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨♾️🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 Ascension Sessions, Ascension Alignments Healing, Creative and Inspirations Styling and Vocational Alignment Sessions ***** 90min $250USD 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 DONATIONS ~~~~> ENERGY DOES NOT LIE -- Vibration is everything and practice will entrain a new version of you - -

GOD IS the essence of all life and magic is the purity of such that is quantum GOD truths -- it ain't no religion © ************************************************************************************************************* UNDERSTAND Ascension, Understand Being MultiDimensional, Understand A Grander Version of YOU
#5D #ascension #healinghumanity
I know who I am and I get to be exactly who I am without daily fighting for my voice, without daily sabotage and corrupt illegal inhumane government organized abuses -- all will come down and every person involved that refuses to heal and get right - -will be touched by GOD itself - enough is enough - -

When God said enough - -it means enough and those cemented in their 'no god' beliefs will be shown, experience what they need to in order to expand, ascend, heal, and reunify to higher realms or not - all choose - -
You will not be 'gifted' a free pass - - God is not religion - that is a human made thing - Source is omni quantum and all life -- who are you - -know thyself - 

SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding ~~~~ New Earth Star #5D IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - ~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details ~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~> copyright © Celeste There is only Unity That is our destiny I am Celeste The galactic princess Copyright ©️

Blessings and light Celeste copyright ©

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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