Thursday 26 September 2024

Understand Multi-Dimensional Healing that WILL be Needed due to Damages done by Abuse, Dark Occult Abuse

 The longevity of pure talent is and will be alignment to your soul - - truly successful humans are aligned in their creative spirit and expression of IT

Who are you What is your pure passion of expression E's of Ascension and Soul development and Growth All souls has these universal rights in their 'being godly' * Exploration of the whole self - honour all-ness * Expression of the whole self - honour of universal laws - mastering of emotions, shadow, transmuting the darker with alchemy - all is energy never dies, only transmutes * Experience of the whole self as Godly - one must move through all crystal sides of the dodecahedron - this is your wholeness and potential - all is you - all facing you is you - what are your triggers of what is before you and how may you heal and transmute * Expansion and Evolution - - your soul, spirit, honouring of the Creation within you as you harmonize integrate - all is the souls desire and what matters for your soul - face the wounding of no expression, subjugation, control, discriminations of what you were told taught, shown - this is your souls honour Understand ascension 

Understanding and harmonizing the joy, play, love, unity of who you truly are as divine, sacred, and multiverses upon many realms and dimensions of your perspectives of Source in Source - holographic * higher consciousness means you must allow for higher harmonization with the higher self, the portal to all things unseen but that you are as all is unity with Source * higher consciousness requires that you entrain fun, joy of exploration into higher dimensional potentials with light and the infinite potential of light - crystalline light affects all matter and why our brains, our DNA and all that we are as matter will be affected and how will we traverse the realms of dimensional shifts? ~~~> is there proper higher intelligence and understanding of what ascension is and who we have always been, and how may we reconnect and build new intimate relationships with all that is CREATION showing Itself to us in all life - all life is source speaking, honouring, playing with us - all is moving Source, - can you alter and expand within new capacity and aptitude - of 'anything is possible?' Our brains, in light shifts, we will feel what has been called, and know when I say the 'symptomolgy of ascension is a multi-dimensional bio-physical experience - an Christic Metatronic light activation affects all that you are - from your fields, aura, tissues, cells, and from the DNA where the purity of your souls traversing of all potential from all realms and skies, of Godliness - your DNA is multi-dimensional and carries the secrets only to you and for you and how you transmute your shadow, honouring all of your journey's with Source, and integrate into the now of soul harmonization - - Our brains will shift in how the Cerebal Cortex operates and what how, information is wanted for the SOULs nourishment and why so many children 'turn off' in the 'dumbing down' of our old broken systems that are not offering the conceptual multidimensional offerings of what they are capable and knowing of their vastness - We must shift in what who we are and in this - expand into the higher knowing of expansion and creative joy We are a crystalline orb with infinite facets that has infinite potentials and with light, the 'Alliance with Light' (book v) and why this is so key to our cell renewal, brain expansive thought breakthroughs The multidimensional healers, Akashically trained healers, appointed by the heavens, and cosmic Systems of Light so that you can de-tangle the core wounding and toxic abuse these players return to when they choose to not heal and their 'psyche personality construct' that allows them to feel their safety and often it is by demonic, or obsessive abuse to break you - or bully intimidate you into submission - these are the soul fragments very dark and even worse in imbalance when there is unhealed demonic attachments - which is only healable with Source, the Alliance with Light and a multidimensional healer - copyright © 

These people that return to darker soul fragments - their sociopathy, of control, dominance - they will force projection of Stockholm Syndrome and many that belong to cult, domination of abusive trafficking homes and situations that some do not even know they live in a trafficking home - watch for the camera's and the ones going to their secret cult, group, meetings and what do they truly do - - - we have to see what occurs in the un-earthing of the 'underground' what will the leaders do to give monies and honour to how, what needs to be healed from the toxic corrupt broken leaders and what has been created in the 'separation and discrimination' of broken misogynistic systems and abusers in it - officials are involved in the abuse and destruction that goes on daily
EVERY HUMAN has **** human rights, Universal rights, Spiritual Rights that transcend earthly laws  How we would see - perceive is key on reality co-creation and why those that have abused mental manipulation, spell work, mental conjuring, projecting and forcing of darkness to control your direction of though, and veiling your chakras' and mental processing that some want you to remain in their box for many multidimensional reasons and the only ones that can assist in discerning such multi-dimensional trauma of a covert manipulative abuser that lives in their devil control, domination, projection, mental mindscraping, dark abusive games of deconstructing your sense of self, what you perceive, and what you know to be true - they want you to see, be in their box and reality for their will and their energy harvesting - * any level of breaking through in divine creative thought is a threat to them, because they sit in controlled small mental control - can be healed but simply narcism of sociopath - masochistic and sadistic - to see you in pain for them to know they have you submitting to be ok with abuse - - - 

* covert occult abuse is tormenting -
#secretSocietyAbuse #mentalMindScraping #MKulta 
Abuse and covert abuse on obsessive levels is so psychologically tormenting and requires practiced healers of higher vibrational offering -

* The underground cult like mental abusing and spiritual abuses, human testing, trafficking enslavement and discrimination - will require higher intelligence and the leaders need to have new perspectives of their role and their job going forth - Stand up for your story and who you are and what you have moved through while none were at your side Stand up for the life that God blesses in all moments
God, Source, your highest self, that spirited voice that carries you to safety and honour in new ways of being you - always gentle offering to a higher version of you and those that are on this journey with you for you - 

You are not meant to experience 24/7 - 365 days of karma tormented covertly by abusive groups, cults, and those refusing to heal and be accountable for their deeds and behaviour in their wounds - - you are never meant to be with any that disrespect and degrade you - - that attack you in the hidden shadows and sabotage the spirit of your soul - heed spirit 

Cycles of growth, integration, seeking, processing new codes, new potentials, self healing, self reflection, and self knowing, honouring who you have been. - without judgment and be anew - arise in new voice of your spirit and your 3E 's of ascension - - that is your birthright

Control over others is the lowest vibrations of deep soul wounding in that persons no sense of self and no safety in who they are 

Domination, forcing trafficking, enslavement and mental, emotional, spiritual manipulation and degrading of your spirited self when you have been the one chosen to be exactly this - 



* secret society control intimidation tactics and the subjugation they apply in their dark practices and beliefs - these are all very lower 3D domination, distorted DM and misogyny 
* covert dark occult abuse - the abuse of spiritual laws, and occult energy practices when most have no clue who they are and no higher self alignment - - then thus - who are they aligned with?
* the projections of DF being ok to be in poly, or gang, cult, 'being taken care of' to be a baby maker for secret society abhorrence and trafficking, selling of the exploitation of the innocent and harvesting of the innocent - there are many dark agendas and harvesting of the innocent for the elite grotesque programs of taking, raping, harvesting for their #Epstein degrading
~~~ be it organ harvesting, illegitimate births by non-coherent balanced women, women and people that are impaled daily with confusion magic, voodoo, root work to conform and fog, confuse, and bring them into non-action, memory taking, raping of their consciousness because we have not focussed on what consciousness is, what is light workers roles, and how to understand the dangers of what has been done by such secret society abuses and the spiritual hits that go on in schemes, plots, plans, every day 
* humanity is learning #1 Lesson - UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and every soul will be tested in moving and navigating in the most advantageous ways into 5D light and potential of being source - what is facing you daily - who are you and what are you aligning with, how much of your day to surrender to old energy, those that are abusers, and out of alignment and what is not serving the greater good -

* soul harvesting and in house, home, work, symptoms of energy abuse are and not a medical prediction but symptoms can be;
~~~~ dark circles around you eyes
~~~~ while your platforms and work is at 0 while the dark negative false people in your life advance and gain, make money and hide, lie about their finances
~~~~ abuse of inheritance, insurance, wills and estates - using children in such, and underground sacrificing - where is the money going and how, why when they literally do nothing
~~~~ bad dreams of being exposed, violated, raped, and force sexual experiences with those that constantly cross your boundaries and refuse to listen, respect you
~~~~ being in a brain fog, feeling lazy, feeling non creative, feeling suicidal and feeling tired
~~~~ accidents in the home, appliances, car, and bumping into things when you are watching where you are going - entities and energies that are sent to monitor, suffocate, and attack you, siphon, and even some practiced dark occultists, secret societies, and government shadow programs set up those that do root work, and attach entities to your chakras', home, and anything with light and ideas, creativity for their harvesting - and dream invasions, and taking, raping you and your energy and life light

* the higher self, your godly aspects of all realms higher than 5D - - your highest and best advice as God - would never ever ever guide you in OPPOSITION OF THE UNIVERSAL LAWS AND SPIRITUAL LAWS 
* abusing the akashic records, abusing birth charts, getting readings on those you have no permissions to - all is abuse of the higher spiritual laws - and your higher self, no higher self would guide you to this and why those cults, groups, that do 
- - - are abusing universal laws and will manifest negative karma and are not connected to their highest self and so ask yourself 'are you willing to go down with their ship?'

Especially those that do daily spell work when it affects your brain functioning, brain fog and repressing the spirit and creative genius that you are and have always been - unfortunately there are those that hate and sabotage your every move - heed when spirit says 'move' 

- -- it can save your life and know that ascension is the practice of self love and self practice in divine honour of all that you are - leave people where they are - - heed spirit - do you behave in self love, old patterns of less than, or are you seeking higher knowing, being, and self love in harmony and peace - you have your universal rights to bring new life light to planet new earth all are accountable and all are responsible  Blessings and light Joanna copyright ©

Raising consciousness Awakening Soulful expansion None will be ok staying silent on the absurd criminals ~~> abuse criminal abuse and covert abuse occult dark sabotage practices are all dark karmic negative and will be facing their deeds Criminal abuse is federal offences Paying to attack and take out Sabotaging life and work or projects All is criminal abuse and will be charged and in the court of law None have a right to reduce to the corrupt hateful bullies We Will not hold back secret society abuses emotional and financial subjugation and the spiritual hitmen warlocks witcHes that get ‘PAID’ to hurt slow daggar destroy peoples life None with divine alignment and choosing food for your future and families / none will keep the secrets of the devil Why they hide in underground abuse crime rings #calgarycult #calgarypolice Dark occult abuse is criminal abuse I was not meant to survive these daily schemes and attacks / dud to the selfish crimes and sabotaging criminal acts of who false community businesses and even family want nothing but to take rape steal I will call you out I have my Universal rights #ERPerez is not the master or driver of what who I am or to be You know the daily attacks you have done because if what you do is ‘good will and supportive’ ~~> life would be proof You know your hate on my life because I chose me ~ discrimination hate crimes You were told to get out of my energy Satanic group attacks Where did the money come From? Check Rev.Canada tax returns and the divorce financials ~~ how much lies and sabotage to seek life is enough The evidence will be seen Follow the money and get the receipts You do not write life for any - Holding secrets in cults groups of criminal activity is not ok and each will bare the karma they choose to not ‘do right’ and understand basic universal laws and the dangers of black magic and horrible manipulative behaviour ~~ all will face their deeds Speak up on secret society abuses These people will not bully And intimidate truth justice and divine order - they are wounded warped magicians and each will face their deeds karma and density That is universal law All have their right to be exactly who they are without daily sabotage Stand in peace and compassionate action for new ways that truly serve the all Control domination bullying stalking is not higher living ~~ release yourself from such group practices

Heal your wounds Spells voodoo is never necessary Violence is never necessary All is healable Heal thyself Self love 💕 Self care Self knowing Self honour Higher self alignment This is higher living Source is Ascension is Blessings and light Joanna Thank you for sharing our channel

God has spoken - simply none believed a DF as leader and prophet * all communication must go through My business My Work My Ideas My energy None had an ounce to do what was done Abuse and dearth attacks -

Abuse and murder plots All know the depths of abuse - it will be the worse case ever brought forth
#youtubeCorruption #calgarycult #calgarypolice secret society abuse I will sue all involved - businesses and city Blessings and light Joanna Thank you to the few that have been the only ones helping me rebuild Legal human rights Abuse of power Human testing

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 

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