Ascension is a sacred process
Divinely guided
Heavenly protected
None that do not do the inner work - can, nor will ever speak on ascension nor being a conduit and speaker of the divine -
My work is copyright of me through me to me - only - this was ordained by the heavens and Systems of light and so such will be seen, known, proven by such
From day 1 I have stated in my radio shows, and youtube - I was sent here by the Divine Mother to assist all humanity and evolution and the blessing of higher knowing, higher understanding, and blessing for cosmic unity and galactic becoming - we are more than we were ever taught and being in old ways, old teachings, dogmatic doctrine - there are those refusing to release control on humanity and of which however I present - matters not if I am polite and patient or sure and assertive
What you put out and it matters not who you think you are and what diety you give power to to protect you - the protection realms are not assisting any person on earth that works in devious harm and attack to the innocent life and from here on out it is 100% karma return and you will not be protected in any way -
The universal laws don't
care about your 3D wounded soul issues and lower beliefs and rules of wounding and how you behave within your reality - heal - grow up
The universal laws will not change for your badge and false 3D ranking - there is higher order now and none will be missed - none have an ounce on any other - all are being sent their judgment and all were told years ago - I merely speak it
The question is - why is it so hard for the world to receive DF in such light and divine knowing? What discrimination do you hold about what God is, Mother and Father life and all evolution moving its elegant way into our earth and timeline overdue - for what has been going on has been utterly illegal and corrupt of Gods sacred union of life and I simply survived what most would not and that is Gods plan and all will be known -
Taking out the light worker speaking truth and healing will never be a gain - it simply won't - all will recieve the wrath of the heavens they refuse to connect and build new heavenly relationship with and refuse to honour the ascension path that is daily unfolding -
Egregious government programs - chemtrails - government human testing, human experimenting - all will be called out and all will recieve equal karma and it is none doing anything to any - the ancestors and guides are no longer protecting you from your immature, bullying, abhorrent transaction within Gods worlds - and the bullying, attacking, #epstien sick toxic treatment is done and all were told 2 yrs ago
- nothing will stop our ascension and evolution to higher order and divine alignment - either heal and get on board - or move or be moved - all will be facing their deeds - none get a free pass into a new light timeline - you have to earn the consciousness of higher realms - all higher realms are higher consciousness - you cannot timeline jump to what you are not and have no idea of and about - there are infinite realms of God and you have to earn it - - bullying the innocent and trafficking to satanic hit groups is not it - you will face your deeds -
- there is a 'threat' to those - mostly male that have maintained power, control, and dominance on what and how humanity will move and they have known for some time that we will ascend and there are higher powers assisting all of humanity in loving and benevolent ways to expand, explore, and divinely aligned to the higher self of light body and harmony of heavenly sent potentials and some of us carry such codes and templates for and to inspire the all -
I did not deserve 1 ounce of the decades of sabotaging, stalking, spying, blocking and veiling erasing me of what and who has such right over the direction of Gods plan -
None have a right to tell me what and how I will be
God will support every word and offering of my own - these are the lessons and all will fall around you if you think and believe attacking, trafficking and raping the innocent is your gain - what and who are you and this is your story?
Call yourself officials and even carry your badge while you MKUltra the innocent and mindscrape warp them into suicide - for all the monies to then be rerouted to the dark occult satanic cult group hate minions for more elite harvesting agendas - this was the soul of #epstein that the so called leaders will absolutely face 100% of their deeds and no movement into heavenly order or protection of the heavens will they be offered ever -
Regardless of the decades of attacks - I have survived and the stories are the same - messages are the same - check all channellers as I have stated - I predict and channel what most follow and it is simply the interfacing I was offered by God and due to being a healed and balanced DF what and how humanity needs to face their beliefs and discriminations as similar as they had to with Jesus speaking of Source and the heavens outside of church and states - I return daily and continue to be me -
Decades of losses, suffering, isolation, and tormenting of my life - for those refusing to the heed spirit warnings - they still attack daily, refuse to return what they stole, and tormented my life as if it was a hunger game for thier demonic ego and wounding - where do these woundings sit in your soul -
What beliefs are challenged with for your own souls evolution ?
Do you know it matters not what you are physical in your taking, having, accumulating of heavenly ranking and order or what you think you are 33rd degree anything - abusing life of God sacredly offered and it will hit you karmically until you do the healing and do the inner work
If one has no connection within for they spend their day placating, abusing, attacking, copying, doppleganger others affairs and destiny swapping and lying to their own soul - not heeding their own higher self, not connecting wiht above - they will simply never ever ever speak on what I teach, offer not even in the same ball park -
There is only connection and interfacing with spirit and the multidimensional bodies, systems, and fields are all that is our metatronic systems in movement and loving motion with God and Source, and our soul fragments - and one that is blocked, to the point where they work only in dark occult, refuse to heed their higher self and attack, sacrifice and voodoo, root work and rip apart what is light - can never, will never be a healer, nor can hear the subtle messages of higher beings of leadership into new dimensions of growth and devotion and evolution -
There are dark practices - and such do not heed the higher self - the higher self would never ever ever in a million Evers tell or guide you to ever attack another in any way of magic, energy, conjuring, nor potions and voodoo or sticking a 1000 pins into a doll you conjure into another's name - for money, greed, envy, jealousy, selfishness and all is the insecurities and no sense of self and why you can discern those that play practice, are paid hitmen for the elite soul harvesters and takers of the innocent - in the infinite way these #epstein circles do to harvest and cloak their deeds and woundings - it will go no where until you heal it - you need to face your shadow and wounding and heal and you will never ever ever move forward until you GET THESE SELF LOVE message of unity within
There are light practices - self love, self care, and alignment, connection, and devotion to evolution, unity, oneness and divine human cosmic change - God has a plan for all and in the disconnection of the dark - you can learn and heal and bring unity but all have to choose and none can do your wounding healing for you - you have to want to heal and unify within and be in unity with God
Any person that greedily and selfishly take, block, sabotage, target to be less than, and force a divine being into delay - for not only 1 time, but for a decade - tormenting psychological abuse - spell casting daily, conjuring daily, and abuse daily - false stories and lies and false claims - easy target you all thought I was and god said 'stop and touch not my daughter' and you kept calling yourself dictators over my life and what I deserve and dont deserve and how I shall move and in what way -
Competition will be your demise - you are not getting the souls lessons and you will loose
Envy - jealousy
no sense of self
Misappropriation of funds and hacking private information, medical records, and attacking technology
Disconnection of yourself and and love
None can be any leader of source, love, spirit with a blocked heart Chakra
God speaks through all that is love - why the church and state will shift - - we are divine and align with universal laws
Not 3D laws and rule that are of the corrupt for the corrupt and utter disconnection of all that is source, Godly
We must arise -
- the lies you create to make you seem, pretend who you are not is your own self rejection - and what and how is the wounding showing you - what and how you need and obsess to relentlessly attack 1 DF mother and healer - that did nothing but give and offer to teach and heal - give again - - - -
The thing that bothers me most - none of these people care nothing for the damage, loss, suffering, and torment and pain they casted to me, and caused me over decades - - they only care and obsess how to keep attacking, how to keep me down and keep teaching me a lesson - and what core wound and how much hate you have in your heart to do such evil pain underground black web intentions for abuse targeting to the darkest of people and demons for someone that did nothing - but simply seek divorce and speaking truth -
I call out their crimes and underground death circle and demons they poison the innocent with - their greed is beyond what is 'normal'' and all need deep psychological assessment to think that obsessing the innocent to take them out in more than 500 various ways and ensure I stay down and until they deem the lesson has been learned - or until I bow to their satanic sacrificing trafficking ring - their hate is so deep and it is nothing 1 healer can do anything about -
They have been given the gates to heal and the teachings to do so
The #calgaryCult #ERPerez and selfishness of damaging soul relentless obsession to take me out - daily magic, daily sabotage and blocking so that I not be seen, known as I should have been out to the world decades ago - helping humanity to heal and grow into self love -
These people are not my family - they have done nothing and given nothing but abhorrent abuse beyond speaking about - they have no idea about my life nor who I am - they are vampires and leeches and only seek to take, pretend to be nice and pretend to be on the same page - as they claimed me sick, mental, and pretending to be me in my spiritual sense of self - while I did the inner work - they were ganging to attack and keep attacking until I was dead - they all had money riding on my death
Seek into the receipts of the monies traded on my death and how ugly that death would be
Spirit showed me on a visionary moment of their hate - 'they wanted and visioned me dying in their arms and wanted to take in the suffering for their demonic soul to live more in pride on in the taking of my soul and spirit'
They envisioned various ways to see me suffer in their arms and even have me in a cage to encourage daily attacks and tormenting me in clever devious ways - and this was family? friends? Tribe?
None have been in any way loving kind giving or anything that 'family' is nor friend is - they have done nothing by lie, warp, attack, dismantle, impale, scheme, falsify and torment the innocent and all for their selfish gain, and refusal to be accountable for their acts they have been doing stealing taking for over a decade - they have been crooks for decades -
they are not family -
all had years to make right and they chose to attack and use, abuse, my name, work, exploit, attack and hack with more illegal acts and those they paid in the systems to get away with their narrative and why they were all very sure - I would not survive - they attacked me and hacked me on every level - and these are the officials -
These are deeply unhealed demonic beings and they have become so detached in thier own soul, their own inner sense of no self - they are run by their demons and their tactics are nothing more than scheming to take out, set up, take out, steal, copy, steal ideas and copy, mimic and then sell to the #epstein doctors and scientists, false officials that were all involved to demonize, weaponize the gentle sweet human healer - sent for the purity of lifting humanity to new levels of becoming - and being -
There is no getting back the 6 yrs away from my children.
there is no getting back the decades of deep and tormenting MKultra and psycho-manic abusive mashed brain that any might think even partially of what was done - this is only partial of what was done and planned and schemed
- 50+ involved and many voodooist and spell casters, warlocks and witches all around the world to see which one and which ritual and conjuring will take me out - and it was only the tip of the iceberg of what was done - none had a right to think they were intiating me into their hell pit -
I never asked to be a part of your sick demonic club and I will never be a part of your group club of hate and #epstein torment
I will never give nor bow to lesser and what in hells name and heavens grace is any of even 1 act ok and legal and how it has gone on for decades and all knew, all watched, all got paid, all helped the papers go back and forth; legal, judge, bankers, police, and all knew and not 1 did the right thing - all are under judgment and none will move forward in any way - mind, body, spirit, abundance until the deeds are made right and the lessons of human spirit abuse is actually honoured of what the hell is this in any way a 'earthly way to be'
NONE of the past will return and think we are pals - it is vile and utterly horrible to think you can wipe this under the carpet and start again - all will be charged with criminal abuse and the arms length of offences under human rights laws and privacy laws, and all that has been done - you cannot even count and all they care about and plot daily is trying not to be found out for their dark demonic satanic deeds.
- - - while they deflect, blame, shame, and put false claims on any and all so they can deflect their dirty evil deeds for money - they plot 24/7 and God sees knows all and who sits around their dark basement gather rooms of hate - - - the ancestors and guides and legions that will back fire every step and every move on the innocent and all have been told -
You will be seen on your deeds
Is attacking the innocent and burning down life the answer to receiving abundance?
Criminal acts are criminal acts and then they have the audacity to blame further tormenting their victims, falsifying claims and then think they will come back for whatever God has blessing for you surviving their shit - and they actually think they can slither back and get whatever they can and call themselves family -
These are utterly psychopaths - and due to the dark practices, and voodoo - the impaling of hate daily for decades and black magic - their hate is so deep - the brain, the mental degradation will be seen in all of them - simply do the assessment -
what they will do for money = they have sacrificed their entire family and they do not care -
Premeditated murder and they obsess to attack, scheme some more because I call out abusers and users, and elite soul harvesters that do nothing but stela, take, and magic their way to force their narrative - there is NO connection with with spirit - they are not spiritualists - they are demonic thieves - and they will face their deeds, lies, lives they have taken, and losses they were at 100% the cause of - they must face their deeds
I have nothing to do with these people and never spoken to any of them but my ex
None have had an ounce of right on my life - they are envious and hating the fact I moved on in divorce and did what was right for me and in safety for me - I have never spoken to any of these people and they attack and fight to take swap, and taking any monies I have not even received yet - they have stolen from me for decades and as if the past thefts were not enough and leaving me homeless and suffering - was not enough - they will not stop until they take all of my life and all within it and make themselves me = they are driven by their sick psychopathic greed -
they will never be me
They will be who they are and they will face who they are
#ERPerez and all you have created - will be your story - until you get the healing and choose it and do the healing
Taking stealing, thinking you control, dominate and play devil controller over my life is a joke and what does that say about what needs to be healed about you and your hate group - none will believe the depths of sick torment you have done
My work will never be blessed to any other than me and all will be cursed and all were told -
The demonic will not have nor obtain, nor receive when they have stolen, taken, pretending when all they are is hate and fake false liars - black magic and voodoo warlocks to control outcome - they were ego driven and manic and how is this a DM ? Attacking their children's mother
- and what story will he tell - he will blame and shame the DF and the mother as if it was all her fault for every attack and every sacrifice - is that the way of the narcissistic God complex sociopath of warped distorted DM masonic domination over others and teaching others lessons about making all be who they want them to be and how dare a DF speak on the beyond toxic abuse -
None of the above could ever speak nor be the voice of Source and human heavenly ways -
They are elite soul harvesters and thieves - period
how is even an ounce of what has been ok?
Criminal abuse - how and why where is my justice?
I will never get my life - decades of human testing, human targeting, secret society abuse -
My platform at 0 for 8 yrs
Estranged from my ex for 8yrs no contact
I have signed nothing but divorce and where was the due diligence in any all of their scams - there were many - they are criminals - and there will be charges laid - none are my family and making it right will simply never be
None have an ounce of knowing what I survived -
ALL Communication goes through my lawyer -
*** All monies stolen, taken, plus damages, losses, suppressed sabotaged work, family, isolation, PTSD and suffering for 15yrs of deceit, lies, plotting, 40 sacrifices on my life and returning nothing not 1 penny while I sat hungry and homeless and none of the above are kings nor emperors - it is utter 100% crime, illegal and criminal abuse and torment
* **** I will sue all involved and at every level - there was not 1 person coming to me for validation and verification and due diligence - my work and my money is mine and never was legally any of the past - they were never my family - they play and pretend and then take your ideas money and pour it into hate groups and cults for the domination and power play over 1 DF healer - you must all be very proud -
That is your story - you did all this, wasted life, money, energy and schemes, plots, life of your own, jail time, and losses to all - all due to attack and take out the DF healer - that would not bow to your hate -
I WILL NOT rebuild nor give to nor allow in my space any of the past -
* 500 rituals on my life - you do not deserve to stand before me
* 40 sacrifices - you do not deserve to stand before me
* 8 yrs of attacks and not having anything to do with these people and none of these people have ever met me
* payback revenge, get back, and teaching me a lesson - - - as if you are the rulers of this earth while you torment and harvest, and cloak, drain the children, and trafficking whatever life you can - and this is your behind the door play time that all the so called officials don't want to be known -
God said 2 yrs ago - all any had to do was do right - - - and if you chose not to - - - all will be told, shown, and brought to light of every deed, name, and those choose to cross God and heeding Gods word and light on my life -
I will bring forth what God shows me - - - you are not worthy to be leaders nor community titles - you are not the leaders of the people and you do not protect any but your evil demonic ways - for your own selfish gain and God has said 2 yrs ago - ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH
You will not get revenge - you will not teach me a lesson - GOD is my lesson and teacher
You are not -
Exploiting me and selling me in your underground groups only says something about you not me
Truth is truth
I have never ever taken nude pictures of myself nor given to any nor would ever do so - ever
I know who I am
I would not be celibate and hermit for 15yrs and then take nudies of myself and give it to low vibrational pathological liars and thieves - you are all lying, photoshopping, paying who you can pay to get your sick ass false ass narrative for you to never face your deeds - - - --
I KNOW WHO I AM and that was the lesson - - know thyself -
Why revenge will not and always be your demise
You are not my family
You are not my friends
You are evil and wounded and all involved will be seen, known, and right where God wants all of you - to be seen as the leaders, officials, titled people that have done nothing but torment and take out the innocent for money - none know me an ounce -
You are not my family -
You are hateful spiteful wounded selfish people -
I owe none
You owe me my life you wasted -
All know what they stole - I will meet with none and all must go through my lawyer -
I will not meet with any
I will not pick up any calls
I will not respond to any emails
I will not allow pop ups and the legions will block, stop and bring karma to all that have my name in their mouth of the schemes, trapping, entrapment, plots, and ridiculous mess they have created to make me not be me - who the hell are these people that think they run the world - elite sol harvesters and this is the story they will live with and be known for and all had years - to make right and they did not
Spirit has said - 'they have been stealing from you for a very long time' and while they play all community officials
They are thieves - they have done nothing but take, pilfer, steal, exploit, sell, bid, trade, sacrifice and these people call themselves leaders - it is gross negligence and grostesque abuse
I did not deserve and ounce of your hate
All I did was give and speak truth - you have hurt many and it will be exposed -
Secret Society abuse
Covert Occult abuse
New laws - to protect and serve the innocent souls and higher vibrational teachings for all to reclaim their power every hour - is necessary immediately -
Thank you for all donations and help in my rebuild
copyright by Joanna
My work and stories content only ownership of me to me
Ascension Sessions Healing, Intuitive Readings
***** 90min $233USD
Abuse of power is not futuristic
HEAL! You will not be moved forward in any way in abuse!
All will be accountable
If anyone would love to donate in celebration of this incredible challenging barely
Survivable experience ~~~ I would be so grateful ~ my
New life finally begins
Live and learn
Officially alive again!
I reclaim my power light voice life
So be it
I am that I am
Thank you 🙏 God
Amen amen 🙏 amen
The reconnection in love and blessedness of your breath with all matter is your Godliness and your free will
What manifested is your own proof of the Source Creator
Your own health and otherwise
This is the blessing of movement of Source in all life of all life
And so be it
None will make money off of my unique and coded work - I am the maker and channel of my work and all will be blocked and so - honour the system of BEING spiritual -
Donations and return of all monies and property stolen and taken, withheld - There will not be any possibility of redo, or recycling - Source, God is moving me and there will no longer be access to use and abuse

May 17, 2024 copyright ©
New Earth Laws of New Health, Growth, Higher Order Alignments for expansion of all life
These are of sacred offering for the greater good on behalf of Systems of Light, Councils of Light, Galactic Federations
And so be it
Speak the voice of the innocent for the innocent
All futures
And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -
or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships
#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity
Abuse of the Divine feminine
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness -
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend -
None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice.
God is
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