WHY DOING the work is the treasure to your gifts, blessings, and new reality - #5DThose aligned, and anchored in the Spirit, Source, God, within = you never look outside and you stand purely in your story and light and higher knowing of your own traversing of all energy and all realms You need never to prove anything to any You need never to show any one person the way that simply wants to stay stuck and small and conformed in their lesser beliefs - allow them - all have their unique path - Ascension is the integration, processing of soul fragments, karma, and experiences at a soul level
Every Soul has a unique blueprint with themes, density, and illusions each has to transcend - none can do the work for another - ever - it is impossible - some that manipulate and play trickster and warlock, that they abuse all spiritual laws, human laws and cloak, harvest, siphon, and swap destiny's or soul path work all they can to not be accountable for their deeds only those that do not understand consciousness - information, and vibration - and those that do not and cannot hold your vibration because you have earned your space of vibration - none at a lower vibration can hold what you have only experienced - - - none can hop into a higher dimension and none in the 'satanic, sacrificing, swapping, harvesting skills' none can hold what they are not a vibration of - they are dense, charka's blocked, and closed, and veiled in darkness of taking, faking, copying, and mimicking - - they cannot hold a higher 5D life when they refuse to face who they are -
Consciousness is the inner work and harmonization with Source - If you are practicing low vibrational mess - abusing all spiritual laws and abuses of all human rights laws - they are simply ..... a.) not aligned with the higher self b.) not able to take on divine sacred gifts that you have not prepared for psychically, nor vibrationally can ever even be considered for any sameness of gifts that a 5D healed transmuted being that has been trained over eons of spiritual lifetimes and practice how to handle such monumental gifts - - you have to be prepared for the interfacing - many would go into psychosis of mental breakdown -
Ascension TRUTHS must guide you - higher moral codes for all humans - all systems ....truth is - all will be asked to level up to these new creational social realms of ethics and morals of higher codes of unity consciousness This is the souls growth - who are you now - in higher self love, higher self empowerment and divine knowing and when you are healed - you make higher value choices that are directly related to the knowing of greater good and higher service in alignment of the sacred trinity not outer lower systems of broken mess by broken people and low 3D consciousness Why ascension path work is key and vital - to be, see, know, emulate a new version of you based on your new mastery of your multi-dimensionality and if you are not doing the path work to bring in ALIGNMENT and harmonize a new reality - this is how you manifest new DIMENSION - - > Information & Vibration and how to build a Relationship & Connection with all life - when you 'get this' part of you, Godly attribute - you can manifest new health, new reality, and new levels of soul becoming -
All is basic and very simple - we are simply breaking all that has been in old lower subjugation beliefs and break it all out - and bring anew - - you are all powerful ways to enrich and amplify new life and new heart and new potentials You are only responsible for you and none have any right to projection and 'make you responsible' for their life and poor choices - many empath, narcissistic mess dynamic that most healers experiences - they are patterns of eons of deep trading co-dependency and people pleasing, giving to others before yourself and outer focus that must change to inner
* you are only resposible for you and your path of souls 3E 's = 4th E = Evolution and Expansion * set clear and firm boundaries and rules of engagement of the new version of you - ~~ ie; no dumping burdens, no projecting, set safety seals at night and cleanse regularly, set clear boundaries and return all work, energy back to who and where it is projecting - never take on fixing things for those that were told, shown, and given 1000's of opportunities to transcend and do right - healers are not to take on the lessons of any even if it is a person, partner or child - all must grow * show all the way - self design and sovereignty and knowing of self connection with Source, God and who, what is possible when you do the ascension path work and why knowing all have unique blueprints, pacing, temperament NONE Can DO your wounding healing, transcending - - - return all the trickery mess that many are so very practiced at - - narcisstic sociopaths, psychopaths, are deeply wounded and are experts at the soul swapping, soul degrading, and spiritual toxic mess that is all unfolding now - Self empowerment is the only way to move through all such toxic 3D mess of soul harvesting, soul swapping, incest, raping, energy raping, trafficking, underground secret society abuse - that is lineage deep from those that refuse to heed the higher practices of occult wisdoms and teachings in LIGHT and not forcing, toxic, dark manipulations - Sacrificing will be equally legally same as murder - and is a dark occult practice utterly misinformed and at a low 3D dense, hidden practice by those again not aligned with their higher self, God self and do not understand the depths of karma and damage done to doing such and breaking such dark occult curses, hexes and horrible 'traditions' that do nothing but pave a path to hell Dark occult practices Secret Society abuses - all are paths of negative karma and every new level of ascension requires every person, especially practitioners to heed higher moral order and ethics - to all that governs the Universal laws - not 3D lower practice misguided, misinformed dark practices and cults, groups, societies that are again being spiritually misled and misinformed by lower misaligned wounded ring leaders - they do not know - they live in power over others - a lot of wounding that all must look at and all will face their deeds So be it these are ascension truths - Blessings and light Joanna Book your ascension sessions, healing sessions, activations, and styling sessions #5D alignment and self loving practices - or a #5D Vocational Alignment Sessions ****** 90min $233USD ****** 4X 45min $533USD Love and light my work is my work and channelled wisdoms - none have any right to use, copy, and call their own Please seek legal authority and permission as all copyright laws are applicable on my channel, books, illustrations and content - © copyright
Abuse and murder plots All know the depths of abuse - it will be the worse case ever brought forth #youtubeCorruption #calgarycult #calgarypolice secret society abuse I will sue all involved - businesses and city Blessings and light Joanna Thank you to the few that have been the only ones helping me rebuild Legal human rights Abuse of power Human testing
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5D - #ascension #enlightenment
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