Allowing for Change to flow a NEW YOU!
Grounding and centering are so very important to the process of evolution for our multi-dimensional bodies, and in this, we can open to the Divine Feminine energies of flow and receptivity. In all moments we are being offered new beginnings, new timelines, and new experiences and however challenging it may appear to what our eyes and perspectives may see unfold, we are able to re-create through our energetic grounding, and centering that assists us in immediate soulful re-calibration.
Ascension requires that we allow ourselves to shift in ALL that we are to maintain and sustain our evolving wholeness; I have been increasingly aware of the affects of tech time, energies within it, and re-centering, and balance, foods, and what is more and more a way for us to tune in and truly pay attention to what is not serving and adjust. Ascension will allow us to ever more be present, if we so choose, to how utterly connected we are to the ALL; our planetary grids, moon, sun, cycles of seasons and ascension celestial alignments, energetic gateways and so on; along with our collective cycles of healing, we are immersed within cycles of growth and potential. The more attuned and awake we are, the more responsible and conscious we are to make higher aligned choices that serve not only ourselves but the greater good.
This past full moon for me, was very deep and profound, in releasing many timelines of density and weight and requires for me to be ever-more present in these moon cycles to self-care and honouring the healing nurturing process as I am carrying greater light, this greater light needs and requires me to be of its highest care-taker. I am becoming more attuned to the natural flow of 'giving and receiving' to ensure that my choices and direction of energy are within this alchemic constancy to maintain balance, to sustain my inner wellness and portal of Source that I am becoming. Thus, requiring that I release and really simplify what I truly 'need vs what I think I want.' Letting go of hours of Youtube video's, or social networking, and less TV, albeit only watching a few programs due to the energy level of most; and simply residing to nature meditations, and silence.
When profound energetic cycles move through our existence, it is to help us cleanse, clear, and rebirth, the cycle of evolution within that our soul, our DNA, our chemistry is under our complete control to lovingly nurture into anew; if we are aware, and thus then, how may we tune into the triggers, the inner promptings that are showing us what is no longer working and how may we put it on the table and sort it out; within a collective self, the family, friends, and so on, so that all are offered the equal opportunity to share in the evolutionary changes and growth potential. This is when you will clearly allow for vibrational matches to appear and be stretched, be lovingly nurtured into a new empowerment of connection, Oneness and unity. Also be prepared to simply know when your heart calls you to walk away and begin anew; for there are infinite potentials that every soul will be called upon to stretch and grow and why Divine sovereignty is so very key to collective and personal evolution.
When profound energetic cycles move through our existence, it is to help us cleanse, clear, and rebirth, the cycle of evolution within that our soul, our DNA, our chemistry is under our complete control to lovingly nurture into anew; if we are aware, and thus then, how may we tune into the triggers, the inner promptings that are showing us what is no longer working and how may we put it on the table and sort it out; within a collective self, the family, friends, and so on, so that all are offered the equal opportunity to share in the evolutionary changes and growth potential. This is when you will clearly allow for vibrational matches to appear and be stretched, be lovingly nurtured into a new empowerment of connection, Oneness and unity. Also be prepared to simply know when your heart calls you to walk away and begin anew; for there are infinite potentials that every soul will be called upon to stretch and grow and why Divine sovereignty is so very key to collective and personal evolution.
Personal choices and refinements, re-alignments are all a part of our evolution as spirit in human form; for our bodies, our wellness, our whole balance is being shifted so that we pay greater attention to; all that we are, all that we exist within, and what exists within us, so that we are not overwhelmed and overcome by the intensity of energies in our releasing and making sense of what is being brought forth for illumination and forgiveness. This is fascinating and exhilarating time for humanity moving through awakening, the awakening to who we truly are, for it allows us to taste for the first time in eons, our own innate sovereignty and how to work within this to carve a path that is uniquely and distinctly our own. How we choose to heal, to care for ourselves, to direct our energy, to create and co-create and to imagine like the Heavens within, we can now begin a Heaven without manifestation.
The joy to live freely with love and happiness and not succumb to traditions that no longer suit our expansiveness and desire for libration and freedom to express, to explore, and experience ourselves as a new flowing God of earth. We say God in such a delicate and beautiful way, in the way that the masters had come to offer upon so many lifetimes, that we are the essence and joy of, the brilliance of, the natural being ness of simplicity and expansiveness as One; and how may this flow of our innate being, come forth and receive, ground and anchor for a new you to quite magically bloom and blossom?
Sovereignty has been something we have offered and written about on many occasions and now I am experiencing this in a more innate manner; as I sense myself stepping out beyond tradition, beyond what societal norms, and definitions of who I am, what I am titled to endure, or to function as, or produce, or serve in any one circle, I am choosing to 'let go' and be the flow of the Divine feminine and Source within, so that in this, I allow my allness to simply be and in this there is perfection, there is self and soulful fulfillment and driven entirely by the inner love, the inner joy and happiness allowed to flow through the ALL that we each are; and thus newly becoming in every new moment. Love is the greatest inspiritor, the imagination through the ALL, the empowerment that we each seek and how this transforms all that we have managed to take on.
Sovereignty is that which ones soul, ones inner calling can be served and explored in its fullest with direct honour of the whole-self, the ALLNESS and not be held back by the culture, the patterns, the habits, the definitions, or fears of limitations that others may have about what this change may mean for them, and trust in the growth and spiritual blessings that such change has within the ALL. Living fully and freely from within your heart centre, your center to BE that which is without. Moment for moment we are re-aligning and learning how to be our higher selves that are Divine evolutionary vessels of infinite potential, and this will require a new program of 'being' for each person. How we feed, nourish, heal, experience, and explore will all vary and change as we call in and transmute, harmonize new codes and light; and this has been so very clear to me over the past year. The light body is a living mechanism that is intelligent and Divinely coded, and can expand infinitely if you so desire; how we maintain and sustain this will be our evolutionary transformation at a collective and societal level; re-writing much of our understanding about the human experience.
In full alignment with Source, with creativity, with soulful expression, and our planetary and Omni-present potentials always being offered is how worlds are made. So how may you allow the flow of who you truly are to come forth and play, and allow, receive, and ignite a new day, a new reality through your special vessel that is aching and calling for your attention and care?
New templates of light, love and higher vibrational potentials that many of us are here to ignite and bring forth, and this will require that we step away from what was and create a new way of every-day life; communion with nature, wisdom from nature, communion with the ocean and cetaceans, and wildlife, and grids, and others of this like vibrational excitement and will require that we heal and soothe the battered eccentric within to be 'ok' with living as 'the one that stands out.'
Sovereignty is that which ones soul, ones inner calling can be served and explored in its fullest with direct honour of the whole-self, the ALLNESS and not be held back by the culture, the patterns, the habits, the definitions, or fears of limitations that others may have about what this change may mean for them, and trust in the growth and spiritual blessings that such change has within the ALL. Living fully and freely from within your heart centre, your center to BE that which is without. Moment for moment we are re-aligning and learning how to be our higher selves that are Divine evolutionary vessels of infinite potential, and this will require a new program of 'being' for each person. How we feed, nourish, heal, experience, and explore will all vary and change as we call in and transmute, harmonize new codes and light; and this has been so very clear to me over the past year. The light body is a living mechanism that is intelligent and Divinely coded, and can expand infinitely if you so desire; how we maintain and sustain this will be our evolutionary transformation at a collective and societal level; re-writing much of our understanding about the human experience.
In full alignment with Source, with creativity, with soulful expression, and our planetary and Omni-present potentials always being offered is how worlds are made. So how may you allow the flow of who you truly are to come forth and play, and allow, receive, and ignite a new day, a new reality through your special vessel that is aching and calling for your attention and care?
New templates of light, love and higher vibrational potentials that many of us are here to ignite and bring forth, and this will require that we step away from what was and create a new way of every-day life; communion with nature, wisdom from nature, communion with the ocean and cetaceans, and wildlife, and grids, and others of this like vibrational excitement and will require that we heal and soothe the battered eccentric within to be 'ok' with living as 'the one that stands out.'
When you act upon your own grounding, centering, and inner knowing, you can feel the alchemy of self-empowerment, and self-clarity, and is the vibrational example for others to know that we are each here to explore, express, and experience ourselves in our most expansive ways that we are guided to, and aligned to, and how may we do so with creation, and conscious care to 'working the energy' and opening up new heightened dialogue, family interactions and new perspectives about our world moving into a new realm of higher vibrational play and interactivity? We are feeling, sensing, and becoming the fluidic movement of loving song that is Source at play; and will only serve us if we let go just enough to surrender into the blessings and joy that await in doing so. Release the resistance to what you thought, what you were taught, what you were told, for you are sovereign and you are a powerful being of dynamic light, living light, and powerful innate wisdoms to move forth in a new way. Be patient with yourself and all others, for we are moving through energies never felt and experienced before and some may have challenges identifying the flow, the transformation and / or intentions of a new reality let alone heal within it; we are here to help each other love more, be more joyful, and honour the paths of the ALL that is Source.
Grounding allows us to open the pillar of light, call in the highest light, codes and wisdoms, and then anchoring it to earth; the flow of light, love, and language that is needed, for our whole-self; cells, light and consciousness that is ever-evolving cannot exist within same old ways of what we have always done;
Allow for greater time in silence, in reflection, in honour and presence with YOU. With the magnitude that you are as love, as the elements of the Divine Mother Earth, and in doing so, you will flow within the experience of sovereignty as love. Gaia, the oceans, nature, wildlife are vibrational stories living through us, and allow us to tap into our wholeness, our Oneness, and vibrations of all timelines coming to a new NOW for us to harmonize, alchemize in loving joy and new co-creations, and why we will naturally feel these transitions from 'doing' to 'being' far more satisfying and enhancing our efficiency than previously believed. Tap into forest bathing, higher light consciousness foods, and movement, quiet and solitude time, centering within, and sense into the shifts, the awakening, the healing that occurs in these benevolent portals of recalibration and re-alignment. These and other grounding activities will be so very key to the flowing within new evolutionary templates and codes as we move along in our new earth co-creation and ongoing ascension energies.
Honour our children also moving through their ascension; be gentle and honouring their emotional needs to release, to let go of negative energies, and being active outside with fun play time, helps the cells, and transmuting of density. Allow the children to explore their own innate remembrance of healing with Gaia, and wisdoms with Gaia, for you may be surprised at how much they come forth with, and how this transforms the ideals and notions that we knew more than they do; they come as masters and they have much to teach and show and remind us of; so how may we honour their path, their process and their innate need to also release, to express, and to heal in the ascension process and how may we even more powerfully, trust their being ness as masters? I was also reminded by Mother Mary, that our children are affected and healed, soothed by our fields, and the light work that we do, they are triggered to be activated to higher light, and thus, their clearing, their releases are also interconnected and inter-related and so too will that be of the soul mate communions. Thus our collective Oneness is also fed and nourished in this way.
Children have great capacity for higher consciousness play; imagining, breath work, and grounding, through visualization, and is key for their mental and over-all health; they have taken on a lot of fear in our recent collective experiences, and although we are moving through healing of this, there can be repressed fear and anxiety that is required to be lovingly released; communication, joyful play, and honouring how they feel will allow them greater sovereignty and empowerment to know that they are also on this ride and they are the masters of Divine higher light, to tune in, acknowledgement of what they are experiencing and feeling, and to know that simple ways of expression and honouring can make a world of difference in mental and emotional wellbeing.

You are Divine and Heavenly living light dear ones; a constantly moving song of elegance, benevolence and purity of love that is infinite in ITS power and joy to live anew, to create anew, to bring forth the blessings anew, and how may we be the living light, the movement of joy, the movement of higher knowing that we are safe, we are held in love, and we are the song of the Heavens coming to life to seed new gardens of love and elevated human-omni-present experience? You are this colourful. You are this beautiful. You are this loving and dynamic and we wish you the blessing of the Heavens to you as you flow into a new version of loving symphonic joy.
And so it is,

You are Divine and Heavenly living light dear ones; a constantly moving song of elegance, benevolence and purity of love that is infinite in ITS power and joy to live anew, to create anew, to bring forth the blessings anew, and how may we be the living light, the movement of joy, the movement of higher knowing that we are safe, we are held in love, and we are the song of the Heavens coming to life to seed new gardens of love and elevated human-omni-present experience? You are this colourful. You are this beautiful. You are this loving and dynamic and we wish you the blessing of the Heavens to you as you flow into a new version of loving symphonic joy.
And so it is,
Blessings and great light,
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