Thursday 11 June 2020

Healing Family Density and Imbalances ~ Family Ascension

A new version of our reality is within each moment, each and ever person, and how the joy and laugher from our soul, our hearts, and our Oneness in which all is healed. Approaching self-healing, family re-balancing is never easy, but in our collective story and unfolding, we are each being brought to face the niggles, to face the instability and the flow of 'what wasn't working' to begin within a new loving Oneness that is being inspired through all energies we are being nourished by.

Loving yourself is that which you create your reality. Every breath is a new moment to create anew, to love yourself anew, to love all others anew and lay to rest the wounds, the pain, the suffering of eons of patterns that kept us in limitation, fear, and imbalance.

How to recognize the undercurrents of your home, of internal energies showing you a new potential for new realities; when you sense, when you feel, see, the sometimes covert emotional and Mental energies that cause drama, negativity, and trauma if not brought to a new resolution of love and care; self-healing ignites family healing, and allows for the attraction and magnetizing of new relationships that vibrate in 'self-love' and heals old wounds such as;
~ Manipulation, narcissism, mental games, emotional games, and all energies of limiting and fearful programs are that which drain, damage, wound the multi-dimensional bodies and require deep healing at every level. Thus also requiring honest, courageous and centred commitment to bring forth anew. Remember, we are constantly in cycles of growth and evolution, and it requires those that are willing to know when enough is enough and when to begin a family healing that will bring long-term healing and wisdom to all that is fully cemented within self-love and care.

Sort out what needs to be sorted out and determine through the inner voice, higher self, and guides for a new path; those that are not certain, those that are not self-loving, co-dependent unknowingly feed from the energies and positivity of those that are awake, empaths, and crystalline; ascension and awakening is that of 'feeding and nourishing thy self' and those goes for the empowerment and inspiration of all others to take on and work within their own light, their own power, their own innate gifts and skills, and work it out to heal themselves and be guided fully by themselves; this allows for a balanced self, balanced family, balanced community, and one that is interdependent not co-dependent; whether it be through societal systems and government, or within a new earth family potential of fairness, balance, and / where all are harmonized to their highest and most lighted capacity. 

Trust dear ones, that each soul is love. Each person, each being, all life is the birthing of Source, and all play a sacred version of our Creational song that is paramount and needed, valued, and of joy to Source; and if we go into every moment with the highest knowing of this Universal truth, we open the door to a new level of healing, of re-balancing, and co-creating. How we perceive and honour each moment, will be what we allow to flow into our reality; we are the co-creators and our intentions, our loving movement, and knowing will make the world of difference to each soul you open to forgive and love anew.

When those in your circle say, or act in a way to ignite a reaction from you, when there are judgmental and blaming energies, any toxic or withdrawing behaviours of love, and compassion, you know it is time to 'sort it out.' For these patterns go far deep; the Akash, the lineage, the familial habits that only breed separation and lack of self worth for all. Love is. Love is a journey of caring, honouring, and respecting, growing, bathing one another in compliments, and honesty and if your circle is bathed in disharmony and imbalance, or energies that simply 'don't feel good' then have the courage for your own soul and the blessing of all others, to sit down and sort out how everyone can bring love back into The Center of what truly matters. I see in our future that we will be re-igniting the shamanic native wisdoms, the energies and story's of our lands, our peoples playing a greater role in our new earth co-creations, as we weave timelines of sacred living and sacred communion back into our everyday 5D co-creating.

Our collective experience dear ones, has shown us our level of awareness to our potential; a potential of the beauty and delicacy of life, and the delicacy of every aspect of life that we embody and that embody's us each. We have been shown the imbalances and values that were misdirected and steeped in material focus and how many of us have been teetering upon mis-guided values that perhaps are in dire need of a new heightened Universal loving juice of love, compassion, and Oneness. So how may we open the door and portal of love and release all fears, all limitations, all anxiety that hides behind the 'not talking, the not dealing with' what is aching to be soothed and brought into new energy alignments?

We act and behave in the way that we do for the deepest desire to belong, to know we are loved, and cared for and that we are all safe and loved whole and as we begin to ignite such foundational truths in ourselves, we thread this energy wave through our homes and communities, and regardless of what our societal bodies say for us, we know within ourselves that we create every moment without that which we experience, And such, where our healing and Oneness begins. Those awakened are the pillars holding light, holding wisdom, holding the compassion that emulates to all others, 'it is time to sort out what isn't working, and what isn't feeling good any longer, for it is within our hearts to be loved and appreciated, and I am here to show the way, to empower the way, and to inspire the way.'  

Be patient dear ones, we are healing lifetimes of egoic patterning that were steeped in controlling energies, family lineage that were damaged in fearful behaviours and imbalanced habits of the Divine male and feminine that brought on wounds that require each person to rebalance and honour in their own and just manner. These are profound times of healing and transformation, and not always comfortable, for these familial healings will challenge every egoic pattern we have ever created.  When you cheer for all to succeed, to be healed, when you pray for all to be healed, for all to be loved and made whole, when you pray for the Divine order and greater good to bless all, for all to win, for the win/win for the new 5th dimensional blessings to be bestowed to all is what you put into The Omni-field for you to also experience. We are One, and the more that we all open and love and pray for the goodness the richness, the blessings for the ALL, we all benefit and heal from this and bringing balance and integrity back to an old ego systems of 'winner takes all and winner-loser mentality.' Wish and pray in the goodness for all of the all, and for all to be blessed and touched by this goodness, to be blessed by and with abundance, and all that you offer out, with a genuine heart, will flow to you the same.

Patience, honesty, heart-centred living, bringing forth loving conversations that become communion and honouring one another at a soulfully deep level will pave the way for new earth co-creation. Intend with a loving and open heart, the connection between Heaven and earth, connection between your heart and all collective hearts to be threaded in a loving band of golden light and pure loving joy of compassion, of acceptance, of allowance for all to have their path of unfolding, the path of awakening with Source, and the beauty and majesty of love in all life, and know that as you empower this within yourself first, you begin a profound family shift that can only open more of the same.

Loving yourself, honouring your self-care and self-communion time, brings forth a heightened perspective of why the patterns have been created, and allows for a heightened perspective to bring to the table and once again, sort out anew. Cycles will challenge your consciousness to begin anew, within a more bold and deep heart of infinite love and bring forth this inner wisdom and intelligence to birth anew. My teams had offered me yesterday when I had in frustration commented; 'why would I extend myself in this way after what I have been through?' and they lovingly responded; 'because your soul will always offer you opportunities to expand within greater love and the wisdoms you have just moved through, thus pressing you out within love;' 

Love grows and expands love. Love is magical, love is magnetic, love is profound and all knowing, love is the all healing, love is the foundation of all Creation, and how powerful love is will be that in which it is allowing and purity through which It lives through you; and will always present you with opportunity to forgive, to love deeper, to stand within your own power and lovingly well within yourself to speak your own unique and loving truth, and how love can be learned, touched, felt, sensed, and presented within every new opportunity that takes you beyond the habits, patterns, and egoic energies each and every one of us are healing and here to transcend.

The is when we can truly see, feel, and ignite new family potentials, not patterns, but infinite expansiveness to grow, to empower one another to grow, to empower one another to reach higher, to be grander, to love deeply, and to be as unique and blessed in our innate creative joys that will present more and more positive and balanced co-creations. Ask for, encourage, honour all input and perspectives, as this will lovingly show you the depth through which your connection, your own Oneness, and the deep family love begins to be re-ignited and attuned to a central group consensus, and how deeply we all affect one another.  
Healing imbalances, trauma's and energetic games takes courage and truth. Truth within yourself first, to what is no longer serving and guiding you to a loving path of healing and joy, and to bring honesty, the love of self as a priority to the fore will always serve.

How to resolve inner imbalances, community, and familial imbalances? Set your inner light aflame!
Set your inner standards for you to open your heart and call in light, codes, loving guidance, and healing to begin a purging of all dense imprints, energies, thought forms, beliefs, auric tears, damaged physical and cellular trauma, and healing of these is a gentle and compassionate journey. All you can do is be the director of love and light for your vessel and vibration, fields and bodies, and as you do, you not only set the vibrational tone, but you open the portal for others to activate their light and healing. Family dynamics offer a new potential for deepening love for all; courage to bring forth the issues one at a time, and honour in honesty and offering the all to help bring greater light to the old patterns and behaviours. Be open to new healing potentials; new ways of nourishing your bodies, play time, family game night, communion and tickle time, laughing and joyful intentions will help lighten the vibration and let everyone know that your intention is to bring love and light to what was heavy and disengaging, and oftentimes creating much anxiety.

Some gentle and loving tips for family re-balancing; offer 1 issue at a time, to not overwhelm and to truly hone in on the most urgent and necessary issue at hand. Have each person offer their own creative input, sensitivities and expressions, and begin to feel the love of Source flowing between all for a collective resolve that serves the all. Honour the pace, the sensitivity, the free will, the souls path and guides of each and each persons desire to experience what they have come to experience.  Remember that love and compassion opens, allows, and honours all change; and will also guide you when to set clear and honouring boundaries, and standards for greater self-love and self-respect.

We often forget that our children are masters, and very wise, and that the more open and loving and empowering we are, they do listen, they do feel and sense it all, and that they have a team of guides and higher self that is directing them in all that they do; as parents, we can ease the out-dated patterns and habits of control and directing their every move. Each path, each soul is Divine. Each soul is of the Heavens and Source, and each will have their own joy in exploration and often most unaware, but the path of awakening is the 'awakening to their Godliness, their Source essence, their Allness, and infinite potential, and is of Divine threading and belonging that is to be unique and innately discovered in their own unique way.'

Love flows from open and honouring intentions, and if you allow your own personal healing to be intended from this space and presence of love, of Divine order, highest good, then so too will the resolve. Love will always deepen and offer open, flowing, and honouring potentials, for love is the expanding elixir of Creation, It is Source living through us, and how can we present love into every act, every word, every loving intention within our new bodies, our new minds, our higher self stepping Forth and bringing this as our new family tree foundation for the greater good of every life form in Creation.  

When we sit down for delicate family challenges, be honouring of the temperament of all, the hearts and capacity of all, and with excitement, charisma, diplomacy, and tact, there is nothing that a loving and compassionate heart cannot begin to create a new cycle of healing potential. Release all expectations and ask for, call in, pray for the healing and collective angelic help to be with you, to guide you, to embody all with loving healing light, healing energies for the highest and greatest good, and know that we are always supported, we are always loved, and we are always safe and held high; so relax and allow your heart to be loved into healing. There has been so many times, in which my worry, my anxiety was completed healed over-night when I allowed myself to trust in the Heavens, trust in the higher selves of my family, and souls that we are all working together for the greater good, and that prayers, trusting in love, trusting in the healing vibrations, do shift the reality through intention and choice of what vibration I wanted to experience. There is infinite love and help living through us, if we choose to direct it and allow it in full honour and faith of It.

Envision one another healed, loved, belonging, unified in Oneness, and see the healing of your family, see your highest family visions, feel and sense the laughter, the love, the gentleness, the honouring the sacredness and feel the batheing of love be felt from every corner of your home also bathing all within it for your highest healing and all others. In every moment, we have the potential to stretch beyond what was, and often is sent to us by us, for us, in the everyday interactions, to heal, to forgive deeply and richly so that all is put to a peaceful rest and transmuting in anew as love. You get to choose the timeline you get to experience and how may this innate choice, this moment-for-moment choice be the inspiration to self-love and be the self-directed empowerment to co-create in higher vibrational ways for the greater good?

When you do so with love, excitement for the new, joy for the new, and the empowerment that your family will be also empowered by, if not right away but in time, will thank and honour you for the light you are igniting for their own future growth and expansion and healing. At the soul level, all honour the light and honest that you bring and honouring the path of transmuting the dense to light.

Thus healing the imbalances of out-dated role definitions, blaming, judging, narcissism and other emotional and mental games that arise when so many are working through their wounds and imbalances. Trust and have patience in these healings processes, and paths, for it takes compassion and courage to face what most want to stay in ignorance of. Sometimes ignorance is not bliss, and at some point the indifference, the discordance will require your acknowledgement for healing.

There is great power in self-direction to seek and allow your Divine sovereignty to flow forth. This is the path with Source, the path with and as love and to ignite it fully in commitment to seize the greatness and infinite light of who you are, what exists within you, and all that is with you to heal and expand within; to truly experience the ALL in any moment.

Love is the blessing that we all truly ache for, if even at the conscious level it is not known and never been truly experienced and lived within; we all ache for this Heavenly union, and why we often act and behave and act out in the way that we do; we all require our belonging and especially that we are now a 'collective One heart' it will be ever more present that our Oneness be sorted out and to begin new levels of communion within ourselves first, our homes first, and to ripple to our loving communities through which imbalances in all ways will be healed.  Love is our new earth foundation; love is the fluid, the juice, the breath, the wave of light harmonic that is feeding, that is nourishing us each, and the sooner we release fear and face all with empowerment and soulful knowing that we can do this, we are truly masters, and we are the purveyors of our greatest light world and light bodies, the Divine unfolding becomes us. 

We know what do dear ones, we can do this; we are here for one another and we can reach out, we can begin to share, we can begin to talk with gentle honesty and joy to know that as we heal all that surfaces in all moments, we release and bring light to it all. There is nothing that love, that Source, that our higher knowing, cannot heal and transform. This is a knowing; a Universal truth; what every master had offered; we are infinitely profound in our mastery to create and how we choose to create will be our reality experience; to create in unconscious sleepiness, or awakened soulful engagement, and entanglement in Oneness with all life, with all loving offerings, and know when to stand in your light, in your truth, and step forth anew, and how to honour yourself as pure love, and therefore all others as brothers, sisters, and family from the stars.  

Know with a gentle and high heart that not all situations will harmonize in loving rebalancing, but in the sorting out, it will show you where and when to walk away, and honour the inner strength and calling in for the help, the support, and the new life that will naturally and Divinely live through you in your faithful movement forward. All is Divinely in design; to transcend challenge, to transcend limitation, to transcend subjugation, and transcend density in all the ways that it presents itself, and we are the lightworkers to bring solace and Divine presence to all imbalances. We can do this. 

New earth dear ones, new family Oneness, new human collective Oneness, is steeped with great potential, and great joy of all that is good; believe in the benevolence of Creation, of all souls, and know this of all life, and the Divine purpose the path of light and living song of benevolence that feeds and nourishes all new discoveries and inventiveness; trust, allow, and receive the blessings that IS Source. 

This is our Heavenly story coming to life; never underestimate the power of the light within you and the love that is Source and healing of the ALL. You are a majesty of light, the Heavenly blossom so trust in the voice and guidance within you, you will always be offered your highest and best and a new level of Oneness in all moments you do so.

We are the pulse of new earth dear ones, we are the ever-flowing pulse of Source, of love, of potential, and believe and know in this, so too shall it unfold so majestically and magically. Do you believe in miracles? Are you ready to receive your miracle? Feel into this, sense this, heart knowing is so profound and open to allow this all to flow within and without; you are worthy of this.

And so it is,
Blessings and light,


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