Expect that your wholeness and your success, your inner peace comes from a path that will be coloured in the minor and major stumbling, falling, suffering, even presumed failure, for this is all a loving journey that is filled with the pressing and stretching out anew; stumbling, not knowing, the infinity of growth and cycles of growth is wrought with hurdles, challenges, and seeming blocks, for it is a part of the mastery path and allows us to deepen within the souls healing story and collective story we are each here to re-write and make anew.
One cannot know, give fully, be fully, without the pains of the human experience in which we harmonize, merge, honour the Universal ALL Oneness to the human separation through which ALL timelines, all earths, all generations and all DNA is healed. Perceiving your life, in a self-care life reflection, can allow you to see the higher meaning and value to why you have chosen and experienced what you have and to see the blessing of inner strength and joy that is always hidden within the soul wounds, the inner child trauma's that seek our loving acknowledgement and soothing.
The Omni-presence is breaking out from old patterns and habits of co-dependency!
Live fully in your own light, it is truly magnificent!
Accept the experiences of pain and soulfully challenging to be the steps of mastery through which the world and the ALL will be healed; you are loved, supported, and blessed with equal self-love, self-acceptance, compassion, forgiveness to see yourself through, and be the infinite one that you have come to fully live within.
You are pure love.
And so be it,
Morning Healing Alignment

Stepping forth in complete devotion to fully and purely loving and accepting all that you are is only and Divinely done through and by you, for you! I know as a mother, I constantly feel the fray multi-dimensionally to be and live my fullest and to serve others within my family and the collective; this requires from everyone a new rebalancing system of self-care and self-love, that will inspire all others to be their own best care-takers, to listen intuitively to their own hearts and be their fullest and not to rely and be dependent upon others for direction and light. To a degree and in balance to the age and needs of our children of course, but as children reach teen, youth and young adults, their highly excited to tap into their independence and to seek your example in setting a powerful loving being that is directed and driven from the inner light and higher authority within beyond and before all outer systems.
We are held within a collective higher knowing, that the the light, the energy, the vibration, the experiences, the love, acceptance and belonging we each seek is only derived and found and explored to be experienced within; your light, your self love, your self-acceptance nourishes and feeds your path, eternally and vivaciously for you and only you, to express and then offer to the all;
We are becoming conscious and aware to inspire, empower, encourage all to get in tune with, get connected with, get entangled within the infinite sun, the infinite genius within so that total mental, emotional, physical needs are met and managed. Co-dependency, those that unknowingly rely on others for light, for positivity, for guidance, unconsciously are in illusion, forgetfulness that they do not carry light, they do not have access to the light, and know dear ones, we each have Source and pure Divine love within, and our compassionate direction to guide others within, they can learn, they can be inspired, they can be healed, and harmonized to a higher level of their own self empowerment and self-joy, creativity and so on.

The greatest and most noble act you can provide to any human, including yourself, is to empower, inspire, and encourage the light and infinite power and joy of love within; the act and journey of self-actualization begins and can be followed eternally within. How may we release judgment, fear, and worry and be the living example and empower all others of their innate blessedness of this within themselves. Tell your children and your partners often enough that they have light within, wisdom within, and love within and they will at some point begin to seek it, to know it, to be it.
Though the path, and the experience may appear to be outside of us, yet a choosing to know that you are abundantly supported, and supplied for, begins a path of energy opening through which the Universe can begin to reflect to you that you are fully in comtrol of the life that you co-create; attracting soul partners that are empowering and also loving, embracing of their own inner light, as you empower and embrace your own inner light; and begins with a new knowing, a new heightened Omni-belief that you are SOURCE LOVE; pure, infinite , powerful, loving, deeply rich, deeply creative, deeply knowing, highly needed, highly blessed and the Universe is awaiting for you to ask, acknowledge, and be blessed within this opening to your own worthiness.
Though the path, and the experience may appear to be outside of us, yet a choosing to know that you are abundantly supported, and supplied for, begins a path of energy opening through which the Universe can begin to reflect to you that you are fully in comtrol of the life that you co-create; attracting soul partners that are empowering and also loving, embracing of their own inner light, as you empower and embrace your own inner light; and begins with a new knowing, a new heightened Omni-belief that you are SOURCE LOVE; pure, infinite , powerful, loving, deeply rich, deeply creative, deeply knowing, highly needed, highly blessed and the Universe is awaiting for you to ask, acknowledge, and be blessed within this opening to your own worthiness.
Be gentle dear ones, you are entraining, and re-writing an entire cosmic and Universal lineage to a higher vibrational potential, and will require your honest claiming, your honest desire to change and make new, your honest devotion to fully loving you and releasing all victimization to what you think, or believe yourself to be worthy of and desiring of.
You are and have always been sovereign.
You are Heavenly, and you are so very shiny and with greatness in every breath and thought of creative brilliance and as we do, we each take on our placement within Creation that ever-presses out the consciousness of our highest and widest potential and living more fully and with great excitement as our Omni-presence.
Never underestimate your partnership with Source; you are working in co-creation with Source, a foot-and-foot step and breath to breath co-creation with the ALL; how you intend, knowingness, direct your attention and focus will determine your heart-felt experience to fully and purely love and be in loving flow of YOU!
You are the light coming to new light-life.
Allow the language of living breath, living light, living intelligence of the Heavens to live with you in all prayers, in all invocations to new, in all soft and gentle releasing of the old, and know you will feel and ever-thread yourself into new realms of experiencing the blessing that you have always been;
Infinitely threaded in loving light, in living breath, you are Holy and Divine. Open yourself to living within intimacy, loving devotion to seeking your inner highest truth, to living and feeling sacred, and deepening the value of your wholeness and infinite ability and capacity to love and receive love. Devote to your own greatness first, before you feel obligated to feed and give to others that have been patterned and habituated to getting from others, so that each person is living sovereignly and being shown by the example we set to live fully sovereignly to gain our own inner light, our own inner wisdom, and knowingness that you will have support and help, but to know and live in this knowing that you have all you will ever need to begin anew to live in full clarity and confidence; the path may not be easy, and will take time, but it is possible to fully live within Divine power to BE YOUR FULLEST BEAUTIFUL LIGHT.
When you are strong and balanced and in harmony of your own inner light, you allow others to also recognize and seek this within themselves; continuing co-dependence and imbalanced co-creations, only perpetuates imbalance and disempowerment. All are Source. All are God. All are purely aligned with potential to BE fully enlightened. Know this and project this healing knowing to our collective;
Familial and Collective Affirmation;
I see and know the best and Godliness of the ALL.
I see and know, and experience each person seeking their own upliftment, and their own light of empowerment within.
I see and know and experience a balanced and loving world in which all manipulation, co-dependency, and multi-dimensional imbalances are healed through self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment to live in Oneness as love, with Source, with Creation, with one another.
I see and know and experience my own inner love, and inner light to be the example of self clarity and self-love.
I see my world healed and in loving Oneness.
I see the illusions of separation and offer love, Oneness, and true self-direction of my own creativity and self-joy.
I believe and see all in the most high and of loving potential.
I empower everyone to be and live their fullest.
I embody pure loving light and do not take on others imprints, negativity, or blame, or guilt; I live fully as an independent and loving sovereign being and I stand fully in my power of pure loving light.
We are One, and live within this loving empowerment of my Oneness for the greater good and for the ALL. I know who I am and I see all living in Oneness, confidence, in Divine sovereignty and pure loving grace.
And so it is.
Commit to loving yourself and accepting all that you are; soften and feel the embrace of the Heavens showing you of your distinct and immeasurable value and requirement to being you and being here.
You are so very loved and we celebrate each of you for the fullness and courage you have to live in being purely you.
Infinite love and joy,
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