Tuesday 2 June 2020

Face Your Truth

Epiphanies of Truth that transform our very being is the cycle of ascension.
In reflecting upon my path and how I have held my power, my voice, my potential back in fear of response and negative feedback, or misunderstanding from others, and why at the soul level, we will continue to manifest challenges to build our inner power, that directly aligns with our highest truth, our Divine soulful truth.

The ego, the Akash, the lineage, we manifest fear, the illusion that create a path of challenge and destruction until we ultimately face our greatest TRUTH.

Have faith dear ones, your truth is found within the fears you create that continue to block and hurdle your path until you gain the strength and wisdom to drop the games, drop the illusion, and face your truth; and when you do, the Heavens open up. To face your greatest truth, means that we pave a path of what hasn't been our truth. If we are hiding who we are, if we are pulling back from who we are with others, if we are not speaking our truth in all moments, if we are putting on a mask for certain people in any level of fear, then we are creating hurdles that will have to be transcended to face the purity of our truth. We are meant to live in pure truth of who we are as Heavenly sacred beings in living form and how we express this, explore this, and experience this and do so unapologetically so that we transform and bring Heavenly light to earth.

It is not about anyone or anything, however our reality may feel and be unfolding before us; it is always about you and Source as your highest truth, and this is your path to seek it, to honour it, to transcend through all fears and know thyself as pure love and serve in this way. As we continue in humble service, in pure intent to be light, to offer light, to centre within, and step forth day-after-day, and live within a heartfelt knowing that Source is, regardless of how difficult any one moment may be, IS within and holding us dear and there will always be a higher truth to be revealed when the cycle of the tower is over. Tower moments hit because we have held at bay a higher truth, and the consciousness that is aching to burst through you, to live through you, can no longer play in the dance of the masks and lack of integrity that was playing out. 

We are constantly in a cycle of re-inventing ourselves and with hope, to a higher vibrational level of truth, of creative passion, and collective service; and in this, we ever stretch our gifts, skills, and knowing that we constantly call in from our souls potential to anchor here upon earth. When the time beckons, when synchronistic Heavenly energies beckon you to step forth, you will be tested to clear away the fog, clear away the vibrations that hold you back, and face your highest truth.

Truth & Fear; Facing your fears will unveil your highest truth, or you can simply live as your highest truth. In my morning reflection, I asked spirit to reveal what it is that I am to do for my 'next step' and I heard a resounding 'Face your Truth.' This one simple statement through me into a state of awakening, epiphanies, of all that I have placed before me were necessary for the greater truth of what and who I have come to experience myself as.  

My teams have offered on many occasions throughout my life; 'face your fears' but when I heard 'face your truth' this truly hit The Center of my belly in a new way. I have been blocking and stagnating myself, and in all that has occurred, much was to remind me, to ignite me, to reflect to me the Divine light and power I hold within, to remind me of my Heavenly grace, and wisdoms, healing gifts, and leadership that I am here to offer and lead with, and somehow, I kept placing and co-creating small and great fears to keep me from seeing and simply falling into the blessed master that I am; and now, it all changes. 

Now I am ready. Now I am done with living small and downplaying my gifts and my inner wisdom. I am meant to stand out, and I am meant to be the blessing of light that Source breathed me to be. This is our highest truth and path of certainty that we show and emulate to others, and takes that we truly face our most profound and masterful, Heavenly, beautiful and magnetic truth of the who we are. We must face our truth, in all moments that we offer it to ourselves; however uncomfortable it makes others feel, or what it ignites in others, we are meant to live our fullest and our highest truth; this in and of itself, is the liberation of our soul, our wholeself is.

It takes a humble and gracious heart to reveal and own how we have manifested the hurdles before us, to gain unknowningly the lessons of strength and higher alignment that was needed to be able to carry the load of what we have come to lift for the collective. In however these life lessons, life paths of constant struggle, or pain, or suffering, that are required to build spiritual strength, to re-awaken the heart at the highest level, for remember dear ones, we have not been in this position of global ascension before, and it requires that we bring our A-game. A path that is pure of integrity, pure of inner strength and alignment with our highest truth and the threading of joy, love, grace, truth, and the devotion to serve in a way that is the commitment that sustains our challenging path. 

So many times I felt as though I was hanging by a thread, and not sure if I could my way through the fog, through the lack of truth and life circumstances that others seems to spin around me; regardless of how hard I tried to be the pillar of light, there was a part I played and how I held myself back from walking away; not feeling my strength and inner power to do what I knew in my heart was calling for me to do. Face your truth. You will be so blessed and honoured as you do, for it will unravel the mistruth, it will clear the fog that masks clarity and purity intent. As you face the blessedness that you are, you offer this level of truth and purity of being for others, and how you call in the tribe, and the circumstances that match YOUR vibration. You, the name you chose to come with, the vibration you choose to create for yourself, and the miracles, the dreams, the wishes, the prayers that you share with Creation, to live out fully, to step into fully, and to colour our world and Creation in a new way through the living light of your highest truth. 

Only you can live it, and by facing it, you call it fully forth to step into. These are the alchemic stories that you co-create with Source as Source, in the micro-macro that thread to all nations, all forms you take and hold in all realms and all space, for you are threading you the wisdoms, the light, the empowerment, the cosmic call of love to 'keep going.' In a release of pain and suffering, that we often hold deep within, and like the layers of an onion, come out and burst the surface when timely and ready to recognized; and as I re-aligned after this painful release, I heard as a profound energetic telepathic cosmic calling; 'WE LOVE YOU' and I felt into the crowd of celestial family and friends gathered to purview into our earthly experiences that are often watched over, cheered on, and being supported that brings all new vibrations of truth.  

This path has been so very lonely for me personally, and not facing my truth has been the easier to fit in, easier for others, and far more challenging for me in hiding my truth. In awakening, we find, we hear, we sense, the multitudes of life, of loved ones that support and adore us in our vibrational navigations to liberation. We will always be reminded of our connectedness, our ability to create and even create hurdles for ourselves to remind us once again that our inner strength and power to transcend is held within our own battle to know and live in our highest truth. 

This truth is held as the golden breath, the joy and lightness of Oneness, of our unity in our care and honouring of all paths, the acceptance of all diversity and the song that plays in this. Truth is a vibration, and requires that we each feel for it, to honour it and live It in our words, in our actions, and deeds, to flow forth the golden octave of creative consciousness that worlds are created within. Awakening within Source, as Source, is that of a Heavenly Truth; alignment of joy and Oneness, and how may we ignite this, and thread this in all that we are and dance within?

Know dear ones, in even the most darkest or challenging of times, each moment you are offered the opportunity to 'Face your truth.' As a collective, we are ever-seeking the awakened 'well-beingness' that we all, at the soul level desire for one another. And why, we will all be seeking our highest truth of creative expression, and loving sharing. As a collective we truly care to share our truth, and in doing so, we live a higher vibrational level of consciousness and spinning new systems in alignment with this. All Heavenly power, all Heavenly wisdom, all purity of innocence, and Divine blessings are found within your souls truth; how you desire to passionately express, experience, and be of joy in exploring all that you are is your truth; regardless of what others want for you, or define you, and how may you face this omni-presence to bring forth your highest wish, your most Divine dream and prayer that only you and the Creators can answer and resolve.

This is the path, for it is you. You in all your light, and in all your earthly, and Heavenly power, of love and living light, is your truth. How we find it, how we explore this and co-create within this, is unique and diverse to each. However it is that you define your unique truth, is held a vibration, and it is felt within your core, your center, your heart, and you will know when you know; the masterful journey is staying within this vibration in all transitioning moments of challenge and soulful tests that stretch and break all boundaries of limitation and lack.

It doesn't however need to be as painful and monotonous as we often create. It is truth. It is simple and true to our souls desire to offer and be. How utterly Divine and lovely that we are all in all moments, able to live and be our most pure in love as love. You are the blessing and Divine song in movement, and Creation is upheld in this way. The harmonic of Creation lives within each as we live our truth, and how systems, higher wellness and abundance, fairness, and joy for all are held in this Heavenly song that we each hold notes in playing and orchestrating anew.

Profound dear ones you are.
Profound in your light you are dear ones, and how may you live within a golden octave of joyful truth? Allowance of your loving flow and Source will always sing with you, be with you, honouring you, blessing you, and loving you whole. The Creational song is that of loving truth, and how may we each stand, step forth, and be this? Why we hold ourselves back, is the lack of knowing, the lack of self-clarity, the lack of worthiness that is the illusion of our reality that we are ever-peeling away and co-creating in purity of truth. You are so very worthy to live your highest truth, whether you have others that empower you or inspire you, this will happen as you live this vibration and Creation will call to you what you spiral. Trust in the vortex of Creation that you ignite through your soul, and know that your truth is the magnet that aligns you to ever-heightened experiences of who you truly are; it is the diverse and intimate path between you and Creation, and only you can inspire and empower it to begin. This is your super-power to your highest truth. Trust in your Oneness with Source, with Creation, and live it fully! You are so worthy of this, open in your heart and call forth your highest truth, and you will always be shown for you to step into it.

For it is your highest path and deepest resolve, the song that is Heavenly Oneness, Heavenly joy, for this is our birthright to be LOVE. You are infinitely powerful in living your light, and know this won't always be easy, but it will feel, and be experienced as the bliss that you came for.

And so it is,


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