Allowing yourself to heal, at every level, is that of the intimate connection you have within yourself.
How may intimacy, connection, entanglement, and Divine trust be what you seek, ache for, and find within you; so that you have the strength, the confidence, the purity of heart to face it all, to open your heart to the all, and forgive all, to heal all, and to open within a truth so very deep that it changes All That Is.
Intimacy is truth within.
To allow vulnerability to rule and thus opening, pushing, pressing the heart chakra to strengthen and allow Source to purely flow unconditionally and nothing, no-one can shake the purity of light that IS held within this. Your heart is a dynamic mechanism of intelligence, wisdom, honour, and deep infinite love, and we are not allowing this mechanism to guide us, to teach us, to allow us to reach beyond, then we are only partially living our destined truth. All light, all living light language is spoken, received, and transmuted through the heart. Make no mistake about it, our heart is the portal of joy and intimacy that transcend any 3D experience we can imagine. How we allow ourselves to deepen our own hearts joy, our own hearts grace, and forgiveness, will be dependent upon your souls lessons and ability to 'let go' and fully trust in the cycle and process of ascension through the heart.
Intimacy is the loving purely of self.
Connection, communion, joy, vulnerability and honesty, truth in every way for who you are, what you are worthy of and how you offer this, experience this and explore this within a new awakened world in Oneness.
Trust in this process and flow of love.

The intimacy and loving vulnerability you show and offer yourself, you allow this light, this love to pulsate throughout the All. Intimacy and opening to live this vibration, allows you to be in constant loving communion with Source, as Source, the details, the subtle loving language that sustains and maintains our entire existence. There is a soft and loving joy of exploration in intimacy and in which is truly magical when you allow this unconditional experience to flow through you, for you, and in joy of you. For this is the experience of Source that we each have potential to allow.
Intimacy is the depth, width, richness of your heart to traverse all experiences with inner guidance, inner trust, and inner joy for the loving transmutations of all moments. Forgive deeply to heal and stretch your Allness, and if to feel the richness of cycles that return to you love in return; and breed anew beginning for your consciousness to reach out once again.
Honour that which you are dear ones,
Divine loving joy and intimacy to our pressing out in Oneness. You are made of stardust dear ones. You are made of magnificence and the elixir and breath of Source, omni-presence, and delight that is blessed in so many ways; in this, if you seek It, It will allow your Oneness, your harmonic resonance to ignite and shift you anew. Believe in the power of the unseen, the consciousness field, the blessing, the elixir and goodness of Creation; benevolence that is joy to facilitate love in all else. We arise dear ones, to new love, to new unity, to new foundations that is needed and truly required.
Love richly, live deeply within knowing that this is our foundation and Oneness of new beginnings.
And so it is,
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