The Miracle of Our Awakening and Movement within The ALL
Inspired by recent activations, dreams, and clearing, the higher vibrational templates of light and love are becoming ever-more present and coming to life before us if we so desire to stretch our perspective, our knowing, our potentiation of all that was; and I wanted to offer a few ascension omni-field musings to inspire and delight the ever changing canvas of human-Divine realm experience. We will go far and wide in this ascension Christic vibrational offering, so grab a tea and sit back, soften and open your heart and let's begin.
At an omni-present level, the omni-verse, we are all threaded with, healing within many infinite vibrational timelines and such healing and transitions offer us great insight, great honour and profundity in why we experience the depth of healing we move through now, and how these are directly related to the many timelines that are merging within the ALL, healing within the ALL, and creates a higher understanding of why we are currently experiencing what we are.
In resonance with many old souls, crystalline children, and many awakened ones, it can seem unbearable sometimes to move through the amount of 'tower' experiences that we do to heal, transcend, and peel away what no longer serves, in the ever-clearing away process of density to new light; and many of us come with much to transform, transmute and beautify and how may we truly tune into this and create the honour and blessing that this is? For remember dear ones, we come with an omni-presence swirling within our DNA that is of many realms, worlds, and Universes, and our constant upgrading, are all preparing us for this omni-presence experience, exploration, and co-creating for many generations hereafter and throughout all NOW moments. Therefore, we can let go of our 'what was' experience of reality, and surrender to the unbelievable and impossible that allows for Creation and our infinite soul to truly begin to LIVE fully in profound and unimaginable new ways. Truly beyond what we have words to define.
For much of these experiences; for old souls, we not only experience the clearing of a handful of karmic lessons, but a bucket full; and for our souls, our soul groups, over soul, and ancestors and collective; can be and feel overwhelming and never-ending; however, we can shift the perspective and raise our potential in these sensing's and truly surrender within the field of ascending movement. There is a deepening, a sacred activation occurring within that is the 'well of Source' that we are as Source in human form that is a sphere and sacred vessel of fluidic movement; threading of vibrations and templates that are constantly being cleared, cleansed, integration of new, and alerting in minor and major ways in higher consciousness states that allow for us to move as if we are floating and levitating in new fields and realms of play.
I say this because, since I was a very young child, I was very aware of the majesty of the invisible; sensing, and simply knowing, a strong sense of knowing, the webbing of love we all move within, and although very dense, and heavy at times, feeling the 'anchoring' of 3D, we are now being lifted through our own inner work with love, to new fields that bring the invisible to light-life. In these highly playful knowings, I have often throughout my life, woken up with various surface marks, rashes, scratches, and complete shifts in perspective; how the vortices of energy we hold within, that emanates without that shifts our entire reality experience; we offer this figuratively and literally.
There have been many awakening moments in which coming from a higher consciousness sleep, feeling the floor beneath me being fluid, and moving with my step, and not solid at all, for it was the vibration of greater Oneness within the spirit and matter and co-creating it all as I walked in surrender and trust within this bedding of light and love that IS Source; omni-support, omni-give and take with a cosmic Universal play upon energies and playful movement with one another. This is The Omni-presence, and pressing out and becoming The Omni-fluid essence of love within the ALL; taking ourselves outside of the physical constructs of the 'body, the vessel' and becoming the ALL essence of loving playful intent.
I have awoken many times in recollection of snap visions of healing, adjustments, and modifications, and energetic upgrades upon lightships and inter dimensional healing temples and thus creating surface rashes, scratches, and marks in the alchemic friction that occurs in such minor and major transmutations. Last week I awoke and noticed a small half inch scratch on my cheekbone that was not there the night before and also within the same period in which much throat chakra adjustments and vibrational DNA upgrades for my specific gifts and sharing's are directed; being a Christic vibrational teacher, toner, and sacred speaker, the throat chakra, the energy I emit is through the throat and 3rd eye, through which codes and flowing Source light and love are emitted and all needs to be adjusted to flow greater light and love; in many of my global seminars and workshops, my face and outer vessel vibrates and shakes as the field of love and coherance are lifted within the groups, guides, and interactions occur, and therefore, these minor abrasions break forth in the process of vibrational and alchemic transmutation.
Remember dear ones, we are multi-dimensional omni-present beings awakening more deeply into our Soul, Source truth, and this means that we will send and receive information, wisdom, intellect in new higher vibrational ways; for instance, you may see a colour, and after an activation and DNA shift, that allows a story or knowing of what this song harmonic means, as opposed to only seeing 'yellow' and thus becoming more than it was a moment ago. Or you may see a beautiful landscape, or flower, and hear and know a song or story from Gaia, another realm, your faery self and guides, awakening you to the deeper connection through which you are sewn and begin a new level and resonance template of your becoming new now. Your 'I AM' presence is quantum, multi-dimensional, all spirit, all resonance, and now ready to live through you if you so desire and deepen your experience to offer a joyful, magical, and mystical approach to all moments. Your desire to feel joyful, to feel magical, to live miraculously is the beginning resonance that helps open you up to your infinite portal to the ALL that you can choose to alchemize and experience in physical form.
Remember dear ones, we are multi-dimensional omni-present beings awakening more deeply into our Soul, Source truth, and this means that we will send and receive information, wisdom, intellect in new higher vibrational ways; for instance, you may see a colour, and after an activation and DNA shift, that allows a story or knowing of what this song harmonic means, as opposed to only seeing 'yellow' and thus becoming more than it was a moment ago. Or you may see a beautiful landscape, or flower, and hear and know a song or story from Gaia, another realm, your faery self and guides, awakening you to the deeper connection through which you are sewn and begin a new level and resonance template of your becoming new now. Your 'I AM' presence is quantum, multi-dimensional, all spirit, all resonance, and now ready to live through you if you so desire and deepen your experience to offer a joyful, magical, and mystical approach to all moments. Your desire to feel joyful, to feel magical, to live miraculously is the beginning resonance that helps open you up to your infinite portal to the ALL that you can choose to alchemize and experience in physical form.
In my awakening to the invisible energy systems within and without, there are vortices access portals within our bodies, fields, that work within a song of harmonic to amplify gifts, light creation, and healing and are done through various portals through our bodies; for example the 'door of God, and mouth of God' through which much of my activations and flow of codes and energy for outer evolutionary needs. This is the co-creation with Source that many will be awakening to and seeking within for guidance to align with the greater light programs, councils and groups that we are in ever-Oneness with for evolutionary exploration and expression.
I have been also receiving vibrational downloads, through which, the inner knowing I was born with, is becoming more and more subtle, this is the ever becoming of the higher self; and how I use to rely upon my visionary skills and gifts to receive these expansive downloads to 'make sense' within a 3D vibrational reality thread, and now I am feeling the subtle knowing as a field of becoming and simply 'way of being, and movement.' For instance, as I stated above, this knowing became within my looking upon my face, seeing the scratch and knowing what had occurred without the vision through meditation and dream.
This is similar to the experience when I was 5 years old when my heart chakra was adjusted by my Pleiadian family; after my awakening thirteen years ago, I had an instant download of the occurrance of a visitation that I had suppressed and was now ready to explore and know as a part of my growing omni-present; that we are forever present within the all, and our higher selves, our souls, our teams, Source Creator, are always in threading with us to adjust, to shift, to enhance, to activate our DNA, and help in our equal excitement to press out and become more and greater light. Thank you to so many beautiful artists like Daniel Holeman, using their expressions, gifts, and awakenings to better align us visually as images represented here, to our worlds and dimensions we are co-creating in our loving living light.
The more active part we play in our own inner-daily self-care healing, the light work we initiate on our cells, our bodies and organs, and DNA, the greater entanglement we will feel, sense, and know how much we are advancing and evolving beyond what our earthly words have ways of defining and describing, this is also part of our 'letting go' of the physical constructs and how we program and define our everyday and moving about every day and opening into The Omni-movement that love is and how we are transforming ALL that is within and without through this unconditional surrender.
Remember dear ones, as I am being prompted by my guides as we speak, I am sensing all of your guides and teams with me as I touch upon every key upon this keyboard, and that there are vibrational stories, activations, and tones within this offering that will offer to you the exact vibration that you require to stretch and press out what was, and offer within anew perspective of how fluid and malleable you are to your own excitement to live as love and to live as a loving magical song and harmonic with Source, and how this affects and touches all particles you are encased within and without. There is an invisible innate field of potential we all exist within and how we excite ourselves within the ALL that we are, what exists within us, and what we truly are, the greater these awakenings, the stretching out of our perspective, how we perceive our seemingly 'fixed and solid' world to be entirely joyfully fluidic and new.
We come with a dynamic potential of gifts, skills, knowings, and DNA potentiation that can literally shift our entire reality and why we have the ancient writings, texts, and scriptures that have been blessed to us so that we begin to dream, to ponder, to reach for, to seek, to potentiate the ideas and notions of alchemy, magic, and energy work within the all; for many masters knew of the realms of love, and omni-present, the essence that is Source, and benevolent support and how we are held within and without this, and every cell is a micro-macro of our entire ALL existence; allowing us the ever-infinite invitation to explore more. Our ancestors, our lineage, our collective, our planet, our fields of nature, all held within wisdom and intelligence that hold our memory, potentiation, that greater aspects of us, the ALL, leave synchronicities and activations for our now awakening, our now recognition; similarly to the little scratches we experience in the worlds and realms of the unknown and unremembered.
In my opinion, these are all a part of the surrendering within The Omni-present and ever pressing out as Source, the living field of love, and joy to explore all that we are, and now ready to see, sense, know, hear, and BE all that which was always available, and lovingly care-taken by our guides, teams, and guardians to lead us into our greater soul song. To live a higher vibrational reality, we must become it first; the physical thing you see before came forth from a vibration you created within first; all is energy first, and all in a now moment, the awakening, the activation of a fluidic loving song, you can become and see a new reality before you. Very esoteric and very quantum, and is the essence of Source awakening within the soul that you are now becoming and allowing to live through your sacred vessel of spirit and matter showing you the song and movement within it that you have access to and how to manifest and shift within It.
Such experiences are all activated within the soul. The soul aches for greater loving entanglement and thus must clear, cleanse, and release the density we needed to experience and clear the wounds of our greater soul group stories. Why we have taken on such ancestral, lineage, and collective density to alchemize and make new in a higher vibrational potential.
For I have sensed and seen the guidance from my teams and ancestors that my excitement to truly experience my full omni-presence, I am offered equal healing opportunities and thus activations of my threading within these greater fields of potentials and knowings. I have been provided a vision of vibrational threads at a quantum, Omni-present level that pulls up lower programs of light to merge and harmonize with higher threads of light realities and we each are responsible for activating within to live without and create in this coming to life process. This is also known as the micro-macro experience and done within each program we have potential within our cells, to the ALL-knowingness of Source.
Our Quantum Omni-Threading to Families, Teams, Councils, Vibrations of the ALL
It is with great honour, that we have been blessed for such explorations, and challenges and how we are sewn with so many councils, groups, shamans, inner and outer earth collectives, and developmental stages that initiate our wholeness to new levels; for remember, your work, your healing, your love here, presses out through light and expansiveness to the the ALL: your soul group, your over soul are directly affected by the empowerment you seek within these roles and missions, and life adventures. How may we initiate and become a new dream of reality? How may we release and surrender all reality density and offer ourselves dream-like, fantasy-like musings to stretch and activate new potentials of what truly resides within; for we are experiencing the ALL in this now moment and it is the vibrational alignment of pure heartfelt love of our wholeness that brings forth new tones, songs, dreams, knowings, visions, and adventures for us to live through us in this now moment, now template.
We each come with a soul design, a soul blueprint, that is ready to be activated when we have released and cleared the density, the strifes and stories of limitation so that we can bring on new alchemy within our cells when they are ready to divide and become new; activating within our higher self direction, our healing teams, and the ALL, to initiate new potentials for us to play and expand within if we so desire; and how we always have free will to play with and press out in loving joyful play and exploration, expression, or to deny ourselves the blessings and gifts of Source, our omni-presence and resist the flow of this fluidic song of evolution.
One day last summer after coming in from a meditation outside summoning the gnomes and faeries, I was sitting in my bed reading and in a lazy glance up from my book I saw a beautiful but cheeky gnome sitting in my bookshelf; all scuffled with dirt and wearing it with confidence and such nonchalant knowingness at our recognizing one another. He showed himself to me to remind me of my faery connection, the elementals, the world of the creational Elohim that care-take our planet in very deep and meaningful ways in which we had lost in eons of separation and distancing from the wisdoms and storytelling from our ancestors.
Honour that which you have signed on for, you have active within you and know you have all you need to transcend and transmute to pristine light and love and thus allowing for you to merge and harmonize within a transparent song and harmonic that is constantly being offered by Source; by Creation for us to co-create and joyfully traverse and ignite within. Within every spiral of density honoured, healed, and released, we open to what truly wants to be seen, triggered, activated, and brought lovingly forth from your heart and higher mind in Oneness with the Divine mind, Source, love, the Greater ALLness of who we have always been, is blessed forth for the ALL and the joyful child ever exploring the sacred Universe within.
How may we let go of every density as it arises in the honour and summoning of new worlds yet to be born through our unconditional trust and harmonizing as greater realms of love? How may we truly trust the inner wondrous niggles that direct us deeper within forest songs of new life waiting to be birthed anew in our entanglement within the realms of the Elohim and faeries, gnomes and elementals? How may we trust in the high-pitched field resonance and humming of Gaia's song that awaken our omni-presence entanglement that is aching to our conscious state to begin blessing new fields of healing, artistry, and societal loving communions? My teams recently offered to me the preparations that many will awaken to that allows us to harmonize within potentials of formal face-to-face contact with our celestial family and teams. How we do this is an incremental process of alchemy; shifting all out-dated limitations, beliefs, and density that kept us within walls and boxes that no longer serve omni-present illness. These shifts always begin vibrationally first, and why we must release, heal, and open to the ever-pressing our transitions that can align us with the invisible in human form. It begins with the alignment of vibration, resonance to that which is magical, miraculous, and what we have only believed to be true in dreams and fantasies, and thus then, how we bring that realm of loving co-creation into our every day life and trust the subtle niggles that tempt us to go within and bring forth anew.
All is purposeful in your transmuting of density and worlds of that seem to crumble in dissonance and lack of loving stability. Our worlds, our knowings, our reality shifts for our better upliftment to what is truly magical and must require that we joyfully soften our being, soften our imagining and completely surrender within the song of love that is ever-present and being actively stretching us to reach out and up in our imagining and dreaming of what can be.
All is purposeful in your transmuting of density and worlds of that seem to crumble in dissonance and lack of loving stability. Our worlds, our knowings, our reality shifts for our better upliftment to what is truly magical and must require that we joyfully soften our being, soften our imagining and completely surrender within the song of love that is ever-present and being actively stretching us to reach out and up in our imagining and dreaming of what can be.
You are this Divine and powerful to break darkness with your heart light, and you are that which brings joy to the shadows; for there is nothing to fear, you are the light aching to breath through it all, and in this, you will always be held in the loving arms of Source; our Holiest and highest of love imaginable and our new earthly-quantum, omni-Heavenly journey begins anew. Join the loving song of Source within, honour the activations, call in your councils, call in your new delightful and blessed adventurous path of loving co-creation, and so too shall your heart warm to every synchronicity and gift that Creation offers you; don't be surprised oh Heavenly one if you begin to communicate and entangle in ways that you only held possible within your dreams. You are becoming the ever-unfolding lotus, the ever-unfolding dream, and within such, you are always brand new, and sparkling and shiny as you have always been. Surrender holy and with great joy and feel into the loving vibrations of Creational song that await.
The all, the new, the dream, the new song, the new resonance of expansiveness, and the fluid fields of miracles being lived in vibrant new ways through the love of you, the honouring of you, the honouring of the light that is all you need. We love you dearly dear adventurous ones, dream grandly and be the greatness of all that you are coming to new life within new liquid fields of loving grace. You are miraculous dear ones, this is a truth; so feel into this, sense into it, love into IT, and begin to allow this essence, the soul within you to come forth and call into the miracles you are creating for your experiencing of IT. How joyful and how utterly timely. You are worthy of this blessed higher vibrational gift, and so dive in; its all you in the dreaming anew. This is how love is. Miraculous and ever new.