Our re-alignment of ascension and what this means, how we move within new waters of vibration and releasing the limitations of our capabilities to self-heal is what so many are opening the door to now as new dimensional vibrations are being offered to step within.
Ascension is not only about living in the light, love, and positive vibrations, it is about unconditional acknowledgement and acceptance of the ALL that you are to open within ever eternal fields of light and love.
There are cycles within cycles, spirals within spirals of greater inner awareness, inner acceptance, inner love that we are all manifesting. Enriching the ALL of you as you bring forth all that is calling to be healed and transmuted by you, for you.
Christic Activation to Release What Holds You Back
* Open within neutrality, as if you are within a pyramid of healing for you; surrounded by the highest of guides, masters, your higher self, your soul, the Mother and Father; with compassionate intention; ask whatever negative issues, thoughts, emotions are showing you its readiness to come forth and sit within a crystalline healing temple of acknowledgement, acceptance and reunification.
* Ask what messages of fear, limitation, lack this aspect of you requires for acknowledgement. Listen, with an open heart, and most often than not, you will feel into the resonance, you are living out in your everyday reality now in some way; often within another mask.
Acknowledgement, Allowance, Acceptance, Compassion, Forgiveness = LOVE of SELF.
* With every inhale breath, intend to be open, allowing, and accepting of whatever comes forth; and in your listening, revealing, honouring of visualize a neutral field of light opening to heal this wound through unconditional love of you; for you are at your innate state, with Source, pure love.
* Love is the most powerful frequency in our Universe and will prevail all. Hold this higher knowing as a part of you. An aspect of your capabilities that is equal to any imbalance.
* Every breath, inhale unconditional love, feeling, sensing, knowing, allowing the love to transmute what has come forth for healing. This open, empowering higher knowing, will allow for the emotional body to offer up that aspect, the lifetimes, the energies, the thought forms, and beliefs simultaneously for reunion with you as the Source reunifying us.
Be your OWN Source essence in this experience, knowing, and feeling your capabilities to reunify; regardless how dramatic or tragic this may feel; for if this is ready, it will be seamless and allow for the deep release that is needed to transmute the energy through your deep, compassionate, self-loving intention to live as love.
The Creator, Your Soul will guide you always and your healing teams; for your highest and best; and in this, doing so with this knowing will release any worry or concern of your mastery and abilities to heal your deepest wounds. Feel yourself open within the wisdoms, the ancient practices that you hold within being activated for you; visualizing colours, energies, and shapes and sounds for your amplified and deeper access of self-love can also be invited in; so allow yourself to know your own mastery, feel into your own empowered Source entanglement that Source - You are working together for your highest and best path of resolve, of light, of love here and now.
Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. You are purity of love.
In these most accelerated times, you will be supported beyond what you can imagine. We are being offered the highest level of Diamond Crystalline light for such soulful reunifications and why so many are feeling the way we do.
With purity of intent to acknowledge your Oneness with love and the Creator, all of Creation, and opening within a higher knowing you will always be supported; your pure intent to be love will transmute what is necessary for you to live in the new light frequency of your highest desires as you unfold in commitment to your own value and own worthiness.
This is the natural return of the Universal laws and the unconditional love of the Creator, of you as One.
And so it is,
Love thyself dear ones, you are worthy of this Divine journey and mastery remembered within it.
For those that desire a vibrational healing and intuitive Christic reading of Akashic blocks and hurdles to work within the councils and teams helping and assisting you, feel free to connect with the myriad of resources, healings, and remote candle healing services we provide for these amazing transitions.
Stay tuned for our new special weekly offerings of family and self healing tips, audio's for Christic and ancient light Sacred Ur language of activations and healings; https://ULWHC.com or connect with our youtube or Soundcloud portal; https://soundcloud.com/user-5603424
We have many years of lovely channeled wisdoms about ascension, first contact, and families moving through ascension for you to tap into; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCju7cyBMXYBcWsvyoT3ACQg?view_as=subscriber&pbjreload=10
Love and graceful blessings and healings,