Friday, 30 November 2018

Setting the Vibration of Your Heavenly Experience

Good morning dear lighted ones,
You are the master of your reality, your bodies, your perspectives.
A few morning inspirations to manifest, to experience, the dive within the most Divine and Heavenly experiences is equal to your own inner acknowledgement that you are IT.

You have the most expansive potentials to entangle, dance, entwine within the myriad of Creational gifts, blessings of life. Living sacredly is living openly within the breath of life; 'I accept my perfection.' In our most finite form, we are the sacred geometry of love. We have been breathed in this design from the purity of Sources love, joy, and exaltation of expression, of experience, of loving play within the ALL. So how may we garner these Divine and Heavenly truths and open within this to emanate, emulate, radiate, and honour this human experience as the gift that it truly is? How may we release with joy what no longer serves and feel into the blessings, the wisdoms, and the experience that it has offered? How may we breathe within a new simplicity of heart, simplicity of love, sacred honour of all moments knowing of the Divine perfection and gift within it all? How may we begin anew in this Heavenly season of remembrance and celebration that we are the gifts bestowed and we each are designed within this sacred geometry of perfection.  

Blessed and gifted with Divine wisdom, Divine free will, Divine love and intelligence; we have all the tools within to open within new vibrations of expansiveness and surrender the path to unfold before us in unconditional trust, unconditional acceptance and allowance of our own unique magnificence to play with Source every step of the way. 

Acknowledge and open within this perfection, and you will see, feel, own, honour, and walk within a vibration that is in alignment within the intentions, the affirmations, the excitement to walk and experience life in this way. You are vibrationally preparing your field of play, and has been this way from the moment we were born;
'Affirmations of A New Divine Vibration'
'I release all limitation, illusion, illness, and lack and in this proclamation, I own, I honour, I create my wellness, I create my abundance, I create my creative path with Source, with Creation, within my human soul tribe. I AM perfection in Divine human form;
I am blessed, I am abundant, I am healthy, I am balanced, I am purely aligned within the loving beauty of Source. I am perfect, I am well, I am Divinely sacred, and I am worthy of Sources blessings bestowed. And so it is.'

Join us tomorrow as we go live for our weekly ascension sacred soul tribe gathering and communion diving deeper and more vast within our unique and Heavenly sacred potentials;…/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousn…
Blessings and great Divine joy,

We have a few classes coming up with a deeper and wider expansive look, experience, and sacred play at our gifts in multi-dimensional awakening; tune in, dance, sing, and explore with us! 
All events found on our main page;

Thursday, 29 November 2018

A Changing of the Season ~ Beauty in Simplicity

Greetings dear lighted ones,
As the holidays and new year approach, we can feel the intensities of the season unfold; this however doesn't have to be the case. There are always moments to re-align to a more pure and rarified state of balance, presence, and peace, within our changing world as we step from the 'treadmill' of the old world experience and bring forth new perspectives, new traditions, and new ways to honour, to cherish, and to worship the true meaning of the celebration of life, the celebration of the Divine consciousness of the Christ; for this is how we truly re-write the human experience in our daily lives; let go of what no longer serves, and what is more resonant within a peaceful ascending heart and soul.  
We have changed our perspective about Christmas and how much of the traditions we once thought were so important, were sewn around misunderstandings and deconstructions around the Master Jesus Christ. I feel within my being, and have written about it several times; Jesus the Master of Love was not born in December, but was born in April. Through my own unique awakening with Source, and the dreams, experiences, and remembrances I have opened within, I am shifting what this season and meaning of it to impress and open to my children heightened and more deeply rich ways through which celebration and honour of our Oneness can be offered. 

We have chosen to release the over-consumptions of the season in every way; as we are moving more and more toward vegan eating styles and wellness, what Christmas and the season traditions are moving within something new and unexpected.  We have been preparing the children about the meaning they feel about what Christmas means and how this relates to the over-consumption of what they think they need, desire, and what is truly within their hearts that they ache to experience. For there is a grand difference in these musings and are perhaps worth some reflection time as we enter into times of greater spiritual awakening, earthly-human-Universal integration and how beautiful simplicity can truly be. 
Much of our societies imbalances, illnesses and disharmony reside within the beliefs of limitation that we hold within ourselves. We are awakening to the brilliance, the genius, the multi-dimensionality of ALL that we are, and in this process; we heal, we let go, we re-align, we open within the lotus of eternal potential that we have always been as Divine Living Light beings in human form.

As we break forth within new beginnings, it is pivotal to begin within; exploring, expressing, and honouring the multi-dimensional bodies to bring back into balance what has been so misunderstood, negated, neglected, and misinformed; these are the agreements and imprints we are each here to transcend by loving the Divine in who we truly are.
Honour your mental body, honour your emotional body, honour your physical body, honour your spiritual body-etheric expansiveness; in this honouring, in this remembrance and awakening we reunite with the grander soul Source-self. 

As we have experienced such separation within, we manifest ailments in every aspect of our reality to send cues and signals of help, of attention to realign what is miss-aligned. It is not until we tune in, until we truly go within and seek the healings of our discomfort, inner pain, inner lack, that we will may feel the breaking of the veils, the coming down of the density and limitation so that a new loving experience can come forth for recognition and sacred playful honour.  Our inner imbalances will ripple through to the outer reality, and many are now awakening to these quantum holographic nuances and creating more consciously as a result.  We are truly profound creators; and our higher self, our soul will create whatever It can to bring Divine messages through to our daily sense of self; We are rich dear ones, we are truly deep with grace and wisdom; and the potentials that we ARE with eternal love and self-appreciation is why we each came forth; for in this awakening and remembrance, there are Creational designs that simultaneously heal and transform.   

This is our Divine human evolution; releasing the vibrations of who we were, and aligning with ever expansive aspects of love, acceptance, joy, and creative exploration; this is our birthright. We are so Divinely loved, cared for, and supported, and there are the tools and wisdoms within and are activated to keep our presence within all stages and phases available to us, for us, and through us. Rest and relax dear ones. You are exactly where you should be; and with a simple pure intent to align within Source; the God Within, you can breathe and align instantly with greater harmony and unconditional love that exists within this vibration. Reflect upon what truly matters, what truly allows you to feel soft, Divine, compassionate within thyself, and loving and honouring with thyself; offer the Divine, your Higher Self to live through you in aligning your actions, behaviour, and thoughts in these new soulfully designed perspectives about your worthiness, your vastness, and your profundity. 

Allow the ease and blessing to let go, release, and forgive what no longer serves. It is as only within our beliefs and perspectives that keep us from stepping within the allowance of simplicity; choose to simplify, choose to open within Source flow, choose to align in the beauty of you, the love of you, and the grace of you; in this acknowledgement, you open to the grand essence that IS you. 
Join us for our December 9th class for new expansive ways to perceive and enjoy, and communicate within our expanding reality and our multi-dimensional Christhood.…/sacred-light-language-divine-toning-2/
Blessings and graceful joy for a beautiful and loving new year,
Joanna L Ross

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Never Underestimate the Power of Loving Evolution

Greetings dear lighted ones,
As promised, here are the links for our upcoming December 'Mastery Divine Communications Class'
Here is the link to December 9th Master Class ~ Sacred Toning & Higher Dimensional Communication
As mentioned on our most recent KCOR Live Ascension show;

This coming week we will dive within topics we have never really discussed before and will take this within a Christed Consciousness perspective; Human Transitions, 
Transformation, Death & Suicide ~ How may we breathe new perspectives within these concepts and create within ourselves the inner beauty, the inner honour, and the 
knowing of our entwinement with Source in all moments, emanating the value and 
precious potential of all life?  This is what we are here to work on, to breathe 
new heightened perspectives, views, and honour to creating and re-writing our 
healing planet, our healing hearts, and our Divine Universal human family.
We will talk about the shifts and changes in our multi-dimensional bodies, communication, toning, singing, and how these concepts are the new forms of our new human way of sacred living, sacred healing, sacred manifesting and entangling as Divine Universal beings of living light,
I look forward to our Divine entanglement and communion,

We often forget the elegance and the Divine entwinement of benevolent choice, orchestration, and Heavenly Creational evolution in what we exist within. We feel the injustice, the imbalance, and the lack of value that is held within our societal systems and life itself.

We say within great assuring essence and inner knowing, that all lives, however tiny and unassuming allow for the most profound human lessons, profound human ignition to a greater light, a greater love. Every aspect of human experience is an unfolding moment through which the ALL is expanding within, awakening within, and allowing ourselves to see higher more unified, loving, sacred ways of behaving and entangling.

If we did not have what is labelled; separation, dark, or negative, we would not create the awareness, the exact opposite potential for us to rebalance. Our Universe is the co-creation of quantum movement, in which all things must balance and have an equal balancing mechanism in its spiral of evolution. 

We are now awakening to this; our hearts, our awareness, our desires, our needs are becoming more intrinsically motivated to feed the soul, awaken the spirit, and allow to come forth in ways that will not only serve our innate desire for Oneness, peace, unity, and harmony, but also the needs, the desires, and aches for all life we exist within. 

Never underestimate the Divine threading within all paths, all lives, all Creational offerings. All is purposeful in love.

Blessings and graceful joy,

Sunday, 25 November 2018

The Source Essence that IS You

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Heavenly musings;

The majesty of the Heavens dear ones, is the Divinely soft, Divinely elegant, Divinely gracious joy of exploration in loving gratitude, loving bliss, loving peace.

Source Creator; breath of all life, breath of all evolutionary movement through love.
The delicate, the elegant, the profound, the majesty of It all; Divinely graced within us all.

For we are entering within a time like no other dear ones, and this will call for each to soak within the purity of peace, the purity of love, the purity of joy and calm-hearted compassionate essence. There will be healing, awakening, and opening, and in this, there will be much to be thankful for.

Many that will feel the soothing blessing from the loving peace to you emit, the unconditional loving essence and honour for their path, and their experiences within the All. How your light, be at peace, and offer a gentle and softened voice of reassurance and understanding. For the essence, the intention of peace, love, and harmony can be felt and known in all interactions. As we approach the holiday season, in all moments of our human-Heavenly unfolding; stand masterfully in your light, hold your Heavenly grace, and emanate your peaceful repose. For nothing is beyond the healing presence of the purity of love.

For there is a profound re-awakening to deeper levels of purity in self-acknowledgement as Source; this will feel as if what was is shifting in more dramatic ways; how may we soften in allowance of the blessings, soften in the gifts of change, and acceptance within the joys of the unknown ~ so very exciting and may we soften with peaceful blessings, wishes of joy and love, and blessings of compassion to the ALL.

Holding your light dear ones is the being of it. Peaceful, honouring, loving, soothing, and radiating the light that you have always been; without reservation, without condition, without hesitation, without restriction; for this is the essence of the Creator that you are.

And so it is,
Blessings and graceful joy,


The Beauty of Oneness ~ Harmonizing within Your Omni-Presence

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Here are the details to our live ascension and etheric communion yesterday;
KCOR Ascension Radio - big announcements, classes upcoming, and the Divine experience of harmonizing and meeting an aspect of YOU! Veils dropping!
So exciting ~ we are truly blessed!

Topics; The Beauty of Oneness ~ Harmonizing with Your Omni-Presence
Joanna announces big changes for 2019 and the last episode with KCOR will be December 15th to further projects and offerings through their website and a streaming audio-visual concept and build into the library and resources for families and the collective.
Joanna shares a beautiful multi-dimensional unfolding of a connection and reunion with a 6th dimensional aspect of her consciousness in the Sirius star system as an arachnid. This experience allows us to flow more deeply and richly within honouring the ALL that we are in our Universal perspectives, the omni-perspectives and how we are preparing ourselves in every way within our belonging as expansive beings of Divine potential.

* Joanna offers musing about heightened potentials of multi-dimensional communication, our multi-dimensional bodies and how our bodies communicate with our planet, and how we can begin to create open and creative conversations that can allow our children to attune to their bodies and experiences so that they can begin to remember their mastery of their reality, through their choices, through their own ability to innately align with Source, with their choosing of their path, and how their choices affect their reality experience. 
All of our moment for moment unfolding allows us to create a more expanded perspective about who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us each. What beliefs and judgments do we hold that keep us in separation, limitation, fear, or doubt about our grandness and our potential to be simply anything to explore Creation, to explore ourselves, and how truly Divinely loved and supported we are in this Heavenly process of evolution. We are each here to expand upon the light and love within, and in doing so the ALL is affected.