Sunday 28 April 2024

#5D Reading of Collective Consciousness Levels, Stories, Leaders, Healers, Teachers - READY NOW

 Connection of your spiritual teams, healing teams, celestial, alien, Systems of Light Teams, Galactic Federations

God ~ Source Mother Father, all animal guides and nature guides ~~~~ TUNE IN I offer classes, healing, activation sessions and help guide, inspire, empower & encourage your connection with your Highest Self, the veils dropping, and what your manifestations, are showing, telling, guiding you and helping you attune to a refined and purified connection with God, Creation

Understanding universal energies, beddings, and templates, and why your body, mind, heart, soul, fields, will feel the adjustments of higher refined light - 
* 90min Sessions $233USD  * 4x45min Sessions $533USD ---> * independent or work, business, systematic re-write for the harmonization of 3D - 5D vocation of your gifts, skills, talents, to be the fullest creative genius that you are and have always been - this is being soulfully evolved and designed  Activation, Enlightenment, Awakening and refinement of harmonization - through your own commandmentship of you and your life force, light and energy -  This is the new earth - Connection, Relationship - - > Source is ALL THAT IS - as are you  I look forward to our connection  Blessings and light Every change changes the all -  Ripple of Creation and the love of Source  #NewEarth  #ascension  #healinghumanity  Joanna 'the Rising Sun' ~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here;

COLLECTIVE ENERGY SYNERGIES - #5D Light is Showing all our challenges to adapt to grave imbalance

Our planet will show all daily of the misogynistic abuses of our systems infrastructures and the red alert that if not ‘course corrected’ will can move into extinction Daily yearly there are more youth DF being diagnosed with breast cancer Why? What is the energetic story? What is the adaptation young women children are being subjected challenged with? What are the balancing needs for us to be in healing awareness of? Our world is showing you ~ are you awake Consciousness awareness is everything #epstein imbalanced attacking erasing DF and DM focus on money greed lust underground trafficking and sexual abuse What wounding of 3000 yrs of DM power over others degrading disconnection and 0 relationships with as spirit ~ Source God ~ Manifestation of beliefs imprints human testing low vibrational abuses and low vibrational belief systems delusions that must be faced snd the consequences of such hate and discrimination and erasing Who are are ??? Gaia will respond 5D leaders are on it and I am not standing down - the damages can be irreparable ~ all leaders will carry their arrogance and damages done to every soul #israelikeadership #worldleadership All are responsible and your 3D arrogant irresponsible titles mean nothing to the multiverse - 

Support Protection, Re-Writing New Laws, FOR those that are Higher Vibrational & Helping Humanity Ascend and Heal

I will not stop exposing what God shows me and my story if survival and healing The ‘Alliance with Light’ is all you need

For the evolutionary honour, longevity, and assurance of the continuance of our species, it is key we get these very pivotal reality reflections and what it means for you, our generations to come, and your future timelines, and what your children have to navigate to maintain balance - look around - all is showing you the imbalance and how can you bring balance - Unity Consciousness - 
All play a part - there is no separation 
What do you exist within 
What exists within you

I went through hell many times Mostly due to the intentional malice impaling pre meditated murder and derailing of my life those from the past - governments and communities that ‘group think’ of hate discrimination and harassment and how many ways I was exploited while groups secret families and societies were paid to hurt break harm destroy me
#humantesting #secretsocieties #corruptioninCalgary #healinghumanity I will not stand down I will not bow to false elites snd covert bullying gang stalking simply due to the criminals not wanting their deeds known seen ~ perhaps you simply heal

There was targeting systematic attacking * slow dagger approach * government secret files on those they knew tracked spied tested me like a lab rat and targeted for decades in testing taunting in the most degrading inhumane ways The only contact goes through my lawyer A lot of people groups that owe me God and the heavens will continue delivering karma to every person until balance monies homes mail children are returned This offer to make right was up 2 yrs ago The more delays - better bet the foundations and reputations the theiving partying denying and targeting me to suffer while they steal stole my life I should have been living my best life 8 yrs ago - living off of monies that were mine all sling Doppelgänger false businesses AI fake pages * horrible dark witches that bring hell to any and all they touch / calling more ‘mean girls’ to the cult coven low vibrational group think I have my Rights

I will not be human tested I barely made it ‘few would have survived’ and the only things these people care about is ‘not having my money to live off of’ while I suffers 3 yrs of being homeless and attacked defamed and blamed for the 100.% lies on my life I will sue every griot church coven dark ass witch warlock and mason group business government and my life story will be known through out the entire multi verse ~ I DESERVE MY Birthrights and to live without being attacked daily when all I do is bring light wisdoms healing for all earth ~ is that not a good thing I have been tested like a lab rat dirt and stupid as I am worthless ~ party live lavishly off of the exploitation and thieving of me ~ God WILL stop ✋ all clout title poverty ~

I will not invite any of the 50+
#calgary falsifying documents claims manipulations to get monies that don’t belong to any but me ~ o have been given not 1 penny from any I have given 0 signatures ever None had an ounce of right None would could go what I do These bully hate groups all will keep getting karma until balance and justice is restored My Voice is of all abused and discriminated human rights and basic human dignity has been utterly destroyed and ignored Go through my lawyer and I will not stop nor silence

All will be known. Interest distress 8 yrs of delaying my life Loss of business Isolation from my children Mental emotional spiritual targeting abuse I will sue all and I barely made it due to 100% interference ~ God will bring every business person cult group down until justice is done And so be it Anything in my name that I did not sign will be ripped from all as they stole raped ripped my Life apart ~ criminals thieves attackers satanic cult false people only care about their false ranking ~ hurting people has 0 ranking Get right I will keep exposing until all is brought 100% every penny and interest on all damages See all in court 

#5D leadership I will sue all

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

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