Tuesday 25 April 2023

When You Accept Who You ARE ~ Life Flows & GROWS ~ 5D Radical Self Acceptance


When what is before you, how your life looks is directly because of what you are within, and what you have honoured or not; are you hiding? 

Are you holding back in who you are and what your story is? Sexual preference, the wounding related to such, from childhood and what wounds are needing of a way to be expressed;

Everything within you is in need to be expressed; the key and mastery code is to learn how you uniquely and authentically express so that it is not in harm or taking of another - to learn to honour your emotions and value all of the human emotional realm - and in being so and doing so you are able to navigate in a very genuine and authentic manner that is your destiny and how you offer your perfection to Creation;

When you cannot sort out why some project & how what some may hide when it directly is projected and hurtful targeted at you - within acceptance of your uniqueness; Hybrid & all, genius and all, transgender and all, gay and all;

Definitions are not needed; however how you suppress, target, and project your own inner wounding, does affect your choices and how you treat others.


Here is our weekly ascension posting for those that move through abuse, trauma, healing trauma and why some choose to go into underground activity to feed their false sense of self, insecurity and other lack of self issues that are the core issues of all crime, corruption, and violence; when the inner is not healed, there is always outer imbalance, due to the inner imbalance; 

Those that choose to force their way, their story, their lack of being nourished and lack of sense of self, and expect you to write their life for them, or be there even in their abuses and their denial and deceit; there are deep psychological wounding and simply would and could be healed and be a much higher valued life when you live in a pure sense of self value; and then express it all in authentic kindness to yourself; 

When you are hiding, you are not being authentic, When you target others for not accepting you in all the darkness and shady detail and discrimination of who they are - it is you; your own discrimination, your own lack of sense of self; and how it gets abusive and violent, and criminal seems to be the only way anything is faced to promote change; 


None have the power to affect you when you fully accept yourself; the pain, the targeting, the less than, the poverty spells, and whatever pain and lack anyone wants to push you to experience and be; you are able to turn the tables and live in higher light - for God will always offer what is in pure heart to help others - period. This is the catalyst for all change, evolution and how can you look at your life and offer help, service, positive empowerment and inspiration - the outer focus has been so obsessive that there are a large % of our collective truly lost, and then turn to violence, and corruption to feed the inner demons of denial, deceit, and lack of self - all unnecessary - but all purposeful to learn and grow as a soul - 

What is it that I want to experience and how may I be this first? 

All is energetic; 


There are many community help groups and so too dear ones, at what level can you be a part of community healing, community change, and inspire a support group to help those that have been abused, and used, and targeted when others simply are acting from their own inner rage - 

Self acceptance is the way to healing; violence, crime, discrimination, corruption is all unnecessary.

It is all healable - God is and our own being ness of God is - we all have access and nourishment of God and all can be of such; casting spells, and casting hate, none will affect what and how you wish it to for it is showing you - you are the one that you are impaling - and it doesn't;t have to be destructive and all disappear - look at who you are and what you are doing to express yourself; when you harm another - it will return; period. 

Women are valuable. We have voices and we are standing in our power - those that are unhealed and have been brought up in misogynistic homes, dogma, and beliefs will have a challenge and struggle with the shift in our collective movements into greater evolution and it will not be easy - but keep on keeping on; you are making a difference in the powerful consciousness shift for all of humanity to feel, sense, known, be, live, express, explore itself as full self accepted and self aligned, self loving, self honouring, and if our entire collective, to see all, to know all as self directed and self loving; there would be immediate healing of all disease, all crime, all lack and limitation that directly relates to all corruption - for you and all would be forever full, and fulfilled; 

Much is the imprint of our Adam Eve Project every human came with to transcend, make a new level of higher consciousness in the self discoveries and redefining in a way that is collective servicing, and unifying, and healing the eons deep of sexual abuse, discrimination, and subjugation that all have been a part of creating; 

God is not a religion, never was; we placed what we were offered into boxes and definitions in no dissimilar manner than we do each other; to take title, prize, importance, money, value, and so on - however that is not who we are, and not be led or defined as such; why most have such deep seeded expression wounds of that need to be healed and why some of the most damaged target those that are living in their truth and expression of such ~ - it is all unnecessary - there is great advances and greater global oneness for all to come to and simply honour with self acceptance and loving grace; 

Who are you - what are you holding back from or in denial of - who you are is the key to all you want and care to ever feel and manifest - it Is nothing else; why do you think God, Source, Creation Brought you, made you - the perfection of you - is so key - I wish and pray for all to 'GET THAT' and leave all others alone; stay in your lane dear ones, that is where you are meant to be and when and as you do, life divinely unfolds - and all are able to live in the unique diversity that is Creation - symbiosis of all for the all 

And so be it,

Blessings and light


We are each here to live purely and sacredly within - when we live sacredly and honour all as sacred, all simply are - we are sacred and precious and perfect; Who are you?

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  • newspiralsofevolution
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  • healinghumantrauma
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