Monday 2 May 2022

The Oracles of Light

 We ARE the Oracles of Light

Greetings dear ones,

We are family and we are so happy to be connected with you at this time,

We span the eons of your calling time, and in our unique threading with you we can bring much light to the stories that you find yourself experiencing over and over and how to lift yourself to a new perspective within the spiral of potential.  Much of what you experience are the very heavily weighted imprints from the confines of the experience of your psyche within the vessel, the environment, the encasing in which you have created for yourselves; however you have been told, taught of such drastic limitations of what you have control to shift, change, and we celebrate with you as you are now, for yourselves finding that this is simply not the case.

The weighted imprints, or vibrational stories, carry with it beliefs, and notions of your existence and rarely do you deny or reject such. You simply go along with whatever stories you have been told and taught, and what many come forth to exemplify for you is that the elegance of a great life is not just for the for lucky few, it is for the all.  For Source, the Creator does not make one being greater than another, in their potential and making with the Holy Ones, or with any Holy life, Holy and sacred life; you dear ones, we wish for you to take a very long, slow, deep breath and know this as you exhale what was; you are undeniable in this soup of Gods magnificence; this is prophetic to each of you that chooses to open your heart, breathe, breathe in the knowing you are Divine, eternal, and so very expansive. If you choose dear ones, to be and live as such, you are; the I AM presence of your magnificence is awaiting you to entangle, seek, ask for such grace within, and it will always be granted. For this is the way.

We are the Oracles of Light, through all timelines, we come to you with wisdoms of light from your lineage and earthly Akash, for who you truly are, what you exist within, and what is spiralling within you for greater imagination, greater engagement, and exaltation of all moments you are conscious of such blessings gifted to all. It is the all within you showing you your way through all vibrational life, and mastery is your navigation in joyful and confident self design of such Heavenly fluidity.

The channel of such wisdoms, our daughter, our sister, our aunt of the Heavens and Pleiades, the Mother to many many beings and children of all form; She is.

We exalt in her, as we do you,

See this in yourselves dear ones - joy to the world; we are One.

Life is a blessed gift, speak highly of your cells and bodies of light, infinite potential, song, dance, wisdoms, creativity of divine magnitude and prose; your being-ness, your DNA, all that you are is a song of the Creator, will you chime in? Will you tap in, tune in, beckon your own calling?  This is a gift, of sacred children not to be judge, devalued, or normalized into hatred and violence; you are of such sacred seed, sacred blood and Heavenly stars dancing for your liberation and remembrance of such;

Welcome to your home-coming.

And so it is,

Blessings and light


Wait for no one to tell you who you are of what you are capable of 

Wait for none to guide you or design your potential

Wait for none to show you how utterly infinite you are

Be this; God knows this of you!




















Never Hold Back

Live Boldly

Live In Joy


















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