Wednesday 14 July 2021

3D - 5D - Healing From Abuse of Power - Timeline Healing

 3D --> 5D 

Healing from Abuse of Power & Negative Spell Magic Work

New Systems to Support old timelines of control, subjugation, double standards, and opening to new collective potentials.

In our process of awakening, there will be greater alignment to the natural laws of the Universe and protection, laws, and guidance in all of our social systems, to help heal, support, and bring justice to so many that have been harmed by black magic, voodoo, and other misuses of energy that is not discussed, not supported in our communities for healing, and how to re-build homes, families, and situations that have been continually damaged by such,

It begins at the core; your consciousness is the queendom, kingdom, and when you love and be joyful of you, nothing and no one can bring damage to you in any way;

Many of these experiences come forth from the many subjugation, mind control, manipulation timelines; orion, Maldek, and many other catastrophies that we have experienced, and in the blessing of awakening, you get to face all fears, and surrender to love, re-build your inner self, inner knowing, inner fields and heart of light and then release all karma and energies to spirit for final transmutation.

Your pure will and intent to be done with such stories of energy abuse, will allow you to step fully into your power and stand tall and move about our all energy realities knowing and not fearing any and all that spirit, and simply acknowledge and walk on.

Nothing can harm you; face the fear, and state powerful loving intentions for your world, realm, and bodies, fields, and let all aspects of consciousness in the known and unknown realms know; enough is enough and you choose stories of love.

Any ego energy of fear, retaliation, revenge, limitation, control, all are shadow energies and will only cause karma, and more such stories to play out; so breathe, release all fears and pain, and whatever damage has been caused, for spirit, the Universe never lets anything go that is meant for you and that will always be repaid tenfold by any unjust and unfair treatment;

Hold your head high and love.
Be at peace and love,

Say no to all and any games and schemes of manipulations and narcism, power struggles and such
Speak loving affirmations throughout your day, bathe in salts, and
Gaia, and treat yourself well in love and joy,

Seek out ascension coaching, healing, reiki, and other forms of energy healing for any abuses against your aura, and bodies, fields, and know that what ever has been done will serve as blessings, lessons, and the Heavens covetting you in protection.

State with clarity who you are and what you are worthy of.
State with clarity and self love who you are and the world you wish to create,
State with clarity who you are and your consciousness and health belong to you with all abundance and all true light of the most high,
Live from peace, love and equally matching every fear with knowing of your own inner power that love and the peace is enough.

You are enough
you are a rich and blessed being, and let nothing hold you in lack of the glistening angel you are,

Speak protection affirmations to your home and fields, and bodies and firmly state to your guides, teams, souls, and those higher selves, and souls causing pain; higher realm communications; 'in honour of lessons, I choose to put a stop, enough, move away from all such experiences and I ask for the highest help in doing so.'

You have the right to live peacefully and in health and wellness of you, without feeling controlling energies holding you back,

Talk about what you are experiencing, and bring light to it,
For it is the fear within that is aching for resolve and your own inner power to shift and direct anew.

Energy cannot continue if you are not paying mind and attention to it,

Seek your power of self love and self empowerment and lets seek to change our communities to acknowledge such abuses and bring in healing, support, and fairness for justice of the underground ways in which some misuse Universal God light.

And this is also being healed in our social systems of countries and histories in which leaders used mind control and recordings, subliminal, physic, remote viewing and manipulations for other leadership control tactics and all allows each
of us to awaken to how all has been within our subtle collective all along and now that light sheds new potentials, how can we truly align to our grids, our light programs and know all that is ever required for an abundant, healthy, well life that is joyful and exploratory in all ways, is that of allowing and living in love; for the Father, the Mother, 
Spirit, your guides and your teams wish nothing more than to see you happy and in love of you;

and allowing all this to be received in being fully you.

All is a part of our stepping up from such uses and abuses of power, energy, double standards, and such and all requires the people to know how and who they are and how to return to power within, and rebuild this to stand purely in your own light,

Be the blessing of you, fully and truly and question when and why you give such power away, this is awakening and your spirit and soul will thank you

And so be it,
Joanna L Ross







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