Saturday 3 November 2018

Just Because ~ Source IS

Why not do all that you do, be all that you are, for the purity of joy of it.
Love because it feels good.
Be in joy, because it feels good.
Laugh, because it feels good.
Dance, because you can.
Sing, because you can. 

Wave and offering blessings, because you can.
Whatever it is that you feel the joy and excitement to do, to be, do because you are IT.
The purity of loving expression is Source flowing and living through you. This is the purity of the simplicity of love, of Source Creator in all that you are, and how easy it is to express it, share it forth. 
Source, God within is not complicated.
It is purely loving.
It is purely simple.
It is purely YOU.
In all of your beauty and glory,
New vibrations of Divine knowing,
And so it is,
And so I am that I am.
Blessings and grace,
Joanna L Ross

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