Predictions Next 5yrs sooner
THE MAKING OF NEW EARTH SYSTEMS - - - its in the substrates already - * socio-altruism taking flight ~~~ who are we, what do we exist within, what is within us each * Understanding at the home level, to greater 'social systems' called government and will be given new names and new roles based on higher order, higher ethics, and those in divine alignment, prepared and chosen, for the initiations and soul devotion to the basic code of honour in sacred life * Entering 5D space-time - galactic bedding - will mean that we will be responsible for honouring and aligning with the universal laws - we will be called when we are not and thus, karmic law, and shifts will occur * healing & community rebuilding - - - focus will be on healing and higher understanding of light, Gaia healing properties herbal medicines, herbal healing tonics and all that is light, colour, healing by those trained and prepared from their akashic lifetimes, and through trained healers such as channelled training and teaching through myself and others like Daniel Scranton and the teaching of Amora QuanYin, she has her healings still online - (passed away many years ago )Or other healers that are passionately
aligned as directed only by their higher self - higher self is the alignment for 5D -
* light education and light wisdoms connecting earth with our ancient lifestyles, practices of harmony, peace, healing in shamanic manners of the higher light tribes of celestials through 'Sacred Trinity' of Heavens, Gaia, Collective alignment - souls blueprint on what God, Source, Omni has written for you and your choosing of your highest and best - - all is higher code alignment - higher earth alignment
* Entertainment world is being re-written NOW - no more harvesting agents & selling of sex for business - you all know who you are - how about you sit this one out and get healed - -- ego is not in charge here -
* Sound and music, all sources of entertainment will be re-written in higher alignment of ethics, codes of honour to all life and the unique and diverse expression of every soul within the unique and divinely heavenly designed soul blueprint - as it should have always been - rather than children going to school, being numbed down dumbed down for things they are far beyond -
* multidimensionality will be the precedence of new systems and new healing, new light teachings - it cannot be staved off any longer - there is new light in our biosphere and new codes, and new potentials and no more will we be forced to live in the entrainment of less than and being enslaved for business and corporations that have no clue and nor care about you -
* big Pharma will be given the potential to work off some of its karma by redirecting their monies of raping the human collective and corrupt agendas of keeping humanity sick - by assisting in the new healing centres and new research based and aligned with the heavens and our higher dimensional wisdoms in our akashic and blueprints each person that is excited to move, explore, express for our collective
Higher vibrational star seeds, healers, - light workers and healers know this and have 0 support - 0 resources, - 0 programs assisting light teachings and that is ALL WE ARE - - -
* understanding fully of universal laws and how we operate within such - redesigning and revamping entirely broken selfish corrupt systems that are entirely aligned with what is the systems and supports systems = = LIFE ( which no system in 3D is based on any of these higher light alignments and why they will fail and fall )
* In the offering, advancing of light wisdoms, teachings, leadership - all will be in harmonious flow and abundance - allowing for the heavens, 13th dimensional collectives, teams, and groups to assist in our transformations that will be very speedily achieved under the higher knowing of those directing - * honouring the matter as spirit - as all life is - and the potential that is limitless and all realms of which was always meant to be 3E 's of ascension for every souls blueprint to live in divine sacredness and liberation - healing of all systems of suppression and control that inhibits flow of Source, healing the energies and imprints of war, famine and poor poor leadership of dictatorship of oligarchy as law and rule and it will not ever be * Such orders of constraint, behaviours and actions - will be seen daily as offered by every channeller - will be immediate karma for not abiding by the basic of universal laws and human rights of divine potential and keys for sacred life and honour of the expression of life for any soul and its journey - that none have a right to limit or suppress - the divine has a plan for all specs of life and any constraining and limiting of it will only bring more and more karma, loss, towers - that is merely quantum law and we have been as simple in such explanations - ego and arrogance are the blatant wounds of what leadership has done, will allow for the taking of its people in its own self aggrandizement
* Dimension = Information (consciousness ) & VIBRATION = Lower consciousness - darkness, fear, suppression, depression, subjugation, domination, all are dark, no intelligence and thus will only by quantum law remain in lower entropy of the universal shifts and will be eventually pulled out to be re-worked into higher elements of light codes of Gods, Sources, making into new life * not all will be guaranteed any further lives or bodies based on what they have allowed for in their own alchemy and transmuting of the 51% plus what they have chosen to do, create in this life time and rebalance of the DF / DM energies - every human is in this responsibility as the heavens would like to remind all life - LIFE IS SACRED and LIFE IS A GIFT
* regardless of the small, 3D earthly beliefs - all is responsible for working through and then re-aligning to higher quantum life light offered daily - for healing, and helping your body, mind, heart, soul harmonize to new life codes, galactic being-ness and your merkabah being activated in every new ascension cycle
THERE ARE LAWS that outrank and out serve any 3D human experience and they will be met with swift accuracy in the continued arrogance of disregard of such evolutionary programs of the multiverse -
LIGHT IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT - - - - damage has been immense on all aspects of this planet and all leaders are placed within notice and every move is monitored for basic human rights of 'doing right' for the people
The HIGHEST PRIORITY now for humanity is healing
Healing all trauma, wounding, balancing our DF / DM energy and higher light education - in all manners of our planet - to reharmonize the sacred trinity that every human is threaded with in their unique souls design and blueprint
- heal your wounds, so they do not become another's - - - is a basic common rule of law for 5D entryway
- - - IF you choose to abuse, use, destroy, such - you will simply not be offered any higher evolution until all species on this planet GET UNIVERSAL LAWS - you will not be allowed to ignorantly abuse, take, rape, manipulate, fool, trick, and bully and suppress the divine life evolution - -
---- and in the blatant ignorance to higher order law of 'greater good will to all' you will thus then be not offered the divine elegance, grace of attrition into higher realms of evolution for your soul or the lineages - there is a RULE OF THUMB in all life systems that are offered everything to advance, enhance and all life in peace, harmony, abundance for all life -
***** How much do you care about your souls evolution????
**** there will no longer be 3D earths offered - and all is within the divine delight of SOURCE to offer all to the children and all life and there is such detachment, disconnect, ego arrogance thinking they are gods of the greater God and life of grace, sweetness, innocent, and pure divinely magic of elegance in humility - few practice this daily -
HEALING and higher intelligent manners of leadership, new ways of policing that will be directed by and of the Galactic federations alignments and downloads, offering, healings, of higher vibrational higher dimensional leadership for new human-celestial councils, groups of divine service for humanity and all creation
Higher and greater understanding for the hybrid projects through our multiverse and how you are all threaded within it all - and all life forms and your human lifetime here was supposed to be very important to transcend the 51% of karma and DF / DM imbalances to give all other aspects of you its light and optimum knowing, learning and higher consciousness
It has been very very unfortunate the earths low vibrational low consciousness leaders have kept you all in community black magic, voodoo numbness, fear programs, hate agendas and the deconstruction of what is always has been GODLY and the misinterpretation and misinformation of what GOD is and who we are within all creation - suppressed depressed and the underground take over of corrupt cults, covens that sacrifice and honour kill, voodoo, and systematically take out the divine that is here to give 'last chance and last call' for all humanity and the suppressions and silencing have been horribly insane and the leaders choosing to take the planet with them into their selfish ego-manical abuses
Greed and selfishness the wounding of the DM and ego - is devastating and they are not 'getting the message' and there will simply not be any further warnings
- we are a very important planet for the multiverse ascension and it spans far beyond the small ego maniacs that think they run this planet with their false elite honour killings and control programs that are simply running humanity into #epstein earth - -
* they know they are - - therefore - what is their alignment, their pure intention for humanity ??
* From Spirit, God, the Heavens and Councils of Light 'what is the value and importance of your souls evolution'
Earths Systematic Abuse Corruption
The heavens will NOT do the work for you - they have been so very gracious in such patience awaiting for such old school boys clubs to do right - and not 1 ounce has been done -
That is the weight of their karma and their unfolding - the heavens will not do the work
There are always higher order laws, ethics, integrity - that is evolution and there has been gross negligence of evolution for the planet - there has been blatant suppression - making humanity sick and children entering into violence -
DF being erased - the world leaders will serve their karmic sentencing and there is no ounce the heavens will do the heavy lifting for these negligence
Church and state do not any any aligned to lead humanity through ascension - it is pure corruption and 0 intention of good will for the pure hearts that have been shown - thus then - who are you - and what is the vibration of what sits before you -
Speaking and talking, speeches mean nothing when you are not aligned - Anubis walks with me and there are scales for every soul that stands before me - cloaking veiling, manipulating, fancy 'ally' contracts and deceitful trickery to make things sound one way - means nothing to Anubis - your soul is seen for every slight, every deed - and this is a process that NONE WILL MISS THERE IS NO FREE PASS to eternal life Darkness and dark realms - fear control, deceit, trickery, manipulation, domination, theft, fraud, scapegoat programs, corrupt military programs - - - - none will be missed Light - choosing within a pure heart to align and evolve for eternal life and reconnect, reestablish the divine connection with life and heal religious and state traumas - - every human is here for healing and expanding the soul for greater cycles - why else would you be here??? it is not for your false underground clout, fame, or glory on stage that you simply did not earn but harvested from those you sent homeless -
It is judgment time and the heavens are now in reign of the unfolding - Catch the wave HEALING HUMANITY Same message #5D is not 3D

Heal your wounding - what in any way would the creator of all diverse life ever dictate that DF or any life dog, cat, child are held in suppression of any and what would that life be the devastation of in taking - draw it out - GOD would not create it if it were not purposeful and perfect in its design
- NONE at 3D church and state have a clue of the souls blueprint of any one to suppress and subjugate and why God will place the unexpected before you -
WE will understand at a higher level the beauty of Autism and our vibrational expansiveness and create not only healing systems but new expression systems for these higher vibrational beings -
#highFunctioning #autism
All were tested - how divine are you - do you treat all life as sacred - or just that with the right elite name or status
All had no idea I was elite - I am elite with multiverse and there are trillions that bow at my feet for my offering
They follow, watch, protect, and heal me from your attacks and I still get up every day and teach truth
Blessings and light
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD
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