Thursday, 21 November 2024

Ascension Predictions, The Next Phase - New World for Unity, Peace, Integration #5D

 Celestials, Aliens, Ancient, Future Human Light Being-ness ~ Re Turn to our Ultimate Godliness 

Understanding our natural evolution and what has been hidden, what has been suppressed, hidden agendas, programs, and what has always been a part of our enmeshment of all creation - -  We are multi-versal beings - we have always been - and any other speech is the limitation and density less than to be organized, conformed, and controlled - - - 

DISCERN vibrationally - - - ALIGNMENT and then what is shown, proven, offered, in their higher intelligence of this alignment 

Alignment = connection, relationship of in with Spirit - if it is not light, spirit, the agenda is entropy - PERIOD! be discerning 

There is always our divine essence and be discerning of what 'negative targeting of the propaganda' of the lightships, aliens, and celestials, God, Source, and how, what is our connection to IT ALL - GOD is GOD  Source is all life  Source is all aspects of life

The aspects of the insects and plant life and nature, oceans, all is alien species and how is our limitations and separations, and dogmatic church and state kept us small and limitations of being more and all - these are all the questions that we must face in our ascension path work to transcend 'separation as a small human' and cut off from our divine family - be ready for my next video - - - - - -  Discernment - - -  * are those gifting you with 'wisdoms' aligned with their own higher self - they will never offer propaganda, nor fear based programs, nor deceit, temptations, brain chip, space and filtering humanity to bunkers or otherwise for more
#epstein Agendas and programs of hidden, veiled, secret, testing, controlling, dominating * it takes years to move through ascension - releasing the soul fragments into union of higher inner being-ness, and it is something that is seen in progression and leaders would show that unified and divine presence, speech, compassion, and their own inner - outer shifts 

Our more recent ascension video - - Ascension Video #5D Adaptation

I AM SACRED - I have been lifted and offered for the all - 
those with the heart to hear will - and thus then follow me - - 
The divine is within - if a leader is not showing this - move away

* can the leaders speak on their dark night of the soul and how, what, did they transcend limitations, and conformity - - can they offer the fullness of multidimensional healing and how to and what is pure guidance of the divine and what is systematic beliefs, dogmatic and church and state mess to keep you bound

* CHURCH & STATE - evil corrupt arrogant leaders of trafficking egregious secret agendas will not lead you but into hell - period -

The heavens and Source, God will not support - they simply will not support daily arrogance of erosion to the blatant offering of divine change

* there is a shifting out - evil Epstein trafficking, greed, ugly war ego earth led by the same corrupt leaders - or higher divine shift by those that are aligned, done the work, and supported by the heavens - and why they hid, suppressed, and tried to take me out - makes no sense - them taking me out was their certain death and eternal hell - makes 0 sense 0- this is their level of intelligence - they are not getting the lessons nor what is occurring and what their souls are trying to alert them to -
* are the alignments of the divine greater good of unity, peace, and healing - 

Do they offer you the grander version of you that is divine, sacred, mystical
and heavenly  
* when you see, hear, take part in what is being offered - is there all-ness and fullness of expression for all  * we are shifting - Gaia is and will be the foundation of the most diverse planet for our multiverse and

such leaders will seek, speak, and do the inner work of such and lift the all - poverty, children, elders - and not subjugate and 'put hits' on those with the out of the box offerings and higher subscriptions to a more full and heavenly knowing and being 

* is there fear and attacking propaganda - false prophets and those that speak with 0 experience - have 0 inner connection, 0 inner work, -0 connection to life and nature, Gaia or the heavens - 
* those that had every intention to have me killed - they all had the intention for me not to be here for the contrived continued domination of the people - there were agendas since the day I was born - to have me never survive the decades of systematic attacks - and there is a divine reason why I survived and know 

- I am the soulful culmination of many greater leaders, masters and healers and celestials and those that have been with me on this journey - I hide nothing - there has been immense abuse and there is a shift - - - 

Entropy and
#epstein like leadership - that are obvious and none have an ounce of alignment with their higher self if they are secretly organizing the next hit on the true prophets and leaders of a divine diverse new world of 5D galactic and cosmically embedded planet with the divine systems of light, Galactic Federations, and councils of light of all creation - assisting all life throughout the divine plan for eternal life 

* take any light worker out and silence them all you want - it will not repair nor bring any soul, spirit, entity out of the hell their choices, misalignments, nuclear missions are bringing each of their transactions to - your soul is accumulating every thought word deed and none will be missed and to take such egregious acts to suppress, silence, divine leaders and healers in the most important human evolution while war mongers are touting nuclear war - is insane and thus then, are these true leaders?

* hits on the innocent is ' karmic, dark, evil, egregious, trafficking, RICO, illegal, inhumane, not divine, demonic, misaligned and all souls will account for their misdeeds and such be the creation of any and all warheads and the actions of such - all will be accounted for - - -nothing in GODS CREATIONS GOES uncounted - unseen - it is insane

* the ego and ignorance to think they they are 'secret' and hiding their deeds and the guns race, and plans, agendas go forth into the schools, and communities and organized crime hits every city - and such systematic abuses take out the ones to save this planet - it is insane - -

* no ignorant ego-maniac 3D unhealed wounded man group, entity to press nuclear weaponry anywhere - none have such right to destroy dishonour the divine Fathers plan and none hold such rights ever - the Galactic Federations will pull rank - - the selfish destruction to life is is horrible and vile and all will pave only their way to hell and 0 redemption - - ever 

THESE global acts we see that unfold daily of 0 accountability of the inhumane agendas and corruption suppression, degradation to the divine and truth - higher truth - - so much ignorance and the questions are - - how far will humanity allow such leaders to take them down the river with no way back?

0 divine connection - and it is showing you hourly - - 

0 care for your souls evolution and those of innocence - - 0 care, 0 life care, 0 love 0 honour for GOD, Source, the divine they affect -

Such acts, such programs and officials allowing drugs to cross borders and schools, and false fake 'war' headlines to cover arms race, and maffia fun and games of guns and machines to the innocent souls that care about life and our spirits and evolution - and any one thinking they will be saved, or they will be given and heavens pass is utter idiocy - - - you will not and your soul will carry every hit and every ignorant blatant egregious act 

* you will not be offered future incarnations, no future bodies, or minds - this is the lack of intelligence these world leaders have with our souls, spirit, and the divine plan and the egregious ignorance, misinformation, dogmatic teaching, and corrupt leaderships has brought humanity to the brink of being led to hell on a hen basket and none are connected with source and the heavens will never ever ever give guidance to such misaligned ignorance

- - - the divine would never ever support guns race, organized crime and taking out of the DIVINE DAUGHTER - leader of light

* are there any leaders speaking of their communion with higher intelligence that is not in Area 51 of ripping apart the lightships they bring down, tear apart or reverse deconstruct and then test, replicate, and do inhumane horrible testing on to destroy, manipulate and have them operate as demons, slaves, and machines of cloning and destruction - - - the level of intelligence, alignment is literally 0 

It is egregious and 0 respect for life 
0 respect and 0 knowledge of Source, God, and the divine of the heavens and none have a connection with their Pleiadian families or Celestial councils and this is frightening - they operate from low vibrational control, fear, and stupidity - it is seen everywhere - and this is what is 'leadership' and how they push their agendas - - so be discerning - there is alignment or no alignment - 

HIGHER SELF would never abuse Universal laws and basic human rights! PERIOD 
WHY HEALING and doing the inner work, learning and honouring soul lessons, and who how is it such that a leader of the people would ever say and direct hits, agendas, and secret society abuses to 1DF leaders, healer, proven teacher of the higher realms - of 'get rid of her she is bad for business' - - then what 'business' are you in dear leader?

You are showing of yourself and 0 alignment to the all of CREATION and your vile soul of misalignment deceit, and hidden corruption will be known - you are not leaders - you are criminals and thieves

There is an asking dear lighted ones - be discerning daily of where your vibration sits and what excites you to move, act, and be and live in  * are you behaving in the honour of self love, self design, and reclaiming your voice, light, energy, and space for a sovereign experience of eternal life - any other speech is not 5D - it simply is not * is what you are seeing, hearing, being shown divine aligned or the intention, motive of agendas for selfish gain, power, dominanace 
* if such leaders were of the people - they would have placed me before the people - for they know they know not - they are scattering like chickens and going back into their same fear programs and white collar elitism and this is not evolved, not ascension, and not inclusive, it is not honouring of all life - the hidden programs, agendas and what has been done, hidden will come out - and thus then - are such leaders you will surrender our trust and life to 
There are higher vibrational 'first contact' wisdoms - seek it from true experienced, celestials, masters, here to help assist humanity in the expansion process, and the healing process - - - those that speak from a 3D all about UFO's and nothing about who we are in the manifestation of being 'multiversal and divine' cosmic, galactic, human, and sacred - - - - - 

There are various ranking of the ones in the collective now to assist in the leadership of higher knowing, and divine alignment - if there is little divine alignment and guidance of the divine - they simply are not aligned and only offering musings, pondering's which is an true offering - but not the most highest potential - - I know who I am - - in the coming forth, there has been much perceptions of discrimination and attacking - that will never change who I am and what I am offering for humanity - - - the old perspectives, old ways, and old beings of controlled leadership that has no care for sacred life and diversity of life - Leadership of a NEW WORLD is honouring the life of all life Leadership is earned over eons and divine knowing This planet is shifting and many will take their posts as offered by the divine

I have been unique and blessed in who I AM
What world leaders sit in nature and commune and pray, honour, speak, and uplift and protect it?
Leadership must be shown and proven 
Misalignment is what is occurring now - nuclear idiocy that affects all life everywhere - and what plan is this ........extinction - there will be no life with nuclear erosions and mistakes, and mishaps and is so vile, utterly dangerous and mind-boggling such beings are in leadership #PUTIN - I am calling you out and any other leader that thinks they care for our planet, and our ancestors, our water - - - poisoning of such will destroy the oceans and what will that lead to.............extinction
pure idiocy arrogance, ignorance - they care nothing for life - they are detached, criminals of power over others - idiots pure idiots and it is at a global warning level

Star Seeds - stand and be counted - I AM THAT I AM I am a leader and I offer higher knowing and higher alignment - I AM - - I know my responsibility and I am in honour of this culmination of my soul - my soul of all aspects of all realm, and all beings, all hybrids, and human life for a new world - and it is to each to go within and choose with pure intent - what life and earth do you choose - 

~ Are the leaders showing and in their humility of their ascension, evolution, and what care, involvement, engagement are they with all life and Gaia and the protection and honour of all life - do they show, and live this when none are watching - 
~ Are the leaders in divine presence at their heart space and care and honour for those they stand before - do they show, offer, self empowerment and inspiration to sovereignty and self management and self leadership - 
~ Are the leaders offering 'how to' on higher vibrational and higher intelligent healing that is not 'technology disconnect' ie; brain chips, and such obvious offering of 0 alignment with the higher self - if you are connected with your higher self - you would never even conceive of a brain chip - the brain is a tool only - and upgraded, enhanced, offered light, and design by your higher self and healing teams of higher realms - and natural ascension progression and the ones creating such 'brain chip' programs have no clue - they interference they have done to any that choose such 'brain chip' programs is utterly insane - 
* the brain is a tool and enhanced by higher dimensional teams of 7D and higher -

* the brain is the tool that is offered to navigate all reality and guided by nourished by and leading by the 'CONSCIOUSNESS and of which no person running such programs 'get' nor do they care' nor are they even connected - your higher self knows - all is possible through your own consciousness and alignment and what is alignment - CONNECTION and RELATIONSHIP with spirit 

* Ego - Arrogance is not intelligence
* spirit is intelligence and vibration will set the vibration of the earth, beings, energies, entities you are before and what you manifest - it is that simple and what are the leaders offering you to help you heal, uplift, sustain, maintain, and be your higher and best - regardless of the enormous hurdles, obstacles, systematic abuses, and silencing they have done in their eons of programs of control and domination for your energy and light

* thus then - is this an aligned program of higher Intelligence? #musk - I am calling you out -
* do the leaders speak of their experiences with spirit, celestials, aliens Gaia in loving and honouring, unified ways?
* do the leaders speak of their divine connection and journey with spirit, Source, higher heavens of the divine plan - - - a 3D leaders ego - is not the divine plan - and spirit is the only alignment that offers this -

Perhaps some of these people that call themselves intelligent - perhaps they connect with the divine source, higher self - your higher self is intelligent and would never ever ever guide to putting chips in brains - ever - - -

Expansion and unity and higher consciousness I have brought much to the forefront and for all to face, see, and perceive anew for higher versions of you - - All attracted to me, my vibrations, and my work will be guided truthfully daily in however you so choose to tune in and be open - as I connect to your higher selves of the sacred trinity and what is needed to be offered and presented - that is my role - and trust in the quantum entanglement of who, how you are guided to tune in and what you discern as truth and feeling right and honouring of a divine unified Source, and what is propaganda to install darkness, fear, or aliens attacking - and more separation -
#ascensionPredictions #discernmentof5DLeadership 
#firstContact #divineLeadership 

There are no more 3D timelines - you can choose entropy into controlled fear based timelines, and those leaders that are not aligned on any level - no alignment with the divine would ever manifest nuclear and fear based programs nor human testing, nor trafficking and allow it - - - it is obvious daily the speech and offering vibrationally of what is divinely aligned, and that which is speaking of separation or judgment, and it is to all for discerning - - - You are being offered a gateway to 5D - - - 

There are those that will be presented to you for your own growth and certainty - to tune in to your heart and feel what is divine, sacred, and right for you - - there will be false prophets and all those that chose to attack, copy, take, erase, and veil me and my life, hide me, suppress me while the false prophets made millions and I sat homeless - - - 

REMEMBER - the divine is pure, simple, transparent, and aligned with divine sovereignty and higher self love, self design, and self knowing healing, unity, peace, and evolution - anything else is simply not aligned

You get to discern - this is your souls offering of your own growth - Who are you What do you exist within What exists within you Life is sacred and so too are you - - - anything else is not aligned Blessings and light Joanna copyright

Blessings and light Joanna

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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