- ITS VERY REAL Kundalini activations are simply not fun
The only way to get through them is slow physical stretching, healing yoga, hot tub, swimming slowly and deep breath work
- - - The pain can take you into a spin - - it is not a sharp or leaving pain - it is dull and thunderous - and begins at the very base of your spine, tail bone - and it is the surge of new energy and light being forced through an electrical wire - and what ascension symptoms will be intensifying and how to allow energy to do what it is seeking to do, - liberate you and heal you –
· Remember the lighter you entrain yourself, the lessening of the dull pain of such kundalini activations will be – for you will be not as dense – and thus every entry into a new dimensional bandwidth is very real and will be felt and experienced as such by your entirety
* honour energy and how it is wanting to cleanse your physical vessel
* honour energy and your teams that are here to help you move through a new level of light and integration, processing of light
* breath work is necessary daily from here on out - take 3 breaks a day and just sit for 10min and focus on breath, full body breaths, and allow the intense energy to move and break clear away, and cleanse what is needed
* try not to take any suppressors of pain - simply learn how to work with accelerating energy flow - it will not stop and we must get use TO BEING more and more SPIRIT and soul - reclaiming our power to eleviate our own pain - like when a mother is going into labor, labour pains, feels very similar
- - I had 2 natural births with only laughing gas - and the pain was undeniable and with breath, focus, and intention, learning how to work with energy - you can manage and stretch your old ways into new liberations - - - consciousness and how you shift all that is matter by your mind, power of harmonizing with the higher self is limitless you are the loving commander of your vessel that IS
* Crystalline and Carbon and thus - we are learning and entraining higher vibrational ways to live and be lighter and more in tune with Source energy in our fullest capacity IT IS GOD AMPING YOU UP to your more truest self return to SOURCE
***** The kundalini is very very sacred - - - honour the dragon of transformation moving through your soul - Your kundalini activates in your 'ALIGNMENT' and as you use, honour, live sacredly - the kundalini is shown by you of you - it is ok to release and be more - - - thus the kundalini expresses itself in new codes, new gifts, new celestial alignments of being source - - all preparing you for new realms of making and co-creating - Electrically, magnetically,
- - the importance and what this means for you and your changing reality and bodies, mind, brain, and what you are able to now practice, play, and soften into
- - - I have never really seen the kundalini as a snake - but a dragon - perhaps more of where the lifetimes and the Sophia Crystalline dragons I work with - but I see the kundalini as a much more powerful being of your connection, your specific electrical plug in - that is unique as the DNA, and your breath print, finger print with Source Creation and all that you have ever been, will be, and in each new level of dimensional thread, bandwidth, through your harmonization of the previous cycles, and 3E's of all previous cycles and some are activated simply for the blatant awakening - but can be slow and honouring but still profound in how it feels and is unmistakeable - - -
* for all those that work with energy and have very intense personality, passion - know you will have to take responsibility for your AMPED up energy - and your guides will always guide you - when you are ready for more you will be activated and you will have shown responsibility and respect with Universal laws and spiritual laws -
* the more energetics you are given, it must be that you have earned, valued, and surrendered to the higher order and codes of ethics for the legions, the heavens, and spiritual realm you work with and for, of - you are more and more powerful as a being of light and why entraining into new ways of behaving are key - * let family and friends know you are going through energetic shifts - you can feel intense, extra fidgety, extra sensitive, extra cranky, because it is simply 'new' and what is new the sensory systems have been entrained that change is bad and it is not - we are gaining in light - few are taught, told shown how to be more light
* the kundalini is a spiritual advancement and gift - thus then, your higher self has given the GO for God, SOURCE, to plug you in on a new level of SOURCE
FOR CONDUITS - ITS super intense - for we already carry a GOD interfacing - so getting use to your new skills, gifts and always surrender to your guides
- NO EGO ~~~~~ what is my part in this transaction
~~~~~ working with your new level up is KEY for your success and honouring all others before you
It is like Source, God, your highest self - plugs you into a new level of your merkabah, and the creational matrix, not the 3D matrix
- it is the omni-source field which in turn heightens your gifts of reading and sensing all that is energy - you will be more tapped into our grids, and your potentials as a healer, reader, psychic, and shaman and earth worker
- - It is like a telephone switchboard in the olden days - and God, Source, I see it as a vision of your highest self literally plugging you in and this threaded divine coded love pure refined matrix of GOD is then in every breath brought down into your being as an enmeshment
- through the spinal activation of light, and dragon moving through all vortices of your inner realm - you begin the enmeshment of the invisible 'enmeshment' that I have offered in many of my videos called a sheath of the over-soul - - - that is when you have done the path work and integration of the soul fragments of that past cycle - you have become a cyclical whole being of the shadow and harmonizing to new light wholeness and thus - the gift and blessing is the dragon of enlightenment
- - a new level of sensing and being and manifesting with GOD IT IS INTENSE
* Energetic Attrition - - as a normal part of ascension - as the lower darker sheaths of existence are pulled up out of the bottom of the toroidal is pulled by the Creator and then bathed, cleansed into new light codes, for new sheaths of this universe - we will quicken as a whole and thus meaning - as we quicken
- there will be many beings that simply cannot hold the bare minimum core vibration and will be through their own soul and what they have chosen at a soul level by 'not doing the healing and transmutation' and then God and Only God and that souls karma board, lineage family and divine plans choose how and in what way the soul fragment of God will incur next on its evolutionary journey or future incarnations will be
- - - - * consciousness is earned - you cannot and will not be in any higher realm you have not prepared for nor trained for - energy is real - it is like plugging in a sun into a small electrical wire, and not understanding the energy, beings, codes, and dimensional threading that is not all physical - your brain, your sensory systems, matter, cells, eyes, all is updated incrementally and must be this way
These intense kundalini awakenings last a few days and until you get use to your new frequency is uncomfortable and will see an increase in your sexual desires and sacral creativity - this is all normal - honour and respect this process. #ascensionProcess
* it is key to not take on extra '3D work' when these activations occur - you can throw out your lower back by pushing and putting too much stress on your already stretched physical body and spine -- neutrons, and lypmathic systems etc.,
We are shifting from lower vibrational dimensions to higher - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and up to 13th dimensions there will be no more darker 3D earth like realms perhaps in another universe but not this one - in this way we have been 'calling 3D' there are other planets in our solar system that are also 3D that we have parallel lives on - but they are not really in 3D as we have been are - it is difficult to explain
- - There is a divine plan and we will go into more about DNA allocation and why diversity and the hybrid expansions are so key - - we are held within a multi-verse triad - and we are interweaving - not all 3D realms are the same
- - Why 'getting' the ascension evolutionary game is vital - how much do you care about your evolution ????
SACRED ENERGY of the life force
Bow to life
Life will bow to you
JoannaLRoss #consciousness is everything copyright ©
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