Daily Ascension Truths, Path Work, Healing ALL Aspects of YOU ~ 5D
* understanding the inner creates and inspires new outer
* understand your the infinite cycles, Akash, patterning of childhood, broken human beliefs and ways - play a vital role in how you entrain ourself - and as Lord Sanada offered - we are not the environment - we are the light within it - Never allow the entrainment of lesser of the outer be your compass -
The 'lack of self' no sense of self, is directly related to the mis-alignment of who you truly are born as, what is within you and what you exist within - - the 'detachment' of spirit with spirit and how every generation passing on their distortions, their misguidances, their wounding, and lack of self to the children
- - - until now - this is the timeline in which we can choose to not pass on distortions of ALL OMNI within us
- the QUANTUM Metatronic pulse essence that is the Christ Consciousness that brings all life, all knowing, all sensing, all creating, all eternal life to your now experience and all other fragments of your losses, suffering, pain, rejections, and whatever is held within the core wound of 'lack of self' that was simply an imprint of the outer you chose to take on and now can heal beyond
~~~ the lack of self is related to so many of our human maladies - and is healable on all levels
~~~ from anxiety, nervousness, depression and even disease - all that is your matter is affected by your programming and if the 'imprints of your environment; parental, social, dogmatic, systematic, friends, education' are not transcended, you will continue to carry beliefs, or conformed normality of who you are - and you are not to be the 'go to' taking place, space, or fixer to any - all have equal access to inner spirit, their higher self, and God, light, life force - and the reality others play in does not have to be your compass
3D earth, separation, disconnection of spirit, God and the omni - within makes every ounce of a difference and what is an awakened one, and one that sits in old conformity - the normality or measuring stick that others sit in their energy does play an affect on you without even being aware and then as we grow up - we find ourselves simply manifesting our parents and their beliefs in our partners
BE THE ONE that sets new standards of unconditional love with thyself and others - and learning how and who to set firm boundaries with, - and be ok saying no, letting go, and giving the 3A's any time a childhood wound of how much you were abused, projected false notions and beliefs and ways of being - their consciousness is not your consciousness -
We are here to be the new vibrational offering of divine love - it is vast, deep, diverse, and brings the unexpected from all ways, in how all that is spirit and offering a story of love and connection - those of us that are conduits, mediums - we offer stories even satires of our connection in love, of love, seeking love -
We have all had lifetimes of what love is not - now is the change and choose daily to rebuild all in love in love in love of love
Intend loving words, thoughts, and your cells will take note - what you seek will take note, your consciousness is now taking orders from your new aligned intention
Remember reality creation is ~~~~> Intention, Direction, Focus - -
* Your desire for 5D love is not their way, beliefs, and desires - set the stage to not give a shit what any others think of you and your newly renewed sense of self to deserve love and be with those that understand and want to explore and practice higher entrained ways of 'rebuilding love' into a planet in need
- you measure on your own compass, standard, and ethics, morals, and thus we create new essence of being -self loving no matter what and this affecting your matter
Entraining your matter to self love and self standards in which you will not be with any that does not operate in love and self care, compassion and honour of the life and breath of all creation - - -
~~~ most adults now have been born into contract by with their parents that were not star seeds, not awake and not aware but abused, and carrying a whole bunch of less than - and they projected this to you daily as energy and lack of self, and expecting you to be what they wished and could not be - you were the projection of their losses, and sadness, and couldn't be and that is a lot of pressure and wrong ideologies to place on such supple precious souls of light and you walk around your whole life wondering why you are not in a sacred loving partnership or have a soulfully fulfilling vocation and connection with spirit
- - SPIRIT is all things and why we speak of ALIGNMENT every day - - if you are not connected you will experience imbalance, dissonance, discordance, and breaking physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - - -we are seeing, feeling, sensing how our care and purposeful work within manifests without - and how spending 30min before every day begins simply aligning yourself to higher entrained standards and intentions - will shift your reality in every way - do the daily path work
- EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL -------> PERIOD and anyone telling you it is not aware, is not aligned, not awake, and not higher intelligence
~~~~> all matters began as a spark of spirit, the omni, the field, the manifesting co-alescing - -
- - disconnection is the core reason for all maladies on our planet - violence, war, self harm, self destruction, self talk, and raping of any all life
----- >>>> 'will they love me as I am already loving them?' are such questions, that keep you from falling in love deeply, acting upon it deeply, and how rejection from a childhood wounding of self rejection when you simply showed up in a world that needed you and all around you were broken, wounded, and had no clue of self love and self connection - - -
~~~~> 'will they give the depth of love that I always give and never receive?' - - are the depths of thinking you are always settling for those that simply will not love because they are not healed to their own depth of self knowing - when you always give more, feel more, sense more, honour more, bless more, and leaving you broke within because all you do is give
Such is the residue from very dysfunctional childhood homes in which you were the object of projection for those we called parents - but were simply broken disconnected people ( human & spirit, matter, spirit, carbon, and crystalline ) that did the best they could but learned more from our light and being unconditional while they projected lack hourly on you and for you to be their happiness and their right place, and the slave to their life for their inner emptiness and it was never your role, job
~~~~> every child born is not the role to fix, to be, to be the measure of success and infinite love to any of any - any trying to pull, harvest, and seek to rape from that they refuse to deal with their own self rejection, self lack and sense of self
- - - -> YOU ARE NEVER THE FIX for any - PERIOD - - - forgive all and move into higher light of unconditional love
~~~~> when you experience a soul sacred love, the one Source, your guides, your higher self guides to you - to experience a love of unconditionality is done at a molecular level, DNA level in which you both come with the portal to love another as you were as a child, when you know how deeply you love, and never receive and seek the equal in outer - it must begin inner - -
Being unconditional and yet always feeling wanting more - means you are not with those that match your resonance - Go to Source, your guides for your perfect match - - it is vibrational and quantum and put together at levels that are beyond 'nice house and car' checklist -
If all you feel is 'not quite', or nothing but emptiness in return then you need to move on - this is not soul mate love, nor a growing within higher entrainment - unless you both sit and have such awakening discussions = you have to both commit in maturity to being more divine soul mates - - - and at this point in awakening - you are awake enough to know, you can choose to release karma, and choose love and gift yourself the love you were born to be and receive
Many of us - star seeds, crystals, indigo - high functioning - we struggle our entire lives with 'relaxing' we know we come with big missions that never end and go against all odds,
We struggle with perfectionism and fall sad on every loss or every 'not enough' that was never our measuring tool - none ever taught us higher ways of relaxing and being pure of who we are - - - and such patterns of being everything to all - while you are left bankrupt - must change -
-- entrain higher knowing, intentions, and self loving practice to call it in in others -
ASCENSION truth - RECEIVING LOVE - - - many feel guilty about being 'in love' and treated well, or being given to in a way that has never been done - and far too many stories of self sabotage are known to all - - this is again the residue patterns of 'lack of self' connection with spirit within, and distorted entrainments of old -
Do you always place others above you, or self talk them into rejecting you before you even meet them - and know these inner self talk, is the inner child seeking from its outer what you gave and never were shown, told, and gifted - - these are the lower entrainments and you can choose to release, let go, forgive yourself for keeping love at bay, or keeping love until you are perfect some more - - - such beliefs will keep you from being loved now, and giving love now and there is nothing more important on earth right now - than feeling, being, giving, and receiving love
RECEIVING LOVE and knowing that Source, Creation is guiding all right now - to those that are 'unconditional' in thier make up for you to be what is within your make up - but due to what you choose to remain around, or keep calling in, the lesser and social love of conformity, or choosing those that you know will not allow you to go deeper, or be spiritual in loving, are sometimes unconscious choices we manifest because we are still carrying around childhood 'lack of self' to be UNCONDITIONALLY' loved and you are!!
You were worthy the moment you breathed your first breath
You were worthy when all before said you were not and bullied, tormented, judged, and forced you into their sad and sick beliefs of having to measure for acceptance and measure for being allowed in the house - these are covert abuses of emotionally tormenting and broken people and harvesters that simply were so empty and had entity attachments that no matter how much you gave and did - it was never enough - the disease of sociopathic narcism and how damaging it is to how you scope life, and play the mind games in your own head when the divine drops an angel on your lap and you tell yourself they will never love you the way you love them
BE HOPEFUL dear ones - you are merely navigate and learning a new higher knowing entrainment of expecting divine love and this is the only love that will do - - - allow all others to sort out their deficiencies of what love is and isn't - all are at varying consciousness levels - so all perspectives of love is such
Unconditional means that when you are ready to level up into deep soul love, you can allow another to accept your shadow and your short comings and it is a loving act to be whole and be a 'I am a constant work in progress' and loving yourself no matter where you are and allowing another to love you as deeply as you them where they are
You see the shadow in each, and you can love it and accept it and offer each other a safe place to be, and to grow, and to bring harmony to the broken pieces together - and this is soul love and it is guided by the divine and it will never make sense and it will be miraculous and heavenly
Soul love is felt in the mere presence - when you touch the soul love, it will shift your DNA, and it will bring new thoughts, new ideas, and new imaginings of what 'making love' is about and how the touch and caress will change your ideas of 'making love' and deepen your connection and relationship to all life
- that is SOUL LOVE and should have been given as a child in caring, safe, and responsible centred and balanced places, spaces but it is just the ride we are on - returning to source, and love is love and all is love and ever will be love and anything else you tell yourself is the patterns, the entrainment of what you were brought to alter and show anew to those in need of higher knowing and being
UNCONDITIONAL is always giving, in the dark and in the light, you ache to both be of good will to each and the places you can go together in your navigation of new levels of intellect, intimacy, sensuality, and deep soul love, to carry each other deeply in soulfully sweet and caring ways - transcending what was 'cool' or the 'way it was' is no longer an excuse - because this level of love alters all creation and all other aspects of you and if you trust just enough and give yourself enough hope - that divine unconditional love will shape you in the good times and lift you in the bad - and it will be adorable in reciprocation both ways all ways - that is a standard - set this -
HELL YES - - -it is written - release the dysfunction of what you were born into and told, shown, taught - it was all a testing ground for the masters awakening now - - this is your influence - deep soul love is soulful - and cannot be defined, or explained
5D - - entraining to be spirit is not what you have been taught- we are starting brand new and it begins in being genuine, authentic and releasing the dysfunction of what you were born within - intend to offer gentleness to sacred love and express it as often as you are able - and it will be returned
Universal laws miss none - - that is the quantum multiverse and it will frighten you to receive and be with another that chooses to - for that level of unconditional love will trigger all the little bits of you that wonder if you are worthy
- Allow the triggers of the above statement 'will they love me as much as I love them?' and offer it in for your new 5D entrainment - soul love is a gift to both - both will be honoured, and gifted, and learn, grow, and stretch into new beings of ultimate potential - and why if you allow Source, God to be your match maker - the questions we worry about is simply old entrainment of your lack, and what was projected by those that had no self love and no sense of self - and you can choose to 3A's it and allow it to be transmuted -
~~~~> That was teh way I use to talk to myself - but I know I deserve a higher love, a better love - if this is before me - it is meant to be - I allow myself to know love in new ways and I accept, allow the unfolding of whatever may be - - for if it is so miraculously designed - unexplainable - there is a higher knowing, and purpose and you are merely picking up where you both left off in your last cycle - - other realms and other planets - to bring new love here to a planet in need of new role models of love and truth and higher acceptance of our diversity and uniqueness
- it must be simply surrendered to and navigated with care, grace, and hope -- - allow spirit and source to be with you in the partnership -- - connect, allow the relationship of spirit
I am in new dimensional bedding and love is being offered because I am hopeful and knowing of love being all life, all spirit - I was simply entrained in distortions - there will be beings before you - helping you acclimatize to higher order and it will always begin in love and knowing that is all there ever will be -- - entrain this and see what unfolds - -
~~~~> I deserve deep soul love and that will be unconditional and love me in all my spaces, and places of growth
~~~~> I am worthy of a deep returning and receiving love that is mutual and respectful and that we keep our secrets and stories and held dear and safe with honour and grace, and hope
REMEMBER dear ones, you want to entrain to a higher level of what 'being home' feels like - - as a star seed, it is uncomfortable being here - it does not feel like home for many of us - but that is what we are here to bring ~~~ you are the one to remember love, bring it, offer it, place sacredness around it - for there is only spirit and from spirit - be it dark or light, we manifest matter that is a UNIVERSAL TRUTH - why the eons of dogmatic incorrect teachings of who we truly are and what we exist within has given much density to sort through and make new of higher knowing intelligence of what our quantum universe truly is and how we can now be anew
- - to a disconnected separated planet - harmonizing spirit and human and being home feels like the place that will love, honour, offer, be that place to lift you and allow you to bring respect to them and never cross the boundaries of respect set because you love them, and they unconditionally love you - - -
Love is respectful, love is soft, love is honouring, and love is sharing, love is in the care of the small things, the grand gestures, and the gestures that make no sense - that is love, build this as your home - the care to touch a soul in a way that only love is and does, to offer higher and be new - - to say no to what you would have gone to because it was your old conditioning and meant you did not have to go deeper, wider, or responsible for letting go because it meant nothing - all means something - - - self honour, self love, brings it.
I choose a love that honours my soul and my souls journey - that will be a place I call home and what is built in my foundation will be above all LOVE and acceptance and belonging
A little insider note - humanity is at its most profound expansive moment right now - and those that choose to break all less than, and lack, tormenting of life and disregard of spirit - - - we are at a crucible in which - all creation will be changed and altered in any all moments you choose love and choose to soften, surrender, and be vulnerable for whatever Source places before you - and know this dear ones
- it is also self loving, to say NO when those that come to you that have done nothing but take, steal, harvest, use, abuse you - - - do not allow the cycles of abuse, lies, and manipulation - we are shifting and when you love yourself - you choose to only allow those that will honour your soul and its new entrainment - -
Remember star seeds and high functioning - living in the exhausting wheel of perfectionism will keep you from 'presence, falling deeply for yourself, and others in the way that spirit will delight, offer, bring miracles before you in the way you cannot imagine'
You never have to 'wait to be better' to be loved - this is the old world false entrainments
You are divine and always have been - - surrender perfectionism - - enjoy the journey - bumps, shadow and all - -
Happy homecoming - I LOVE YOU
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And so be it
New Earth Star LEADER
Blessings and healing to all
Allow yourself to be loved - - - Source, OMNI - GOD loves you dearly
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
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And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
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Blessings and light
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