There are much that we can open, create, inspire, ignite, to begin anew; to truly go beyond, and we will see, feel, and experience, the need to go beyond boundaries, toxic, stagnant, and lagging circles, relationships, and energies that no longer serve to do so. We are constantly moving within a spiral of evolution that will offer up at a soul level, the most stagnant and stiff beliefs, practices, and patterns to be transformed by the love that we now are.
These shifts, these changes will not always be easy, most often never be easy, and how this in and of itself allows for our omni-presence to stretch and move beyond the gates of what was. It is a beautiful and Divine process and dance of consciousness and human co-creation, and when we can perceive this from the higher self perspective, we see why we offer ourselves what we do in all moments; whether it be healing childhood trauma, and finally releasing all pain, all wounds to the Heavens and surrendering to love as if you have never been hurt, to call in the skills, the wisdoms, the blessings from each experience and garner a brand new experience to stretch you once again into loving surrender, loving trust, and loving creative exploration. It is truly a blessing and why our souls ached to be on this very miraculous ride. Trust in the unfolding, trust in the songs within, trust in the help and support that embodies you in all moments to move on, to rise above, to heal, to forgive, and to face all that you desire to challenge yourself in a new and heightened loving way.
We never truly know what we are capable of unless we challenge ourselves to let go of any belief, any situation, any experience and take it into a new level of co-creation. It can manifest and resolve in an infinite number of ways, and no one person, no one situation will ever be limited to its potential for evolution, and why this is such a Divine blessing, for this is the gateway of evolution. Where we get stagnant and stuck is when we fall back into self doubt and self-sabotage occur when we feel the pressure to let others down, or not having what it takes to move into something new; this is illusory, for the Universe, your soul, your teams, will always offer, give, invite, and you will magnetize exactly what you are ready for; however others and not all may be happy and honouring of your path, and that is 'ok.' This is part of their learning and growth too, when the pillar of light moves on and shifts to new areas' and not meaning to separate, but to moreover honour your soul in the path of personal evolution.
These shifts, these changes will not always be easy, most often never be easy, and how this in and of itself allows for our omni-presence to stretch and move beyond the gates of what was. It is a beautiful and Divine process and dance of consciousness and human co-creation, and when we can perceive this from the higher self perspective, we see why we offer ourselves what we do in all moments; whether it be healing childhood trauma, and finally releasing all pain, all wounds to the Heavens and surrendering to love as if you have never been hurt, to call in the skills, the wisdoms, the blessings from each experience and garner a brand new experience to stretch you once again into loving surrender, loving trust, and loving creative exploration. It is truly a blessing and why our souls ached to be on this very miraculous ride. Trust in the unfolding, trust in the songs within, trust in the help and support that embodies you in all moments to move on, to rise above, to heal, to forgive, and to face all that you desire to challenge yourself in a new and heightened loving way.
We never truly know what we are capable of unless we challenge ourselves to let go of any belief, any situation, any experience and take it into a new level of co-creation. It can manifest and resolve in an infinite number of ways, and no one person, no one situation will ever be limited to its potential for evolution, and why this is such a Divine blessing, for this is the gateway of evolution. Where we get stagnant and stuck is when we fall back into self doubt and self-sabotage occur when we feel the pressure to let others down, or not having what it takes to move into something new; this is illusory, for the Universe, your soul, your teams, will always offer, give, invite, and you will magnetize exactly what you are ready for; however others and not all may be happy and honouring of your path, and that is 'ok.' This is part of their learning and growth too, when the pillar of light moves on and shifts to new areas' and not meaning to separate, but to moreover honour your soul in the path of personal evolution.
We are, only within ourselves, responsible for our happiness, for our evolution, and there will be moments, and synchronicity to break free; and these breaking free moments will not be easy, and some may want to hold you back, however within your heart you will know.When you choose to stretch out and begin anew, pathways and doorways will be opened. Oftentimes, the most challenging moments are those that occur just breaths before the miracle unfolds, for this is the never-ending tests of the souls inner strength and courage to stop at nothing and higher knowing that you are ONE WITH SOURCE, and there is nothing that God, you, the Creator, the Source of ALL THAT IS, is with you breath in breath, and step in step. You are made of the most majestic and most powerful vibration of the Universe, and if your soul aches for a profound new beginning, you have all you need to inspire the beauty that exists within. Trust yourself. Believe in you. Honour you. Allow the elegance and essence of God to open the gates to something new.
Within our collective story is that of exploring, expressing, and experiencing Oneness at every level and in each individual journey, we are seeking this out, honouring this, and being this. We will reach a point of co-creation and understanding that in our desires of our own souls journey, we also reach out to help and honour all others reach their highest and most unique creative potential, and releasing all old paradigms and energies of 'winner-loser' and ego-combativeness and merely surrender for the greater good. This will require that we move, that we challenge norms, that we express our uniqueness and our hearts ache for liberation and Divine inventiveness; it is our souls calling, to bring the Heavens unto earth, and this means, how may we hold our most highest vision for ourselves and begin the magic of co-creating it before us, while honouring, helping, empowering, and encouraging all others.

You were meant to dream and dream big. The leap of faith, and the 'new,' is created for you to explore yourself anew; new skills, new gifts, new love, new realms of the 'unknown' and you have all that you need to begin and succeed. The path forward dear ones is unknown and untravelled. We are way showers, and we will walk through new gates of unknown. The power of each gate of evolution that we offer ourselves. There is no accident why we face what we face and it is our inner power and truth that can garner our new moment to dream and be the dream that was meant to be fulfilled.
Within our collective story is that of exploring, expressing, and experiencing Oneness at every level and in each individual journey, we are seeking this out, honouring this, and being this. We will reach a point of co-creation and understanding that in our desires of our own souls journey, we also reach out to help and honour all others reach their highest and most unique creative potential, and releasing all old paradigms and energies of 'winner-loser' and ego-combativeness and merely surrender for the greater good. This will require that we move, that we challenge norms, that we express our uniqueness and our hearts ache for liberation and Divine inventiveness; it is our souls calling, to bring the Heavens unto earth, and this means, how may we hold our most highest vision for ourselves and begin the magic of co-creating it before us, while honouring, helping, empowering, and encouraging all others.

You were meant to dream and dream big. The leap of faith, and the 'new,' is created for you to explore yourself anew; new skills, new gifts, new love, new realms of the 'unknown' and you have all that you need to begin and succeed. The path forward dear ones is unknown and untravelled. We are way showers, and we will walk through new gates of unknown. The power of each gate of evolution that we offer ourselves. There is no accident why we face what we face and it is our inner power and truth that can garner our new moment to dream and be the dream that was meant to be fulfilled.
Love yourself, and know that you are far grander and far more profound that you can even logically imagine and know. All is well and you are a powerful being to receive your blessings in doing so, being so.
Each person cannot grow if there are those within the circle doing all the work, all the light, all the growing, and just as every child steps out on their own, so too are we each feeling new discoveries that want to be reached for and each person will have their own unique offers to stretch beyond. I was shown in a vision r
We are at a human Evolution like no other earthly timeline; and will allow for all future generations to be that of the sparks we ignite now; what beliefs, what hinderances, what energies are holding you back from being, from fully loving, from allowing, and how may we all come together and work it out, work the energy to be new; through which all are allowing themselves and all others to step out and evolve.
These are better known as co-dependency relationships and come within all inner circles; and creates dissension, resentment, anger, and energies unresolved, for allowing all to take on their own life with joy and empowerment. Empower, inspire, and encourage each person to take on their own issues, their own 'stuff' and merely be the version of you that you know you were meant to be and come to further explore.
If there are those that do not want to work it out, and those choose to stay within energies that limit and cycle fear, then moments and your soul will ask you move on. You will know. Knowing when and how to ignite a new cycle of growth and evolution within your family, within your partnerships is never easy, but the Universe and our energies upon the planet will continue to knock on the door until stagnant and outdated energies are enlightened. The longer that issues go unresolved, unspoken, may cause for a bumpier ride than needs to.
Speak and live your truth. Each new day is a new day to evolve, stretch, and break free, and how we create our own inner confidence and strength to know we can truly do ANYTHING! When you stand in your highest and most loving pure strength, you allow all others to seek within for theirs. Confidence and inner power can only be sought, and found within oneself; no one can give it to you. It has to come in moments in which we choose to break free and redefine in alignment with our own souls journey and desire.
Live fully from the heart.
When you live fully in your truth, you attract others that also vibrate in this way. I have recently released so much that needed to be evolved, and feel the excitement and joy of new and spontaneous energies that are now ready to align due to the multi-dimensional healing and letting go. Never doubt your heart space and the ability to begin anew and how the Universe will help, support, and align the miracles for all that you are deserving of.
Speak fully from the heart.
You will attract your tribe when the vibrations are aligned and it takes each person the strength to walk in authentic passion to live a highly evolved life of the heart and soul. Those that are meant to be with you on your path, will be with you.
Speak fully from the heart.
You will attract your tribe when the vibrations are aligned and it takes each person the strength to walk in authentic passion to live a highly evolved life of the heart and soul. Those that are meant to be with you on your path, will be with you.
Allow for the natural selection threaded as vibrational and excitement, be the undercurrent that brings all worlds and beings together. This is the FLOW of the Divine and how we allow this, trust this, honour this will be that of the exact match vibrationally that is meant to be.
Trust in the elegance of the design that is Source.
Our role is clear, heal, and choose to allow our innate joys, excitement, and desires to flow and evolve and know we are naturally attracting, magnetizing, and collaborating with whom we are meant to.
Our role is clear, heal, and choose to allow our innate joys, excitement, and desires to flow and evolve and know we are naturally attracting, magnetizing, and collaborating with whom we are meant to.
When you operate within the vibration of love, joy, excitement, you attract this. Trust in the flow of love and new heightened opportunities to move up and on into new realms of play. The vibrational living of new experiences asks that we know, we believe first and intend, focus, and place attention on what is miraculous and all will flow from this essence of Oneness with Source.
Souls gathering, the greater gathering is the innate vibration of loving joy, and you will know soul mates will align when each person has the courage to 'let go' and break free of energies that want to pull back from some that simply may not be willing or wanting to change and evolve; soul mates will be threaded by the soul, the Heavens, and when the inner heart call, the inner promptings to move on, will absolutely be felt. Focus on the light, focus on the souls inner journey, and know you are worthy to have a miraculous life. Your body, your fields, your home, your energies are so very key to maintain, sustain, and keep clear, and it takes daily care and nourishment to ensure a clear path on the 5D journey.
The Universe is living through us and Source, purity of love wants all moments to be refined through love, truth, and the vibration of higher realms. Loving truth is your greatest asset in all evolutionary moments and allows you to vibrationally pave a path of higher truth. We each have the equal potential and gifts to move and strive forth, and how may our loving vibrational truth be the example of those needing those to break boundaries, and social constraints to ignite new. We are the way showers, the nurturers and there is a fine line, boundaries to which we will all be tested to how to serve, when to let go, and allow the hearts the souls, and the power of each person to know their innate Oneness with Source and pave their unique path of inner strength and joy.
Where to Begin --> Acknowledge and Release the Past
Put all unnecessary drama, issues, and pain on the table and be brave and bold to sort it out; you are strong enough to return the energies and drama to those that create it, and empower each to go within and resolve it. Foundations are built when we all have the strength and love to care for a beauty way of behaving, and living between each person choosing to arise and bring their best, and collective ascension is a 'working the energy' and allowing the unfolding.
Each person, each journey, every persons perspective of reality will be that which drives them; some have limited perspectives of potential reality experiences and some are limitless, and every soul has a comfort level, and we will each be asked to 'answer the call' to ensure we have a path designed uniquely for our omni-present gifts, skills, and abilities to offer forth and expand upon. Each person will move through moments of decision that will be made to 'let go' in small and big ways. Allow yourself to move on, to stretch out, to spread your wings, and release with appreciation all that no longer serves. When you challenge yourself, pray, and intend for miracles of new, miracles of beyond, and the Universe will converge to show your majesty in reflection. Evolution begins within the heart and following every moment it calls for your highest truth and benevolent honouring of loving evolution.
Each person is responsible for their path, and of course, in you doing so, your children, all others will feel, and know what is possible. Be prepared for others to challenge your truthful decisions, and not be happy of this,
I was given the inspiration to create a healing illustration of a new 5D 'Family Tree ~ To Rebuild & Ignite the Kingdom of Love' to help those in a family and relationship cycles to help visualize and shift focus, and energies to help release and heal, and to align within a 5D intention and direction. Place it out for each person to engage and entangle to sort out what each chooses to grow and experience within, for not every person wants the same journey without compromising your own light and souls journey.
When you live authentically and with the passion of your soul, you will always be brought to those that also want communion of this same vibration.
Speaking, living, and being your truth.
Truth is the essence of who you are as love. Honour the path of all, and the perspectives of all, and most of all, honour your heart and listen to its whispers and joy of who you are as Source, a loving and sacred child that desires to explore, express, and experience all the ways in which we exist and co-create in the loving flow of omni-presence bliss. Why we will see, experience, the micro-macro energies and reality reflections that show us our power to heal, let go, create anew, and honour the light within. We are meant to be joyful. We are meant to live within the bliss of Source, and as you do, as you choose to live as fully 'you' as you are allowing, the Universe will offer this to you to continue your evolutionary path.
Truth is the essence of who you are as love. Honour the path of all, and the perspectives of all, and most of all, honour your heart and listen to its whispers and joy of who you are as Source, a loving and sacred child that desires to explore, express, and experience all the ways in which we exist and co-create in the loving flow of omni-presence bliss. Why we will see, experience, the micro-macro energies and reality reflections that show us our power to heal, let go, create anew, and honour the light within. We are meant to be joyful. We are meant to live within the bliss of Source, and as you do, as you choose to live as fully 'you' as you are allowing, the Universe will offer this to you to continue your evolutionary path.
We will each be co-creating energies to stretch beyond social, lineage, and akashic energies that have kept us cycling within limitation, and in each moment we transcend 'what was' we open the gates of something new to unveil. To live in the moment, in the presence of Source, and how to release the social conditions and familial expectations, expectations of others, and live in the Divine truth of who we are and who we have come to explore and experience ourselves to be.
Truth is the beauty of Source, the Creator, Creation to the ALL, in the ALL, as the ALL. Truth, just as untruth has a vibration, and it can be felt, known, and how this will in and of itself allow our collective to arise within the Source vibrational offerings to new realms of play and integrity; to live within the joy of truth that is our path of evolution and galactic Oneness and blissful weaving.
All moments we are the love of Source in motion, and as we live truthfully within our own innate hearts calling, in our highest and best, we serve the greater good and all are served.
This is a Divine and elegant process, and is only held in stagnation when we hold ourselves back to make others happy or denying ourselves of the 'unknowable and unseen change.' Trust. All is offered for the purpose of your Heavenly evolution. Be the soft and loving power that lives outside of 'what was' and trust the creative blessings that come forth in doing so. When the heart and mind are harmonized, you live in the moment of the infinite and honouring the simple pleasures that IS Source. Expect the blessings of the Now and know that love in the NOW opens new gates of the undeniably new and profound.
Loving and living light, truth and joy.
Break free and answer the call of your heart, for you know what you know within, and your spirit calls for forgiveness and moving on so that each soul has its fullest opportunity to live in loving joy.
And so it is,
Blessings and light,
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