You Are Miraculous
When you are ready, when you know you have 'done the work;' make no mistake about it, you have the Universe converging with you to make things happen, beyond what you are able to imagine and dream, you can bring new miracles to life through every facet of your being-ness. In my third ascension book, 'The Dance with Creation' I wanted to pay honour and respect to the weaving and undercurrents of Source, the multi-facetted and multi-dimensional soup, the elixir of beings and consciousness that we all exist within that assist us in every adventure, at every level of our soulful sojourns, and how we are within this elixir, being offered the very wisdom, the very love, and very breath to release into and be carried anew.
In all of my travels dear ones, there is one constant, the meshing of worlds, of potentials, of miracles and matter, physical and beyond the imaginable, IS SOURCE.
Source will pull you from desperation. Source will carry you on the wings of unbelievable odds to see it through; and if you know, deep within, you know, you are ONE with this elixir and breath of love; you will be carried to safe ground.
Our paths are meant to be magical and mysterious, for that is the nurturance that is infused with loving joy that we ache for, and that our hearts awaken to. Sacredness, mystery, Divinehood is held within the vibration of living it, musing about It, aiming for this, and living soulfully honest to release what is in the way of living from this authentic resonance.
Detachment of all that ego builds around you to keep from moving up, out, and on.
Detach and liberate.
Detach and love.
Detach and see how truly powerful and in loving embrace that you are and have always been.
Our consciousness is our travelling and alchemic mechanism. Our consciousness IS.
All that we will ever experience and explore, to the inventiveness & human Oneness is threaded within our consciousness; latent and dormant until we the masters go within and seek it, awaken it, inspire it, live within IT, and BE IT.
All that we will ever experience and explore, to the inventiveness & human Oneness is threaded within our consciousness; latent and dormant until we the masters go within and seek it, awaken it, inspire it, live within IT, and BE IT.
We are the cosmos dear ones, and we have the potential to awaken our bi-location and levitation remembrance, and to heal instantly, and to offer these loving vibrational energies to our world and to ALL. What I find so incredibly heart-warming, is that we are offered in all moments, the alchemy of love to soak within, to play within, to transform within, and it is always unconditional.
We can place whatever hurdles and challenge before that our minds conjure to move through, and oftentimes, we give up, we surrender to ego and fail to move into our greatest manifestations because we co-create new limiting beliefs that show us our lack of worthiness; and whatever blocks we manifest, Source, our guides, our teams, will be there in the wings loving us more deeply and richly for the ride we have chosen to build our inner strength, to stretch our cocoon until that fate-filled moment in which we choose; 'enough is enough; I am worthy of my Divinity and I claim it now.' Honour yourself in all moments, for you created what you needed and you knew at some level you were able to transcend.
You are miraculous dear ones. You are the pulsation of Source in loving motion across all timelines, all planets, all realms. What may you summon from within and call truce to the struggle and pain, and allow for your reality to smooth out and bring loving flow upon you? Your body, every cell, every movement and transaction within your body is under your mastery and direction, and your very world is the playtime through which you get to put your reality together in the freedom and liberation of your wildest dreams and with those that also ache to create in this way. There are undercurrents of love that will lift you to meet and greet such beings, such play, and what desire are you ready to release from your core to have it become real?
Vibrationally feel into in every multi-dimensional way, how you desire Creation to dance with you. Feel it, sense it, play within it, smell and taste your new reality and know it lives with you as you create it; be ONE within this new miracle movement, and this is not merely a musing dear one, it is again, the language of light tickling you in every way to the elegance and subtlety that IS Source in loving evolutionary play. I often laugh when my guides tease me lovingly about how powerful and creative I am, deep within me, that even I have yet to birth; 'you are able to imagine beyond what you can even imagine, and we are patiently waiting for you to get playing.' Dream big, dream beyond, you are miraculous. There is nothing that your heart is not able to manifest with Source.
How may you, with a soft and loving joyful heart, know of your depth and richness to explore your light, your Heavenly living light, and radiate this to the ALL for the magic of the Universe to show you that you are NOW AWAKE; time to really play dear gentle and powerful heart, time to play!
As God Is; I AM THAT I AM.
We are ONE within IT ALL, so how may you be the vibration of the miracle you ache for?
We are ONE within IT ALL, so how may you be the vibration of the miracle you ache for?
You are deeply and dearly blessed, and you will soon see, the gentleness, the soft and pure richness of Source, the Holy Mother, the Holy Father, Creators of all realms and Heavenly imagining IS within you to explore, to feel into, to bring forth and create anew. How ready are you for this marriage and simulation of joy? You can choose to re-write your programs of limitation. You can choose to release whatever was holding you back, whatever you were holding on to, be the very force that catalyzes you to a new reality horizon. Your soul, your heart, your spirit, is sowing seeds to new beginnings, and your heartfelt wishes as you drift off to sleep are being answered; trust and fall in love with your Oneness within Creation. Trust. You are within it all.
Be carried dear ones, be carried. Remember within all moments, you are held as a conscious bubble of light, eternal light within the ALL; and what is it that you summon from your heart, you are within IT at every level working Its way to you; the question is, do you know this in your worthiness to receive such blessings? Are you of open heart and grace to honour yourself that you are deserving of such gifts? Honour all lessons, honour all struggle, for this will show you how to release and live in the flow and stand in your power to allow greater growth to live through you.
Miracles occur when you are the vibration of that 'knowing' of your entwinement with Source to make the amazement of Creation unveil before your eyes, and this is beyond faith, it is your inner and alchemic knowing. You are the catalyst, you are all parts of the alchemic equation and it is from your heart that this mutable joy ignites.
Daily Affirmation
Today I will be the flowing love of Source.
Today I will allow for the miracles of my heart, the miracles of my soul to play within my creativity, my heart-felt wishes, and dreams, and I will listen, I will hear the call of spirit, I will heed and respond in confidence and clarity to my souls songs.
Today I will be my best in all ways to love more deeply, to open my heart more authentically, and know in all moments, I am held safely and lovingly to do so and be so.
Today I will honour myself, in all ways, to be the miracle I was birthed to be.
I only need my own claiming of this, my own will and loving intent to make this so.
I pray and I honour that which is all love,
I pray and I honour all that which is Source, the Mother, The Father, the Heavens, the Creative breath allowing me to remember, to love deeply, that I AM AS SOURCE IS.
I am the miracle I have been waiting for and in this, I love and live this so.
So be it.
Creation is a Heavenly flow of co-creative engagement. Tune in with your struggle and sort it out. Acknowledgement and acceptance will allow for the flow of what the Universe is always offering. Is your heart open? Are you in vibrational match to the wishes and dreams that spiral within your center? Oftentimes, my teams tell me; 'we are spiralling all sorts of blessings around you, it is here in the ethers, right before you, however are you claiming the power and vibration of such grand dreams to become your reality?'
The heart is The Center of Creation and you will be brought exactly what is needed, not what the mind can conjure, but what is needed and how may you open to the mystery of joyful co-creation with Spirit? Living from your heart will garner the power, the wisdom, the vibration to be that of what you desire; live openly, live in trust that your heart is all that you will ever need to continue within the flow that is Source blessings and Divine miracles.
Be carried dear one, you are a soothed angel in human form ready to reap new rewards and tend new fields with soul tribe ready to build cities of light for those in need. When you live from the heart, you will be rewarded herein. This is our only job; live deeply and richly from the heart and know your world will be transformed in what light and alchemy occurs in this. Powerful oh powerful loving hearts; you are so dearly loved.
And so it is,
For those that so desire, please join us in our ascension classes and healing, activations;
May 11, Healing the Mental Body Multi-dimensional offerings.
MAY 11, 2020
Here is our most recent Ascension Universal Messages and Ascension Healing, Video's
And so it is,
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