Monday, 11 May 2020

The Cosmic Movement of Love

Trust in the Cosmic Movement ~ We are Threaded Beyond What You Can Imagine

You are the cosmic movement and Heavenly knowing of Source in unfolding joy. Are you ready to claim this? Are you ready to truly BE the alchemy of this? Alchemy is the pure intention of being, living, and experiencing the joy that IS, and always has been you. You are Source; micro-macro on a wild and adventurous new journey to seek and find this benevolence within new moments of grandeur as ALLNESS.  Breathe within the allness, the stillness within the void that allows you to stop time and re-align with a new truth, a deeper truth, a more pure truth that aches for your acknowledgement to harmonize within IT. 

This is the breath and movement of Source, and at any moment, you can intend, soften, deepen, release, let go, and feel the harmonization of your breath, Source, the ALL, alchemize the moment to new joyful exploration; open the Christic toolkit that you have, we each have to bring forth playful childlike curiosity into the realms through which miracles are birthed through you. Imagine, dream, reach, flow, unleash, and unveil the joy of breath with God, Source, the Universe flowing new quantum codes, new quantum joy, new healing light, and the infinite within whatever it is you feel you need, desire, and enlighten to bring to life. 

There are no limits dear ones. There is the limitation of what your mind rings you into and will swing you in circles upon familiar paths, or you can live within your heart, your breath, your loving intention, to call your soul, your higher self, and spirit forth and guide you into new Heavenly realms of play. There is the alchemy of the Heavens within all breath, and this is Source. The language of God, of the Universe is through the loving pulsations of light, call this light in and allow the surrender of joy that IS every cell of your new becoming.  

As your name is, Source is, YOU ARE and how may you envision and bring to life 5D joy that flows within the omni-present? I was inspired during a recent emotional release, in which I felt a sadness, a yearning for home in which I had no idea where home was, what planet, what family, what love was I yearning for? For many light workers  for many empaths, crystal children, we ache for the homes and planets and tribe that simply are found as we traverse new challenges of ascension and lands of play, for we knew at some level that we were strong enough to bring our light, offer our light, and allow all others to know of their vastness, and along the way, we will call in those that remind us, that bring home through their loving telepathic thoughts of Oneness and unity, and song, or truthful heartfelt honouring and offerings; why we must always trust in the path, and knowing that our vibration will always align our tribe and soul mates. Trust in the path your soul lays before you.

In my longing, in my emotional release, I felt the pains of many, many years of disappointments, empty relationships, and a missing of home in which I have never found, but always deeply committed in creating wherever I went, wherever I travel; I was shown that in a multi-verse experience, my soul, took me to an Akashic preview, of a meeting within my consciousness, my allness, made to help a connecting Universe to garner all that I am able about the healing process, our multi-dimensional journey and adventure here, and bring it forth to the Universe allying within this one.

I was feeling the sadness, loneliness, and frustration, of 'being sent and being commissioned at a soul multi-oversoul level to learn, to gain, to be that portal of light for the consciousness and evolution within the ALL that we have offered our omni-presence is moving through.' I often forget, in the emotional longing, that I AM of the cosmos, the lineage, my ancestors are of The Omni-presence, and I have within me, my consciousness, the wisdoms, the patterns of light that transcend any ill and ailment I may suffer in my forgetfulness. We are of the Pleaides, of Sirius, Andromedean, and So many worlds and planets, genetics that are within us to serve us, to serve our path of healing, of co-creating, of transmuting, and why earth will be the planet of this Divine and Heavenly fusing of infinite worlds as ONE. I was activated into a deep honouring, a deep reverence of this and how vast and deep and complex I AM, to live this now, to share this now, and be proud of this now; we are each Heavenly children, and in this, we are infinite. 

This is our gift, our eternal gift of God, of Creation, for Creation.; we are perfect in every way.  We are infinitely threaded within infinite light worlds, programs, that span The Omni-presence, and we are sending and receiving wisdoms, intelligence, healing, and joy throughout the ALL. Our planet is in need, our collective is in need, and we knew that our compassion, our light would be of service and our soul will feel into the greater belonging when you are ready to own it, claim it, and bring it forth to share; this is the living light, the breath of Source in joyful new play. We are the ALL, ever-stretching out and beyond.

The lower mind, the ego, the human perspective, cannot see beyond what allness truly is, and means in a quantum, micro-macro, Divine manner; this is 'ok' for we are awakening, we are enlightening our consciousness for many reasons, blessings, and evolutions that feed us in every way throughout the ALL for the ALL; and it is within breath, that we can soften, slow and know all is purposeful and at any moment, our hearts will guide us into new Divine and Heavenly manifestations of peace, harmony, and joy that lifts the ceiling of all potentiality.
For it is not simply our Universe that is moving through a profound shift in progression, it is a omni-shift, and in this, I realized and harmonized with my humbling once again, and knowing that our threads, our souls, our link and weaving with love goes far beyond anything we are able to imagine. 
We offer our love, our light, our wisdoms, our omni-present to anchor new beginnings and potentials, and higher knowing for so many that have forgotten their threading within breath, within love, and within the ALL. To surrender the ego and know, in the depths of sadness, of despair, you are connected and threaded, and sewn within the ALL, and serving in ways that if you desire, can breathe into and know, your tribe will be found, and your heart will be cherished, and your light will be honoured, and know in this, all moments, all challenges, all pains can be healed and mended. 

In every moment you surrender the fear and transmute through inviting love in, know that worlds, and galaxies, and timelines, and generations, and lineage, and hybrid children, crystal children, worlds of union and light are healed, are ignited, and brought back to new living light. We are each offered the profundity of infinite loving nurturance of the Divine Mother, and to call this forth, can transform any unknown, any darkness, any fear that stands before you; to shift, to transmute, to joyfully enliven. 

Love conquers all. Love and compassion, within thyself, will be your path ahead, and in all moments you persevere with a loving and compassionate heart, you can heal future generations within your light, with the vibrations you lovingly leave upon your path.  I was humble in this vision and remembrance, for much of my life, I have only desired to know that I have done well in serving love; this was my validation that my saddened heart needed; and to know, that in all moments you love and be joyful of your enormous ability to transform all darkness, you are creating Heaven upon earth.

I was then shown a beautiful angelic version of me, the size of the sky, joyfully flying, dancing, and leaving myself crystalline bubbles of light and remembrance of my vastness as I trust in my loving joy, and in expressing of this. You will never leave you. Love will never leave you. Source, God, the Universe cannot leave you, it is within the nucleus of every cell.  You are the micro-macro and it is your intention, your love, your surrender, your breath, your imagining that brings the Heavens to life. 
You are meant to claim your destiny when the Universe, your teams, your soul, Source, the blessings come forth.You will be inspired and sparked in all moments and like the little crystalline bulbs of light you leave for yourself along the way, is you calling you more deeply to you.

You knew your shift, you knew your world would change in your choices and your commitment to align with purity of love and Source; to challenge yourself into new paths, new beginnings, new tribe, new stability of the empowerment that blooms within peeling away fear and limitation.
Gather together sacred children, gather. Know in your hearts that love threads and weaves you within new synchronicities of loving play, exploration, and the gifts of heart-felt abundance. Gather in higher knowing of your cosmic Oneness, of your Heavenly belonging and in this knowing, in this living and being of this, you bring forth new quantum light within breath that weaves worlds together, weaves hearts together, weaves unity and joy as One.

You are here to explore, express, and experience yourself as the ALL; and within this joyful exploration, you will always rediscover a new level, a new plane of potential, a new tribe and new joys that you knew you would awaken to and delightfully share forth.  This is the breath of Source in loving joyful play to explore love through all that It births.  
In every new phase, we are harmonizing within new energies; the soul will desire new inspirations, new challenges, and new more pure refined higher truth with Source. This is pure and co-creative, and it is up to you to design it, claim it, live it. This is why we are here!

You knew; love, compassion, forgiveness; drop the fear; claim your victory to enter your destiny!
Your soul will manifest what it needs to challenge a new dawn to a 5th dimensional reality. You are a master creator! Stand and be counted, for you are the only one that determines your value, your worthiness, your joyfulness, your destiny, and your souls desire to co-create and navigate the ALL in a human form that has never been done before; you are your own heartfelt currency of the infinite, and it is your time to breath this into being.  Shine and gather dear ones, shine and gather. 

And so be it,

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