Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Heavenly Undercurrents of Every New NOW

We are sitting within a profound Scorpio Full Moon;
Cycles, awakening, transformations occur for the deep reflections to bring up to the surface and face;
* What and how has our living and behaving been returned to us and how may we wipe the slate clean and begin from a heart-centred perspective?
* How may all reflections deepen within forgiveness and compassion?
Cycles allow us to, if we so desire, to create a life review and truly put all the cards on the table and sort it out.
What fears have been holding you back from expressing your love, your light, you?
* Our soulful lessons here dear ones, make no mistake about it, is that of discovering, revealing, and expressing our light, love. The truth of who we are; from a creative and soulful centre. Releasing all that the ego 'thinks' is important, and how our global experience has ignited our collective to dive within and seek a more pure and refined story of 'what is my truth and how may I value the light and love that I am?'
* When you intend, each day to live with pure integrity to be the light that you are, have always been, the ego is humbled and learns to be of service to the spirit and soul for a more profound and Heavenly aligned journey. Every time the ego and mind tag in and try to control and manage all situations, drop to the heart and love. Love is Divine wisdom, Love is Divine truth, Love is Divine creative expansive play.
Ego wants and desires to manipulate and control to remain 'status quo' which will feel like a constant cycle of stagnancy, or fight-flight experiences that never allow for the spirit within to unfurl the Heavenly wings of Omni-presence exploration. The soul, your spirit knows exactly what your potential is, and can be, if we can surrender the mind long enough to trust, to surrender within a deep and higher knowing, all moments, will be guided purely with spirit, and all is well; you will always discover more of YOU as light.
Spirit is the heart deepening, truth, and service to ALL. Spirit responds always in loving truth, in loving softening, not aching to be right. The deeper and more present you allow yourself to live within, the more capable you will find your ability to respond as spirit, to respond in any and all situations as a master; to know that in all moments, you have what you need to continue the cycle of loving exploration and you will always be safe, you will always be accompanied with teams and guides to light the way, to bless the way, to offer you a more genuine path of purity as magical discoveries.  I offer this not as a far-off muse; this is Source offering you the portal to you. 
Healing the mental, emotional body are entwined; and it begins at the heart in choosing to live authentically as spirited and soulfully aligned. Entraining the ego and mind that the heart and soul are the drivers, and that in all situations, to breathe, to slow, and align in a higher truth, and therefore shift your reality experience. Spirit responds. Spirit knows and see's all and always allows for compassion and forgiveness; empowered to explore a vibrationally inspired path; and will stand in loving grace to release all pettiness and karmically challenging situations that just cycle in frustration where no one wins. Spirit is always WIN/WIN. Living within a loving approach, a compassionate approach will allow for you to live your wisdom that is love. 
Love, light, is the Heavenly undercurrent that is within ALL. If we live from this knowing, this higher truth, that within all beings, all moments, all spaces in between, there is light for us to invite in, and live within, and a new entanglement of quantum miracles unveil. This is not esoteric probabilities dear ones, this is science and spirit making Itself known to our ever-stretching curiosity to live as light, to live as a human-master, and that is benevolent to heal and mend a collective and planet in need.
Those that will awaken to their gifts, to seeing light, to sensing, and feeling light, will and are able to work within this field that exists within the programs of light that are being encoded within all things to amplify our evolutionary trajectory and constant re-alignments within our Universal play. When I work with Source fields, it begins at the heart and then I am shown vibrationally what I need to see, or feel to move within it, to heal within it, and / or to offer It forth, and this was not to my knowing until yesterday how it reflects and lives through me in my every moment occurrence and how I can take my ownership and leadership of this and allow Source flow to touch all within the moment.
Source IS. Light IS. Love Is. Always, in all ways; yet it takes our awareness, our awakened ness to call It forth, to allow It, to soften to ITs power and flow to have it shift our reality before us, and this is how all masters allowed the miracles of Source to change all. We are the conduits of Heavenly and living light. We are master light workers to bring life to that which was stagnant and aching for remembrance of its connection to all Creation. We are vessels and reflections of Source, God, Creation that if we lovingly allow and grow into the massive tool and potential that our hearts are; we can truly mend every ailment and ill we have created through time. We are the reflections of Source, how may we open, allow, and intend this loving heart flow in all moments, to bring new colour and sheen to that which was scorched by disbelief and disillusionment?

Love is strength, and love will allow for the highest intention of any situation for the greatest of the ALL involved. This allows for continued evolution and growth; spirit lives within transparency and joyful play. These are vibrations and one can feel into igniting this with pure intent to shift your entire reality. Love magnifies and amplifies all. Light that is the pulsations of loving embrace that is Source in communication, in loving co-creation with all Creation, and how may we flow and be fluid within all moments of this elixir of joyful evolution? 

My teams had offered me yesterday in reflection, and although logically knowing this, it wasn't until I had taken the time to integrate and reflect from a new perspective, I was able to see the magnitude and depth of what this profound statement allowed me to awaken within; 'Light is mutable; and malleable, and fluid.'  This one statement was mind-boggling to me; as I was shown within the instance that 'light which is love' found within all things, all moments, all spaces in-between; and when we take on this knowing, this higher truth, our hearts open, I was shown from my heart, loving rays of light flow without constraint, and this light amplifies and ignites all that is; all matter and all things and spaces in between, thus then, amplifying the response, the matter, the wisdom, the potential that any situation can transform into.  

This is why we are all being inspired, through our collective unfolding stories, and our familial and social experiences, to live purely from our heart and how simple heart centred intentions can be the alchemy that shifts a new vibrationally reality that ripples through the ALL and simultaneously heals your souls sojourns through all time.
These seem so simple to reflect upon, but within our mental and emotional patterns, are more challenging to overcome; living from the heart is so very important and reminding yourself of this in all moments, can be the entrainment needed to bring about not only better health, better stability and abundance, but the inner weaving with Source that we all ache for. 

We are each co-creating a new world; every moment, you see what you have created. Every moment is an omen to show you how powerful you are and how can you drop to a new level of richness and stillness to heal, to repair, or to masterfully resurrect love into any situation to a higher resolve and potential?  Light shifts all within its intention and heart flowing pleasure to experience. If you purely desire to experience love, a loving creative reality, then know this light lives and changes all within this intention and all are touched by this. I have experienced and can often see in my minds eye, what this looks like, and when my teams offered me this simple statement with a simultaneous download, it freed my minds desire to make a challenging situation right for everyone, and simply trust the loving intention and simply living in this state, will bring the highest resolve.  Let go and trust in the light. Let go and trust in the love that you are, and that you offer purely.  

Oftentimes, spirit will ask that you let go to the point of starting anew; a new land to discover, a new tribe to walk with, a new vocation to explore, and these are all held within the story of living light; this is evolution and your soul will want a new story to unveil within in all new cycles, so trust what you are being guided to, for there is always a Heavenly undercurrent that will carry you into new realms of sacred safe play, of miraculous lands to remember and bring light to. We cannot at our physical mind level, know what elegance and intricacy that Source, that Creation works at, and it is the entanglement and language of love that our soul asks that we trust and follow unconditionally.  

We often feel the stagnancy of our lives, or see, or expect the same old, or even the mind conjures the worse case scenario, because we cannot see, from our limited perspective how light and love affect ALL. Light softens all situations. Light softens and becomes the mutable agent to change, to call forth miracles to any and all situations; to heal all moments, and how may we be the miracle workers of our own lives and live as pure agents of light masters. 
In many of my private readings, I am shown how many clients are 'light agents.' Light agents understand the 'unseen' potentials of light, and within them they have the coding the remembrance of this living truth and how to use, honour, and offer light as their presence, as their gifts, as their operating purpose, then life becomes conscious living light.

The portal to that which you are; the ALL, and how may your truthful and honest look at every cycle, every new now, as a portal to re-align to your heart and truth, and honest reflections that mirror to you what your potentials and reality discoveries can offer to you; you merely have to desire with pure intent to live within this joyful adventure of being, of living, of experiencing love. Source will always support, in any way that your soul needs, to explore, express, and experience love. 
If you desire a new cycle of loving experiences with vibrationally matched tribe, then first answer the light within and invite it forth. Honour and love every cycle; regardless of how seemingly challenging it may have appeared, for these are the illusory stories we show ourselves to activate and remember we are PURE LOVE; and how may the ego be soothed into loving submission of soulful and creative majesty?

Release yourself from the ego-ic prison of 'what others think' or 'what use to matter' or perceiving that your feelings, your emotions don't matter; it all matters; we are being ushered very dramatically to live from our hearts and how may this simple reminder, allow for this past cycle to end with honour, to end and slip from our hands as the best cycle of our most profound soul lessons, our most beautiful cycle of empathy, compassion, and Oneness? All moments are an offering of light, it is what and how we use this that will be the reflection; choose wisely and with pure joyful hearts and so too will be your experience. Trust in the light that you are and offer; purely and richly and so too will this be.

As we are all learning, remembering, and awakening within new realms of vibrations, we have all been led too stringently from our ego; so forgive yourself, be gentle with yourself, and begin anew. Forgive all and soften to love. This re-aligns to the new grids, and new codes in your heart, in your chakra's awaiting for your activation to create anew.
Purely, vibrantly, live from your heart; intend to be purely you. Intend to release all fear and forgive in all moments, for all reflections and mirrors are you; step forth and share your light, your love, and every new cycle will profoundly show you in return your living your highest lighted path.
Liberate and be naked and raw and true with who you are as the undercurrent of love and the Heavenly conduit of light that can shift every moment? How may you sort out all the fears, face them, and love every belief and limitation that kept you running in karmic cycles of pain and suffering? Lay it all out, be honest, be truthful, and know every fear is a door of illusion that opens into loving truth. Allow yourself to reach for the stars to what your soul, your teams, and Creation offers you. You are worthy of the light that you carry! Shiny and true; this is you.

Even if your cycle has been a challenging one, a dramatic one, honour it and love it, for it is a door to love yourself, bless yourself, and bring yourself to new blessings of you with heart-wisdom, new DNA vibrations of gifts and growth in all ways you live from this heart space; release the past, forgive, let go, forgive, let go, and live NOW as love. We are held within love, a loving stream of potential, and if we can forgive enough, let go enough, to allow for the light to shift, to change, to bring light to all that we have cycled within, a new dawning arises as love.  Know the power of loving light. You are this mutable charge of loving intention of Source, and there are new lands, new love, and new tribe to co-create within; a new world to re-imagine, and you are light needed for its colouring. 

May you always be the miracle you seek, and may you always be the love you ache for.  Source lives within, and how may this marriage of the Heavens be the canvas through which you paint upon? Remember dear ones, the greater the challenge, and to resolve, return to love, to light, the greater light you will transmute within and without and be able and masterful to work with.  Every challenge is a crucible to greater reality co-creation; for light is mutable and the Heavenly transcendence.
We are each the gentle gardeners, and we sow seeds of optimism, to hope, to live from a knowing of lighted miracles, of the gentleness of Source and loving grace; and we are the ones to bring this Heavenly truth to a new land that aches to nourish our gardens of love.

Creative soulful passion is the song of spirit; how may your wings unfurl and be lifted upon the Heavenly undercurrents? Miracles are. You are the song of love. You are the song of positivity, you are the song of the Heavens living in all moments, and through all intentions.  Remember your power of light and loving song.  You are so dearly loved, guided, and protected beyond all measure.

Write your own story dear ones; within you, deep within, you know what no longer serves your soul, or serves your heart, and how may you dream and reach for the stars anew?  How may you surrender into creative love and playful joy?  
A new NOW; NEW Reality! 
For private healing and intuitive sessions, ascension classes, and global webinars; connect and entangle at Universal Love Light Wisdoms,

Our latest video on healing the mental body;

Blessings and Divine grace,
And so it is,


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