Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Epiphanies of the Many Ways in Which We Are LOVE ~ Harmonizing the Whole Self

Live the Light that you are and always have been.
Live the Love that you are and always have been. 
Within One another, you heal.
Within thyself, you heal the All.

Earthly Accelerations and Staying Centered through it All
You are totally worthy to live in the light that you are, and have always been.
We become the ambassadors of light and love as we own, claim, and live this compassionately within ourselves first, and emanate this to all else; 
Here is our video offering this morning in which I was offered profound lessons of anchoring now through the Akash transparencies we gift ourselves and how to call in what gifts and themes you need now without getting lost, or embedded within the emotional waters of the the karmic releases.

Join our updated youtube for emotional epiphanies that assisted in my own personal 'dark night of the soul' integration, and how we can choose to redefine as a grander Universal soulful harmonization and how this can, if we so choose to help humanity as a collective family begin healing and transitioning within higher dimensional playing fields. 

How may we must various ways in which, unknowingly, but through our transitioning social beliefs, or imprints, or Akashic karma's that we limit the beauty and elegance, and infinite ability to love within ourselves? Whether it be through self-judgment, or demeaning, or limiting ourselves, our light, we have all chosen to come through this lifetime and transcend in some way our separation; so within our human family, we arise as One. 
In my epiphanies with the Christ Consciousness over the past several months, in the integration of my own soul aspects, it can be very easy, as an empath, crystalline child, or as someone that is highly psychically activated, to feel lost within the Akashic fields, timelines, and this is not necessary and not the true purpose of the Akash and why we feel, or can see into, or have presence of this as we integrate to higher soul themes.  

The Beauty & Power of the Akash
We are offered the Akash, a crystalline tool, to help us feel into the here and now and bring greater wisdom, sacred behaving, and a more unified perspective and choice to the multi-dimensional fields that are affected in us doing so; so that we are not repeating timelines of density or ignorance, and we become the Christic healers, of pure compassion, pure higher knowing, pure unconditional love. This truly begins within, and to devote oneself to grounding and centering through such dramatic times of acceleration and change. 
The Akash is merely our portal to view, to allow the insights, the energies of what is present in the here and now; for us to reflect, honour, love, integrate a higher resolve and that when we do, we alter the timeline, reality experience; thus then healing, expanding, and evolving within greater holographic Universal experiences. NOW is our point of power. Now is our power of forgiveness and compassion, and loving this NOW placement of who we are, all that we exist within, and what exists within us, alters the all that we each open to step forth upon and experience.

Grounding and anchoring within this Divine multi-dimensional human body, honouring your light, sharing your light, healing what comes forth in love, forgiveness, compassion to the wounds we each take on, choose, and carry life-time through life-time, IS what affects the ALL. So in truth, we thread, we weave, the golden future NOW. 
We are each Divine sowers of light, of love, and as you open to your psychic gifts, your wholeness and Universality, be empowered by this NOW moment, and honour who steps before you, who shows up in your mirror, as love, as challenge, as a reflection of the NOW that you are able to love whole and return to your integrated Divinehood. 

Here is our most recent video offering of the various levels of persecution, through judgement, lack, limitation that we have all experienced, that we are all here to heal and forgive, and step forth anew, as the many masters have come forth to emulate to us, through us, for us, our Divinity within the infinite that truly is through loving grace held within.

We have the ability and opportunity, through living fully and most lovingly now, in this here moment, to heal all aspects, not with the intention to heal our ALL, but with the intention to merely be love, to live as love, and as an over flowing of Source beauty, naturally touches and provides the opportunity for you, in all other realms and planets to tap into this love, but don't have to. 
These perhaps may be evident as you move about feeling profound emotions and energies with those that you walk with, or know through the internet and feel the energies of those lifetimes playing out but cannot quite put your finger on it.  Here and now, requires a reflection into the energy they are reminding you of, or perhaps their own inner healing for you to merely offer compassion and acceptance to; this is truly how vast we are, and why going within, honouring your path and all others as the catalyst for our ever-growing journeys and adventures through the multi-verse. 

I offer that because I have sensed, had a vision of an aspect of me, (cannot be defined in our human words) was brought through me for this lifetime to integrate an energy that was needed from that Universe, to expand within this one, and at a point of joy in which our Universe now moving into new streams of potential. There are these delicate and innate designs for growth, for Oneness, for the expansion within the All, to thread, to weave, to honour that we have ignited through our innate love and joy to explore love, be love, and honour love. Truly infinite, beautiful, and offered with unconditional grace through Source. 

Something to lovingly ponder and bring forth the greater love and Oneness from within,
Blessings and graceful joy,
A new offering this morning - as we offer this infinite moment-for-moment living within, we offer to the ALL.

I also wanted to share some exciting news about a beautiful colleague of mine, Miss Divine Maia, who has a radio offering along with her many, any earthly-Universal wisdom teachings, and hope that those that so desire, expansive ascension teachings through her inner planes mentor Thoth HaRa
feel their way to her offerings;


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