We must remember dear lighted ones,
We are shifting, collectively from a 3D construction of reality to a 5th D reality that has the Divine foundations of love, light, Oneness, and service for the ALL; integrity, discernment, compassion & love, and creative sacred exploration and expression. The 3d dimensional experience has been a profound experience within Creation and this Universal of polarity for us to take a spirit-matter God Consciousness to its farthest in separation and awaken to our way in return to our wholeness in Oneness.
We are shifting, collectively from a 3D construction of reality to a 5th D reality that has the Divine foundations of love, light, Oneness, and service for the ALL; integrity, discernment, compassion & love, and creative sacred exploration and expression. The 3d dimensional experience has been a profound experience within Creation and this Universal of polarity for us to take a spirit-matter God Consciousness to its farthest in separation and awaken to our way in return to our wholeness in Oneness.
This may sound simple within a sentence placed within others, but I will say this from a personal and most humbled way; it is not for the faint at heart and for those truly willing to know themselves at every level, accept themselves at every level, honour themselves at every level, and begin to create, live, and behave in heightened manners in living in Source Oneness, the journey must be taken; for IT IS SACRED and will require the skills, capabilities, and mastery through which Source will bless you with every step of the way as you unfold within it.
These are a part of 'The Sacred Four' that was put into a video and will be a regular offering as to how this affects our multi-dimensional bodies and maintaining balance and wellness as we open and release from EONS of imbalance, greed, lack, fear, and limitation;
These shifts will accelerate in what we are offered, quotient, meaning that we will absolutely feel it; as we feel now; a need to purge lack beliefs within, emotional falsities and the soul's desire to live as light and love. You CAN do this, you were Divinely designed to do this, however it will take that you be truthful and authentic with your own innate desire to love ALL that you are; not to possess or acclaim any one thing, or to possess a skill, or feel popular as an acclaimed channel, or intuitive, but to truly feel the burn within your heart that will begin a path that once offered and stepped upon will show you the most intricately sewn magic, wisdom, blessings, and love that one could ever colourfully imagine.
I may write further and deeper upon the blessings of this path in the elegance that I have discovered and wept within from the past several years and defines and paint the most glorious picture of new beginnings of the human potential and story within an awakening galactic family that is as excited to be and play with us as we are to explore and co-create within it.
The importance of this article was to introduce a short video series that I was inspired to create through my trials and tribulations of the many and numerous 'dark nights of the soul' and how we are ready to 'redefine' and allow for the new heightened wisdoms of our multi-dimensional bodies to open in the allowance of the light body that IS our ever-threaded Oneness with Source as the journey avails us in all moments.
As we step forth in these grand exciting times of re-constructing a more Heavenly reality, through our hearts, we open the portal and set the vibrational and experiential example for our children.
In opening up to a flow of the soul within, these sacred four attributes will be sensed, felt, and brought into moment-for-moment living and the carving out of our Divinely dynamic light body.
This I know to be true, and something, if It can be defined in any human word, is beyond description or colouring; but suffice It to say; there is a profound CREATIONAL FORCE of such PROFOUND softened and gentle love that will and can, and does re-shape every aspect of your being~ness and this is our souls Divine discontent that keeps us seeking, keeps us striving within to evolve within our ever-triumphed and darkened path to evolve within and through in honour of this sacred relationship and Oneness.
You see, as a visionary, as a crystalline adult, as an awakened human-spirited passionate being to serve, I have the been blessed with the gift of 'seeing' and although a most blessed gift most of the time, during such times of advancement, it can be terrifying to see, to know, and to feel the darkest aspects of oneself, of society, and of other realms that can bring one to the brink, to the edge, and why it has been defined and termed as the 'dark night of the soul' or misunderstood as the unfolding of the 'mid-life crisis. When all that one is within, what the soul knows of ITSELF, demands our undivided attention to evolve, or not. Free will.
Those willing to move within a heart-felt softened devotion with Source, with Creation, with love will feel the blessings and well deserved self-love and honour in return that truly is of no quantifying way that can be written, and nor should it be. It is merely the words we have to paint what many will, have, and can be offered if majesty of higher dimensional living and BEING is desired at the soul and heart level; for there is much more to this than merely living in co-creation with our celestial families; we are being prepared dear lighted ones for greater cosmic, planetary, Universal service, and why we have to move through the various heart-wrenching experiences that we do. Our souls absolutely knew what we are able and ready to handle and can be a liberator to share and help others. Unconditional self-acceptance and self-honour at the level of the Christ is mastery, and requires our humility and reverence with good will to persevere upon the narrow and blessed path.
There are teams, councils, groups, and beings of Divine and sacred love with you every step of the way.
When you feel yourself waivering in doubt, or fear, know that this is a natural release of what no longer is needed and for your Divine and heartfelt acknowledgement to own your own power, your own wisdom, and mastery to know when to release and move into something more profound.
For you have earned the right, the joy, the light potential that comes from such acknowledgement when these 'energies' arise and how this is a tool for you to gain the mastery you came for, to practice, to honour, to hone, to develop, and to share forth. We are each masters for one another, and how we alter the ALL of Creation and share our Divine light for generations and planets from the ALL; for we are within it ALL.
Fear not dear ones, you are loved, you are surrounded and always have Heavenly help; for those that so desire, I will be starting a new 'Morning Love Series' very short video offerings available on our YouTube channel to help move through profound shifts in higher vibrational energies, how to direct and carve a new reality, and heal anything that comes forth for your Divine embrace.
I have truly been through it ALL.....What a ride......These joyful series offerings will be Heavenly rituals to align at the heart center; unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, and apply, intend, invite and allow the flow of Source within through all that we are.
Stay tuned and the first offering should be available tomorrow for those that desire soulful and soft honouring and crafting of the lightbody as Source invites us. There is an underlying truth that we rarely talk about in ascension, and why we move through what we do, and are opening to the core of who we have been in all realms, in all earthly lifetimes; we are limitless beings that have been, done, and experienced it ALL; and are here to anchor greater light, wisdom, honour of our human-Universality, as we serve and explore well into the unknown and be truly prepared in every way for it.
Source would have it no other way. It would be like, sending your child into the pebbled and rocky playground without shoes or socks, or out to a stormy ocean with only an inner-tube. Source, the Creator, God, IS the love of all life, all Creation and desires our most heightened experience of this blessed offering; no less.
Join us for our weekly 'Morning Love Series' to create morning rituals of sacred light body, Heavenly - Earthly Human manifesting, creating, and living 5th dimensional sacred wellness and alignment with Source and exploring our own innate foundations to the ALL.
Check out our youtube channel weekly for updates and offerings, as well as our facebook;
JoannaUniversalLoveLight :)
Blessings and light,
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