Friday, 21 June 2019

Summer Solstice Energies & Gathering

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Here are our weekly ascension offerings, tips, and energy potentials in this very special time with links to recent video's, and a Divine and Sacred gathering today at 3:33pm MST for those that so desire. Enjoy these Heavenly offerings and know you are always supported and unconditionally loved. 

There are so many beings and councils helping us;
A Divine and profoundly purely benevolent tribe within and without and should you require a miracle;
Be reverent in loving grace and beckon it forth.
Source is within ~ loving you, guiding you, supporting you.
You are dearly loved.

My teams have suggested there are profound portal energies tomorrow and over the next few weeks to help align with the dimensional timeline you desire at the heart level.
Create the intimate time for heart aligned visualizations, affirmations, and mediation to surrender into this Divine upliftment ~
~~~ Our most recent alignment and meditation through sound, song, and toning;

This I know to be true dear lighted ones,
'There is Majesty beyond what we have words to colour.'
There are miracles occurring within the flow that IS Source within the ALL; dancing, joyfully co-creating, within infinite fields of play, of experience, of the invitation that just perhaps this is the essence that swims within us each right now awakening, awaiting, and answering our own call for deeper, richer, more purity of life, of love, and of sacred entanglement.

This I know to be true dear ones.
There is a miracle, now, now, and now.....worlds within worlds, galaxies within galaxies, and Source within Source, for this is the love of the Creator alive and pulsing every breath and heart beat until you tune in and dance along......
This I know to be true; the depth of love, tender care, support, and miraculous play is ever deep, as the love and joy there is for you.

I have seen, I have felt, I have known, I have heard, and I am such the bringing forth of what can only be a miracle; seen and offered time and time again, until I have truly accepted this within myself; richly, deeply, purely. And so it is. 
This I know to be true. I bow in reverence; Divine Source, Creator of the All, the profundity of love.
Grounding, centering, anchoring and much activations going on to allow for the higher resonance light energies;
Pinging and prickling in the sensory, frontal cortex, speeding up in the root;
Tune in and allow for extra rest, time with Gaia, grounding and breath work in serenity and peace ~ 

The higher vibrational Source offerings will require deeper focussed grounding. Call in this sacral connection with Gaia through intention and visualization and all other activations will follow suite.
Blessings and great full joyful Heavenly upliftment,
Summer Solstice Sacred Gathering 
For those that so desire;
Today at 3:33pm MST 

Summer Solstice alignment, sacred communion, celebration and anchoring of new heart joy;
Joanna Ross is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Summer Solstice Sacred Activation
Time: Jun 21, 2019 3:33 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Meeting ID: 867 843 587
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We will offer sacred light language, toning, vibrational healing through these activations of Divine heart aligned intention and softening within our group energies. 
Share, sing, dance, and be of good cheer,
There is a Divine plan and the ALL is entangled.
Our most ascension sacred teaching; The Sacred Four ~ Honouring and Honing the Soul Essence

For those that so desire and / or feel inclined, we accept donations for all of our free resources, video's and audio's, illustrations, and all offerings online;

Deepest gratitude and Heavenly light,

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