Monday, 3 June 2019

Consciousness Shifts ~ The White Mother Dragon of Compassion and Grace

Greetings dear lighted ones,
I wanted to share the light fluidity of a beautiful vision I just experienced. Sensing the lightness of consciousness being offered in this powerful month of birth, and moreover as we sit right on the New Moon energy, there will always be the reminders of our majesty as we persevere and open within it as US.

Not sure why I feel it is a birthing, but feel the earth summer energy, the lush gardens coming up in remembrance of our beauty to live in Oneness, to release what was and begin anew; and so here I was offered.....
As I sat shuffling my Kuan Yin tarot deck, my eyes closed and breathed in the love, compassion, and mastery I am inviting in so I may stand in my lighted-power, Christic power, and know of my wholeness;

I immediately saw the most elegant, if words can only describe this profound creature of Divine Feminine grace; A crystalline white, opal-essence of soft elegance of a dragon rise up from a mountain peak. This dragon was spiralling up, and dancing in sweetness and soft joy with the local birds and insects; shown to allow for the knowing, remembrance that in the softening of a pure heart, what we have been told as fierce, or treacherous in nature; this dragon was as elegant as the Divine Mother in the Heavens being birthed in the sweet softness of a pre-summer breeze.
This dragon oozed with Christic gentleness; of a vibration I have only felt with the Source Creator and Jesus in my visions and inner work; this dragon was profound in its size, beauty, but so soft, loving, dancing and in joy with Its inter-mingling with all nature as it rose and dove in grace. 
This experience and vision was allowing me to be reminded that in how I have transformed my own inner 'perspectives and scary' memories, to know that through this reckoning through love, through compassion, we can offer through ourselves, our hearts, the new vibrations of such grace awaiting for rebirth in our own red-white path sublimation.

I believe, perhaps a fanciful notion, that we each carry the portal of creative thought, heart-felt joy with Source, to help, to ignite, to inspire sacred life to be born and birthed throughout our Universal-earthly Akashic experiences and assist in the threading and spark of new life; we each come with animal and insect, elemental archetypal energy to help in the re-threading of a new matrix of potential; for I believe we are within it all; our own inner beauty and dragon mother energies, to bless new mountain peaks with graceful love and remembrance of our most peaceful magical energies that are ready for alchemic Heavenly play. 
This Divinely elegant Mother grace dragon was carrying something but I was so mezmerized by her grandeur, I was not focussed on that; I am sensing something like a sphere; 

In short, we are awakening to new realms of consciousness play, and new magical creatures and essences for us to meld, to honour, to co-create within new vibrations perhaps we are all birthing through sacred loving inner knowing that new life is within us each; our creative imaginings and sacred play with Source Creator, the Divine earth, the Heavenly grace within us all; Gaia awakening vibrations of life, play, and to excite us anew to what our potentials truly are. 
Here is our most recent weekly global meditation offered in which Arch Angel, Lord Metatron offering new vibrational codes within our visualization and communal activation.
'The Sacred Love of the Soul'
Happy NEW Moon 
In loving musing of the Creator of love within us all....
Dragon image taken from Pinterst

Ode to the White Mother Dragon of Compassion and Grace ~ Musing of the majesty of New Earth 
And so it is.
Blessings ~ ~ ~Joanna L Ross

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