Sunday, 21 July 2019

Healing Lack ~ An Inter-galactic Akashic Vision

Greetings Dear lighted ones,
I had a beautiful healing meditative vision the other day and wanted to share;
Much of what we are healing, releasing, transitioning is held within our fields, DNA, and remembrances of energy for us to not only heal, but prepare for Universal integration of beings, consciousness that we as humans have been fed many misinformation and illusionments about.
In this healing experience, was the vibration of 'anger, resentment, injustice.'
I was the Mother dragon in another system, star - planet, and there was a neighbouring planet that had been in resistance, or infiltrating our planets resource supply.
(Deviantart ~ Artist ~ dragon mother love by sabina libertad )
I was not shown specifically what, as it didn't matter, however, many of the Universal energies of 'lack' stem far and wide, and allows us to truly tune in and know without waivering that there is always abundance and therefore the 'worry' 'fear' or retaliation is not necessary and many of earths many lessons and wider deeper softening's are necessary to stand peacefully bold within.
As the Mother dragon of this experience, I was in flight, in mid air just outside the surface level of the planet, home, and with me was my daughter dragon, and she was visibly upset, terrified for her and the tribes survival as all of what was a small supply had all been taken, and what we were left with was complete devastation. 

My daughter was in tears, showed visible anger and immediate need to respond to serve those that had been taken from. My compassion to her and a remembrance that I had been within other systems, or lifetimes in which 'lack' had inspired similar such foreplay. 
This was the experience that resonated with small earthly issues that we all experience everyday in which the little voice within 'that's not fair' or 'why is it so easy for them' and coming to the realization that these voices are calling for us to heal, to accept, to acknowledge and bring to peace. For they are the threads of our own innate Oneness and what is the vibration of compassion and love that heals the here and now. 
I brought my daughter in to love and do what I could to ease her pain and suffering; and knew that somehow, we would be provided for, and now have healed many of my own 'lack' issues and have learned to offer love, compassion, and holding all in the most high when we face our own experiences of 'injustices' for this is the unwavering knowing that we are all Source, God, Spirit and how our Universe-Multi-verse moves within the rhythm of greater harmonic songs of Oneness.

There will always, always, always be a rebalancing and a true honouring of all that seemingly 'left' in this our most powerful allowance to all attachment is illusory and a path to greater wellbeing in wholeness and higher knowing of Oneness; but a path we all must walk and experience to our ultimate self-realization in pure love. 

Thank you in this loving sharing and know that our minuscule glimpses into the Akash are profound in what we are able to heal and transcend, and another gift, so infinitely sewn within the abundance of Source Creator. 
May you always know you are abundant and pure in this. 
Love and joyful light,

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