Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Healing of the Akash, Bodies, of Persecutory Energies ~ Healing the Human Family

For those that so desire;
It is really valued and treasured as we each come forth and begin talking about, sharing, and caring for the stories and energies we have all gone through, are going through, and the collective will be awakening to and invite the 'normalization' in within our Divine human journey.  
Our daily triggers show us the enmeshment of who we truly are; honour this, celebrate this, and breathe within the profound loving potentials and healings available to us within our souls calling for integration of pure unconditional love.

We are healing eons of social stigma, misinformation, and limitation through the myriad of constructs that have been built in and through control, greed, and power, and each of us come with such healings through our various lifetimes and through other star systems to heal and bring unity, Oneness, and wholeness to the human dynamic. We cannot create Oneness until we truly dissolve all judgment, borders, boundaries and know we are each the reflection of the ALL; through consciousness and heart-felt centering, we can ignite higher vibrational choices. 

Our video format of the healing of our ALL timelines, and Akash, through the energies we sense, feel, and experience within our families and unfolding;
And for those that prefer to listen via audio, we have a Soundcloud channel;
Healing our quantum, infinite essence, allows us to truly begin to expand within our allness and how we are threading within so many consciousness potentials for greater healing, loving, and exploration. As we ask, as we seek, so too will the gifts and healing come forth. It is our perceiving and knowing we are worthy of this level of communion and Oneness with such unconditional love. 

These energies are and can be subtle and profound, and if we are not honouring and allowing the emotions to flow and through this flow, be healed, then we continue to carry the density and baggage with us; hindering us in our light body, and co-creative abilities.
Honouring the journey of the soul and bring new energies to this Divine Oneness we are each carving in our transmuting and valuing what we truly walk through.
Our Divine entanglement is so profound....
I have been dreaming of ants like crazy the past month;
The symbolism of 'working together, team work' and how even the act of one small essence of love, kindness, opening of the heart, can shift the entire circle of Creation.
Never underestimate the stories, the vibrations, the energies within the world that you are helping create! Here is a link to a beautiful crop circle that is the energetic stories within the ALL that we are all and each co-creating. 
There is purpose, reason, and Divine design within everything, and you certainly my friend are a part of it.
Enjoy your brilliance,
Blessings and light, 

I hope this may help,
Blessings and light,
Joanna L Ross

New Personal & Group Consciousness Template Field Sessions Coming!
For those that so desire, my teams have been inspiring me to bring forth the inner workings and elegance of working as the Source essence, the limitless being within the fields of the ALL;
We will be offering new multi-dimensional healing and consciousness template explorations, healings, and activations as we expand within the use of our magnetic fields, our multi-dimensional bodies, and new field dynamics to co-create with Source and Creation.

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