Thursday, 24 October 2024

THE TRUTH about Your Souls Evolution - 3D beliefs religions have NO baring on the Evolutionary Process

 Human Rights Universal Rights are the higher order of all reality shifts 


All is energy

You either live in a good will of serving the all that you are a part of - what you put out will return to you and. you will face all you do, emit

You either care or you do not and if you choose to not care or heal - you will manifest what you put out -

* Systems of Abuse, Systematic Abuse 
* Control, domination, intimidation, the cities running rampant with society and cult like mentality of gang stalking, fear and intimidation of what is meant to be a safe loving place - corruption is being paid and used on all levels and the imbalances of our planet of 98% DM made, run - all will face what they created
- they manifested this level of #epstein unground mess - all will face their taking money over sacred life protection - and none will miss their judgment day and I hope the money and false underground clout to 'feel important in the elite eye of the corrupt' than simply doing right
The heavens miss nothing

Every thought word deeds - none are missed and I walk with Anubis and none will be missed - - I know my destiny and role - I will live it

#cults, #secretSocietiesAbuses
#ERperez #calgaryCult #calgaryPolice 

~ the entire coven, cult, group, underground secret group is guilty on all levels - 
~ they all played a part in falsifying documents, false ID, lies, manipulation, stories of my life and scheming on all levels that have nothing to do with me but the money and energy and spiritual title I carry 
* how could decades of systematic abuses of all levels - go unnoticed and the criminals Iive in pretending, doppelgänger of my life destiny, monies unless there were those involved at every level getting paid to look the other way and be ok with criminals running the city and government paying for it all -

* elite secret society cults, groups, masonic groups that abuse, intimidate, isolate and even use military schemes of emotion, mental, psychological, spiritual abuses to break down who you are, - - 
* Government testing, experimenting - testing of the abuses and research, placing obstacles, targets and minions to stalk, spy, and abuse - - make up stories of defamation and false claims to destroy your work, reputation, 
* abuse of technology to block and hack all social platforms - blocking, shadow-banning platforms - I show blatant times of videos loaded, views, and how the numbers are played with at every level of a video being loaded - it is blatant 

* I show screen shots of my video views going down the minute it hits playlist and for hours afterwards - I screen shot times, and views going down by 20-50 views - where are these views going - who is managing my platforms and why is every other channel, why are the 'snuff-like' videos for disgusting abuse and images on their videos allowed and their platforms are open and growing - the blatant bullying images to normalize and desenstize us to such violent images and how is this ok and my platform blocked - #YoutubeDiscrimination #YoutubeCorruption #youtubeShadowBanning

* None had ever given any level of process that is required for POA and any other level of speaking signing, making decisions, and direction over any 

* I cut and copy the human rights laws and there was not 1 level of any process of due process, diligence, nor even a discussion with me, I have not signed anything - and how is an arbitrary ass group of misogynistic abusers and of the city having to obviously have a person in every level of the monies; legal, banking, insurance, medical, and all involved being paid to be and play a part for any monies, to be released

* I HAVE NEVER SIGNED ANYTHING - I am a highly sensitive empathic, high functioning being - I speak, teach, and am devoted for human rights, healing, and speaking on behalf of the abused, and voiceless - due to the fact I see, hear what is hidden - - - how and why would I ever give authority to for any to have any say on my 


* what has occurred was merely me seeking divorce and they sought as 'rejection' and they took it upon themselves with a community cult, group, secret societies abusers of systems, laws, and knowing how to pay, abuse, corrupt and falsify to get away with literal murder, abuse against the innocent on many levels; medical, sexual, spiritual, and mental, emotional and the technology, all human rights acts, and courts that allowed, knew, and policing that knew, allowed, while daily these cancerous hate groups continue to dark occult and voodoo abuse the innocent - there are souls being lost 

* Systematic abuse - secret society abuses, paid by elite groups, elite false entertainment groups for the elite soul harvesting and power over others, silencing the unique and powerful leaders of light and higher intelligence, and how is any to state and act covertly against all laws and rights - - - to say they are higher better and order over others and there was not 1 ounce of due diligence while I sat homeless - 

* All any had to do was speak to my lawyer, verify, investigate, and validate, follow due process of any level of monies to go into the hands of any -  

-research the human rights laws of 'incapable, infirmity, POA and rights for any to have over another and the enslavement for money and abuse - targeting for exploitation - is their intention and all were paid - - - 

* how could such crimes, unlawful acts - unless there was everyone in the processes of decades of abuse to go unseen, known, and the victims are literally left for dead 
* dark occult practices, systematic abuses, slow dagger, human testing, human targeting, elite soul harvesting, organ harvesting, the schemes, agendas, that abuse humanity and secret societies used, and paid to be criminals and torment, deconstruct the innocence that is our right to be and 3E 's of ascension - against every human rights bill of protection

* TO have POA - any say over any - you must complete a series of processes - there are teams, must be adhered to by banks, financial investment officers, and insurance companies, policing, real estate, medical - and all that is needed is to investigate the receipts, monies, and verify to the REV Canada financials, divorce financials, the monies going into the accounts, get receipts for all of it - and all involved - underground activity and payments on any IP laptop phone history - there are monies into the millions being paid for such inheritance, insurance, abuses, and fraud, money laundering, off shore accounts and while I sat erased from the platforms - I sat homeless 

*** there were many involved - every one in #calgary and the fake clients sent to me, all involved with my ex - none have any level of right to speak, sign, nor even talk about me 
* 8 yrs of estrangement no contact - divorced legally - and my life has been utterly ripped apart in their intention to take me out - for money and satanic underground clout - in their pyramid schemes, suff films and the numbers of people businesses, none not 1 DID DUE DILIGENCE - 

I am more intelligent than any involved and put together and these corrupt pathological liars - sat in the high life while I did not eat for a week homeless because these idiots play God over others they feel should be less than them - 

POA and any level of signing, speaking, acting on behalf of any - there is medical, assessments of logical and financial, emotional and working order interviews of all aspects of being human - universal that must be completed by unbiased teams that represent the higher and greater good of the sacred life not biases of oligarchy broken misogynistic orders of abuse, domination, control, when they live off of the energy, life and insurance inheritances

I have never received paperwork - my mail was stolen, I have never given any signatures on my life for any of any why would I ??? they are utter corrupt thieves and so very psychopathic and was done in group, cults, many in the system of authority involved --

All will be sat down that choose to do so - basic human rights and basic universal rights

I have worked for the Public Trustees Office in Vancouver Canada and there are laws, procedures of process that MUST BE TAKEN and by those signed and verified by those in all levels of the persons, clients, community

How is this ok unless all in the community are fucking corrupt and all paid - while the divine sacred 1 innocent healer and my lineage and what has been done - how many have been involved to kill, abuses on all levels and then to never have me speak, heal, and help others 

- - diabolical - the organized crime to keep me silent, mental and emotionally tormented - so that none of their deeds of abuse are never known, found out and why they target and called in community officials in their swinger sex club so they could black mail and entrap such for any coming forward to speak on - so the entire city is corrupt and who what how will justice be served 

- daily they seek to recruit new innocent beings to take from and mentally warp me - and others - and at what point will the city repair its karma and the damages of horrible abuse through decades of covert abuse to destroy innocent healing and light workers life - that is utterly diabolical - - done at all levels of the systems that are meant to care, support, protect -

All will be judged
None escape karma - you think that you are protected by hiding, using dark occult military style deconstruction tactics on 1 DF healer - but God and spirit sees all - you will never escape your deeds and none will ever move into higher realms or any heaven when you have done nothing but abuse steal, take, rape, and destroy the blessing brought to this planet for healing and creating anew

* in less than 5yrs will have research, proof of at the damages done of such low dark group think, mental, emotional and spiritual abuses, dark occult practices, and the degrading brain development of all involved in such low underground crime rings' and cult practices they simply have no idea the limitations they put on their entire lineage and children and the karma the children did not choose to clear and come into simply due to ignorant choices based on not healing the wounds that is 100% healable
* judicial
* government programs of illegal testing #projectStargate #withholdingTruthbyGovernment
* medical and policing
* banking and insurance, inheritance, wills and estate practices, businesses involving all in 1 DF demise and sacrificing

Where are my rights?

all any had to do was stop the spell work, return my legally owned and earned, and in my name and that any spent, taken, used, all will be responsible to return, pay back and all companies, cities all will be sued for the return over every penny, plus suffering, PTSD, losses, damages, isolation from my children for 6 yrs that I will never get back and every day that I am not with my Children is damaging to them - and no one gives a fuck -

#ProcessesforPOA #canadianBillofRights


there were government files Source, Spirit, god asked all to return to me - my property my rights to know the truth, and details of my life and none had a right to keep truth, monies, and safety, health of living here from me for the personal gain, agendas and cult abuse activity even paid by government affiliates in their testing, and watching me -

Why is my platform managed and blocked, pilfered? 
Who is the top Dog messing with my life and why?
* where are the files on my name and my life - and where are my human rights to receive and know, live a normal life of truth 

- - there was no permission signatures ever given to be in abusive dehumanizing agendas for the gain of misogynistic evil #epstein hunger game agendas - - utterly illegal

all any had to do was stop the spell work, return my legally owned and earned, and in my name and that any spent, taken, used, all will be responsible to return, pay back and all companies, cities all will be sued for the return over every penny, plus suffering, PTSD, losses, damages, isolation from my children for 6 yrs that I will never get back and every day that I am not with my Children is damaging to them - and no one gives a fuck -

#humanRights #ProcessesforPOA #canadianBillofRights #calgaryCorruption All COMMUNICATION MUST GO THROUGH JNELSON@SPECLAW.CA there were government files Source, Spirit, god asked all to return to me - my property my rights to know the truth, and details of my life and none had a right to keep truth, monies, and safety, health of living here from me for the personal gain, agendas and cult abuse activity even paid by government affiliates in their testing, and watching me - Why is my platform managed and blocked, pilfered? Who is the top Dog messing with my life and why?

* where are the files on my name and my life - and where are my human rights to receive and know, live a normal life of truth - - there was no permission signatures ever given to be in abusive dehumanizing agendas for the gain of misogynistic evil
#epstein hunger game agendas - - utterly illegal The core foundation to the abuse - - - - they get to abuse - because they do not want the average human to know what is being done behind closed doors and secret groups - is not the care and leadership of the people to be of truth, honour, transparency???? None in 3D title, bank roll, or illuminati title will hold an ounce in the heavens and when each are on judgement in judgment

- your deeds to abuse and try to take out 1 DF healer - truth teller 

why do the criminals and corrupt have more rights value than an earth angel? 
- that GOD HAS PLACED HERE - for the evolutionary needs of every human and the healing for all - NONE in 3D have an ounce of right and God will assure all will be as blocked and stopped as they have done to me since my entire life - - living a lie due to their programs of suppression and going no where - no wonder there are so many that did not make it - it is horrible and degrading - - 
God has your number and it matters not your title - you have to face your souls judgment and deeds None escape karma - I will speak what spirit shows me 
None on the 3D plane are my compass - - no system upon this planet is divine nor sacredly built upon fairness - when 98% of world systems and those in all leadership roles are unhealed warped DM - - 

IT IS BLATANT and in your face - I will not be your control toy, I will not be weaponized, I will not bow to you - nor can you 'teach me a lesson and be your domination toy of getting your lessons' 

There is so much corruption and I will call it - your suppression and abuses to me is INHUMANE on every level and I will sue every government, every person signing the hits, paying the hits, blocking me, and the every paid to the witches, warlocks and I will sue all all all all - 

NO 3D place of 'work, employment, government - you are not and never will be my compass 

God has your number and sees, knows every move and intention 
THE ORDER OF EVOLUTION & the LIFETIME CHOICE of every soul incarnating does not give a fuck if you are a 3D title in corrupt government or military or banking - your soul must transmute and heed and live in the vibration of dimension you enter - you will not hop and be or destiny swap what you are not the vibration of - you will not - GOD will never allow such abhorrence into the all space with such tormenting minds of destruction and all that choose such abuses and power over others 

KNOW THIS HUMAN ELITES AND SO CALLED LEADERS - - this is quantum soul truth of your next move......
- you will not be protected by the Federations or heavens on any being, entity of any realms in your dark practices - you are not protected and why many will be succumbed by the very deities and demons they call on to target others 

- karma and God is the distributor and all must be made balanced - there is so much misinformation on the soul, evolution, the corruption of church and state that will not teach you and guide you how to evolve and move into higher realms 
- No 3D person that is closed, misogynistic and power hungry has no say on what, how, any soul evolves and what you think you have clout and ranking is and is utterly NOT -

- Universal SOUL evolution is not in the hands of 3D group, cult, religion - the soul either evolves into unity consciousness or you will not move into any higher realms of dimension and consciousness


- there is corruption and God is allowing all dark leaders, and corrupt people that refuse to do right - the ancestors and guides are being told to NOT PROTECT those that have been given grace and time, patience and love to heal and do right and refuse

- be it aetheist Jew or buddha - - - the souls evolution is the same - GOD, Source, the heavens are the same process of spirit evolution is everything and your 3D earthly beliefs mean nothing to the truth of how why, what, the processes are for all evolution for all realms and dimensions

- why higher light intelligence and the science of God is needed - there is simply ignorance and it is being of profound detriment for all -

- you either care about your soul and your placement next timeline and next life - you will not come into a better life when all you do is corrupt and degrade humanity and the divine heavenly leaders sent here for the unveiling of such abuses - 

GOD IS driver and those that want to keep playing chess, testing, GOD and testing spirit - then you choose your karma and the dark realms you will remain in - higher consciousness is everyting and your dark dense beliefs and ignorance will be exactly where you sit 

The testing teams and groups know what they have done - every level for every decade of my life - all know what you have done, been, played a part of and not doing anything and not clearing your soul - not bringing truth is your souls debt to clear - I AM karma free - I OWE none - and all will be judged for thier heavenly acts and non-heavenly acts

YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE TO USE< enslave, and destroy the innocent - humanity will be LIBERATED - you have no right #illegalagendas

How much of a divine leader are you when you deconstruct, suppress, systematically abuse and target the very ones brought here for higher order and evolution - your programs and systems are broken - this is Gods plan not a warped unhealed DM that uses fear domination, abuse, as a control tool - - inhumane treatment and abuses - all will be sued

all any had to do was 'do right' - - is this not the oaths you took and swore to uphold?

GOD is my compass and earth will be liberated - abuse is not ok Deconstruction of humanity is not any heavenly agendas and all will be facing every deed they have done we are not meant to remain in numb and dumb - GOD is the driver here now - you are not the leaders of epstien world order - corruption is corruption and all will be equally charged -= you are in the courts of spirit now and all are being judged

I am that I am

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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