Sunday, 20 October 2024

ENTERING 5D Leadership & Galactic Integration - WHAT DOES THAT MEAN -

 #5D Level UP - Leaders, Teachers, Healers - Galactic Federation Mentorship

Every human on this planet is accountable and holding themselves to whatever degree of divine help for a higher consciousness

All that is needed is for you to purely be who you are
Natural honouring and genuine authentic and to be authentic you will go through much healing

Healing is not linear
You will not simply go up
You will not simply always move up

Especially if you are a collective leader, teacher, healer, or communicator - you will be tested spiritually on many levels for you to be your best and highest and what your teams will trigger you to bring out what is needed - - -lets us place a teaser into this above options and opportunities - you will be offered what you simply could not imagine was your 'destiny' GOD has a plan and it is far more bigger deeper wider - and thus - the journey will keep you going growing

* be it a simply sweet healer being triggered to be a higher vibrational leader that has to and must stand in higher light, empowerment and direction of the most high
* leadership of a globe is sitting in multiversal energy of legions that you take on more and more sovereignty and leadership for the greater good - there are no leaders on the planet speaking, leading, being of such - and such you will be tested only by the heavens, legions of how much you will and can be the infinite potential you have cannot be known unless you at the higher self level challenge and to take on what you never thought you could would, and only is when you God, source, your highest self gives you to the experiences to trust in yourself to be more and be divinely aligned to be more Godly

* God showed me many many years ago - I am an ambassador of peace and light - and although I do not seek leadership - I simply am the healer and sweeter kinder one - until God needed me to move through global abuses that was needed to be seen, brought forth and offered in expression, for the learning, acknowledgement and honouring of everyone paths -
* it is ok to feel bitterness, anger, empathy, moving through global energies of shifting and how you have to move in a multi-dimensional ways that is healing and the non-standard 'time' of the 'integration' phase of ascension

* Integration is a process and phase and it is dependent upon the duration of abuse, trauma, and non-resolve, non-accountability and the depths of abuse will integration be varied 

- Healing is not what you think - it is not like a pill, and then its gone - it is evolution - shifting, emulsification, harmonization, daily with new Omni-knowing, integration - it is not a once and move up - it simply is not

- healing is a process and it goes deeper into the wounding of most traumatic the higher you go for you have the skills, talents, gifts, practices to bring forth your higher resolve, self soothing, and honouring of you as being expanding as Godly -

The TRUTH about TRUTH .........

Truth is truth - because all are at varied levels of healing, ascension, consciousness and DNA allocation - - all truths are true and all have varied perspectives - allow all perspectives while you cherish, learn, and be with yours -

Truth is the triggering path that allows you to go deeper if you allow yourself to challenge what you think moving into 5D and how healing truly is

there is collective wounding and obstructions corruptions that are to each to heal and take on in whatever and however there are connected in their soul blueprints and every step of the way - for your greater and highest and even if you move away from what you thought you had no interest in; ie leadership or healership 

- - - oftentimes in these phases of ascension for humanity - your teams and directed by God, Source, for your souls evolution will challenge you to be that of sacred voice on what has not been brought forth for the alchemy in the collective that is needed

Why the daily ascension path work and working with your teams in your minutia of what will be what truly has never been laid out for us - there are no books on what we are moving into -
UNCONDITIONAL TRUST to be your most authentic is all we can pull on and trust there will be divinely guided next steps - and to be ok to speak, stand, even if you are the only one

- - - - when our planet of billions has been setup in such corrupt and imbalanced ways - of many selfish and covert agendas - if you will be a leader - you will have to be tested to STAND in your truth and what you will be tested to be more purely aligned in GODS divine direction and the systems of light in congruence of higher codes, of many things - ethics, love, and support to all nations - this is and simply has never been EMULATED on our planet is much needed and will be the states of discomfort when you are presented with new opportunity to take that leap of testing yourself into divine alignment and support of the innocent and the treasured spaces of Source we have taken advantage of and forgotten

- - - Leadership in a new earth 5D level on the precipice of planetary galactic integration - there are many lessons and initiations that God and your teams will keep allowing you to be sat within The Center of - for those that are deeply conduit and psychic of the many infinite threads of energy and stories that are needed to read, interpret, and then offer healing and positive outcome 

If you are not initiated and dropped into the situations and experiences that you thought you would could never be the epitome of and that IS your actual Souls DESIRE which is what only GOD and your teams know of you - no other on earth know of you - only GOD will direct in the work and enhancements your teams do with you and work with you and offer you - and that GOD will align, prepare and lead you into the infinite amalgamation of all soul aspects of you for you grow into - 

* I have come here as a sweet faerie like unicorn spirit and dropped into many horrible abuses -= my gifts saved me and God knew, delivered me, and I am still growing from all experiences - God showed me and my teams keep empowering of my leadership qualities and gifts from many legions, many galaxies and universes - - however it was not a 'go to' role I ever saw myself within 

**** FUN FACTS - - I focussed on the healing and teaching - I love teaching - - it is my happy place - so God is now offering a new version of leadership of such gardens of God that are as we see, remember in the higher realms in which the leaders of say Arcturus have no 'planetary ruler' but ELDERS that are the experiential guides for all planetary growth and evolution - 

* all higher vibrational planets in our galaxy - most anyhow that I channel operate in their highest directive of planetary guidance is 'evolution' of the self as source, in sovereign expression and unified collaborations - one is the all all is the one - and how is this a growth opportunity and that will not be straight up but expanding in and out as the inhale and exhale

~~~ Divine consciousness is not UP - it is in and out multidimensional and why there are phases to ascension and the healing process - there are many psyche aspects that need massaging into place for your own overall acceptance of the greater self - ie ; leadership - I never really went to it - IT is coming to me in my healing and taking on issues on a global basis that none would nor could take on

* there are billions on this planet that will not ever have to go through what I did because I did and I transmuted it

* why it is important to know and be compassionate of - as the children coming up from the underground - will you judge their healing process and expect it to be a straight up experience or will you live in a higher expression of 'evolution is not a straight up thing, evolution is not linear and building new earth is vibrationally multidimensional

* Leadership of a planet in whatever way God seeks of you in harmony of God, Source new galactic honouring - you will be tested - and in whatever way you can see beyond all 3D and see into higher outer and know you are led to be that which oftentimes you never really were attracted to first off - leadership at a galactic level does include many many groups of many many beings and you have to know all depths, levels, of darkness and heights of light

* truths - you cannot know the highest light and forgiveness without being the darkest of the abused - you cannot just speak of healing and expecting healing when you have not been in the shoes of the ones you offer space to heal - - every new cycle we will be tested to soften, realign in stronger more self knowing ways - and these vibrations and practices of higher self sovereignty has never been practiced and will feel new, even triggering when we see especially a DF that we simply do not have on this planet - at consciousness levels - and we are all harmonizing to the new quantum soup that we are simply recognizing is palpable -

* if you are a healer - can you be the space holder for Source energy in what you expect to 'healed' already and how can you shift into 'eldership' of your collective and know you will be offered in this new deeper 4D 5D entryway to be more unconditional and you will be softly and subtly triggered to reflect in what you are observing and your judgments and your feelings, and go deeper

* I love my clients and subscribers when they comment - it offers their courage to state with truth and honesty and our dialogue can bring deeper unity to see a new perspective - for I love my clients and subscribers benevolent feedback = I do honour it - and I offer a benevolent response to what is and how is healing and what we are all shifting in the new soup of Source as expanded beings and to be honouring compassionate of what is our unified planetary growth - we are truly taking on what we have never done before

:) THANK YOU for supporting in however you choose - this has not been an easy journey and I express offer the truth of my journey - my journey is not yours and I am doing always show, share, 'the best I can' with 0 human support in tangible person nor resources - and I do my best - I reassure and treasure myself in BEING AUTHENTIC and this is a precious gift dearly needed on our planet - when you have stated the same message for 10yrs - a sensing of frustration is there -

* there will not always be comfortable spaces - your inner work is the neutrality to sit in Source space and hold space without judgment and that is the challenge - there is always a reason, place, space and only Source, your guides will know - the ultimate new levels of unconditional self acceptance you have reached - that is unification of our collective

* and in our expressions - I offer you my most authentic - healing is a journey of moving through many versions of yourself and then coming to a new higher self aligned moment to deal with more greater leadership moments in which you are the elder becoming and your families and tribe need to know whatever they are doing through - you will be that guide for them - and light for them

LEADERSHIP for and with the Systems of Light, Federations, Councils across all nations is consciousness that is earned - and you cannot earn it by never going into the places you thought you could not would not or judging someone that does 

- - Eldership and higher vibrational being, knowing you hold space for the collective not simply the ones you know and are holding thier own but for the ones that need you in the ways that obviously is not in our collective - 

These are the deeper looks at our growing souls leadership and tapping into the places that are not always comfortable and love it anyway and grow into that space of godliness - there is breath of growth of all moments - healing is not only the end results of being a higher happiness or stating constant progressive messages - 

* integration is progressive and it is deepening, expanding and if you want to be a better healer - breathe into the parts you thought were not healing - it is all healing - release judgment you can have on yourself in what that meant in 3D healing is not 5D - 

We are being asked to be more unconditional and hold space for the uplifting of what most did not want to see 

THAT IS EARNED and why consciousness and galactic, planetary leadership is earned and only GOD and your teams have the daily sweet lessons, growth, self loving, expression you will be triggered to take part in - there is divine coloured work for all to take part in -


You are becoming an elder of new earth 

- and you will be looked to for wisdoms, compassion, honour of everyones journey that you did not have to take
- you can be the holder of space in any and all situations and you will not know unless you trust where God, Source, your teams are saying 'your ready' take that leap of faith and be new and be deeper not in thinking we will know what is coming 
- our earth will never be what it was - we are new and we are growing and deepening into higher dimensional living - it is from the daily inhale, exhale of being love

Love is a journey
Sometimes you do have to simply find align, give yourself a leg up, lift yourself, and get yourself there - it is not a straight up path - Source is unconditional - - - this is our journey and we have to practice, entrain, such divine joy, unconditional becoming -
So be it

THANK YOU for accepting me as a reflection of you and allowing me to be my fullest expression - it has been as truthful as possible - and I will simply not ever apologize for what I am guided to express live and be - thank you

I LOVE YOU ALL - we are becoming together -
Blessings and light

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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