Wednesday 16 October 2024


 The Truth About Destiny Swapping, Exchanging Lives, Prophets & Cover UPs

True destinys of those that Source, Creator, and the Universe has chosen based on being experientially prepared with multi-dimensional creation and what who how what is going on -

Secret societies and their abuses
Who' they are paid by and why
Systematic abuses
Mental Mind-scraping
Underground covert occult tactics of death, sabotage, and suffering -
Black Web exploitation
The white collar criminals in every neighbourhood -

Pay attention to what you know, sense, and feel -
AT WHAT POINT WILL HEALING, unity respecting all life, honouring all life, clearing systems of less than, discrimination and domination - misgoyny be brought down and made anew for all life
GOD knows what God is doing and it has nothing to do with religion - and how and why would any dogmatic groups call themselves aligned with God when you only wish to remain in control, domination and taking out anything that is not your verbiage 

- THAT IS NOT INFINITE godly creations - and who is any to say a divine healer not meant to be here -

Do you think God would have liberated me through decades of lies hate, sabotage - if there were not higher order - church and state have no clue - and why could they have not simply sat and had intelligent conversations to seek higher knowing, understanding rather than aggressively moving on 'take out' secret agendas of destroying the only light workers and healers meant to save the planet - from blatant extinction programs -

there are so many corrupt agendas of so called leaders that have no clue about and are not aligned - obvious that have no regard, and no idea of higher consciousness - the damages done to the planet and innocent and these elite corrupt agendas - have no clue and will run their 'followers into hell'

Elite Soul Harvesting #EliteSoulHarvesting - they have no clue - they are demonic, unhealed, low consciousness and have no intelligence of pure Source, God, and creational reality - so be discerning of what who you follow and what you think are 'human greater good'

Liberation for all humanity and knowing Gaia, God know what all is being doing in the divine sacred journey of ascension 

DO YOUR RESEARCH and investigation - - research what self actualization is 
- research all other higher long-term channels like Daniel Scranton, Daryl Anka for Bashar, Lee Carroll all of these are channellers that speak of the same process of self love, self care and knowing our bodies, chakras and energy and living in harmony is our own way into higher eternal life ?????

I am of the divine Melchezidek Order - I am a master - why has every ounce of my life been fed lies, sabotaging, agendas and horrible treatment of inhumane and discrimination abuses ???

The cover ups and set ups now unfolding for their benefit and not clearing of karma or their souls and know - any level of set up, cover up will not clear your karma and none will ever allow for the levelling to new reality outside of darkness and demonic realms and what dangers, outcomes of such underground agendas, damaged brain functioning and decades of dark conjuring, dark energy work - what other outcome would dark practice be than dark - ????

You either care about your soul or you do not
TRUTH is the only way through
TRUTH of your life, your experience and bringing it forth to clear your karma and your soul is what matters - money skimming, swapping life, photoshopping false photos and pictures, and stories for your benefit so that no matter who is hurt, what is done - the corrupt get away with decades of theft, robbery white collar crime, falsifications, corrupt officials and not 1 ounce of due diligence

* When I uploaded my video - 131 views
* When it hits playlist it was 64
* All night - remained at 92 views
* Tell me there is not management going on my platform to not reveal the REAL ME to the world - who were how is the fake me being shown, AI fake pages and skimming - #youtubeCorruption

has such answers of who how it is being skimmed and to whom?
There are stories of utter 100% falseness and altering personal information that NONE had any legal right to - #calgaryCult #corruptcrimeRings

How much of my life is a lie - documents, forgery on insurance, life and personal data hidden, swapped, the officials trying to destroy evidence and pretend that decades of sabotaging and making my life literally hell and systematic abuses as if it was not a thing - while I sat homeless and these corrupt evil underground cults walk as Gods - -

* 500+ rituals on my life
* 100 + selling of my name to corrupt cults, gangs, groups, warped masonic, and polygamy swingers clubs that get away with exploiting and ripping apart the life of the innocent while they are nothing but pathological sociopathic liars, warlocks, witches, and the cover ups they are trying to escape their deeds
* I have never signed anything but divorce
* I do not never had any joint accounts for over 8yrs - I have received nothing
* I have not received a penny in any way besides my divorce payout of a 6yr battle that was nothing but a circus of delays and derailing
* Legally divorced through Kings Court in Calgary
* 40 + sacrifices on my life and 50+ people taking money and being paid to stalk, spy, and copy, sabotage, block, and destroy my life because I speak what is and has been nothing but the elite #epstein 'hunger games' in which they think, believe they are gods to all creation and misogyny to 'handle DF and women; while they run and live secret corrupt toxic degrading lives and play 'white collar elite' during the day -

* Follow every dollar on any and all involved
* follow the stories of the chat rooms, phone histories, sabotaging all of my mail, email, abuse of technology, abuse of privacy rights, abuse of human right, abuse of financial act - abuse of power #calgarypolice #cityCorruption

How is even 1 thing of what occurred ok?
This has been decades - literally decades and they simply daily keep creating false fake documents,, stories, and signatures, and lies, IDs, platforms falseness and where how, who is the director and ring leader - - - human rights systematic abuses -

Corruption my entire life - like it means nothing but they took all they can to rape my soul, spirit, life, ideas, and work - that none bring but me -

* how is decades of abuses and crimes and none do anything to make right and bring justice
* how is it that the karma of your soul thinks covering for, doing work for and ongoing set ups to still bring my life into danger, damage, loss, and even death - how is this ok?
* all any had to do was do right and return truth



Secret Societies and the abuses of such, dark occult practices and covens and paid affiliates of the agendas and programs - or simply the one off death spell witches - at what point will any understand - none have an ounce of right to take any life out - PERIOD

Nor test, illegal watch, sabotage, block, and rape vibrationally -
* No place, group, company, anything has any right to gather, group any to create systems of attacking on every level of life for their benefit and so they do not have to face their deeds of crime and horrible torment

- NONE had an ounce of right to LIE, create false stories, lies, documents, forms, speak for me of me with 0 discussions verifications, nor even standing before me on any level of my own life - IT IS MY LIFE idiots - and none had an ounce of right and you have to ask, 

INVESTIGATE ---- ->> why is there such relentless FORCE to ensure that my life be erased, confused, and misled, covered up, misguided and false documents lies, stories and falslified on any all levels while I sat homeless 

- WHY ENTIRE CITIES and white collar so called officials being paid and jeporadizing their jobs, families for the lying and hiding of a lifetime of corruption and lies - while sociopathic criminals lives as pretending to be me - #CALGARYCORRUPTION

Any thinking cloning and programs of the like - are insane and will be nothing but as we see now - demise - nothing good nor false fake will stand in ever reaching new omni light in 5D - the math aint mathing -

* cloning and warping, distorting innocent empathic healers and light workers lives
* copying, doppelgänger lives, corrupt sociopathic distorted criminals that are very dangerous living in 100% falsities and damaging voodoo, black magic, and programs of continued abuses, lies, deceptions, and confusions that are 100% not necessary and only for the corrupt never facing their decades of theft, fraud, sabotaging human rights abuses, mind control, cult like damages, and underground sex rings and trafficking of the human spirit, soul, and ideas, creativity

* clones will never have the creative essence of Source, and light of the divine DNA of source light - it is the essence you are prepared for and offered and blessed by God - it cannot be cloned - swapped, and copied - ass holes - my god -

* rather than sit and have enlightened higher intelligent conversations and blatant integrity discussions - of such - they simply put forth arrogant ignorant misogynistic incorrect, wrong, dangerous agendas - to rip my life apart for their benefit and #epstein like agendas that will bring nothing but as we stated - extinction

* you have to ask - all that is being done, hidden - your outcome will be demise, extinction -
* nothing you do to cover up, set up, falsify more corrupt agendas and sabotaging and targeting with occult practices voodoo, black magic, and so on - all will be brought into the demise - GOD has said enough - TRUTH must be brought -

NO group, cult, government has 0 legal universal right to do an ounce of intentional malicious damage and corruption sabotage to cover and save their lying asses of continued #epstein like demonic programs that will only lead into extinction -

GOD WILL bring every person involved in every piece of false documents and lying, covering up, set ups, spells, voodoo - every witch, warlock and every person of photoshopping, underground ring exploiting the suffering and games played on the suffering of the light workers, and innocent healers - that were testing, tormenting, abused as if it is a sick toxic sadistic game -

You will be seen and known for you who you have been and allowed such to occur and while you say you are justice and serve the innocent - you will have your souls redemption discussion and either you care about another life or your souls time in hell or not - none escape what you have chosen, taken, done, fooled, tricked, lied for your gain

My question is - - - - you lied because it served you and your agendas - - greed, power, control, envy or jealousy or whatever was the false motive - it will always circle back to you and all lies, all stories, all fake false documents and lies, files - all will be set right and none will move in any ounce of a way until it is - fake falsify setup and come with more false things - again to save your false ass - corrupt human rights offences and fraud and corruptions - of utter ugly dominance and criminal violence - - - -

YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE every deed you do - - these are important universe times of ascension -
You cannot and will not FOOL GOD on where and the weight your soul carries of your deeds

KARMA at the times of planetary shifts into 5D consciousness - NONE will simply hide be coy, pretend, set up, lie, and trick creation - your density, lying, will not allow you to move any further than the lies you sit in - consciousness is not lying - it is pure, clear, crystal clear - honouring the multi dimensional systems and our matter that is Godly and Source essence - they are not getting the SOURCE ESSENCE and this is ascension and none can hop, swap, clone, GOD ESSENCE -

Destiny and consciousness cannot be swapped or cloned - my god
You cannot put consciousness in a brain chip - you ARE NOT GETTING IT

When you do nothing and know what corrupt wrong deeds done and you do nothing - you are as guilty -

Every deed in falseness will NOT CLEAR LIFT what GOD will place as blocks on your life

your life will be blocked equally on every deed and lie, falseness set up and every ounce of corruption you chose to not face the deeds, decades of ripping my life apart as if it meant nothing for your SELFISH ASS GAIN
YOU WILL BE SENTENCED by God and what karma and hurdles in whatever way God chooses for every lie, false deed, photoshop falseness and the ongoing mess when all any had to do was 'do the right thing'


your set ups, your false stories and claims, and agendas of your next steps - it will still bring you blocks, obstacles - you will keep getting karma - your fooling, tricking, lying means nothing to the HEAVENS and legions giving you chances to clear your karma and save your soul from hell -
you either care about your soul or you do not
your set ups, plans, plots, cover ups mean nothing to the karma boards - these are higher dimensional beings, God sees and knows all - you either bring truth or you will pave your path to darkness and hell - your soul will not be released in more games of lies and deceit for your selfish gain -

I DID NOT DESERVE A LIFE OF LIES Sabotaging, raping, degrading, losses for the sick toxic illegal games and disgusting false corrupt white collar groups business and games 

If I have written and authored 3 books on higher consciousness and been able to survive decades of lies, manipulation and suppression, abuses, targeting, systematic abuses - tormenting of my divine sacred life 

- you trying to kill God is the actions done - and no legal right 
- on any level and surviving over 600 attacks on my life - and while you continue daily to lie, more set ups, and more take outs, and you claim falsely with false documents that I have never seen nor signed nor even been privy to - I am the one you claim as crazy - for you to 'speak on my behalf for my monies and life' that none have any level of understanding nor preparation for -

GOD places every all each to the equal level they have self actualized -

Ascension is a sacred process and quantum bio-physical - and rather than having intelligent discussions - they merely set forth illegal agendas and programs and begin the abuse and pay secret societies to abuse and target until death -

The sabotaging of and under the directing from the church and state - for the keeping of the games of taking innocent lives to save the false elites that simply do not deserve to be saved and kept clean - they are not clean and they will be brought down - God placed me before you for a reason - you are allowing the innocent to die for your lies - this is not higher intelligence

You are to serve the greater good
Destroying 1 DF healer - that saves animals and moves insects to nature - you sabotage and target and torment me in your mental mind-scraping for your underground sick cloning disgusting games while I LIVE IN YOUR LIES - GOD WILL BRING EVERY ONE DOWN

- I DID NOT DESERVE a life of lies for the benefit of the elite false corrupt dark souls 
- family secrets and family lies - that serve the lier and serve the ones hiding and covering up their lives of incest and tormenting innocent children of great heavenly gifts - while they write lives of lies and tormenting and the innocent have to work their way through what most could not have survived daily lies and abuses for the serving of the selfish, selfish, greedy, ugly dark souls of #epstein like tormenting that they HAD NO LEGAL RIGHTS

- all will serve their deeds
You will not continue lying to the collective and harming the innocent you have used like lab rats and while you pretend to be righteous -


You either care about the lies you ruined an innocent persons life - or you will sit with the equal torment and pain, suffering you impaled with such maliciousness

All communication goes to

Do the investigations of every penny - I have not recieved 1 penny
why are corrupt sociopaths walking as officials and leaders when they ruined my life with 100% lies and corruption of the 'hunger games' and plots selling trafficking - when I sat homeless -

My God
Good luck in your equal hell -

None will be protected #calgaryCult
#sourceCreator #God #5DnewEarth

Who's the top dog ordering the suppression of my life and how is #youtube ok in going along with human rights abuses - you can show images and videos that are 'snuff like' images and videos of innocent children being sacrificed - while a healers small 0 growth platform being blocked 100% 

- - why do all others of such Lower satanic dark get seen and images of horrible images on the youtube platform while my platform of healing and reclaiming your truth is blocked 

- daily you are earning more and more karma by not liberating me and what has been the divine plans for all humanity and all creation and any of these false leaders think they are of 'greater good' when the block purposefully try to kill, knock of the light and while they lie, deceive, sabotage and pay spiritual hitmen and warped warlocks and witches to take me out and block my life -

What and how has any right to sacrifice and not think they will not have the return karma on any and all of what has been nothing but systematic abuses on so many levels blocked for 100% truth - #youtubeCorruption and #humanRights
Karma misses none

Donations for my rebuild -

why do the corrupt dark demonic criminals walk with more rights that the innocent healer that was forced, enforced, made to live false life of lies and falseness - while being sabotaged daily -

Do the elite, do the current world leaders - how many are truly aligned with greater good
Do they want humanity healed and higher consciousness and higher aligned?
Do you they truly want the liberation of all our souls - or are they scared straight of their domination and control fear-based programs the only thing they can hide behind for their eons of egregious deeds - since the discrimination of Jesus yet they place His image in their churches

Sort it out
This is human ascension - you are divine
you are sacred
truth is the only way through

so be it

Heal, join in - none will BE IT for you - it is YOU Creational Truth is #ascension is #LOVE is Do you love yourself this breath? Practice self love in all breaths - see how your life alters - your cells and your health Love Blessings and light copyright © Hail and honour to all our ancestors - We are the bridge Respect spirit Respect Gaia Respect life It is that simple
Blessings and light Joanna copyright ©

Joanna May others inspire you - as you are the God within you - inspire yourself anew - The outer is only a reflection - choose from a deep space of self love and self excitement This is the inner - outer As above - is below - so be this © COPYRIGHT 
Book your ascension sessions, healing sessions, activations, and styling sessions #5D alignment and self loving practices - or a #5D Vocational Alignment Sessions ****** 90min $233USD ****** 4X 45min $533USD Love and light my work is my work and channelled wisdoms - none have any right to use, copy, and call their own Please seek legal authority and permission as all copyright laws are applicable on my channel, books, illustrations and content - © copyright

Source is Ascension is Blessings and light Joanna Thank you for sharing our channel

God has spoken - simply none believed a DF as leader and prophet * all communication must go through My business My Work My Ideas My energy None had an ounce to do what was done Abuse and dearth attacks -

Abuse and murder plots All know the depths of abuse - it will be the worse case ever brought forth
#youtubeCorruption #calgarycult #calgarypolice secret society abuse I will sue all involved - businesses and city Blessings and light Joanna Thank you to the few that have been the only ones helping me rebuild Legal human rights Abuse of power Human testing

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 


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