Friday 17 May 2024

The Sacred Light & How IT SHIFTS all in ITS PATH - #5D

 Shadow energy is in your life to heal and transcend - it is you and wounding

SO FACE IT * Addictions * Obsessions * OCD types of behaviour * Controlling and fear anxiety * Selfishness, greed, gluttony, sexually promiscuous, lust, 0 creativity All is such that you must approach from a multi-dimensional perspective - tarot readings and getting readings on any other is not the healing approach for where and why you sit where you do -

abuse of divination is an abuse of the universal laws, and spiritual laws - and regardless of whom is doing it, giving it all will receive equal karma - for it rides in the face of our number #1 Universal law - those wishing to advance with Spirit, God, Source, new earth - will be in good form if they sit with their teams daily and higher self intention to create new patterns of entrainment to align to the higher self and the soul on your gifts, skills, talents, for all greater good and your souls advancement -  New spiritual order for divination use and practice  Sacred Text -  If you approach all you do with pure intention of 3 E's - of your own souls growth - which is why you do anything - merging with your highest version of you - and you only - compass only within than that is the sign your guides and teams are waiting for 

* if however you do such with reason and purpose to make money, be like others, and so on - there is still work to do * All begins with a pure sense of self and joy to explore spirit, energy and the balance of all working through you 
* the disregard of your affect on life, is neglect - and the intentional neglect is abuse * Abuse of such tools, gifts, talents - will be aligned in your path of exploration of shadow and thus dark entities and dark outcome - or the respecting of such and you maintain a path of higher growth and exploration and thus your team will support, protect, and keep your activations, and systems of light in equal measure of all Gods promise for you - there is higher order law and all must begin to wake up to such  * No robed person, secret societies titles will take precedence over the Universal laws - it simply won't -  Ego must be checked - we are on a spiritual growth path not ego-ic money making secrets clubs power show - 

Get to the core energy of why you do what you do  * Competition is shadow  * Comparing yourself to others - wanting to be like others - is a shadow * making money and pyramid schemes - again low ego - and taking advantage of energy, tools, and all will eventuate in darker timelines and results - dark tools, practices, = darker entities and you will simply not align with ascension -  Working through your shadow and honouring it, respecting your wounding and healing all soul fragments - understanding and seeking wisdoms, teaching, to higher order and higher realms of exploration - the light body and why it is key to honour such evolutionary laws and order -  Or not - all choose  However know - you will not be supported by the angelics, or your guides if you continue to disregard altering course and maintaining basic human laws and 'Treat others' basic order of operations - if you cannot live and heal peaceful at the lower orders of reality - you will simply not move up - 

To move up and out - expand - you must go within and heal -  Do the inner path work and understand .........

SACRED PROCESS OF ASCENSION & how light touches all and changes your entirety

#5D Healing Mothers Day Activations SELF CARE ** SELF LOVE ** SELF DESIGN ** UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS BEGINS WITHIN #5D New Earth * Who are you - what do you exist within - what exists within you - begin with RECONNECTION with you and your highest self and spirit, God, Source,  * Every day, every hour - reharmonizes with God, Source, Mother and Father know there is always higher knowing, higher learning and your multi-dimensional bodies, fields, and chakras of the healing of all DF / DM wounding is everything to your advancing into new gifts - 

© These are higher truths - matters not what 'religion, or practice, or clothes you wear' energy and higher order simply is - universal laws are - 
f your excuse is 'everyone else was doing it, they made me, and I had no other choice' Perhaps choose better friends, work environment, so called family - nothing, no one, no group, no so called initiation into a so called 'special elite group' or 'secret societies' in which abuse, hazing, humiliation, stealing, voodoo, attacking covertly and destroying someones life is a thing to measure to - perhaps you get healed and sort out a low sense of self and why abuse makes you feel powerful and cool Neglect, abuse, secret cult misinformation, masonic corruption, government human testing, cult organizations, abuse against any and all universal human laws, spiritual laws - is what reality you manifest and it is enveloping you in every deed, intention, body, mind, soul - you choose Perhaps understand creational reality - and universal laws - 
There are many in our so called official roles and speak, pretend, show themselves as 'professional and mentors, or role models' to the outer, say all the right things, dogmatic robotic do as I say but I will hide what I do - type of refusal to heal and be accountable for what is truly going on within


And such beings are in every level of our systems and why all pillars of our social world will change and shift - there is much corruption to be due to the imbalances and erasing of DF and misunderstanding, damages and erasing, traumas of dogmatic and educations - and most of which all can see, know, experience in every day life the eradicating DF - and see, use, and ignore our very essence and through 3000+yrs of adaptation 

Living in higher order is to each - and all are accountable for shifting inner spark of Godliness to alter, enhance, and expand into new ways of becoming more connected and more enhanced in our relationship with all life - 

For when you are balanced within - and loving caring within - you will not harm another - 
Unity consciousness - all you are and do affects the all - 

- the species on earth is now at a red flag - we either wake up to who we truly are - and heal what has been and the erasing of all life wiht the exception of the distorted elites that control all aspects of the social-political world and that is of 0 intelligence of the greater good nor care of the greater good -

Abuse is never cool Neglect is never 'ok' There will not be 2nd, millionth chances - you manifest what you choose! Choice = Reality And that is the growth and evolution of being and becoming - Becoming more dark and disconnected and if that is cool - then so be it - your perspectives are warped and skewed due to unhealed wounded and abuse

All that you speak, your cells, brain functioning and patterning is listening and becoming - you are an enteral becoming of Source, God - 

the abuse on this planet is not 'ok' and 100% healable and unnecessary - the ones making money off of abuse, sexual trafficking, enslavement and other underground testing, experimenting - is criminal - such will simply never see a light timeline on the selfish gain of abuse and neglect and then hide this behind 'secret noble work' and spirituality - it is pure criminal activity and it fools none - robed and titled or not - such activity means nothing in the heavenly ranking and none will be moved into any heavenly order or ascension - PERIOD If honouring all life and living in your highest is a desire - you are on the right to discern what is 'ok' and what is not worthy of your soul to be involved with - Generations from now honour your choice to live in your truth, choice, voice, and healing This is evolution - not de-evolution

Neglect is never ok Manipulation, interference, criminal initiations, hazing, pre-meditation of murder, suffering, torment and then exploiting of it for money, selfish gain, and underground title for the pyramid top guns or ring leaders 

All leaders that allow such corruption - they wear all darkness on their soul and their lineage and the next timeline they think they will come into - karma and the deeds, the allowance of degradation for money and abuses for money - will not leave the soul and spirit until each person transmutes it -

* all you choose stays with you
* all leaders will have the karma and darkness and all the issues, diseases, health issues, violence and degradation of the B$$$ and people that have been enslaved and now moving into adulthood for the unhealed and no support systems, no education, no healing for the systems and trafficking, and elites making money and care for how these will be healed and those that choose violence - for the unhealed aspects and the damages done to every community when such breaks out -
* secret society mess and misinformation and what goes on in the secret - again - is this logical - and what occurs - all will wear on their soul - every transaction against the universal laws or in upholding of the universal laws - all choose - none will be missed and every leader will wear the abuses they allowed and financed - human testing and human MKUltra programs of the such - controlling, domination, and freedom of speech disgresson - all will be wearing their intentions to degraded humanity - none will be missed -

* all are being watched and shifted, moved out based on how accountable and accessing inner healing and reconnection - it is this simple -
Create darkness and corruption - you will be on this earth -

If you are seeking ambassadorialship, advocacy, leadership of gentleness and compassion, and care for our planet, nature, wildlife and expansion of beliefs of our spiritual becoming - and care for all life - you will be on such - ad

- is and never will be 'cool' it is criminal and so very very very sad - the level of disconnect to care and compassion to life of the innocent - that none have no idea the victims soul blueprint, and potential and humanity is used, children, women are used and projected such disregard and abuse and enslavement for torture, and toying with for others sick games of domination and testing - experimenting - Karma x 10
I call it on every person that thinks neglect, abuse, such underground exploitation of abuse is is ok - all need assessment and immediate mental, multi-dimensional care - or continue the path to hell - it is a choice The innocent that voice and choose will be moved out of harms way And so be it
Blessings and light Joanna

None will make money off of my unique and coded work - I am the maker and channel of my work and all will be blocked and so - honour the system of BEING spiritual -

Donations and return of all monies and property stolen and taken, withheld - 
There will not be any possibility of redo, or recycling - Source, God is moving me and there will no longer be access to use and abuse

May 17, 2024 copyright © New Earth Laws of New Health, Growth, Higher Order Alignments for expansion of all life These are of sacred offering for the greater good on behalf of Systems of Light, Councils of Light, Galactic Federations And so be it Speak the voice of the innocent for the innocent All futures Now

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself

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