Thursday 16 May 2024


 NEW LAWS #5D - Healing, Support, Protection of The Innocent of the Abuses of Occult Practices, Covert Abuses from Secret Societies and families for selfish gain, control, domination

NEW LAWS NEW Occult & Healing Agencies within our government that supports and heals not attacking the collective to test controlling potentials and MKUltra type of #epstein like cloning, droning, abuse of privacy, human rights, rights of information, and financial systems - all needs to be re-written and how abuse of power and corruption is held within every facet of our reality - from our country leaders - poisoning our earth with chem-trails and controlling freedom of speech -

All is being re-written and our entire world will know, see, feel, experience the dangers of what has been going on - how poor health, madness, mental instability the majority of the collective is living within daily due to the abuses of the corrupt and selfish for 100% healable and known for change - ALL IS HEALABLE and such abuse is not necessary HEAL THY WOUNDS RECLAIM your power, voice, energy, light - the diseases, that costs the government agencies millions every quarter * Is the government keeping humanity sick - are the leaders exploring higher health and higher knowing, higher consciousness for higher leadership?
* is there protection for the innocent, children, schools, new education, teaching, of and all involved - energy is everything

- how any that does practice daily

- AFFECTS EVERY PERSON IN THE HOME, CITY, AND THE LEADERS ARE EQUALLY HELD RESPONSIBLE AND ALL THAT PAY, BOUGHT, BID, BET, ARE PAID IN CORRUPTIONS RINGS - NONE WILL BE MISSED AND ALL ARE AWAKENING TO THE DANGERS AND MESS such misguided and ignorance to dark cult, occult, 0 responsibility of spell casters, and so called spiritualists that are playing dangerously on life and their own souls ability to ever ascend in a light body nor the legacy of their children - 

Irresponsible abuse of energy, agendas and sacrificing black magic, voodoo, dark occult practices affect all - especially the children and this is not their making nor their choosing - what laws, support, healing is our government and cities doing around any of the mishaps, deaths, and destructions that occur - 

My teams showed me that in the past 2 years there have been 887k affected in result of death due to mysterious circumstances of direct relation to occult practices and dark magic, sacrificing and irresponsible misguidance and reckless, careless acts of endangerment and how, who, when will this change and what is being done?

We need to shift our perspectives of what we live within and who we are truly as energy beings and there is enough evidence to know all life is energetic - the fabric of our sciences is based on all being energy - we have to ascend and expand in this -

I am A divine DF healer of many eons of practice and knowing, seer, teacher of such, healer - and my survival was only because I was tapped in and working with Spirit, my teams, God, and my angelics - otherwise I would have not survived the 180 attempts on my life - what chances do the innocent empaths, high functioning and crystal and any child - have? 

If we do not 'get' our magnificence and rebalance our every day of our higher knowing, beliefs of harmony and peace, we will not be in the alignment of eternal life - extinction is imbalance of what is truly life © Higher consciousness education and learning is needed and so vital to every ounce of our life From Chem-trails and lack of knowing most of our collective has about the genius of our planet and all life - there is genius in all life

- it is an aspect of Source, God - and how can we expand in high knowing, high light, high access fo Source, light, energy of love, Source harm0nization and not secret society luring of false, fake, and empty promises of the clout, title, low vibrational so called mastery or fashions of superficiality - such is the wording, musing of such masters of music #RUSH wrote in this song - see the wording for yourself - secret societies of elites that ache to control and make a vision of what is pillar of our reality - and it really is not

You are the gift of from God and you are of great life light - do not lessen and reduce for any and the false promises of small corrupt and sick conformity - we have to awaken to this - this is vital and undeniably important How 1 DF was utterly destroyed and brought back to life 4 times from the death rituals wishes of those that wanted to test, experiment, taunt, play, harvest, and rip apart what they did not understand and simply discriminated and left for dead and only wishes to take and siphon for selfish gain - there is a shift - are you ready to awaken - UNITY THE SACREDNESS OF ENERGY and all life and higher knowing of Source, and GOD and who we are and what is all life - Energy and your working within IT affects all life - and especially your health - the maker of all life is not in the walls, computers, banks, or any one 33rd degree anything - none are - The essence of creation is the wisdoms of the ages only in the reunification of Source, love of self - and thus activating your life light body - It is not superifial promises that have 0 to do with Source © All energy practices affects the ALL There is much ignored, those in official positions and those being paid to abuse, target, and repress the innocent during all practices of energy 

God, Source - our home, our breath, our water, our trees, nature, life all is energy and all energy affects all energy ALL YOU DO AFFECTS the all and there will be return and we must must must create higher vibrational outlets for humanity to learn, grow, and not suppress the only healers that offer such divine wisdoms and healing ©  
By the end of this 2 yr cycle The entire globe will understand at an alarming rate how abuse of energy, abuse of occult practices, the dangers of covert secret societies, government agencies, and those that act as the such - With many unfortunate deaths and losses - God will simply no longer permit such arrogance and destruction of the innocent life for abhorrent selfishness and agendas of the corrupt that will no longer be hidden - and for this, we speak, we are, we bring forth that truths that some wish you to never know - light will bathe and it will be seen, known, experienced for all - 

GOD WILL SHOW ITSELF and none will hide from the truth of love, light, and our birthright to ascend beyond control dominance 

* the dangers of this to unity consciousness and what is required for higher living and healing * the imbalances caused to all life - homes, matter form, nature, and all that we are nourished by * the deaths, implosions, mysterious deaths and suicides and the anomalies of what is 100% healable and unnecessary and only steeped in the misguidance of our worlds notions about God, Spirit, energy and wounding steeped in misogyny, unhealed wounding, inner child wounding, dogmatic and social trauma's due to such misguided dark occult practices - * these follow each and every family to heal - because those that choose ascension - none will move into 5D until all 'get and practice and pass initiations with your guides, God, and the Councils and all karma boards' of what is truly your energy and how to heal your body, life, and energy field and especially if you are crystal, indigo, empath, high functioning and so on - and what unnecessary damages and dangers, even death are caused by such ignorance, arrogance, misguidance, and misunderstandings of ........

* who are you - what do you exist within - what exists within you * dangers of messing around with energy, occult practices, conjuring, and voodoo interfering with all life and all health * the secret societies that are the foundations that elites, leaders, professionals, all gathering to manifest control, dominance and secret agendas for the threading of negative cancerous 'humanity going no where' but to be controlled and cloned, experimented on, and how much, many, who, what is the threading, payments, bribery, and hands in all the pots of the leadership collective to the lack, lessening, and the sickliness of our innocent due to their agendas - it is more and more evident 

- there is a blurring of secret society and leadership, courts, legal, justice, all are inter-woven and all is corrupt of spirit - there has been intentional suppression of true spiritual wisdoms and teachings - and surrendered to the fogginess and dominance of religion dogmatic suppression of less than, greater than, and deconstruction of sense fo self 

- and this is not GODLY - GOD is the divine diversity and when you understand the simplicity and uniqueness of love and divinity of all life - religions are not of sensible but of control All get to choose AWAKEN #GOD #SOURCE Dogmatic trauma and corruption of the societies beckoning and being paid for the crimes, corruptions and deaths to the innocent that know, seek, truth tell and heal - refuse to see humanity and our nature into health and healing to the new levels of transitioning from disease to pure health - mind, body, spirit, soul - #freedomofSpeech There are motives, energetic stories behind every transaction - liberation of humanity to the heavens 
The children of God will return - for it is no society nor buckling of the systems falsely made in lies, deceit, and selfish greed and gluttony of those that have not seen, heard, nor bent their head in humility to know God, Source, and the love of the Mother - these robed ones would not know God if it HIT them in the face - They tried to kill, premeditate an early out of heavens most beloved ones Life is proof - 

How much discrimination is there of the DF speaking up, speaking truth, and saying of such, living of such without waivering from decades of testing, experimenting and bullying - 
How much discrimination will be shown, done, within each to see DF speak as the Christ and wisdoms of such for all humanity and all nations, planets, realms - how much is your soul aching to be more, know more and break free of your own wounding - healing is everything - 
who are you ?????
what do we truly live within 
What exists within ???
NEW EARTH ASCENSION #5D Expression of the liberation our soul, spirit is vital for our healing and any leader that suppresses such liberation and freedom of expression has a personal and selfish ugly agenda and so too are such agencies, programs that force such on a divine sacred collective of light expansion and eternal promises - be of good cheer - you are the one that is responsible for awakening to the genius of the god within © time to awaken - Blessings be truth Joanna Light is truth Truth is light

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself

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