Secret agencies,
Secret cults, groups - the degrading of life and our communities and safety of it If it is secret - that is a red flag God, Source, living in your alignment of your highest self, higher self, higher mind - - would never ever guide to secrecy of joining and being, living in such - unless it is knowledge not ready to be released to those that simply live in darkness - Groups, cults, covens, those that abuse the universal laws - any way, any person, any way, any agencies of any kind and regardless of the titles money and resources - #1 - Universal Law of Right Use of FREE WILL - Non-Interference #2 - Universal Law of balance You have to understand the ramifications of joining such in the reasoning of your wounding - lack of self, insecurity, wounded inner self, lack of direction, belonging, knowing, dogmatic trauma - whatever the reason is - there are grave consequences for your soul if you choose to partake and it will be returned immediately - criminal activity is criminal activity in a robe or in a street The systematic abuses, attacks, secret files, experiments and slow dagger was intentional and filled with hate, malice, and 0 care about life - If I had not been trained over eons, practiced in light - I would not be here to help billions that are affected daily by selfish corruption that is 100% UNNECESSARYOCCULT CRIME IS CRIME - be it in a suit ordering the hit or an elite monster in a robe raping young children - and enslavement of the next level of your recruits to seek, spy, stalk, the innocent light workers, and those you can harvest and steal from and make doppleganger pages, take ideas, or merely their life light -
#WHOAREYOU oh corrupt leaders - over 180 rituals to take me out - to silence me and to have me take myself out or be used, abused, and weaponize the innocent to do your dirty work - how dare you call yourself elite - #corruptmasonicgroups #corruptofficials #corruptcults ANY LEVELS OF ABUSE TO INNOCENT LIFE FOR SELFISH GAIN, THE CORRUPTION THROUGH MIND CONTROL, MIND-SCRAPING, THE BENDING OF RULES, CORRUPTION OF AGENCIES AND TACTICS, TRAFFICKING RINGS AND THE ABHORENCE OF SUCH ELITE THAT USE, ABUSE ANY LEVEL ALL LEVELS FOR PURE SELFISH GAIN - all are being judged now and no light workers, or whistleblower is the fault - you are - and you will be called to the heavens gates for your judgment of every ounce of corruption wiht 0 necesserity when you could have - having all the resources and time, place to heal and you chose to corrupt and bring pain, suffering, trauma - WHO THE HELL do you think you are - to abuse such beautiful and sacred life - when the human public sees, knows, finds out the depths of trafficking and all involved, those paying the recruits, hitmen, witches and warlocks, the secret societies that are the groups that threaded bullying, intimidation, gang stalking, crime rings for the continuance of our social and health decline and the politicians are absolutely aware and paying certain 'agencies' to continue stalking and intimidating - HUMAN ABUSES by officials and cults, groups, paid, and known by the leaders, and what is being done? WHERE is the integrity morals values - the pillars of our very reality are breaking - it MUST - BILLIONS of corruption in a planet that is and has every potential of unnecessary violence, shame, and degrading of such low low low vibrational barbarianism - by those that can and should know better and is not acceptable any longer - occult crime is crime and being in secret
Knowing that all you do affects the all - thought, word, deed - preparing for first contact, our transition to #5D - healing of the 51% of karma of all realms held within 3D - 5D - and what this means for you and your futures of all life planets, timelines of human form, hominid and so on - within our galaxy - there is only this lifetime to ascend into light - of this planetary experience - this is it - there will not be another 3000 to ascend into light, eternal life - Unification of all the heavens and forms, bodies, lands realms - for all to explore, express, and experience is now and here - with proper higher knowing, higher order laws and codes of ethics in alignment of sacred respect for all life in life within life - that is God We are the aspects of all that life is God is this for us as we are God and to be reunified unto into such is our promise - all must choose and do the inner work through self love, healing, compassion and truly seeking the inner path of exploring, expressing, and experiencing the God within * Reconnection - connection with all life * Relationship with all life - that is GOD AS ARE WE
Your multi-dimensional bodies, mind, spirit, soul All is our reunification - and higher knowing This is our advancing collective and it is now those that take money to abuse - will be returned equal energy and intention - I barely made it through my dscrimination attacks to silence and not be tell, what God shows me to speak - there are 100'sK that did not make it - over time, millions - and all 100% unnecessary Abuse is abuse Criminal activity of the elites, and agency and sects, groups, no matter the name and how it is called -
All must shift Abuse is abuse and the governments know exactly what they do, who they hire, what they finance - #humanabuse #healinghumanity SO BE IT Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships
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