'Never tell a DF that 'she needs to be rescued'
Empower, encourage, and inspire her to know she is loved, and can move through anything with loving, and unconditional support There is nothing more depleting and lessening than to have survived what most could not and then the energy and attitude that any woman needs a 'hero'This journey of self awakening and actualization is exactly that ------ You are your own hero - that is our remembrance You are the only one that can love you the way that you can and deserve to be fully and completely You are the only one that knows what you have been through, what you have brought to the table, and what God knows of you - You are the only one that has survived endless nights holding sick babies, and praying for their every move through life and clearing the way so that they never have to face the discriminations you did ~~~~~ NEVER TELL A DF that she needs to be rescued and do not play that for her - Simply stand beside her and offer unconditional love support in how she needs it - Soul mates lift equally and never take for granted what you have no clue what exists within someone to survive!!!!!
Any woman to have made it through this length and depths of ascension, on her own, with 0 beside her, of the partnership of consciousness but God and her teams - through the battles of spiritual warfare, human testing, daily spell work and fuck-me spells, and healing lineage wounding that most can not nor ever will understand, know, get, nor claim for themselves - never tell her she needs to be rescued! You truly have no clue! Any devoted mother that knows what it takes to pay attention, live on the floor with your children, teaching, showing, encouraging, uplifting, loving, feeding, bathing, 24-7 and then to move through life oppressions for DF of 3000+ years of erasing, to find her way in writing 3 books, beginning business after business, hard knock and fail, after fail - to claim such is a fucking win! Getting up every day to pray and clear for the collective that are not awake yet and most seemingly do not care, that is a win and God sees, knows the density you clear and the mountains you have climbed when none were with you and none lifted a finger and none gave a penny - so again, never tell a DF 'she needs to be rescued'.
we are changing the perspectives, beliefs and knowing of our collective consciousness and we must face the darkest and the most undesirable to know what we do prefer and how we all choose to be liberated and treated on a new planet while healing eons of subjugation, abuses, barbariansism to a gorgously graceful planet and God, and nature that is abused every hour - We are becoming more attuned to the need drastically to re-write abusive practices that are merely self glorifying and damaging to the collective - trafficking and energy abuse, spiritual abuse, and know the blatant truth of every ill deed is the timeline, the body, the mind, the darkness all will eventuate in their actions and why our awakening to higher knowing is so very key - and how to heal beyond abuses that you did not invite, choose, nor deserve - is why merely waking up to be love, to be light, and reclaim your power, light, energy and voice for another day is a fucking win! None claim you None own you None handle you None need to save you and none will - This is your planet and you create every moment, every future, every friend you stand with - If you choose a sacred ride - be sacred
If you want an #epstein ride - be like #epstein - either way - you will not force, take, make, manipulate, nor spell cast any to make them be with you in your misery or unhealing and you will stand on your own claiming the healing that is required to be in good mind, health, and loving order for Eternal life and heavenly blessings - All is a choice © You dont; need to be saved - you need to reclaim your power of Godliness in alignment of pure self love and knowing You are your hero and you are the saviour - and you are the survivor of what many, most, have not, could not move through - Claim this daily Your journey is sacred and only unto you None know of you as you do -
This is living in Christ Consciousness God will provide equal measure - always - you have to know you are worthy of such Universal laws will trump every selfish greedy act for validating wounding Universal laws are the new ground Our pillars are shifting
And you own your success in the small and grand ways and know that all you need is self love, self care, and your marriage to a greater knowing than any outer moment will provide ~ Source is, God is, your teams are and your higher self is your hero! Your saviour is you Your hero is you Your life is you None own this ever Celebrate the liberation of humanity I am a new earth leader - I AM JOANNA Paypal.me/JoannaLRoss Thank You Holy Spirit Joanna
After 6+ long unnecessary years of delays derailing and expenses ~
$50k + in legal fees that I did not have ~
Fighting for my voice rights ~ as of May 24, I am officially legally mentally spiritually everything - ally divorced liberated free and divinely independent
Self reliant
Self made
Courts stamp
Done ✅
Never again!
The worst most horrible experiences with those that refuse to let you go ~ play with your life and pretend to ‘want the best’ for all ~ a load of crap 💩
I pray for the highest healing of all that went through this with me - - and deep gratitude for the handful that that were there ~~~ Now it’s finally done ✅ Never ever again! If anyone would love to donate in celebration of this incredible challenging barely Survivable experience ~~~ I would be so grateful ~ my New life finally begins PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Live and learn Officially alive again! I reclaim my power light voice life So be it I am that I am Thank you 🙏 God Amen amen 🙏 amen
The reconnection in love and blessedness of your breath with all matter is your Godliness and your free will What manifested is your own proof of the Source Creator Your own health and otherwise This is the blessing of movement of Source in all life of all life And so be it
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#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships