Monday, 27 May 2024

The New Pillars is Unity & SUPPORT of our SACRED Journey #5D NEW DF Wisdoms

 'Never tell a DF that 'she needs to be rescued'

Empower, encourage, and inspire her to know she is loved, and can move through anything with loving, and unconditional support There is nothing more depleting and lessening than to have survived what most could not and then the energy and attitude that any woman needs a 'hero' 

The divine feminine represents in pure healing, life, healing of life, abundance, nurturing, longevity, balance, waters of all life - and what good would it do, what intelligence is this to destroy, and erase her - we are seeing the damages that has
occured and why I was brought here 

- humanity has been in 'red flag' zone of extinction or healing and rebalance - all get to choose - there has been great great damage and such advancing, enhancement requires higher wisdoms and higher consciousness - the DM collective that has been predominantly in 'charge' control, domination, elite corruption and ignorance to such universal life and laws - and there must be 'the facing' of what has been done and all will have thier judgment day - none will be missed - every action is accounted for and the only way through is truth - making right and clear your karma 

- otherwise - you will return the same timeline, same illness, same lessons, same cycles of karma and never ever be released from the 3D density in other low planets - there will not be another chance to ascend in a human form - period - higher realms or #epstein earth - all choose - is corruption of your soul, selling of your soul, degrading secret societies behaviours - is all worth the selling of all of your lifetimes? 

This journey of self awakening and actualization is exactly that ------ You are your own hero - that is our remembrance You are the only one that can love you the way that you can and deserve to be fully and completely You are the only one that knows what you have been through, what you have brought to the table, and what God knows of you - You are the only one that has survived endless nights holding sick babies, and praying for their every move through life and clearing the way so that they never have to face the discriminations you did ~~~~~ NEVER TELL A DF that she needs to be rescued and do not play that for her - Simply stand beside her and offer unconditional love support in how she needs it - Soul mates lift equally and never take for granted what you have no clue what exists within someone to survive!!!!!

Any woman to have made it through this length and depths of ascension, on her own, with 0 beside her, of the partnership of consciousness but God and her teams - through the battles of spiritual warfare, human testing, daily spell work and fuck-me spells, and healing lineage wounding that most can not nor ever will understand, know, get, nor claim for themselves - never tell her she needs to be rescued! You truly have no clue! Any devoted mother that knows what it takes to pay attention, live on the floor with your children, teaching, showing, encouraging, uplifting, loving, feeding, bathing, 24-7 and then to move through life oppressions for DF of 3000+ years of erasing, to find her way in writing 3 books, beginning business after business, hard knock and fail, after fail - to claim such is a fucking win! Getting up every day to pray and clear for the collective that are not awake yet and most seemingly do not care, that is a win and God sees, knows the density you clear and the mountains you have climbed when none were with you and none lifted a finger and none gave a penny - so again, never tell a DF 'she needs to be rescued'.

we are changing the perspectives, beliefs and knowing of our collective consciousness and we must face the darkest and the most undesirable to know what we do prefer and how we all choose to be liberated and treated on a new planet while healing eons of subjugation, abuses, barbariansism to a gorgously graceful planet and God, and nature that is abused every hour - We are becoming more attuned to the need drastically to re-write abusive practices that are merely self glorifying and damaging to the collective - trafficking and energy abuse, spiritual abuse, and know the blatant truth of every ill deed is the timeline, the body, the mind, the darkness all will eventuate in their actions and why our awakening to higher knowing is so very key - and how to heal beyond abuses that you did not invite, choose, nor deserve - is why merely waking up to be love, to be light, and reclaim your power, light, energy and voice for another day is a fucking win! None claim you None own you None handle you None need to save you and none will - This is your planet and you create every moment, every future, every friend you stand with - If you choose a sacred ride - be sacred 

If you want an
#epstein ride - be like #epstein - either way - you will not force, take, make, manipulate, nor spell cast any to make them be with you in your misery or unhealing and you will stand on your own claiming the healing that is required to be in good mind, health, and loving order for Eternal life and heavenly blessings - All is a choice © You dont; need to be saved - you need to reclaim your power of Godliness in alignment of pure self love and knowing You are your hero and you are the saviour - and you are the survivor of what many, most, have not, could not move through -  Claim this daily  Your journey is sacred and only unto you  None know of you as you do - 
A woman that survives and lives to tell her story of overcoming group and gang attacks on her life daily, and the human testing that is so egregious it will be continued healing for years to truly close the door on the memories; 

* a woman that has survived being isolate and dehumanized and projected hate daily that the conjuring of 'you don't deserve blessings, love, or receipt' or that you are to be handled and managed, or seen as stupid, dumb, not worthy, and unintelligent by those you could read eons beyond and around them - is a hero and song that none will know unless you have survived financed, programmed, systematic attacks of groups, money, and resources beyond what is a simple closet spell - and what most will learn how that only in your divine survival and self love - the design that Is only you and the divine - can ever pull you through and certainly nothing a 3D person thinking a DF needs rescuing rather than simply standing in support, asking her how she needs support and lifting, empowering, and singing a song of similar struggles and similar wins - is far better an approach that presupposing defeat unless a man that has never come close to experiencing such daily relentless discrimination and abuse, simply could never know. 

We are here to heal the wounds of such our collective and we must see, know, hear, be gentle and be soft in the stories of our rise and fall and getting up again 

Hourly - there is corruption, trafficking, sexualizing, discrimination, abuse occurring to the innocent that does and will forever shape their soul - - there are light or dark marks on a soul - and every mark tells a story - 

Be it a trans-male-girl seeking refuge to express and be accepted and little navigational tools to do such, be such, and much contraversy when they do, or a DF trying to find her rightful place in a misogynistic corrupt male dominated limited dogmatic intelligence world - 

We each have a choice and voice - and as long as we value, honour, and help others journey - perhaps healing can begin - I have been attacked my entire life - and moved several times - for the fact of the matter is; 'a prophet is never accepted in their hometown' is a True statement and we look for honour and unity in our internet world that is then suppressed and depressed and controlled by those that politician for liberties but have no clue and want what you say veiled for it flies into their private, secret, corrupt agendas for control, domination, and abuse to the innocent and to the light - - - is there ever a 'win' 

Military like tactics, systematic abuses and targeting, with systems of abuse, abuse of power, abuse of information and medical records, ID and technology - on 1 DF healer - for decades - the secret fiels and information and while all those that target benefit, made money, solved crimes, and seen what cannot be seen and known otherwise - God has shown all who I am and they still think - 'trying to kill 1 DF leader - of higher knowing is good for our planet and any thing they return to and set up for their bodies, minds, souls - ' makes no sense -

Evolution of your soul is everything - your higher self is the guide and driver - your guides support this journey - heed it - or it will be a very bumpy ride

It was overkill and all involved, at every level know it -
* I have received nothing from any
* I have had 0 due diligence by any company, business, group, corporation, of the biggest, largest and that will be sued, ever make any validation, due diligence verification, discussion, or any paper document to me of me on any level in any way

* I have not signed anything - to with, for, of any for business, work, nor employer of any in #calgary or otherwise - in the way of offering, giving, collaborations of any kind and yet many made a lot of money off of me, my energy, my light, my work, my ideas and none have given a penny and not only did they not give me my own pay - credit, human rights, and spiritual laws - they refused, targeted and maliciously held it over my head, withheld, taunted and ensure they partied, lived well, falsified whatever could be done to ensure 'I am not deserving of what is legally in my name of my right' and these elitist corrupt hateful beings, so stuck and hateful in thier jealousy, envy, greed - no sense of self - they chose to attack and torment because it made them feel better about how, who and what they saw in the mirror -

* $1.3M spent to target, and over 180 rituals and sacrifices - that intend to maliciously take, block, derail, cock-block, swipe evidence, falsify, photoshop, pilfer, pay 50+ people to ensure their games, agendas, and hate were successful and then to study to see if their systematic 'slow dagger' was working 

- every practitioner and spell caster - all will be brought to the same and equal - karma is for all for all to see, know - why would you do this? None have an ounce of right

* spiritual offering, guidance, direction, leadership in every moment you are assisting should begin with alignment, purity of heart and your divine connection with your highest self - who sees, knows all - 'what is my part in this transaction' for the greater good - of the highest movement especially in these times - and be directed of the highest God direction - God only knows what every soul is moving through, what lessons have been heeded, and what has been ignored, or not attuned or redeemed and what every soul is working on - no 3D witch person that is not aligned, nor caring about universal laws nor a warlock that simply wants their 8 wives and the light harvest and ego bruising of a divorce - will not have any clue but only live from wounding to get, take, dominate - this will be immediate karma and criminal charges -

* anyone taking money for harming, interfering of someone any - is not spiritual and nor aligned -
The higher self in no way would ever guide nor direct - and this shows you that although people talk, say they are spiritual because they know a few spells - they are utterly ignorant, do not work with their higher self and guides and are not on the #5D path nor new earth -

* all are being tested - will you take money over the alignment of your own soul and its growth, evolution and serving the greater good -
Many will have their gifts stripped and served double karma - #witchcraftabuse #spellcastingabuse #dangersofBlackMagic

- they would attack my live stream and send in however many false complaints, stealing, hacking my systems and social accounts, to make me look as I am not, defame, and lie, falsify to look as if they are the righteous while behind closed doors in thier homes - me being homeless - they attack, spell cast, conjured and stick pins in dolls yelling hate at my existence - because I refuse to be sacrificed - for their false title and clout pyramid schemes and underground bidding system of misogynisitc warlocks and hateful masons - thinking that killing, taking, warping, manipulating is a '#5D thing to do that they claim they are awakened' while this is the truth of their life and more dastardly that I have not spoken on -

They are signing their own death wish and never to return to a timeline of light, joy, abundance and health ever again - makes no sense the degrading, disconnected, hate to any and most that do not get it, misguidance, misunderstanding, and utter ignorance to do and create, continue and with relentless attacks think that this is a human experience any will 'win' in - God will show all - - -

Karma misses none
Karma is the path within the lessons of the soul that will eventuate in your unity consciousness understanding - what you do, thought, word, deed affects the all - and you will be brought to however God deems karma will be distributed equal to your intention and hate -

It is in the getting up and for every time you get and keep getting up - God will meet you and things eventually will shift - 

There has been none that has put more energy, light, effort, work, devotedly to humanity healing than me - it is a never 'turn off' thing - thought, word, deed and I am on and transmuting the density, thought forms, and land energy - I am helping people heal and I have not met them yet simply because I choose to get up - and those that choose by free will to stalk, hate, spell cast and plot, plan my death simply because I bring such truth, light, and offerings - even though they could choose to simply move on and get out of my lane - they want to impress their will to alter me, while they are the very ones sitting in their hiding of sexuality, wounding, and no sense of self - I know this and I pray they awaken to their hate, projections and why, how they impale and degrade the way they do - 

I know who I am 
I do not need rescuing - I need the truth, items, documents, monies, properties that were always rightfully meant for me - to be released - and these are all basic, all basic human rights, legal rights, and divine rights and for me to have my liberties of expression as a basic human right - as all others do - not to be veiled for 8 yrs for the corrupt to hide, take, veil, pilfer and use me - while they continue to attack, STEAL, and corrupt the so called liberties that they tout and speak of - 

I deserve fair justice and what is deserving that I have earned and worked for - 
I have been here many times and this is probably my last lifetime - 

My lineage has healed much and I am very proud to have been, offered, and maintained my light and devotions of the Systems of Light, Galactic Federations, the unity, oneness, and the plans of all Mother Father's will for Creation - I play a big part - never did I think nor believe it would be this insurmountable to achieve over such hate and unnecessary deathly targeting and why my very being here is a win and why it will create nothing but a deficiency in stating 'you need to be rescued' ~ to that I say - 'fuck off'. 

This story is more remarkable in that most have no idea how it feels to be high functioning, empathic to maximum degrees and a conduit of a 5th dimensional level - hybrid and ultra-human for the very programs and species I help, offer, bring light to and codes of remembrance for all humanity to awaken - and they ( attackers ) knew of my uniqueness and they have done all they can to abhorrently work against my gifts, talents, sensings, to test, deprogram, take the God out of me, and warped any and all that could would - it was malicious and it was systematic and only until they get an ounce of return with 0 protection by thier guides or ancestors 

- will any that abuse ever know the damage they do until the karma returns and they are forced to go within and do the shadow work and why they choose to project hate and discrimination, withhold basic human rights, and safety and respect is an idea - but will never know for they are not me nor ascending, nor a master, and nor empathic or higher functioning - they would not have chosen lifetimes as a result of such karmic choices if they knew - and if they were - this is why Unity teaching, wisdoms, are so very key to our survival -

* spell casting, voodoo, blood work, human testing, will never heal the wounds of why any choose to be in cults, violence and gangs, or misgoynistic 'sending her a message and playing god for her to learn a lesson' simply because I choose me, self love and to use my voice on the very crimes and groups that bully their way through elitism and care nothing for the damage and cancer they cause and karma they cause for an entire lienage and city -

You have no clue and you have no right - go within and survey your own world and realm of knowing of thyself - before you offer such to any that has survived tormenting abuse by the systems, the collective, the powers that be, and the elites that think they are above all laws and the millions, billions that are spent to take every aspect of purity out of humanity for their programs of 'weaponizing for sex, control, dominance, and trafficking enslavement' --- you have no clue! 

This is living in Christ Consciousness God will provide equal measure - always - you have to know you are worthy of such Universal laws will trump every selfish greedy act for validating wounding Universal laws are the new ground Our pillars are shifting 

And you own your success in the small and grand ways and know that all you need is self love, self care, and your marriage to a greater knowing than any outer moment will provide ~ Source is, God is, your teams are and your higher self is your hero! Your saviour is you Your hero is you Your life is you None own this ever Celebrate the liberation of humanity I am a new earth leader - I AM JOANNA Thank You Holy Spirit Joanna

I WILL SUE All involved in every way - God will pull every name out until I am brought justice
for every forgotten, attack, trafficked, and ignored soul - I am just getting up!!!!

Oneness is our destiny and beingness 
Creational reality And so be it Joanna © I am the 'Rising Sun' #ascension #healinghumanity May 24, 2024 As by the Systems of Light and Heavenly Councils for Orders of light, love, and eternal life Donations and offerings --->

After 6+ long unnecessary years of delays derailing and expenses ~ $50k + in legal fees that I did not have ~ Fighting for my voice rights ~ as of May 24, I am officially legally mentally spiritually everything - ally divorced liberated free and divinely independent Self reliant Self made Courts stamp Done ✅ Never again! The worst most horrible experiences with those that refuse to let you go ~ play with your life and pretend to ‘want the best’ for all ~ a load of crap 💩

I pray for the highest healing of all that went through this with me - - and deep gratitude for the handful that that were there ~~~  Now it’s finally done ✅ Never ever again! If anyone would love to donate in celebration of this incredible challenging barely Survivable experience ~~~ I would be so grateful ~ my New life finally begins Live and learn Officially alive again! I reclaim my power light voice life So be it I am that I am Thank you 🙏 God Amen amen 🙏 amen

The reconnection in love and blessedness of your breath with all matter is your Godliness and your free will What manifested is your own proof of the Source Creator Your own health and otherwise This is the blessing of movement of Source in all life of all life And so be it

None will make money off of my unique and coded work - I am the maker and channel of my work and all will be blocked and so - honour the system of BEING spiritual -

Donations and return of all monies and property stolen and taken, withheld - 
There will not be any possibility of redo, or recycling - Source, God is moving me and there will no longer be access to use and abuse

May 17, 2024 copyright © New Earth Laws of New Health, Growth, Higher Order Alignments for expansion of all life These are of sacred offering for the greater good on behalf of Systems of Light, Councils of Light, Galactic Federations And so be it Speak the voice of the innocent for the innocent All futures Now

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself