Every day in healing ❤️🩹
The Story of Joanna
~ Coding of a Divine Feminine Teacher, Healer, Leader
Why I am the way I am ~ And falling in love with me, that is the healing, transcending, and radically embracing in being unique, different, divine;
The evolution of humanity into celestial magnificence, all have this choice.
The miracle that I made it this far, and I still wake up every day seeking new Gods wisdoms, the Sophia to offer in my passion, my Christic Reiki offering of codes, and delight that only I can do, be; why do I do what I do, amongst even years of targeting, for systems and people not wanting change; is not their choice for a collective to evolve ~ that is Gods write; and each will take it up with God, Creation, and their own soul which is why those that refuse to grow, are placed before such like myself;
The soul aches growth, unification, and integration within the ALL -
One aspect of particle within the all - can hold up the all - in the evolutionary string of movement
It is and has been time for us to move into new versions of reality, being, exploration, and it has taken me so very long, the long journey, slow journey, doing my journey only how I was meant to; to not race, to not rush to and through a lesson, but to sit with it and begin drawing my lessons out ~
I remember asking my teams, when I first awoken, as written in my books, 'why did I see, what did that mean, what was that about in my vision, dream or interaction' knowing that I was feeling, sensing, seeing what obvious others did not; and my teams said, 'draw it out,'
Your teams will often rarely give you answers, for the journey of seeking, knowing, meshing with God is this way - they are to return to you to you and allow you to miraculous remember those moments in which you will never go back to being turned off; you know that moment you are drawing something and when pen hits paper, you awakened to a part of you that you had deeply forgotten and tears hit the paper in your remembrance of being Godly and the entirety of creation celebrates your reunion to you;
No guide and angel would ever want to take this gift of Gods glory from you ~ it affects your entire body, and this is called alchemy of God, the divine interactions of the Christ consciousness always living and what is the Sophia transmuting eons of density and smallness - why your teams guide you to what they guide you and why the inner journey is like no others ~ always unique and why 'copying' and mimicking is utter falseness and so unfair for the unique soul that is being missed, denied, and rejected in doing so - why be like another, when you have infinite miracles within awaiting you ~
To heal, to grow, to expand, to traverse the infinite emotions and honouring them all as we accelerate into new space dimension ~ we see ourselves anew and live anew
I do what I do, as a conduit, empath, healer and sensitive crystal and hybrid and loving it so much more as I allow healing of trauma to turn into radical self acceptance ~ accept the great uniqueness and individuality of me ~
That no other is nor God would simply not make any other like me ~
In that reflection and seeing the effects of my joy of self unique expression, and the impact I have on those excited for teachings, wisdoms, explorations beyond tradition and conformity ~ I feel nourished at a very deep soul level when I offer ~ it is within my royal lineage to explore the vastness of Gods wisdoms first taught as ‘Sophia Christo’s’
And this is not something you learn from books nor religion ~ this is essence and passed down through those that is within the souls passion, for the gifts and talents to read, discern, decipher and decode is not the same for any 2 interpreters ~ conduits are rare for my generation, god chooses and must be based on the souls total navigational experience through all timelines within the complexity of multiverse cultures.
And then bring synoptic knowledge and overview so that what is most joyful and meaningful for the collective ~
* be it youth or adults or business company or church ⛪️ organizations
* there are stories of energy and in reading analyzing and then rewriting to 5D grids and potentials of all involved
* my passion is this seeding threading and the enhancements I know feel and been shown told has a monumental effect and impact on the All That Is
~ why I do what I do ~ I am that I am and so passionate to be me ~
I know I he enhancements of the Sophia is gods gifts and is only obtained by those prepared and designed
Thus you simply must be who you are
I simply must be optimized through the calling of my soul ~ sparked by God Creation and those that appreciate and are so honoured to receive what I am and what I offer ~ advancing higher thought and heavenly integration beyond discrimination and conformity
I love who I am
I live for the ripples of change every soul experiences when they absorb the codes and choose anew within their souls excitements ~
I see the ripples of spark that affects all tribes all life and future life and past ~ altering creation in the direction of Gods plan ~
I don’t need any other validation and why it is so confusing why others feel so strongly to have had me not here ~ the want for humanity and women to remain small and invisible 🫥
There were those that veiled shadowed my existence but used my light energy work ~ simply to take and misuse the sacred information and do egregiously behind closed doors ~ why the universal laws and God will assure that if what is given with unconditional love 💕 and respect is not offered in such as any business home relationship ~ sane equation, what you put out and intentions: will be the return and god always will assure the gifts coded for those that can, need, are blessed, have been prepared and challenged to have the ability to carry the magnitude of Gods codes ~ god knows you will carry explore, express, experience and thus offer forth
Such is creational reality in working©
I am an example and gift for humanity and few have known, seen, accepted me and I am fine with this now, I have healed enough to be ok with the years of torment to continue attacking me for their misunderstanding and know that there is equal opportunity for those that wish to ascend and grow as their soul, their passion with God, Source, the inter-galactic federations and councils all work with - most are simply in a state of forgetfulness and staying within the lower vibrational definitions and meanings of who we were taught, told, sold and yet so very not.
Your DNA, your Akash, your purpose and destiny
with Source, God, Creation is unique
only to you
All have sacred
dark and light experiences
within creation - we must, that is how we harmonize into oneness, acceptance, non-judgment.

Equal fair and perfect for all
I love who I am
When you honour and mesh with your higher self - when your teams and guides have offered you the paradigm shift to place you in a higher direction of movement and vibration, the Systems of Light are all 'hands on deck' just for you!
that is how special you are to God and the systems in which you serve. For Oneness, for unity and why you have that ache within that goes beyond tradition, systems, and staunch old ways - your soul is speaking through you and it simply must be expressed - this is pure alignment with god and not all have practiced the flow of spirit - the Sophia, Shekinah and it is the path unique to each - God knows who, what he codes, and your experiences want to offer forth - never be like another - be you - there is miracles of Godliness within waiting for your radical self acceptance and exploration of such - and when you get there - all you want to do is purely share!
This is divine
I offer and love being a multiverse teacher healer leader of the Sophia ~ it advances and heals all moments I seed and it is my purity of being
~ I could not imagine being any other way
The human lessons ~ soul expression and all are here to create their own story and inspire all to new unified humanitarian ~ spirited oneness
And that is why, who I am and love 💕 with passion offer Gods excitement for expansion and evolution and with earths histories being so staunch small limited and make driven and controlled -; it makes for very important evolutionary change in our multiverse that will advance humanity to begin to join our intergalactic worlds ~ where all are equal and profound
~ God is
I do what I do, for it is who I am
I am the heart beat of God, and in alignment there is infinite blessings for all and creation expands and when you are on your transition bed, when you sleep and have spiritual review with your teams, higher self at night when you dream - all that matters is your souls growth and realignment to morals of self love, self care, self expression, and how aligned you are to you!
Gods journey within is divine and sacred, it is a gift, it is graceful, it is always pressing you to grow and be that of you - only you - this is Gaia aching to be her - a planet of diversity and eventuate into peaceful living which she aches and does and has offered us all breath, air, water, herbs, nature, wildlife to honour and accept as One - we missed the point every day, every hour, we miss this - - truly living is this soulful reunion and expression and living
~ this is all your souls care is of!
We are culling out up the sub-conscious and what we choose to face, heal, accept, and then transmute - every demon and ill will of ourselves we get to re-write anew without any interference of what was ~
This is pure sovereignty and good will for the all of you when you simply live in pure loving expression of your divine loving grace ~ to be soul-infused and soul aligned and honouring of every step as your highest self - it feels better than any hit, or drunk, or whatever sex-filled moment may give you
The spirit of your own Godliness is what and why we are here. To evolve and be in union as inner union, and so too will outer union be - our world issues are as they are, because of our misalignment and disconnection. Ego will not get you through ascension.
Only spirit and the guidance of your highest self will provide all lessons, blessings, and sacred intervention of the divine ~
When you pass on into a new life expression, you must, all must and none are missed that all aspects of your life are reviewed to see how your exploration, expression, and experience as your highest self is and had grown. - All will face such beliefs, choices, and what could have been done so that the soul knows of worthiness and value, in so another choice can be honoured in union always is now, and only beliefs that keep you in separation; you will hear, know, review the same -
How well did you live and was it a loving path?
Being a 'yes' person is not self loving.
Following the misguidance, staunch and small thought, controlled and forced dominance of intimidation is not Godly - it is enslavement and filled with fear of rejection fear of abandonment, betrayal of your soul; why such find karma in such and lessons of the soul are equal ~ all is the growth of the soul ~ some of us are here to help others that are choosing, seeking a way beyond the devils lair,
All is
Excited to live soulfully and all our worlds issues and illnesses are healed and transformed
Universal SIGNS
* LIFE SHOWS YOU what is for you, and WHO is not for you
Be it job, role, place, space, and friends - watch carefully
Be attuned
- God is always guiding you
- Your highest self is always guiding you
The manipulation and forcing of those that have agenda's to take from you - it is purely and at a core selfishness for they are in fear of lack and stupidity that most simply do not know universal knowledge, wisdoms, and key traits of the souls sojourns,
Those that torment you and get a kick out of it are sociopaths and have entities and demonic energies they work for ~ there is never winning of anything - simply follow your path - live in freedom - freedom is the antidote - they live in bondage - you live in freedom - which is the law of the universe
The beauty of who we are, where we are right now in our evolutionary time-space, we get to rewrite who we are on entirely new vast cosmic scope of profundity ~
Our celestial, alien, and cosmic, inter-galactic DNA and remembrances, our dreams, and our visions, the psychic gifts and prominence of new realms that are coming closer as the veils drop and our healing continues;
We get to see all ways to pray as ok, good, real and true for the God is all about expressions of all-ness and the acceptance of all being God, Source, Creation knowing of creation;
God is this beat and keeps track of every word, deed, and the councils of the Akasha, and the Karma board - nothing and none are missed; every spell, every ritual, every voodoo ~ they will call you back when they know their life falls apart without your pure light, and your knowing, their business they falsified won't work without the God essence, and truth; for they sit in pure deceit and darkness -
When the underground 'get it' - those that know of your life light and those that know who you are at a vibrational essence; none will have ownership and bidding, trading, and claim on any soul - none have such right -
All are free
All are sovereign and none belong to none
Thieves are thieves - lack mentality and no sense of self - all is healable - violence, thieving, taking, copying, fraud, all is healable - it is all about healing and you cannot be the exhausted teacher and punching bag for those that are selfish and choose to not do the healing work and they only care about is the taking - they want to be taken care of and do nothing but party and spend money - the soulless and the devil - they are facing karma now!
Judgment and all false elite that called yourself community leaders - you are not - #calgary #corruption
Abusing of innocent children and energy, and gods blessing ~ is not ok and judgment is being called - our collective awakening, each person taking ownership of living better, self loving, is now shifting our entire reality - all must face their choices and beliefs and seek Source, God within for new directions
Judgement - TimeLine Shifts Karma & Judgment
You are living and have lived in your luxury that is not yours - it was my benefit and inheritance and that God will shake, press, block, stop all until all is made fair and returned - none get one by on God
All will be seen; my work is my work and my entitlement is Gods blessing and IT WILL BE!
All have their rights to be loved, move freely and expand in spiritual exploration, expression, and experience PERIOD
The games begin when wounding is not healed and they feel entitled and overrun by addiction, obsession, and Jelly and Hyde energies to 'get' have, steal, and God will simply not allow, the soul will not allow when awakened ever to be in such low vibrational games of 'giving your power away,' or your energy away to be owned and claimed -
Ridiculous and when you Draw it out - which most selfish misguided cult ring leaders, world leaders do not even have the alignment and light to know ~ they will not 'get' never will - for they will do tormenting things with what god has offered as a gift
* lies, deceit, manipulation, thievery, spell work, withholding, bidding and spiritual hits on a person is criminal and all will face every choice
* love, family, friends, is not criminality - when you are abused, targeted, taken from and lied to on a daily basis and your life is put on hold due to the lies of others, games of others, selfishness of others - that is not love on any level
* love is pure and unconditional - it is not abuse - abuse is abuse and most will simply never account for their choices and behaviour
* Life is precious - never sit around waiting for people to change - leave immediately and move on - God will support you because you loved yourself enough to seek that which is a vibrational match - respect and honour is everything to your soul - you have to be around those that challenge in loving honouring ways and share freely and with gratitude
* God offers all choice in every moment and life is so precious - such is the lowest vibrational toxic experiences and occurs with agendas in our leadership of countries and businesses - to think competition is a higher intelligence and selfish greed, is not; and thus, it will eventuate in loose, loose - wisdom is everything and darkness simply does not have it
I speak it
Life is far too short and precious to spend it in confrontation to be seen and heard by those that do not have the soul to appreciate your light, offering, and divine knowing ~ that is why they fight against it and against you -
Let them sit and rot where they are - all must awaken and take heed in their own pacing, way, and all have their path to face karma in Gods distribution ~ no one is worth the pain, agony of being degraded by false entitled elite that think they know it all - to own, buy, bid and trade humans - they do not and may the gavel fall - judgement is!
When you do not treat life as a gift that it is - you will loose it and everything with it - no different to occult gifts, skills, tools,
Life is far too precious to waste it fighting to be seen, heard, honoured and respected
If you live in constant fighting for your space, voice, spirit - you are in the wrong space and absolutely with the wrong tribe
Life is meant to flow, grow, glow
Those that do not have a loving sense of self, they do not know who they are, will spend their life triggering you to not be you and will compete, take, steal, and mimick you then out you down; they are in search of who they are and live through you, but do all possible to break you to conform - and if you are not careful, you can loose yourself to the devils games of self-degrading ways that targeting communities, churches, groups, family do -
While those have stolen everything, blocked, stopped and done everyting to break me and my soul, isolate and hide me, degrade me, I sit homeless for years while others play and party and degrade and bring darkness, the devil, and cancer into the community through the lies, sex orgies, and dark magic to confuse and abuse the narrative and truth - what has been created from not healing, and selfishness?
How many others were innocently killed that did not survive what I did -
how many were fooled, sent in the wrong direction due to the false guidance and abuse of energy, information and darkness of the selfish and wounded that chose not to heal and do what is right for the people ??? our leaders are showing us - who are you - will you do what is right? uphold your souls honour - karma will follow you on all realms and none escape it until all is made right!
None have the right to poison so called family to change inheritance or persuade, falsify, spell cast until all are confused and warped in the brain, and soul - scamming for money and stuff, houses that do not belong to them - there is no fairness - degrading discrimination, deceit, manipulation - my work is of my work and no signatures, no discussions, entrapment plans and schemes when I have been the only one speaking truth on a whole community of corrupt liars and thieves -
All is truth and coming to light
None will get one over on God
God is!
My goodness the karma that is ridden to such, and what they selfishly place on their next life, their children - all they care about is their false reputation and false elitism and false disgusting ways - #falsechurches #falseleaders
You are not a leader if you lie to the people and your family
You are not a leader if you manipulate and do spell work
You are not a leader if you steal and force the innocent to the devils work
You are simply wounded and selfish
When we move through aspects of space, time, memories with soul mates - all are soul mates and tribe from many realms and species of each working with various activations and freedoms within the DNA - all are responsible and all are and must face their past, choices, and beliefs of self; narcism is the rejection of self, due to wounding not healed; at some point in ascension all will face every negative and dark aspect until all is whole - none can do the work for another and the work cannot be done if one never stands alone and moves through the void, the darkness, and the elegance of gods blessing.
Loving yourself is knowing that you do not deserve to be lied to on an hourly, daily basis
Loving yourself is knowing that those that target you with spell work, schemes, falsifying documents, monies, withholding truth that is utterly necessary for your peace, healing, space in time, and all they do is keep up the false narrative and games to keep you in the dark - for they love to play with your emotions, state of balance and peace;
Life is far too short
And so be it
Copyright ©️
All my work is copyright and only used by me of me, private classes, session, educational webinars and intergalactic harmonization to greater life of the soul and healing.
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
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