Joanna's Story ~ December 14th ~
The Making of a Queen
The unassuming one,
The one most miss and can't wait to joke and poke at,
My teams held me so sacredly as If I was the greatest jewel on earth
- I always felt this way, and why I was more comfortable with spirit, nature, and all that is wild and free ~ there is life and stories everywhere and life is a song between all matter, in matter and the plays that others make to make you not be in joy and happiness with spirit -
All the while, you get up - you choose to not engage with hate and those with no sense of self and no sense of wonder or miracles- allow them their distain ~
God will safely assure you of your cotton bed and linen robe.
The making of a queen is to rise from the raping and still maintain promise for new lands
The making of a queen is not to sing over those that you call subjects but to bend and greet them and laugh with them - so too will all be lifted in the same grace offered and why God will assure you of your softened home and space

The Story of Joanna
~ Coding of a Divine Feminine Teacher, Healer, Leader
Why I am the way I am ~ And falling in love with me, that is the healing, transcending, and radically embracing in being unique, different, divine;
The evolution of humanity into celestial magnificence, all have this choice.
The miracle that I made it this far, and I still wake up every day seeking new Gods wisdoms, the Sophia to offer in my passion, my Christic Reiki offering of codes, and delight that only I can do, be; why do I do what I do, amongst even years of targeting, for systems and people not wanting change; is not their choice for a collective to evolve ~ that is Gods write; and each will take it up with God, Creation, and their own soul which is why those that refuse to grow, are placed before such like myself;
The soul aches growth, unification, and integration within the ALL -
No matter what - get up and keep going The greatest pinnacle in your story
'keep going' ©
Worlds change when you simply keep moving on
The densities will alter when you keep the spiral of your new version of you
The ones that bow to all life are those truest of leaders
And it is not pushing others out of the way because they sing a different tune but to know all is God and all is a new version of you, the infinite in expression and offering light is simply a new way to be loved and accepted within you - this is why and who I am -
Regardless of the tremendous and profound challenge that God and spirit knew I would face, God offered the same and equal knowing I had traversed waring systems and helped many ~ I can and will lift many
A queen owes none; she offers her heart to heal and help those that are pure of heart and innocent - God will assure you practice that 'part in transactionally loving creation' - what is my part in this transaction - all must be guided by God on what to offer, how to offer, and in what way - for all souls are at varying stages of development and integration of light - all have varying % of DNA and histories through creation - God only knows
It is in the soft heart and truest of hearts that regardless of the offers and temptations, you maintain what is true within the heart of a child - to live in wonder, ponder the miraculous and know all is healable and all is miraculous
My passion is the teaching and offering of the Sophia Christos and see all around change - that is the majesty of the Christos - the sacred gentle wisdom of God - it seeds new life and god knows the life and light you offer to all muddy that which grows the lotus and accept it all - the soft song within the mud grows grace and new life
God knows
There is always a miracle and I sing for the children broken by adult wounds and the forgotten women that had no voice and no dreams left ~ I will arise, I will stand anew
I will sing and I will dream
I will offers Gods promise and those that wish a ride will place their own guidance and free will
There will be no temptation or false pretence or fake prose of promise or bidding to sacrifice anything -
God is a gifter
to all life of all life and so too our chemistry and bio-spirituality is our cells, molecules and all that is changeable -
Stay sick or get healed!
All choose and God is loving no matter your choice - for all is perfect within creation
WE forget God is perfection - all is God - how did we loose the faith in the power of change and that which is presented that is different and new and strange and heightened
My passion and the making of a queen,
'You were always a queen of my legions and however you traverse, you test yourself in your forgetfulness and to return back to Me' God whispers
~ And God places my impressions of remembering ~
Remember who you are
Remember who you are
Regardless of those that impale you with their hate when they face your truth
Regardless of those that take, rape, steal and try to fool your truth, your light
You are the star of the cosmos and within you is a song - stand up and keep going -
This is why I am who I am and why I am passionate of the human issues of all that is healable and transcend-able
Source is beyond
We are here to
* re-write all current and traditional texts on who we are, what we are, and what we exist within and what that means for science, healing, and becoming
* we are here to know that every issue of pain, suffering, illness, disease, and waring is healable and all is Godly to return and be new
* all will be held equal, fair and every aspect of life will be held equal in our creational story - God being Divine Mother and Divine father and we will not see any life less than and erased for paying and bullying, and degrading, and warping the innocent -
The making of a queen is within every moment you stand and continue to shine, glow, share, shine, speak truth, and know that God supports and loves you so in being you ~ never surrender to lesser stories of nothing-ness
The making of a queen; held within the statements of judgments; 'you should do this, be this, say this, believe this, be small, be unseen, and be invisible so the misdirected and wounded man can be seen as all knowing'
I will be protected by angelic and celestials and the beings unseen; for I protect many and the innocence unheard and raped by those that truly know better but choose to keep harming - I will speak and heal these hearts -
That is the making of a queen, not a queen that has no clue of alchemy nor ever the ones living in the streets that she has no word of their heart but telling how to be and say ~ that is not a queen -
Sacred heartfelt pride in knowing you chose not to believe in less than and degrading harm to the soul and you chose not to harm and hurt others when the human testing and spell work impaled hate into your soul and mind;
The Queen is breathed when you get up and make anew;
Whatever you face - you are Godly and such leaders are made when you continue to believe in the innocence of creation and allow it to flow with you - heal you, whisper through you - that is God
Queens are made of the cosmic dust of friction of good evil, dark light and making something of it all -
All I touch will turn into what ever God breaths through me - that is the Sophia Christos the living breath
That is Creation and there is always more than meets the eye
Spirit is
I will be as I will be and none guide me but God
I belong to none but God and Gods legions
The growth and expansion of you and your inner thoughts, beliefs, and transmutations
It is you cycling within you and your godliness
We are not ever meant to give our power and life, energy to any other
- that was the greatest err we had of ourselves
To give power to gods in the sky -
God is now, here, in your blood and brain - broth, breath, flowers, and animals
None get that unless you practice this
When your practice this - you cannot wait to 'get up and keep going'
I am the blessing
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
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Joanna L Ross
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
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