Environments of Abuse, Past Cycles, Programs that Refuse to Break & Heal, Move on & Transcend
EXPOSURE of the False & Elite Discern Psychological Imbalances and Disorders * community elitism and discrimination; projections, spell work, relentless attacks and derailing those that choose to move and grow and the corruption done to pull back, harm, recruit to discriminate and bully, attack & poke in whatever way they can and then deny it ~ - Those that deny what they do - throwing rocks and hiding their hands - the elite leaders and what is done behind closed doors and the acts they play against the innocent - no morals, no values, and no direction or sense of self and breaking of the psychology and how many don't make it, and how such innocent vulnerable are abused and brought nastily into underground games, schemes, and plans to ruin your life, harvest your light, take your ideas and use abuse, and dominate for power - not healing any of the shadow attributes that need to be healed and where, what most elite leaders today sit in and how corruption and the disappearance of truth tellers and their stories never make it for resolve - Ascension Shifts ~ 5D* Sadistic people - smart and harmful people and use tactics like joining gangs, cults, covens, groups that use magic, voodoo, confusion and manipulation tactics to alter narrative and false narrative, ESP control and mental games and toxic torment to those around them to ensure their games and tactics supersede all - it is a more darkened path of narcism - grandiose narcism * such live in resentment and denial and 0 accountability and exhausting everyone around them - they want to suck, siphon the energy and conversation forcing their way, and power over all - suppressing everyone around them so that they are holding everyone and everything under their grip * highly emotionally abusive, mentally abusive, psychologically abusive and few survive and their intent to drive their victims insane and weaker than they are - for they have 0 sense of self in their own power over all within and fight to unchanged and dominate their reality - deep wounding that is unresolved and dangerous to those they connect with and they will seek whatever they want and will do whatever they can; scheme, plan, plot, lie, manipulate to get what they want - they feel entitled and powerful o
ver you and will be angry and selfish and arrogant when you do not give them access and do not give any care or action to your boundaries and set rules of engagement -
* Discern the darkness to know how to navigate Those that constantly poke at you, vibrationally or energetically and in whatever way, be it abuse of information, withholding of information, withholding of truth, and soulfully corrupt actions, intentions, and recruiting others to gang stalk, spy, and lurk to 'press on you' Seers, intuitives, conduits, will be paramount for all social transcension moving into new earth realms and healing deep fear-based, controlling, enslavement, and underground healings, elite programs and so on #corruption #calgary Corrupt #officials #blackmagic #survivingblackmagic #survivingcults and masonic discrimination, and tactics of harassment, schemes, scams, plots, of depression, suppression and holding back the divine sacred inner being - such beings are in every community and paid by the elite to keep the light workers, unique beings, and leaders of our new earth and new worlds energies and programs of liberation and healing #judgment and #karma for all false leaders - it is not rocket science on how you treat people - you scam and plot and premeditate to kill and harm, derail, and bring poverty to a person, while the innocent simply speak on it and those that discriminate do the egregious behind close doors - they project, blame, derail, while doing voodoo and harm to all when they are in the dark, private gathers, and rituals to take, steal, harm, control; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK51JlvfvwA
All are being called judgment - stand tall and know you are a creative genius - all have their divine God gifts and you are not meant to be small and nothing - those that are not healed, run cult like families and systems will not be those that will support your awakening and expansion in creative expression - you are a genius - move in your own life light - expansive hybrid manner to be fully - Book your 2024 sessions for healing, transcending and moving out and beyond those that bring you hell, pain, suffering and find joy in it - these are very sad beings, and surrender all to Source, God and allow God to distribute all their karma - let your ancestors, and God do your bidding to move all out of the way - Universal laws and birthright - you have your birthright to express, explore, experience all that you are PERIOD and none have power over you and what is your potential - none hold this key and none ever will
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at JoannaCosmicAngel@yahoo.com DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
Paypal à paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
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